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周莹 《海外英语》2013,(22):252-253
Hemingway and Fitzgerald both belong to the Lost Generation.They were both favorite son and the creature of that prosperous era.Foreign scholars believed that there existed similarities and difference between the two writers.This paper aims to analyze A Farewell to Arms and The Great Gatsby from these two aspects.  相似文献   

Recently, Professor Li Zhengdao, the renowned physicist, spoke to a group of overseas Chinese students in New York. With deepest regard and feelings for these students, he advised them that "Young people who have no sense of self-respect and dignity have no future!"  相似文献   

Through an exegesis of the dramatic elements of Plato's Laches, Brandon Buck and Rachel Longa argue that it is an especially valuable text to read with practicing and preservice teachers. Buck and Longa show how the dialogue illustrates three essential aspects of what education means and involves. First, they show how the dialogue foregrounds the often-obscured role of philosophical inquiry in addressing educational questions. Second, they show how the depiction of aporia in the Laches underscores the importance of uncertainty for the persistence of humanistic conversation, and thus for substantial engagement with core educational questions. Finally, they interpret Socrates to suggest that participation in humanistic conversation is not merely an incidental aspect of education as a profession, but rather precisely what it means to be an educator. In sum, Buck and Longa argue that the Laches illustrates the core idea that in order to educate at all, we must be deeply involved in the very questions that characterize humanistic conversation.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop critiques of the pipeline model which dominates Western science education policy, using discourse analysis of interviews with two Swedish young women focused on ‘identity work’. We argue that it is important to unpack the ways that the pipeline model fails to engage with intersections of gender, ethnicity, social class and nationality, and their impact on science and with debates about science as elitist and implicated in neoliberalism.  相似文献   

With the development of the society,the traditional translation method can't meet the requirements of college English. This paper presents a new English teaching model——New translation-comparison model. It's hoped to provide some useful reference for those who dedicate to English teaching and research.  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION简介:《核爆炸的幸存者》(A Survivor of a Nuclear Explosion)选自英国作家罗伯特·斯温德尔斯(RobertSwindells)的小说《留在这片土地上的兄弟》(Brother in the Land)。小说通过主人公丹尼的眼睛,描述了核爆炸难以想象的恐怖可怕。  相似文献   

陈杰 《海外英语》2012,(4):223-224
This paper focuses on the notion of relevance in translation,aiming to clarify the cognitive motivation of translation,which can serve as an account of relevance in translation.  相似文献   

Young children spend a high proportion of their time at childcare sitting. Reducing sitting time or breaking up prolonged periods of sitting may be positively associated with health outcomes among children. The purpose of this study was to identify childcare educators’ perceptions of what environmental and policy modifications could be made within early childhood education and care (ECEC) settings to reduce sitting time among children during childcare. Eighty-seven educators from 11 ECEC centres participated in 11 focus groups between September 2013 and November 2013. Each focus group was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. A semi-structured schedule was developed to investigate the educators’ perceptions of the influences on children’s sitting time at childcare. A problem–solution tree was developed to determine potential solutions for reducing total and prolonged sitting time in young children at childcare. Most educators were unaware of the high levels of sitting time among young children. Educators identified that childcare practices, the physical environment and the weather were factors that influenced children’s sitting time. Potential solutions to reduce sitting time were to break-up prolonged sitting time by using movement breaks, standing desks, movement transitions between activities, relocating key facilities around the space to promote movement, and integrating movement during learning activities. Also, educators suggested that posters could be used to increase awareness among educators about the benefits of reducing sitting time. Educators identified key practices that could be modified to reduce young children’s sitting time in childcare. These potential solutions should be evaluated to understand their effectiveness.  相似文献   

