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This investigation examined relationships among special education teachers’ working conditions (e.g., classroom characteristics, administrative support), personal characteristics (e.g., experience, certification status, self-efficacy), instructional quality, and students with disabilities’ reading achievement and behavioral outcomes. Data from the 2004–2005 administration of the Special Education Elementary Longitudinal Study were used. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the fit of models for five latent factors. Hybrid structural models were applied to test the hypothesis that working conditions would be positively associated with special education teachers’ self-efficacy and their instructional quality, which would, in turn, be positively associated with their students’ reading achievement and behavioral outcomes. Although the initial structural equation model tested failed to support the hypotheses, several significant relationships with theoretical and practical significance were discovered. Directions for future research and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined pre-service mathematics teachers’ knowledge of history of mathematics and their attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics in mathematics education based on year level in teacher education program and gender. The sample included 1,593 freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior pre-service middle school (grades 4–8) mathematics teachers from nine universities in Turkey. Data were collected through Knowledge of History of Mathematics Test and Attitudes and Beliefs towards the Use of History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education Questionnaire. Results indicate that pre-service teachers have moderate knowledge of history of mathematics and positive attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics. Their knowledge scores increase as the year level in teacher education program advanced. Males’ knowledge scores are significantly higher than females’ scores in the first 2 years. This situation reverses in the last 2 years, but it is not statistically significant. Pre-service teachers have more positive attitudes and availing beliefs towards using history of mathematics as they progress in their teacher education program. Females have greater attitudes and beliefs mean scores than males in each of the years. The results indicate that the teacher education program may have enhanced the pre-service teachers’ knowledge of history of mathematics by related courses. However, the moderate knowledge scores indicate that there is a need for revision of these courses. The pre-service teachers’ positive attitudes and beliefs towards using history of mathematics stress the importance of teacher education program in order to prepare them for implementing this alternative strategy in the future.  相似文献   

Family and Work     
It has never been easy for couples with children and flail-time jobs toballance their work and home responsibilities,but today it is harder thanever.Slimmed-down companies running on very tight resources are makinghuge demands on staff,and the impact is particularly high on those withfamilies and working partners.  相似文献   

课题Uhlt26,Lesson101一教师刘钊粼兰一授课姗初中~年级教学目标曹豁耀缪嘿粼戳您咒护饵些流和表达鸭观一孵重难点丫 _一乍王一汽然蒸蒸蒸一一几「一二教学工具一、一电脑课件、-教学程序教学内寮_、一州熬师质动一_、-岸牛活动厂技能、峭私畴·、一钟呱一__舟褚李埃问。.堡钾嵋和倾听并回答问题苦犷’‘提问导入。一讲授新课-1.出示图片确认工作的名称。2根据图片练习工作 的名称。3课文的第一部分。_ 一于一_「引导示范。-_」{-.一甘七t俨学生就话题进行谈话,做到反应迅速。语言抹能、刻胶际戈「演示技能· 、介一_里变式训练着场幕,彭泳…  相似文献   

本文用三部分研讨、实践和评估了小组学习和创造性学习的方法。首先本文讨论了教育的基本理论和目的;其次,通过对两节点型课的描述,揭示了小组学习和创造性学习的关系及成果;最后本文对此方法进行了评估和分析.  相似文献   

下列左边的单词都是动物的名称,它们的幼仔都列在右边。小朋友,你能在五分钟内把它们连系起来吗?  相似文献   

This is a reflection on how cultural schema principles might be incorporated into the Oral English classroom. More specifically, it notes on how a strategy was developed for freshmen and sophomore classes of English majors over the period of an entire term. The findings indicate that Cultural Schema Theory plays a significant role in the facilitation of College English.  相似文献   

This study surveyed what problems and puzzles college students have in English speaking and listening. A questionnaire survey was conducted among 157 English-major students in South-Central University for Nationalities. The result suggests that they seemed to be very anxious in communicating in English. Their problems are analyzed from the perspective of sociolinguistics and traced back to the way they are taught. This study calls for awareness of the current problems in college English listening and speaking course and provides solutions to them.  相似文献   

