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《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):129-131
After I read "Zheng wen" [A Solicited Letter — selection 13, above] by Xu Mumin of Middle School No. 2 in Dezhou, Shandong, in the eighty-ninth biweekly "Writing Reform" feature in Guangming ribao, I groaned with indignation. I am not a researcher in writing reform, but I cannot suppress my anger, I must express it. First, I feel that the Party's policy of "Let a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools contend" has rightly opened up free discussion on scientific questions; it is also right that erroneous views made with good intentions should be published. But such insults and false accusations as Xu Mumin's cannot be tolerated. The title that he has chosen, "A Solicited Letter," appears to me to be a challenge to battle. His whole essay is composed of filth which brings false accusations of the worst kind against writing reform; this is not just fortuitous. He has issued a "summons to war" to writing reform, and we must be prepared to strike back with determination.  相似文献   

从上世纪20—40年代到90年代,相当部分女性作家一直注重对女性精神世界的书写和提升。近些年来,一批“美女作家”用“身体书写”涂抹着文化泥潭,无论对文学创作还是精神启迪,都起着某种腐蚀和伤害的作用。女性写作应该成为与世界进行精神对话的方式。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):132-133
From a reading of Xu Mumin's "Zheng wen" [A Solicited Letter — selection 13, above] it is easy to see that, (1) he is basically opposed to writing reform; (2) he would limit any reform of Chinese writing to the simplification of Chinese characters; and (3) he is opposed to the Latinization of Chinese writing. The first two completely deny the need for a reform of Chinese writing. This has been debated many times, and I am not prepared to discuss it again. I shall just express my own limited views on the third point.  相似文献   

欧阳修的《六一诗话》和刘攽的《中山诗话》均为北宋较早出现的诗话著作,两人都于作品中粗略地表达了自己的诗学主张.论文从两者对诗歌创作的首要关注点、对待西昆浮艳风气的态度、关于诗歌与现实的关系以及关于诗歌之"病"等四点对两部诗话的诗论主张进行比较,以便洞悉欧阳修和刘攽的主要诗论侧重点所在;同时对两部诗话部分观点相似的现象作出一定的解释,从而增进对北宋初期诗话创作情况的了解.  相似文献   

"Let's go! Out to sea!"4 has become a fashionable slogan in today's institutions of higher education. "Reading 10,000 books is worth less than having 10,000 strings of cash around one's waist" seems to have become the values concept adhered to by many. For several years already, the limerick "as poor as a professor, and as dopey as a Ph.D." has been heard on college campuses. Fanned by the mass fervor for the "market economy" and "second jobs," students are unable to sit any longer in their classrooms, and professors in their book studios can no longer keep out the exciting temptations of the outside world. And so, the dignified and sacred halls of academia have been defiled by the appearance of "meatpie professors" and "big boys"5 (da ge da) on college campuses.  相似文献   

论"80后"文学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年来,“80后”写作越来越成为学术界关注的现象。表面上看来,“80后”写作率先走上了市场而没有走向文坛,“80后”的文学追求似乎被它的商业运作掩盖了。面对“80后”,也许外界更需要对他们进行文学上的发现,帮助他们面对当前各种复杂的形势,为他们提供更为宽松和健康的成长环境。  相似文献   

近几年来,“80后”写作越来越成为学术界关注的现象。表面上看来,“80后”写作率先走上了市场而没有走向文坛,“80后”的文学追求似乎被它的商业运作掩盖了。面对“80后”,也许外界更需要对他们进行文学上的发现,帮助他们面对当前各种复杂的形势,为他们提供更为宽松和健康的成长环境。  相似文献   

近年来,在写作评改教学中,同伴反馈已渐渐成为一种备受关注的反馈方式。研究表明,同伴反馈有多方面的积极作用,但也存在问题。以"最近发展区"概念为依据展开的大学英语写作同伴反馈有助于提高同伴反馈的有效性。同时,它促进了教学模式、教师角色及学生角色的转变。  相似文献   

倪娟  李广洲 《教育学报》2006,2(6):14-21
杜威的实用主义教育思想与我国新课程改革的理念从理论上看应有许多契合之处,但在实践中由于两者社会传统文化背景的不同而存在着重大隔离。由中西传统的不同实用价值取向,揭示教育理论研究者与基层实践者各自在新课改中的实际表现,分析社会转型期社会本位和个人本位双重异化的原因,阐明当前新课改实践中如何定位教育目的的“社会本位”与“个人本位”两者关系。提供融合中西传统实用价值观的一些建议,为“实用主义”思想在新课程改革中真正“实用”起来提供一些参考。  相似文献   

写作是人在精神领域里进行的创造性劳动,文本不过是人的劳动产品而已。以研究精神产品生产过程为内容的写作学应该把重点放在对生产者的研究上。多年来写作研究者们一直把目光放在学生们制作出来的不成熟的文本上面,分析其立意、结构、语言等存在的问题,对文本背后“人”的状况关心不够。因而他们除了哀叹学生文本的肤浅、幼稚之外,别无作为。到如今仍被学生埋怨,被其他学科轻视。转变写作学的研究方向,变研究文本为研究“人”既关系到写作学自身的发展也关系到学生写作水平的提高以及学生身心成长等问题,是写作学在当下不得不思考的重大课题。  相似文献   

