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At K'angta they have not only adopted a variety of new teaching methods but have also created, in the same way, new methods of study in accordance with the concrete needs of the objective environment. If its vast educational plan, which responds to various kinds of immediate problems and realities, is to be completed within a short period of time, new study methods must be adopted and created; otherwise there will be no way whatever to achieve the anticipated goals. In order to cultivate excellent anti-Japanese cadres, K'angta's leaders make the students study according to the new methods, while at the same time making them study the very methods they are putting into practice, just as Mr. Wang Ming* has said - "Study the methods for solving basic problems."  相似文献   

It cannot be denied that K'angta's educational objective is to cultivate a great number of resolute military and political cadres for the anti-Japanese war. Its educational policy is based on resistance to Japan and is revolutionary; it combines theory and reality and links the front lines with the rear areas. In order to ensure that within the short space of a few months students can achieve fully a solid grasp of theory and polished technical competence, and in order to train rapidly a large number of strong, robust fighters, the slogan "study as though in battle" is promulgated among teachers and students. This great novel slogan must rely on the method of "revolutionary competition" for its realization. "Revolutionary competition" is the consistent style of K'angta and is a glorious tradition of the Chinese Communist revolution as well. There must be competition in study, in work, and in battle; competition is necessary for driving out the Japanese imperialist now, and great competition will be even more necessary in the future for building an independent, free, and happy new China. The The scope of its application is extremely broad, but in the case of K'angta its main function is to ensure the success of studies. We may state the significance of this competition in terms of the following points: (1) It is to ensure that the educational plan is rapidly and one hundred percent completed. (2) Because the cultural and political levels of K'angta students are not uniform, it is necessary to use competition to elevate the students and to ensure that studies progress evenly. (3) It cultivates a collective study spirit in which classmates assist each other, urge each other on, and progress together. Revolutionary competition is not ordinary competition of individualism, championism and heroics - it is of a generalized, egalitarian nature, a source of motivation and a force for promoting collective progress; therefore we say it is "revolutionary" competition.  相似文献   

After seeing several of K'angta's evening assemblies, we wanted very much to talk with the people responsible for theatrical productions. On a rainy afternoon Liang Yen accompanied us to the Club to discuss theater at K'angta. The following are the words of Director Chou.  相似文献   

在抗日战争中,中国共产党提出并坚持正确的抗战路线,领导八路军、新四军和根据地军民浴血奋战,成为抗日战争的中坚力量;以民族利益为重,捐弃前嫌,推动国共合作,建立并维护抗日民族统一战线;争取和团结以中间势力为主的各阶级、阶层力量共同抗日,最终取得了抗日战争的伟大胜利。抗战的胜利充分证明,中国共产党真正代表了中国各族人民和中华民族的整体利益,是中国最先进的政党。  相似文献   

在中国抗日战争期间,由在华日本人部分有识之士发起、得到中国共产党和八路军的积极支持,在抗日根据地及解放区先后成立了"觉醒联盟"、"反战同盟"、"解放联盟"等日人反战组织。这些组织的建立及其开展的各种活动,反映了在华日人反战运动的发展历程,也体现出中日两国人民在人道主义、国际主义基础上的合作。  相似文献   

由国民革命军第八路军政治部出版发行的《八路军军政杂志》是展现抗战相持阶段我党政治、军事动态的重要阵地。它的通讯文章细致地体现了相持阶段党的军事高层的战争策略,而服务于战争策略的这种战争叙事对后来中国主流的抗战文学中的战争叙事影响很大。  相似文献   

皖南事变前,新四军在华中敌后积极开展抗日游击战争,威震敌胆。其抗日战绩,在当时的第三战区和第五战区名列前茅,得到国民党当局数十次嘉奖,并获得中共中央的肯定和多数表彰,赢得了人民的拥护和支持。新四军的抗日游击战争,有力地配合了正面战场的战斗,创建了9块抗日根据地,新四军部队的发展速度比八路军还要快。  相似文献   

在八年抗战中,八路军起到了中流砥柱的作用。日伪军虽然对此百般掩饰与歪曲,但在论及八路军的战绩、八路军的作战地区及兵力、八路军的游击战术以及八路军的素质及其与群众的关系时仍迫不得已地流露出一些无可隐讳的事实。这些事实从某种程度上反而成为八路军抗战功绩的一种反面证明。  相似文献   

抗日战争期间 ,在中国共产党和八路军、新四军的帮助下 ,在日本共产党的领导下 ,部分被俘日本士兵在中国开展活动 ,反对日本侵略中国 ,取得重大成效。  相似文献   

华北联合大学1939年夏成立于延安,随后迁到晋察冀边区办学。1945年,张家口第一次解放后,华北联大随军进入张家口办学。在张家口办学期间,华北联大规范了课程设置,加强了教学和管理,努力实现办学正规化,积累了在城市稳定办学和建设现代化综合大学的经验。华北联合大学历经考验,多次合并、更名,最终发展成为国际国内知名的学府——中国人民大学。  相似文献   