施茹萍 《海外英语》2011,(7):370-372,391
Over the long process of history,education has always been considered as the reflection of civilization in any society.The first Chinese educational monograph On Learning states that "building a country,teaching for the first".In recent years,Chinese leaders even put forward the idea of "developing the country through science and education".It is clear that education is important for a country’s development.It plays a more strategically vital role in a world superpower like the United States.Chinese and American education,to some extent,represent eastern and western education.Under which,there are many different talents coming out.In 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics,his unprecedented achievement of eight gold medals makes Michael Phelps one of them.As an American legend,his education is a typical case,but also an epitome of American education.Based on Michael Phelps’s story and education,the thesis concentrates on differences between Chinese and American education.From his childhood education,performance before competitions,and his night life,the thesis analyses characteristics of American education,compares differences in Chinese and American primary and family education,educational essence and curriculums,and probes the causes and effects of those differences.In the end,the thesis puts forward some constructive advice for the reform of Chinese education under current condition in China.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the post method pedagogy and the teaching practice,this paper proposes a new teaching model,the self-correction model,and explains it from the point of view of linking theory.  相似文献   

Discourse is more than verbal language itself.The social significance of discourse lies in the relationship between linguistic meanings and the wider context in which interaction takes place.In this paper,the author describes a research project involving qualitative dialogues between a Chinese high school student and an American teacher.Discourse analysis let us see how macro-structures are carried through micro-structures.  相似文献   

乔晓芳 《海外英语》2012,(20):204-206
Chinese and western cultures,due to various complicated factors,differ from each other greatly.In the essay,the differ ences are examined from three perspectives:religion,legend and literature,the three important branches of culture,which would show the essence of the differences between the two cultures.  相似文献   

College students represent an important population for studying and understanding factors that influence sexual risk given the populations' high risk of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. Using a quasi-experimental design, the efficacy of a brief and theory-driven mobile application intervention designed to decrease sexual risk behaviors among young college students (N = 118) was tested. Ninety-six percent (n = 114) of the participants showed an increase in contraceptive use knowledge from pretest to posttest (p = .013). Participants did not show a statistically significant change in intention to reduce sexual risk behaviors or actual risk reduction. This study supports the use of technology to educate college students about sexual health.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):176-192
The types and phasic features of the motivations of volunteers are analyzed based on information obtained by means of interviews with young volunteers. It is found that the motivations for volunteer participation may consist of three categories: the traditional motivation (focused on responsibility), the modern motivation (focused on development), and the postmodern motivation (focused on pleasure).  相似文献   

李宁 《海外英语》2014,(16):161-162,167
Edmund Husserl’s first important move about phenomenology is the“phenomenological reduction”which means that we should reduce the external world to the contents of our consciousness alone. However, Hans-Georg Gadamer holds the opinion that all interpretation of a past work consists in a dialogue between past and present(Eagleton, T. 2009:62). Gadamer’s famous theory is fusion of horizons which means that the event of understanding comes about when our own“horizon”of historical meanings and assumptions“fuses”with the“horizon”within which the work itself is placed. The present thesis takes Hawthorne’s YoungGoodmanBrown as an example to illustrate different understandings when readers apply the two different theories.  相似文献   

米海燕 《海外英语》2012,(5):149-150,183
Yulinling is a famous piece of Ci by Liu Yong of the Song Dynasty.It is one long-cherished classical in lamenting the sorrow of departure.The author pictures a gloomy scene of separation:the cold autumn,the long corridor,the misty sea and the lonely boat,all the scenes depicting the sorrow and unwillingness of the separation between the two who are in deep love.The translator translated it into Eng lish in order to express his depressive feelings but he did not convey the depressive meaning of the original Ci in full extend.He lost some of the intentional feelings of the original in his translation.Through the comparison between Yulingling and its translation,the paper dis cusses the missing of emotional feelings in the translation of Ci works.  相似文献   

The transition from primary to secondary school can be a period of anxiety for many children. Although most schools have developed systems to ease this process, it has been argued that the emphasis is often on administrative and organisational procedures. In contrast, children and parents are typically more concerned with personal and social issues. It may be that such concerns have received insufficient attention in the past. This paper employs theoretical perspectives from the literature on resilience and self-esteem to examine key aspects of the process of transition from the perspective of the individual child. It is argued that for some children at least, transition can be legitimately considered ‘a challenge of living’ because of the social and personal messages which are received from a range of experiences within a concentrated period of time. The nature and source of these messages are discussed, and some implications for practitioners suggested. It is argued that in order to help vulnerable individuals cope with, and even benefit from, the period of transition, we need to focus more on the way social and personal experiences are interpreted at this time.
D. J. MillerURL: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/fedsoc/staff/dmiller

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