1985年以后,“朦胧诗人”逐渐引退,“朦胧诗”的单向度写作已经不再为更年轻诗人所满足。随着国人艺术观念的解放,诗歌写作风格也日趋多样。以时间为标志的“第三代”、“70后”、“中间代”、“80后”和以作品价值取向为标志的“知识分子写作”、“民间立场”、“下半身”等命名相继出现;各种写作潮流之间分野日益明显,并引发多次论争;民刊的日益兴盛与互联网的出现,使诗歌写作和发表打破了以前官办刊物的垄断地位。这一切,使近20年来的中国诗坛充满活力。  相似文献   

在和平与发展为时代主题的社会历史条件下,“和平演变”与反“和平演变”成为东西方对立的主要表现。同时,苏联东欧改革失败之鉴前车不远,在改革开放走向纵深的历史过程中人们又产生了系列新的困惑。于是又有人渴盼重回毛泽东“一大二公”时代,渴盼进行更加严肃认真的“反修防修”斗争。这使得我们有必要来重新审视和思考毛泽东“反修防修”思考,分析其内容,阐解其成因,并对其作出科学评价,从而取其经验教训,以更好地进行我们的改革开放和现代化建设事业。  相似文献   

随着中国加入WTO,与外商交流谈判日益频繁,商务英语口语在商务交流和谈判中发挥着非常重要的作用.本文就《商务英语口语》课按照工作过程系统化教学模式改革的实践,进行讨论分析,并针对存在的问题,提出了改革的建议  相似文献   


The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) movement, which swept through all levels of American education during the 1960s and 1970s, seemed a logical remedy for student writing deficiencies. However, the impact of WAC has not lived up to its promise. The WAC movement, as currently implemented in many community colleges, may be ineffective at best. To significantly improve student writing, systemic reform in pedagogical practice in English composition courses and throughout the disciplines is imperative. With no reform, we may unintentionally rob writing of its ability to be a tool for learning, thus negating the movement's primary goal. This article provides an historical perspective of writing across the curriculum, alongside a suggested reform model that includes essential components.  相似文献   

"严进宽出"是当下很多大学的培养模式和实际做法。在这种模式和做法下,出现了学生学业负担明显下降、大学教育质量下滑的情形。大学生学业合理"增负"作为高等教育基于教育内外部发展环境与条件做出的及时而正确的选择与判断。大学生合理"增负"将会对现有大学本科教学组织工作产生前所未有的影响,将会对现有大学本科教学改革发挥积极推进作用。新形势下,如何设计大学本科教学理念,开展本科教学组织工作,优化本科教学过程管理,推动本科教学改革,实现合理"增负"目标,促进学生学业质量提升,就成为大学当下在人才培养过程中需要重点思考和着力解决的问题。  相似文献   

Poetry writing is felt by many primary teachers to be an important part of children's early language and literary development. It is also considered by many teachers to be very difficult to assess, due in part to the subjective nature of much poetry. Therefore poetry writing in schools enjoys both high and low status. If practice of teaching this genre is to develop it is necessary for teachers to have a clear view of what children are able to achieve within it. By looking at examples of children's poetry writing, my aim in this paper is to demonstrate how it is possible for primary school teachers to identify features of children's poetry writing which they consider to be of value. I shall argue, from the basis of an empirical research study, that teachers can, therefore, promote and encourage progression in poetry writing by their classes; but that to do so is to challenge views of poetry writing by children promoted in current orders and recommendations.  相似文献   

Text as design, writers as designers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Acknowledging the changing nature of writing in the 21st century, particularly the increasing significance of visual characteristics in written texts, this paper explores the implications of multimodality for the pedagogy of writing. It considers the potential disjunction between children's life experiences of written texts and the demands of the writing curriculum, particularly in the secondary phase, and whilst arguing for greater recognition of the role of the visual, the paper also notes the importance of ensuring all children also have access to powerful verbal texts. Drawing on two separate research studies, the paper demonstrates how visual characteristics of written texts influence readers' responses to texts, but also how writers are aware of some of the choices they make in shaping verbal texts. The paper argues for a reconceptualisation of the writing process as a design process, and for a pedagogy of writing which encourages, supports and enables writers to become confident and effective designers of texts.  相似文献   

目前我国高中英语写作教学理念、教学方法等方面存在的一些问题,影响了《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》的实施和高考英语写作的改革效果。作者在对"过程写作"研究的基础上,提出高中英语写作中重视体裁教学,强调真实写作,倡导合作写作,发散集体思维,改革评价方式,鼓励不断完善,转变教师角色,开发学生潜能,兼顾结构内容,过程成果并重。  相似文献   

"林黛玉进贾府"是《红楼梦》中的重要篇章,旨在通过林黛玉的所见所闻对贾府的生存环境和主要人物作一特写式的全面介绍.文笔优美、感情炽烈,读之使人回肠荡气.然而,稍加琢磨,便会疑窦丛生.嗣前林黛玉真的从未去过外祖母家吗?贾府的主子她真是一个都不认识吗?这当然是有悖事体情理之事.究其原因:既非作者的疏漏,更不能以败笔论,而是宏著梦幻性特征的显现.  相似文献   

“林黛玉进贾府”是《红楼梦》中的重要篇章,旨在通过林黛玉的所见所闻对贾府的生存环境和主要人物作一特写式的全面介绍。文笔优美、感情炽烈,读之使人回肠荡气。然而,稍加琢磨,便会疑窦丛生。嗣前林黛玉真的从未去过外祖母家吗?贾府的主子她真是一个都不认识吗?这当然是有悖事体情理之事。究其原因:既非作者的疏漏,更不能以败笔论,而是宏著梦幻性特征的显现。  相似文献   

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