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When Geoffrey Sherington and I set out on our project on the Australian Public University, which culminated in Sydney: The Making of a Public University (2012), we wanted to move away from the emphasis of conventional institutional history on chancellors, vice-chancellors and governing councils in order to explore the university as a social institution. Using the theoretical and methodological approach of social history, we studied how students, academics, researchers, philanthropists along with the university's governing body were all important characters in the creation and development of Australia's first university. This essay explores some of the influences in this approach, especially the relationship between oral history and women's history and the history of administration in the story of educational institutions such as universities, and examines the methodological challenges for historical analysis of bringing together these approaches.  相似文献   

The system of electing university presidents in Spain, Switzerland, Italy, and the United Kingdom has distinctive characteristics. Almost all university presidents are elected by teachers and students, either directly or indirectly through elections with government approval of the appointment a mere formality. Principles of these elections include respecting teachers' needs, openness and transparency, and competitiveness; the universities also have stringent institutional infrastructure and procedural norms. The powers and responsibilities are clear during the university president's time in office. The university council, board of trustees, university senate, and other internal management systems and mechanisms guarantee that university presidents are able to fully exercise their power and assume their corresponding responsibilities.  相似文献   

The following brief reports—most of them originally press releases in the countries concerned—provide a spectrum of governmental plans and steps to cope with prevalent problems in higher education. These measures aim at expansion to accommodate the mass influx of students, the regulation of access to higher institutions, and the participation of students and junior faculty in the decision-making councils of the universities. Sweden, in addition, has undertaken a major curriculum reform for the purpose of streamlining the courses of study.  相似文献   

The councils shall be composed, in a spirit of participation, of teachers, researchers, students, and members of the non-teaching staff. No one may be elected to more than one university council nor to more than one council for the unity of teaching and research.  相似文献   

民办高校学生已成为大学生群体的重要组成部分。调查显示,上海地区的民办高校学生中信教人数不多,且多数信教学生能够过正常的宗教生活,但少数信教学生也有在校园传教的冲动;未信教学生有较深厚的宗教意识,对宗教保持较高的兴趣度。学生对当前民办高校宗教观教育的满意度较低;多数教师缺乏应有的宗教知识和宗教政策观念、法律意识,民办高校宗教观教育能力有待提高。  相似文献   

Helping students develop the employability skills and professional capabilities they will need to transition into graduate roles is one of the most important mandates for university study. With this context in mind, this paper analyses the nature and implications of Australian university students’ participation in paid work during study. The paper looks at the incidence with which students participate in paid work, and follows this with an analysis of the influence such participation has on academic engagement and outcomes. There are disjuncts, the data shows, between student activity and the support received from institutions. It is suggested that institutions need to embrace students’ off-campus paid work. The findings shed light on practices that institutions can use to support students’ participation and outcomes.  相似文献   

The declining number of university age students, and decreases in state and federal funding for higher education contributed to the need for many institutions of higher education to create and maintain a distinctive image (a niche) in the marketplace. New trends already evident, as higher education copes with these changes, include the increasing use of advertising, promotion and other strategic marketing tools which are applied to position or reposition institutions. This article investigates the formation of university images by applying information processing theories in relation to consumer decision-making. The study takes the perspective reflecting interests of students whose major concern is their employability after graduation. It examines the number of attributes on which graduates are evaluated, composition of these attributes, the method of attribute processing, and the effect of the university overall image on the evaluation of its graduates.  相似文献   

Since 1968, according to the French higher education law, elected students must participate in the different academic boards in every university. As trustees, they must formulate opinions about the institutional policy. Moreover, they must deliberate on equal terms with teachers. According to a common discourse, this democratic activity is still considered as a nonsense because of some students’ structural weaknesses: very low turnout at the elections of their representatives, very high absenteeism rate of these miselected representatives and incapacity to formulate responsible and pragmatic proposals. This students’ uselessness in the academic participatory governance process would come from a post‐modernist air du temps: youth apathy, individualism, democratic societies’ crisis . . . In accordance with the scientific questioning about the contemporary processes of political communication, I propose an alternative set of explanations focused on the spirit and practices which rule French academic boards. I assume that the development and improvement of student participation are also limited by endogenous factors that are closely linked with the functioning of the academic boards. I propose an ethnographic analysis of a French university board. I compare the elected students’ absenteeism to the others members’ (teachers, staff members and guests) attendance rates. Then I study the cultural patterns which structure the interactions. Discursive freedom would be the sine qua non condition of academic autonomy and the structural explanation of weak student participation by teachers.  相似文献   

