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Much has been written in the industrialized countries, particularly in Germany, about the problems of unemployed and under‐employed higher education graduates. Although in the case of Germany much is known about the rate of general unemployment, and that graduates fare better on the job market than persons not having higher education qualifications, the specific situations of graduates in regard to the job market are not all that clear. The author argues that most studies on graduate employment, unemployment, under‐employment, and mis‐employment have been skewed by the underlying idea that educated talent is scarce and should be used and rewarded accordingly. Thus the continued expansion of higher education is viewed as an indication of the erosion of graduate employment and as leading to an oversupply of talent. However, if on one hand, employment opportunities were such that employees would do work of both very high and very low levels of skill and complexity as parts of the same job, and, on the other hand, the generalization of higher education qualifications was considered a prerequisite for a highly educated society, the scope of research on this subject would change. The massification of higher education might not be automatically viewed in negative terms.  相似文献   

联邦立法是美国高等教育立法的重要组成部分,早期联邦立法一直以资助为目的,并无太多附加条件。20世纪50年代以后,政府对于高等教育的立法开始转向,表现出很强的工具性目的。联邦的一系列立法一方面促进了高等教育的发展,敦促高等教育责任的实现,并通过高等教育实现了很多社会目的,但另一方面也对高等教育产生了一些负面影响,主要表现为过多的干预和沉重的负担。  相似文献   

This article does not attempt to deal in comprehensive terms with educational policy formation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nor is it a venture into institutional history. It is an effort to state some preliminary findings about relatively ignored aspects of educational policy formation, largely refracted through the recent experience of one institution, the University of Duisburg — planned over 400 years ago, established in 1655, closed "on many grounds, particularly the problem of unfavorable political circumstances in 1818," reincarnated the same day and year as a Pädagogische Hochschule (1), and most recently reformed as a comprehensive university (Gesamthochschule) comprising "die Abteilung Duisburg der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ruhr und die Fachhochschule in Duisburg."(2) Some materials will be drawn from recent forays of German social science into related fields, and from journal and daily press accounts of educational politics.  相似文献   

德国联邦政府高等学校人事和工资改革政策评述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
德国高校人事和工资制度的改革,旨在改善学术选拔制度、引入竞争性的工资制度、增强高等学校教师的职业流动性。它虽然具有革命性和合理性,但却面临竞争和效率的价值取向与现有学术人员的法律地位之间、教授与学术中层人员职位和工资制度改革之间、政府财政投入总量不变原则和各州财政投入不足之间如何相适应的矛盾。  相似文献   

Financing universities in times of increasing demands in all fields of public expenditure is a problem of nearly all European counnies not least because of the ongoing process of European integration. Comparing the different national systems of financing universities may be a means to foster cooperation and competition in a step by step growing network of universities in the European Community. This paper tries to give some insights into the German system; special considerotion is given to its federal structure and its implications for the universities' financthg system, because these problems may be of interest to other countries also. Of course this survey cannot be complete; details must be left to detailed information. The first part of the paper gives a survey of the higher education system in the Federal Republic of Gennany. The second part deals with the sources of funds, including the structure of mong streams to the universities. The third part refffs to the restrictions in using state money in the universities and the problems resulting; the fourth and final part concentrates on problems of the future, especially getring third party finds, and the diversifiation. of financing.  相似文献   

1. The debate concerning the necessity of staff training has a long tradition in Germany. In Humboldt's university the unity of research and teaching meant that the main task in teaching was to have the students understand and share the objectives of research and have them participate in the research process. In this context there was a heated debate about the value of lectures themselves, culminating in abolition of lectures by the Prussian Minister of Instruction in 1844. The growth of the faculties of natural sciences and of technology, the increase in student numbers, and the problem of reforming teacher education led to efforts to establish "university pedagogics" as a new discipline. In 1898 a society for the pedagogics of higher education was founded with several hundred members, many of whom were young university teachers (Privatdozenten). From 1910 to 1932 this society published the Zeitschrift für Hochschulpädagogik (Journal for Higher Education Pedagogy).  相似文献   

Teacher training in West Germany is on the verge of fundamental change. As the schools—traditionally tripartite on the secondary level-begin to become integrated into comprehensive institutions (similar to the American model), the hitherto different training systems for elementary and secondary teachers face reform patterns aimed at equalizing the length and standards of training. In addition, the planners call for programs that prepare teachers for continuous reforms of the curriculum and of instructional media. Much emphasis is given to scientific studies of didactics-i.e., to the adaptation of fields of knowledge to modes of teaching and learning.  相似文献   

德国大学具有伟大的传统,但同时面临棘手的问题。文章从分析联邦政府高等教育改革政策入手,指出其目标是在扩大文化国家理念内涵的前提下,努力在高等学校领域实现平等、竞争、效率、开放和自治的目标。  相似文献   

二战结束后,政治教育在德国的经济恢复、政治重建以及肃清纳粹思想等领域都起到了重要作用。战后不同时期所涌现出的政治教育思想理论,一方面反映出德国议会、政府和学术界对不同时期政治教育的认识历程,另一方面也指导了不同时期的政治教育实践。本文期望通过对战后联邦德国不同时期政治教育思想理论的研究,发现其变迁的规律和特征,为联邦德国政治教育思想理论的发展梳理出一条清晰的线索。  相似文献   

One of the weekly reports of the German Institute for Industrial Research (Deutsches Institut für Industrieforschung) recently dealt with the educational implications of falling birth rates. The size of the 6-18 population (including migrants) is as follows: 1960-9.7 million; 1975-12.7 million; 1980-12 million; 1992-8 million (forecast); 2000-8.5 million (forecast).  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany, as in most advanced societies, one of the major occupational groupings — and one with the highest educational standards — is that of teacher. In Germany as elsewhere, many teachers appear to regard their calling as a serious one and place interest in professional activities high on their list of priorities, without involving themselves in what have come to be viewed as policy matters. To quote from a letter sent me recently by a distinguished German educator, long active in what he views as professional organizations: "I must frankly confess that I personally never cared much about status conflicts and organizational reforms; I was kept too busy by my professional studies and participation in professional organizations, such as our German association for teachers of modern languages, of which I served as president for ten years. The same goes for our International Federation of the Teachers of Foreign Languages; there, teachers of all levels are working together. But I know too that there are organizations which stand for the economic interests of their members. So at the same time I have been a member of the Deutscher Philologenverband, which defends the interests of the teachers of the Gymnasium — and at the same time those of the Gymnasium itself, against the tendencies toward the unified school (Einheitsschule).  相似文献   


Taking the political and scholarly debates about curriculum reform in the Federal Republic of Germany as a case in point, the article develops the notion of ‘compensatory legitimation’ as a theoretical construct for better understanding the political dynamics of making and implementing educational policy under conditions of conflict. Among various strategies of compensatory legitimation, special attention is given to the recourse to legal and constitutional norms, the utilisation of expertise, and the invocation of the discourse of participation.


Not only Switzerland but also the Federal Republic celebrated a landmark in educational co-operation in a federal system last autumn: the 200th plenary session of German Ministers of Education held in Berlin on October 16 through 17, 1980, in the presence of the Federal President, Prof. Carstens.  相似文献   

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