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The publication Archiv für das schweizerische Unterrichtswesen, which the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Instruction has edited since 1915, appears this year under a new title, Politique de l'éducation: Annuaire de la Conférence Suisse des directeurs cantonaux de l'instruction publique, and in more modern form. This represents a turning point for the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Instruction. While it has functioned in the past as a kind of parliamentary body, it now assumes the role of an agency for educational policy making in Switzerland in partnership with the Confederation.  相似文献   

This analysis of recent Council-of-Europe-sponsored reflection on contemporary developments in secondary education has been made by Mr. Lucien Géminard, Représentant Permanent de l'Inspection Générale de l'Instruction Publique, and Mr. Victor Marbeau, Inspecteur d'Académie, Chargé de Mission auprés du Chef du Service des Affaires Internationales. It first appeared in l'Education, No. 216 (June 13, 1974).  相似文献   

On July 11, 1975, the French government adopted La Réforme Haby, an education act that authorizes a general reform of primary and secondary education. Named after René Haby, Minister of Education in the cabinet of President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the act is to be implemented progressively over a three-or four-year period beginning in September 1976 or 1977, depending on the speed with which the mechanics of the reform can be set in place. The new baccalauréat, which, as in the past, will be conferred at the end of grade 12 (la terminale), is not expected to be introduced before 1979 at the earliest.  相似文献   

The documents in this issue of Chinese Education were published in China in 1979 and 1980. They appeared originally in Renmin jiaoyu (People's Education), Hongqi (Red Flag), and Guangming Daily, and cover a variety of topics.  相似文献   

High school students with learning disabilities often have difficulty expressing their thoughts in writing. At the secondary level, writing becomes paramount to successfully navigating the curriculum and expressing knowledge. In this study, the effectiveness of Self-Regulated Strategy Development for POW (Pick my idea, Organize my notes, Write and say more) + TREE (Topic sentence, Reasons—three or more, Examine, Ending) for persuasive quick writes with four high school students with learning disabilities was investigated. Results indicated an increase in the number of response parts written and increased stability in the number of words written. The participants who deemed the intervention as positive provided social validity.  相似文献   

The Elementary School [Folkeskole]

In the past year, the folkeskole has been better material for the media than any time in the past, and its circumstances, its tasks, its content, and its results have been commented upon and discussed in both the national and the local press. In the school year 1979-1980, there were 740,000 pupils enrolled in these schools, including kindergarten classes (Jyllandsposten 4/19). The number of children is decreasing as reported by central authorities from the Minister of Education, for example, in Politiken, 1/16, which at the same time reports that the development of the school has therefore become difficult to control, as many municipalities have reported, e.g., Frederikshavn Avis 3/13.  相似文献   

Northrhine-Westphalia, with 17 million people the largest of the eleven Länder (states) of the Federal Republic of Germany, issued revised curriculum programs for all its schools between 1966 and 1968. The most interesting changes occurred in the secondary school for those children (about 60% of the age group) whose parents do not enroll them at age 10 in a Realschule (semiacademic) or a Gymnasium (academic). These children formerly remained in the Volksschule for a total of eight years; but now the upper half of this school, expanded by one year, is called Hauptschule and is designed to offer more substantial education than previously, including a foreign language (English). The same pattern is followed in all the other West German Länder.  相似文献   

On page 12 of Chinese Education, XI:2-3 (Summer-Fall 1978), it is incorrectly stated that the University of Chicago lends its Renmin jiaoyu holdings. While it will not do that, the Far Eastern Library of the University of Chicago will furnish photocopies or microfilms of the JMJY holdings on request.  相似文献   

The Swiss Science Council was asked by the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Public Instruction to take a position on its report Tomorrow's Secondary Education. The Science Council issued its comments on March 22, 1974. We publish in translation the full text of the Science Council's position as it appeared in Politique de la science, August 1974, No. 3.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
Volume IX of Western European Education is being devoted in its entirety to the translation of the four studies on "Educational Reform and the World of Work" in Italy, Sweden, France, and England, respectively, that constitute volumes I and II of the Marburg Research Group's Qualifizierung und Wissen-schaftlich-technischer Fortschritt am Beispiel der Sekundar-schulreform in Ausgewahlten Industriestaaten.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
This issue of Chinese Education completes the translation of Hung Ch'i, 1970, No. 8, the first part of which appeared in the previous issue. It also continues the series of translations from the book Comrade Mao Tse-tung on Education Work begun by the previous editor of this journal. All of the articles in this book have appeared at one time or another in English translation - most of them in the Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung. The purpose of republishing them here is to bring them together for easy reference. We are, however, departing from the practice of the previous editor of retranslating these articles, and will instead present them as translated by the Foreign Languages Press in Peking.  相似文献   