This article examines differences in reported approaches to studying and course perceptions of students in British universities and polytechnics. Hypotheses about these differences derived from the functions and characteristics of the two sets of institutions are compared with data from a questionnaire survey of 1903 university students and 305 polytechnic students. The results, adjusted for subject area differences, indicate that contrary to expectation the university group are less likely than the polytechnic group to use deep approaches to studying. The two groups report similar patterns of study organisation. The university students experience somewhat poorer teaching. The polytechnic students are more interested in gaining qualifications for employment and perceive their courses to be clearly to this end. The results are considered in relation to further research into student learning patterns and implications for the binary system of higher education.  相似文献   

Using data collected from a recent national survey of Australian first-year students, this paper defines and validates four scales – belonging, feeling supported, intellectual engagement and workload stress – to measure the student experience of university. These scales provide insights into the university experience for both groups and individual students, to assist institutions in supporting and managing successful outcomes for their students. These data highlight the particular importance of a sense of belonging and mitigating workload stress to addressing attrition risk. Many traditional equity groups were found to only differ significantly from ‘traditional’ students on the stress scale. However, these groups potentially contain enormous individual variation, and even the average experiences of these groups reveal that complexity in the engagement, motivation and sense of belonging of students from equity backgrounds. Importantly, the scales presented in this paper can easily be used by practitioners, researchers and institutions to identify risk of attrition at an individual level based on attitudinal factors rather than background or behavioural factors. This may inform university strategy and practice to enhance the student experience and increase retention across the sector.  相似文献   

Particularly in mathematics, the transition from school to university often appears to be a substantial hurdle in the individual learning biography. Differences between the characters of school mathematics and scientific university mathematics as well as different demands related to the learning cultures in both institutions are discussed as possible reasons for this phenomenon. If these assumptions hold, the transition from school to university could not be considered as a continuous mathematical learning path because it would require a realignment of students’ learning strategies. In particular, students could no longer rely on the effective use of school-related individual resources like knowledge, interest, or self-concept. Accordingly, students would face strong challenges in mathematical learning processes at the beginning of their mathematics study at university. In this contribution, we examine these assumptions by investigating the role of individual mathematical learning prerequisites of 182 first-semester university students majoring in mathematics. In line with the assumptions, our results indicate only a marginal influence of school-related mathematical resources on the study success of the first semester. In contrast, specific precursory knowledge related to scientific mathematics and students’ abilities to develop adequate learning strategies turn out as main factors for a successful transition phase. Implications for the educational practice will be discussed.  相似文献   

The Australian government has set ambitious targets for increased higher-education participation of people from low socioeconomic backgrounds. There is, thus, a pressing need to explore how best to empower these students with what they require to progress and succeed at university. The paper draws on a literature review and qualitative data from a national study in which 89 students from low socioeconomic backgrounds and 26 staff were interviewed. The paper argues that demystifying academic culture and discourses for these students is a key step institutions and staff can take in assisting students from low socioeconomic backgrounds to progress and succeed at university. A recurring theme to emerge from both the literature and interviews with students and staff was that teaching the discourse empowers and enables students to learn, has a positive impact on their sense of belonging and ultimately helps them succeed in higher education.  相似文献   

In this article, we discuss the results of qualitative research carried out at an Italian university for shedding light on the transition students undergo on entry to university, and for understanding associated difficulties that lead to student drop out. We use Vincent Tinto's and Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical apparatuses for analysing drop out in higher education as a process in which inequalities are expressed and reproduced. The intertwined social and institutional mechanisms, and flawed decision-making processes, that precede entry to university are explored. Particular attention is given to student perceptions of their experiences at university and the factors leading to progressive disengagement and drop out. The empirical material analysed shows that, although access to university is relatively easy within the Italian context, hurdles to the pursuit of a university education are largely hidden. Students who withdraw are those who are unable to embody the codes, rules and functioning of higher education: those who do not manage to internalise the type of disciplined autonomy needed for responding to academic demands. Personal characteristics and background resources are key for enabling students to fit in the academic environment. The ways in which higher education institutions regulate access and structure university life contribute to drop out processes and unequal pathways based on the social background of students. Following Coulon, we conclude by arguing that higher education institutions should develop systemic approaches that commit their structure and personnel to the goal of developing a “pedagogy of affiliation” aimed at fostering—particularly among students from underprivileged backgrounds—the cognitive, social and practical skills needed to prosper in higher education.  相似文献   

In 2007, Kenya erupted into violence as a result of heavily contested elections. Because identity divisions lay at the heart of the conflict, the nation’s public universities were deeply impacted, at times pitting students, faculty, and staff against one another, and disrupting the ability of Kenyan higher education to contribute to the development process. This qualitative case study explores how faculty and administrators, at two public institutions in a conflict zone, understand and describe their university’s contributions to development. Analyzed through the lens of conflict transformation, the data reveal that the universities changed internal policies and practices to accommodate constituents impacted by the conflict and to cut across conflict lines, and that participants shifted in their thinking about the institution’s internal and external relationships and purposes. The article has two aims. It offers preliminary heuristics for peacebuilding as a university process, providing a framework of practices and policies that engage university constituencies and may transform conflict. It also shows how conflict changed participants’ perspectives about the relationships between themselves, higher education, and development in their country. Further, this article explores a connection between participant beliefs about peacebuilding and development in Kenya.  相似文献   