抗战时期陕甘宁边区八路军留守部队、地方武装部队和群众武装构成了军事斗争的主体。边区军事斗争的性质,是维护和巩固抗日民族统一战线的斗争。陕甘宁边区的军事斗争,保卫和巩固了陕甘宁边区,为促进边区各项建设事业发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,八路军百团大战的胜利,在中华民族反侵略斗争史上写下了辉煌篇章,为世界反法西斯战争胜利做出了一大贡献。在中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年之际,为了弘扬中华民族爱国主义精神,应当以抗日民族斗争为出发点,充分肯定百团大战的历史功绩;应当理直气壮地宣传百团大战的伟大胜利;应当把百团大战主要指挥者彭德怀作为民族英雄来歌颂。  相似文献   

抗战爆发前夕,《申报》派员访问延安,并认为中共是"国难深重中的一线曙光"。八路军取得平型关大捷,《申报》高度称赞,认为成功原因在于"跟民众密切联合"。上海沦陷之后,《申报》顶住日本侵略者的压力,宣传中共,宣传抗日,并以停刊回应侵略者的新闻检查。《申报》对于中共的正面报道和评说,表明了《申报》作为非官方媒体对中共及其领导下的八路军的认可。  相似文献   

在从内战到抗战战略转变的过程中,中国红军逐渐形成了持久抗战和联合白军等重要的理论策略,时为中共总负责人的张闻天对此起了至关重要的作用。在中共领袖集团中,张闻天首先于1935年12月作出了抗日战争是持久战的明确论断,并对持久战理论进行了深入的研究和阐述。1936年9月他发表的《论抗日民族革命战争的持久性》,是较早比较系统全面地论述持久抗战理论的专,早于彭德怀、周恩来的同类章,也早于毛泽东的《论持久战》。与此同时,还在中央红军长征刚刚到达陕北的1935年10-11月,张闻天即提出,中共要将国内战争变为直接的民族革命战争,就要加强白军工作。当时,张闻天正确地将联合张学良东北军、杨虎城西北军作为白军工作的重点,积极推动西北地区抗日统一战线的实现及红军与东北军、西北军“三位一体”局面的形成;在张闻天的直接领导下,对其他各实力派的联合工作也迅速展开,为民族抗战的展开奠定了重要基础。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to share one middle school's approach to using content area word walls in the classroom, as well as in the hall, to enhance the comprehension and retention of content area vocabulary. Eighth grade teachers and students designed and maintained classroom content word walls, as well as an interactive multi-content word wall in the eighth grade hall. It visually displayed the vocabulary aligned with the eighth grade state curriculum and the annual state assessment. State assessment scores showed an increase in the area of reading, math, and science after students and teachers engaged in these two types of word walls.  相似文献   

觉醒联盟是抗日战争时期在华日本人成立的第一个反战组织。它仅存在于八路军所辖的抗日根据地中。这一组织的建立和活动,及其所发挥的作用,既勾勒出在华日本人反战组织发展的一般概貌,同时也充分说.明日本帝国主义的侵华战争,是中日两国人民共同反对的。日本士兵和中国人民在战争中结成抗日统一战线,是中日两国人民团结友好的深刻表现,是中日关系史上美好的一页。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,中国共产党与东北军主要部队密切合作,积极抗日。中国共产党积极引导、团结东北军共同抗日,在东北军中秘密发展党的组织,并为营救张学良做出努力。在鲁南、晋西北、冀中等敌后战场上,八路军与东北军并肩作战,共同对敌。面对蒋介石发起的反共磨擦,东北军主要将领予以坚决抵制,部分官兵由此走上新的革命道路。  相似文献   

Politically, the opening of a women's university has unusually great significance. The women's university not only trains a large number of women cadres in the knowledge of military affairs, but also educates a great many cadres who will work in the women's movement and be ready to go to the front line areas, villages, and factories to organize 255,000,000 women to participate in the war effort against Japan. If half of the Chinese women were not politically awakened, China would not win her war against Japan. Women play a crucially important role in this war: they educate children, encourage husbands, and teach the masses of people; there is no question whatsoever that if women are mobilized the entire Chinese people naturally are also mobilized.  相似文献   

董渭川先生基于抗战和建国的大背景,根据当时中学教育的实际情况,结合自身的教育实践尤其是在广西国民中学的教育改革试验,强调我们要办立足国情的中学教育。中学教育要以民族为本位,考虑我国地方建设的需要;要树立培养基层建设干部的目标;要沟通中国的社会,进行计划建设;要设置符合社会和学生发展需要的课程与教材;要实施科学合理的教学方法和评价方法,这些观点形成了董渭川极具特色的中学教育本土化思想。  相似文献   

抗战初期,中国共产党积极倡导并推动山西地方实力派阎锡山集团、共同成立抗日民族统一战线组织——第二战区民族革命战争战地总动员委员会,同时,阎锡山也比较顺利地接受了中国共产党的主张。其深层原因主要在于:牺盟会工作的局限性,八路军入晋作战急需发动群众的迫切性,以及阎锡山利用民众、守土抗战的积极性等几个方面。  相似文献   

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