This bibliography is intended to serve as an aid to those pursuing the study of Mao Tse-tung, Maoism, and education in China. Efforts have been centered on recent materials in European languages, primarily English, not covered in other available bibliographic works, some of which are listed in Section I: Bibliographies and Reference Works. Excluded from the present list are the many translations of primary Chinese materials to be found in periodicals such as Current Background (Hong Kong), Issues &; Studies (Taiwan), Peking Review (Peking), and Chinese Education (USA).  相似文献   

In Nanan hsien, schools are run in front of the doors of the poor and lower-middle peasants, in the remote mountain areas, and on the off-shore islands, as demanded by the poor and lower-middle peasants. This has changed the former irrational distribution of schools. Besides, sparetime schools and political evening schools of various types have been set up throughout this hsien by such means as are appropriate to the local conditions. In this way, popular education for school-age children and teenagers is basically achieved and 80 percent of the adult commune members can also take part in the study. Experience of this hsien shows that it is entirely possible to popularize socialist education so long as we conscientiously carry out Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive" and fully arouse the masses.  相似文献   

This article does not attempt to deal in comprehensive terms with educational policy formation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nor is it a venture into institutional history. It is an effort to state some preliminary findings about relatively ignored aspects of educational policy formation, largely refracted through the recent experience of one institution, the University of Duisburg — planned over 400 years ago, established in 1655, closed "on many grounds, particularly the problem of unfavorable political circumstances in 1818," reincarnated the same day and year as a Pädagogische Hochschule (1), and most recently reformed as a comprehensive university (Gesamthochschule) comprising "die Abteilung Duisburg der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ruhr und die Fachhochschule in Duisburg."(2) Some materials will be drawn from recent forays of German social science into related fields, and from journal and daily press accounts of educational politics.  相似文献   

For six long years the Hochschulrahmengesetz has been the main point of discussion on educational policy in the Federal Republic of Germany. There are three major reasons for this: an attempt was made for the first time to provide legislation for all universities in the Federal Republic; only by amending the Constitution in 1969 was the federal government empowered to establish a "framework" within which the Länder (federal states), who are directly responsible for the universities, both legislatively and executively, are to operate in the future. Furthermore, the Federal Coalition Government and its supporting parties (Social Democratic Party or SPD, and Liberal Democratic Party or FDP) are anxious to push ahead with higher education reform. And then, of course, the regulations introduced for university entrance have also become more and more an important topic of discussion over the past few years.  相似文献   

Society needs responsible leaders and entrepreneurs. CDIO (conceive, design, implement and operate) is a framework for engineering education based on outcomes, more than on contents, that has been adopted by a growing number of engineering educational institutions for producing the next generation of engineering leaders. In order to support engineering students to become entrepreneurs and to bear other concerns than merely technical on today's rapid changing world, the authors believe the CDIO syllabus needs to be improved, and therefore propose a pre requisite to a useful CDIO perspective: IdEF, standing for Identify, Evaluate and Formulate real problems and needs. Based on this concept, this paper describes a new pedagogical project framework (PUKHA - to project, to undertake, to know how to achieve). Within PUKHA projects, more than 300 students have trained and checked their will, risk, responsibility, communication, leadership and entrepreneurship over the last three years.  相似文献   

Some comrades advocate drawing a line of distinction between "the sanctity of a teacher's right" [shidao zunyan] and "respecting the teacher and abiding by discipline" [zunshi shouji]. This is because, it is said, following the call to break away from "the sanctity of a teacher's right," the students "consider the teacher as being beneath their notice," and even go so far as to "willfully make trouble and make fun of the teachers." This is a very interesting subject, and I would like to offer some opinions.  相似文献   

How is it that the brilliant directive of our great leader, Chairman Mao, that "intellectual youths be sent down to the countryside to receive reeducation from the poor and lower-middle peasants" has been realized completely throughout an entire hsien? The experience of Ch'ang-ling hsien in Kirin Province was that the leadership personally took a hand in relying on the poor and lower-middle peasants, in wholeheartedly doing the work, and in applying Mao Tsetung thought to the elevation of the level of reeducation.  相似文献   

In July 1977 the secretary of state for education and science, together with the secretary of state for Wales, published the Green Paper — the report Education in Schools — which contained the outline for future school policy in England and Wales. (1)  相似文献   

After my article entitled "How I Corrected Discrimination Against Workers' Children" was published in Chung-kuo fu-nu [Chinese Women] and Kuang-ming jih-pao [Kuang-ming Daily], I heard some comrades say: "The reason Yao P'ei-k'uan could do this is that she comes from a good family." I reflected seriously on the comment and found that it was only partly true. I have not always been lucky. As a matter of fact, I have had deviations and have learned my lessons. Now let me begin this article with why I chose to be a teacher.  相似文献   

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