There are a limited number of individuals who possess the skills to fulfill the workforce demand in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) in the United States. Therefore, community colleges and 4-year institutions must be able to identify academic and social factors that impact students’ participation in the areas of STEM. These institutions must also explore the possibility that these factors contribute to the high rate of students switching out of STEM fields. This study’s purpose was to develop a better understanding of the perceptions of community college transfer students who continue at a 4-year institution to determine academic and social factors that influenced their academic success in STEM. To collect the quantitative data, the Laanan-Transfer Students’ Questionnaire was utilized. The results of this study reveal that Academic Adjustment was predicted by father’s highest level of education, interaction with faculty at the community college and university, and perception as a transfer student at the university. The cumulative grade point average (GPA), was predicted by the highest level of education of the father, associate degree obtained at the community college, community college transfer GPA, general courses from the community college, transfer credit hours, and university course learning. Overall, the findings indicate that community colleges and 4-year institutions should encourage students to be connecting more in class and after class—not only with their peers, but also with faculty. Findings also suggest that students should become more involved academically and socially to enhance their academic and social adjustment at a 4-year institution.  相似文献   

An increasing number of international Chinese undergraduate students enrolled in United States.colleges and universities in the past few years. Many began their journey in an intensive English program of a four-year university due to lack of English proficiency. Instead of continuing their study at the same institution, a considerable number of students transferred to community colleges for the language study. The purpose of this study was to explore the rational of these students reversely transferring from a four-year university to a community college and their learning experiences in both institutions. The findings of the study revealed both advantages and disadvantages of studying at each type of institution and provided recommendations to community colleges for better practice.  相似文献   

Youth councils are examined as spaces of citizenship education where young people are educated as political subjects. At a time of political and economic instability data were collected in a Catalan city through tests and focus groups involving 112 students, three teachers and two youth council managers during one academic year. Students’ political trust decreased and their cynicism towards politics increased; there were no changes in students’ anticipated future participation. The article avoids drawing simplistic causal links between students’ involvement in a council and the expression of their views. The participants also discuss the councils as performance sites. It is speculated whether, in students’ views, this metaphor of performance applies not only to the councils but to the wider political context in which they live. It is argued that youth councils are, in some ways, potentially valuable for promoting participation and recommendations are made in light of the findings.  相似文献   

教育是国家兴旺之源,教师是教育发展之本。当今时代,教师数量已得到极大满足,质量亟须提升。提高师范生生源质量是保证高质量职前教师的首要环节。通过对当前师范生招生规模、招生机构、招生标准进行调查,我们发现,存在师范生招生供给与教师需求不平衡、高水平综合性大学参与师范生招生的积极性不高、生源质量参差不齐、招生选拔标准单一等问题。为解决师范生招生困境,应严格招生计划,调整招生规模;改革招生机构,提高培养水平;完善招生标准,改善招生办法,多管齐下改善师范生招生现状,提高生源质量。  相似文献   

This study investigated university students?? perceptions of their institutions?? learning environments, and related those perceptions to students?? academic aspirations and satisfaction with their universities. A sample of 12,423 juniors at 42 universities in Taiwan was used to confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument: CUEI-S. The study revealed diversity of students?? perceptions among specific aspects of the learning environment. Students responded more positively for student cohesion, library resources and administrative support, but less positively for student-faculty relations, student services, enhancement of their language abilities and emotional development. The majority of students had low academic aspirations but felt satisfied with their universities. The learning environment on campus was shown to play an important role both in students?? academic aspirations and in their general satisfaction, whether the individual student or the university was used as the unit of analysis. The relationship between faculty and students is the aspect that was most strongly associated with students?? academic aspirations. On the other hand, both adequate library resources and university support for student services were the key correlates of students?? general satisfaction at the individual student level. By identifying important relationships among variables, this study suggests initiatives for improving the learning environment at higher education institutions.  相似文献   


In recent years many public colleges have attempted to attract and enroll high-achieving and diverse out-of-state students. Understanding why admitted out-of-state students choose to accept or decline their offers of admission has become an important part of these institutions’ efforts to achieve their enrollment goals. In this study, out-of-state students admitted to a public research university over a period of 5 years are tracked using the National Student Clearinghouse database to establish their destination institutions. The dependent variable reflects the type of institution chosen by these students, i.e. private or public, in-state or out-of-state, 4-year or 2-year. The baseline group is composed of those out-of-state students who chose to enroll at the study institution. Mixed multinomial models are estimated using the R mlogit package. Findings indicate that the type of institution these students choose is associated with their high school performance and their parents’ educational attainment and income, as well as with the financial aid they were offered by the study institution.


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