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A person may meet many challenges in his or her life.Some people think challenges are terrible.But I think they're great.And I want to say,"Thank you,challenges!" For some people,it's hard to face the challenges because they are afraid of failing in the end.However,it's necessary for a person to face the challenges.  相似文献   

No,Thank You     
Father Alien Mother AlianScene:in a restaurantfA family of aliensBaby Alien is hungry.He wants toeat.So th叫come to a restaurant.)Boss:Welcome to our restaurant.Come搔撇 节塑岁麟麟办登谧崖号;漱聆)峨仪户一~撇赘︸黔抓蔚姗︸涛碗沁形少Baby Alien:No,thank you.WzLitrCSS Have some milk?Baby AlienNo,thank you.Waitress"Have some noodles?Baby AlienNo,thank you.Waitress:Have some rice?Baby AlierNo,thank you.Waitress:仇伤af about some cookies?Baby AlienNo,llthank you.Waitress:What about a h…  相似文献   

Thank You     
Thank you, thank you very much.For everything that I can touch.Thanks a lot for nature‘ s food.And for when I‘m feel ing good.Thank you, thank you very much.For moms and dads and friends and such.Let‘s be thankful for this day.For our friends and for our play.Let‘ s be thankful ; lets be glad.For the food and things we have.Let‘ s give thanks for you and meand our home and family.Thank You@汪清枫  相似文献   

Thank You     

Thank You     

Thank You     
卢迪 《海外英语》2010,(2):33-33
At the class reunion, we sat at the same table through the dinner, silently. Occasionally, when our eyes met, we just exchanged a transient smile. Smile seemed to be the only way for me to face him. The innocence, the heartbeat feeling for him have gone. Only the precious memories remain, sweet and sour.  相似文献   


Cooperation between higher education institutions and external entities is a prerequisite for the success of all economic entities and society as a whole in any knowledge-based economy. The aim of the study was to identify, analyze and evaluate the benefits of, and factors limiting, cooperation between higher education institutions and external entities, and identify measures that would contribute to the development of this cooperation from the perspective of managers of public, state and private higher education institutions carrying out activities in the Czech Republic. The study shows that higher education managers consider the contribution to the development of knowledge and experience of students, academics and researchers to be the most important benefit of cooperation. From their point of view, the most significant limiting factors are the limited time availability of faculty/staff, insufficient financial resources and the administrative demands of cooperation. The development of cooperation would be most enhanced by financial support from national public sources or the EU, or through the use of contacts with graduates working for external entities.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management -  相似文献   

American people like to say "Thank you" when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many other countries do like that, too. It is a very good habit(习惯).You should say "Thank you" when someone passes you the thing you want, when someone opens the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful."Thank you" is used not only between friends but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters…  相似文献   

呵斥别人出于善意的良言,只会使我们自己的形象大打折扣。何不学着感恩?感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生。  相似文献   

震惊全国的云南大学校园凶杀案,随着犯罪嫌疑人马加爵在海南三亚被缉拿归案,案情暂告一个段落。堂堂高等学府,人类精英荟萃的殿堂,竞出此等惊天大案,令人难以置信。联系近年来屡见于报端的校园血案和青少年犯罪上升趋势,许多人心中深感忧虑:我们的教育怎么啦?为何老是出事?  相似文献   

Susan 《新高考》2014,(11):30-30
Everybody knows that the colleges care about more than GPAs and standardized testing.They look at curriculum strength,e s s a y s,t e a c h e r r e c s(推荐信)a n d,i n particular,extracurriculars.It is no secret that the admissions committees are very concerned about what you do with your spare time-be it volunteering with lepers(麻风病)in India or interning as a flying artist with Cirque du Soleil(太阳马戏团).  相似文献   

白天越来越短,气温越来越低,商店里也开始摆出琳琅满目的圣诞礼品和饰物。这样的日子最适合看几部动画片,轻松搞笑,愉悦心情。别以为动画片就是没内容,没深度的垃圾电影,正如本文作者所说:如果你厌倦了狐猴随着‘我们喜欢动起来,动起来'的歌声跳舞,那么你也厌倦了生活。  相似文献   

这是学习小提示:为了增加写作效果,作者运用了不少省略了句子成分的短句,阅读时请注意。相信每个人都有过这样的经历--在食堂要排队打饭,公车到站也要排队上车,去过上海世博会的同学想必一提起排队就愤怒。是的,我们似乎变得越来越急躁,对等感到越发不耐烦--也许有些人还没看完这段话就已经跳到正文咯--  相似文献   

Despite a continuing record of interest over the years, few studies have documented the demographics of grade retention or the relationship between it and academic achievement across multiple grades and groups of students. In this research, we were interested in the characteristics and consequences of retaining students in elementary (K–5) and middle (6–8) schools. We documented rates of retention that were lower than those reported in the literature and different for gender, ethnic background, limited English proficiency, exceptional student classification, and grade. Our findings support the increasing interest in stopping the use of grade retention as a method of academic intervention and speak to the need to identify and use research-based education interventions to provide remedial instruction for struggling.  相似文献   

<正>A person may meet many challenges in his or her life.Some people think challenges are terrible.But I think they’re great.And I want to say,Thank you,challenges!For some people,it’s hard to face the challenges because they are afraid of failingin the end.However,it’s necessary for a person to face the challenges.Challenges aregood to you.If you beat them,your knowledge and braveness will increase.Beat them  相似文献   

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