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学生在学校参加各种体育实践活动中所产生的认识,必然引发丰富多样的情感和内心体验。教师要重视情感教育并善于运用教育学、运动心理学的理论和方法,充分发挥情感的育人作用。  相似文献   

There is, on the face of it, a logical difficulty as well as a practical one about ascribing to parents both a right to give their children a religious upbringing and a duty to avoid indoctrinating them. Curiously, this logical difficulty was largely overlooked in the debate on religious upbringing and parental rights between Terence McLaughlin, Eamonn Callan and Peter Gardner in the 1980s. In this paper I set out the terms of the logical problem and propose a solution to it.  相似文献   

徐特立重视家庭教育,注重家风家教,在与妻子和睦相处,关心教育儿子、儿媳、女儿以及孙女、外孙女等方面,为后人树立了光辉的榜样。  相似文献   

创造性培养中聚合思维的意义和价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创造性培养是学生全面素质教育的中心,创造性包括发散思维和聚合思维。心理科学研究证实,聚合思维在创造力中起着重要作用。因此,在创造性培养中,重视发散思维的同时也要注意强化聚合思维。  相似文献   

Michael Hand's recent paper, ‘Religious Upbringing Reconsidered', re‐opens a debate that was flourishing over a decade ago in this journal and, long before that, in the works of others. In this response I examine Hand's claims that earlier contributions to the debate passed over the central problem and that he can solve that problem. I endeavour to show that several of Hand's arguments, such as those dealing with indoctrination, as well as his claims may be flawed, that the relevance of his inquiries is open to question, but that his hidden and, apparently, unacknowledged agenda should not remain hidden or passed over.  相似文献   

Ru Yun and San Hua were best friends. They had been the best of friends for almost half their lives, at about fifteen years of age. They went to the same school, took the same bus and shared the same interests. They were always together like a pair of Siamese twins. Nothing could separate them, not even their studies or their parents,  相似文献   

日本新时代教养教育发展报告解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田辉 《中国德育》2006,1(8):37-45
2001年11月,日本中央教育审议会向文部省提交了《新时代教养教育发展方向》的审议报告。该报告就教养教育的必要性、21世纪需要什么样的教养,以及通过学校、家庭、社会“三位一体”的紧密配合有效实施教养教育的具体方法做了系统全面的阐述。该报告从不同角度进一步印证了青少年思想道德养成的重要性,报告中主张的以美国基础教养学科为基础的日本式教养教育模式,对于我国学校德育工作有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

四川汶川大地震让我们震惊,我们都感到非常难过。但是我认识了两个女孩,我认为她们是世界上最勇敢的女孩。一个女孩是一名中学生。当人们在废墟下发现她的时候,她正拿着手电  相似文献   

In this symposium Michael Hand presents a rejoinder to criticisms of his ‘Religious Upbringing Reconsidered’ (Journal of Philosophy of Education, 36.4) by Jim Mackenzie, Peter Gardner and Charlene Tan. Defending the idea of the logical possibility of non‐indoctrinatory religious upbringing, he attempts to show that none of their various objections is successful. Mackenzie, Gardner and Tan each offer a response.  相似文献   

新世纪思想文化界值得我们格外关注的一件事,是大学人文教育的开展.它以2002年广西师大出版社出版夏中义教授领衔主编的《大学人文读本》系列丛书为兴起的标志,几年来已形成相当的规模,迄今全国已有几十所大学增开"大学人文"课程,正在吸引越来越多的人加入这一新教育运动.  相似文献   

儿童的提问能力可以在一定程度上表现出儿童思维发展水平、语言能力和认知水平,对儿童的身心发展具有重要的意义。对6名5岁学前儿童进行长期的常查并根据儿童提问的频率,以获取有效提问数为主体,分析不同教养方式的儿童在提问数量、类型、性别和质量之间的差异,得出儿童提问的频率与家庭教养方式之间存在不显著相关;不同教养方式中儿童提问类型特点表现各有特色;儿童的提问存在性别差异;教养方式的不同会导致儿童提问质量存在差异。  相似文献   

This study examined whether male students dominated classroom interactions in home economics lessons and whether other classroom processes sustained gender divisions in this subject in two Form I and two Form II classes in two schools. The sample included two female home economics teachers and all the students in the four classes (34 boys and 31 girls). Data were collected during five 60‐minute observation sessions in each class (inter‐observer reliability reached 94%) and structured interviews with both teachers and 24 students (three boys and three girls from each class). Statistically significant (p < 0.001) differences were found in the number of times students were helped by the teachers (boys received 76% of teachers’ help) and in the number of reprimands they received (boys received 87%). Boys and girls received a comparable amount of praise but boys received a greater amount of interaction in all other categories (direction of teacher questions, choice of students to answer questions, call‐outs and calling students by name) although these differences were not statistically significant. There were major individual differences between students of the same sex in all the categories. More boys (19) than girls (seven) were high participants in different classroom processes. Most of the students in mixed‐gender kitchenettes co‐operated in cleaning up. Teachers expected the same standard of work from all the students but they allotted more special jobs to girls.  相似文献   

South Asian girls have been perceived either having limited career aspirations or as being over ambitious, and the reasons for both have been found in a ‘cultural conflict’ explanation. Previous research, e.g. Sharif (1985) and Hussain & Samarasinghe (1987), in which such girls have been asked about their aspirations, show that they are realistic about their abilities. In the study described below the career aspirations of South Asian girls in Glasgow are compared with those of their white peers. There are no significant differences. However, it was found that white girls expected South Asian girls to marry and not have a career. Both groups of girls expected parental influence over career decisions, although there is a difference in the degree of influence expected. A discussion of constraints on their aspirations follows.  相似文献   

跆拳道运动是一项既能强身健体又能防身自卫的现代竞技体育运动,跆拳道运动技法简单易练,在大学校园里已成为最受欢迎的体育运动.在跆拳道锻炼过程中,高校女生学会处理人际关系,形成乐观、开朗的性格.跆拳道比赛,培养了高校女生沉着稳定的心理素质、坚强和独立意识.跆拳道包含丰富的文化,让高校女生注重培养内涵,丰富自己的思想.对女性来说,跆拳道还是一种精美的形体艺术和行之有效的健体、瘦身方法.  相似文献   

《两个富阳姑娘》是新世纪文学,也是当代文学中最有悲剧艺术力量的小说之一。其悲剧力量来自于好人遭受不应遭受的厄运,并且是在亲人的误会中遭到毁灭。但悲剧的真正制造者是革命时代的道德与权力意志。在最先进最纯洁的革命队伍里所奉行的新道德,包含着极其落后腐朽的因素。革命追求纯粹化,却是在戕害生命,它的泛道德化的本质是反人道。追求人民解放的权力意志对人实行了普遍的剥夺。这就是小说貌似平淡的故事讲述中隐含的革命的悖论。《两位富阳姑娘》从一个全新的角度,以独特的方式检讨了20世纪的革命历史。  相似文献   

保育、教学与养育的融合   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在北欧国家,特别是丹麦,大多数儿童都能接受托幼机构的教育,因而他们能与其他儿童和教师一起共享社会生活。本文对丹麦有关保育是儿童健康和发展的手段,而教学是儿童学习的媒介这一常见的观念进行解构。这一观念把保育(在日托中心进行)和学习(在学校进行)看作是一对矛盾,使得丹麦早期教育处于一种浪漫的儿童中心地位。保育、教学和养育应该彼此融合。教师的作用主要体现在支持儿童自身的实验、调查以及儿童的社会性互动和游戏。  相似文献   

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