Like m any lovers of books, M ary and her husband, R ichardG oldm an,seldom walked pasta bookstore withoutstopping to look inside.They often talked ofopening their own store one day.W hen M ary was hospitalized with heart trouble in 1989, theydecided itw as tim e to get serious. R ichard, w ho w orked for a businesscom pany,w as eager to w ork for him self,and M ary needed to slow downfrom her dem anding job.They started by talking to bookstore owners and researching theindustry. “W e knew…  相似文献   

Whose memory is the best in your school?  相似文献   

In my beginning section of speaking work practice,perhaps some students were influenced by traditional teaching.They were bored with speaking work.They expected their teacher to teach English by giving all the language exchange,knowledge questions and explanations.Some other students did not know how to make use of the changes provided by speaking work.So when they were in pairs,they often kept silence.Because of this,I did my best to get students used to speaking work.The next could be followed:First,at the beginning of class,I asked students to make easy activities in speaking work.For those difficult ones,I prompted or helped them to perform.Second,I gave a brief instruction about speaking work.This could help students know what they were expected to do was very easy.  相似文献   

(1)Adam' and Eve are being pul out of the beautiful garden of Eden.(2)It is because they did something God told them not to do. God told them they could eat food from the trees of the garden. But from one tree God said not to eat, or else they would die. He kept that tree as his own.(3}One day when Eve was alone in the garden, a snake spoke to her. It told Eve to eat fruit from the tree from which God told them not to eat . Now, when Jehovah made snakes he did not make them so they could talk. So this  相似文献   

This paper examines the numbers and roles of those teachers employed as teachers in 249 Sure Start local programmes. It looks at their roles and the numbers appointed in relation to: regions of the country; the length of time programmes have been running and the lead agency of the programme. It discusses the perceptions of respondents, through narrative discourse, and throws light on the attitudes of some staff within programmes on the concept of including teachers in integrated centres delivering children's services. This information may be useful for strategic planners and programme managers when discussing the issues surrounding the employment of teachers in Children's Centres.  相似文献   

This study examined the instructional focuses and practices of three Korean heritage language (HL) teachers in community-based HL schools related not only to their constructed identities as HL teachers, but also to their students. Constant-comparative analyses of interviews and classroom observations across the three teacher cases showed that each teacher’s identity as an HL teacher was shaped by her earlier immigration experiences and through her relationships within and across a particular historical and social context. Moreover, the three HL teachers’ identities informed how they identified the imagined communities in which their students would eventually participate. The teachers’ different identifications and visions became significant in shaping their instructional focuses and practices related to teaching language and culture in a manner that would enable their students to learn and, therefore, gain access to their communities.  相似文献   

Localising knowledge and dispositions helps to predict the likely success of top-down language policies. In so far as language acquisition is a pillar of language revitalisation policy, then community perspectives on learning a minority language deserve attention. This article presents the knowledge, dispositions, and ideas of around 1,300 indigenous and non-indigenous university students in New Zealand about learning te reo Māori as public policy. The article analyses the students’ level of agreement to a series of propositions about language acquisition policy, and the epistemic and dispositional stances they took in their free-text commentary to describe the rationale for learning te reo Māori, how and where acquisition occurs, who should learn the language and to what extent, what policy should deliver, and what policy changes are needed. The article concludes that the knowledge and dispositions of the students are at odds with government policy and traditional tenets of language revitalisation theory.  相似文献   

For decades, group work scholars have described a discrepancy between student preparation for group work practice and opportunities to work with groups in the field practicum and professional practice. Educators in related disciplines such as counseling and psychology have expressed similar concerns. This article reports findings of a study of MSW students in a program that includes a practice methods specialization in group work. The purpose was to determine the prevalence of group assignments among all students regardless of their method specialization. A majority of all respondents reported substantial opportunities to practice group work and receive appropriate supervision. Opportunities for majors in group work were significantly greater than for their non-group work counterparts. However, a majority of all students did not feel classes prepared them for group practice. Findings suggest social work must renew its commitment to preparing all students for this practice modality.  相似文献   

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