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China has a territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, and a population of 1.1 billion. There are 1,075 general colleges and universities throughout the country, enrolling a total of approximately 2 million students. Each year we have about 2.5 million graduates from upper middle school, which, added to the number of graduates from previous years, make for a pool of candidates for admission to college and university of about 2.8 million in any given year. In the last two years, in accordance with the state's planning, we have admitted about 700,000 new students to the general colleges and universities each year (which is approximately 3 percent of the total number of people of the same age in the country at large and about 20 percent of the graduates from upper middle schools for that year). To guarantee that the limited resources and funds that the state invests in higher education may take greater effect, we have to select the new students of the highest quality and qualifications to admit to the colleges and universities. At the same time, however, we also have to make it convenient for the broad masses of graduates from upper middle schools to take part in examinations locally and apply for admissions to all the appropriate colleges or universities in the country. Since 1952 we have begun to adopt a system whereby the questions for all general colleges/universities entrance examinations throughout the country are unified, and all colleges and universities are pledged to admit new students on the basis of competitive merit. Thus the plans of colleges and universities in terms of new student admission, the subjects of examination, the questions in the examinations, and the standard answers, as well as the scoring standards or criteria of evaluating results, are all formulated in a uniform way by the state, with the provinces (or autonomous regions or municipalities that are under the direct jurisdiction of the center) carrying out the work of printing the examinations, conducting or holding the examinations, evaluating scores and, finally, admissions. With the exception of a hiatus of twelve years' time during the period of the Cultural Revolution, this nationwide uniform examination system for college and university admission has been in place ever since, and has always been there to ensure, effectively, the quality of the new students being admitted to general colleges and universities, and to ensure the smooth and effective completion of the state's plans for college and university admissions. At the same time, to a certain extent, this system also promoted the enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning in the middle schools, by avoiding repetitive and redundant work and labor in the area of admissions examinations, saving large amounts of human, material, and financial resources.  相似文献   

The year 1997 is one that holds extraordinary significance for China's higher education. The national conference on educational work that has just concluded has proposed the following: In 1997, the vast majority of colleges and universities in China must implement a merged-track system in student admissions, and students will have to pay certain fees to go to college or to a university. Because 661 colleges and universities have already merged tracks in admissions in 1996, and these already cover nearly two-thirds of all institutions that admitted students, the person in charge of the Division of College and University Students in the State Education Commission (SEC) says, with great confidence, that it is highly possible that we will complete the work of merging tracks in student admission in colleges and universities across the board throughout the nation in 1997.  相似文献   

上个世纪末。我们国家开始实施大学生文化素质教育。北京大学等重点大学率先推出素质教育通选课方案,随之,地方高师院校纷纷效仿。但内涵理解上上出入较大。本文在梳理通选课由来的国内外背景的基础上,以具体的《文选》课程的实践为例。分析了地方高师院校通选课的现状及改革设想。  相似文献   

关于民族院校贫困生的资助措施及思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着大规模的扩招和缴费上学制度的推行,民族院校贫困生的数量呈不断上升的趋势。近年来,全国13所民族院校采取了奖学金、贷学金、勤工助学、特别困难学生补助、学费减免等资助措施,但仍远不能解决问题。要根本解决这一问题,必须加快高校体制改革;构建以高校为主的资助体系;通过推行弹性学制、建立专门的资助办公室等协调贫困生资助工作;以立法的形式,制定教育资助税收减免等相关法律;做好心理咨询和“精神资助”等相关工作。  相似文献   

The graduates of high schools and vocational high schools in Taiwan have different ways to enter colleges and universities offering technology and vocational education programs. In this research, we have traced the 4-year academic performances of science and technology university students who have gained admissions through different channels. For students admitted through different channels, the research finds that the third year performance to be the poorest; academic performances differ for different means of gaining admissions; differ for each year; and differ for each university. We suggest that different teaching supplement, academic support program, and curriculum adjustment applied to students admitted to university through different channels.  相似文献   

高校环境法律素质教育是我国环境教育的重要组成部分。以共生进化理论和替代转换理论为基础,着重分析我国高校环境法律素质教育存在的主要问题,提出必须尽快完善环境法律知识教育、突出环境法律意识教育、重视环境法律行为教育等对策,以此帮助大学生正确认识人与自然之间的关系,并正确行使环境权利,认真履行环境义务。  相似文献   

营利性民办高校的两个突出特点是具有营利性和民办的。营利性民办高校在我国有其存在的合理性和必要性,一方面有助于实行民办高校分类管理和扩大高等教育资源总量,另一方面有助于提升我国教育服务贸易国际竞争力。然而,当前我国营利性民办高校存在观念变革滞后带来的阻力、营利性民办高校试点无人喝彩、营利性民办高校缺乏政策保障等困境。为了更好的发展我国营利性民办高校,应做到转变观念,客观认识营利性民办高校;大力鼓励和支持营利性民办高校试点;给予营利性民办高校必要的优惠政策。  相似文献   

在目前全国高校扩招的形势下,大学生的思想政治教育工作成为了高校德育工作的重要组成部分。如何赋予高校班级管理工作新的内涵?如何更好地发挥教师和学生之间的桥梁作用?建立高校班主任制度,成为摆在我们面前的新课题。  相似文献   

社会工作在我国属于新兴学科,自开始招生至今仅20余年。这期间,社会工作教育者们从未停止对社会工作实务教学的探索,但至今依然是教学难点,社会工作的教师身兼督导和教学双重任务往往会顾此失彼。基于此,找到一个适合于目前社会工作实务教学的场所和模式便十分重要。本文将高校作为社会工作实务教学的场所,社会工作专业学生的实务课程在教师的指导下展开,提供适当的社会工作服务以解决学生群体中存在的诸多问题,同时实现实务教学的要求。在高校实施社会工作实务教学,"网格化"是一种比较理想的模式。  相似文献   

An increasing number of international Chinese undergraduate students enrolled in United States.colleges and universities in the past few years. Many began their journey in an intensive English program of a four-year university due to lack of English proficiency. Instead of continuing their study at the same institution, a considerable number of students transferred to community colleges for the language study. The purpose of this study was to explore the rational of these students reversely transferring from a four-year university to a community college and their learning experiences in both institutions. The findings of the study revealed both advantages and disadvantages of studying at each type of institution and provided recommendations to community colleges for better practice.  相似文献   

高校建设应以师生为本,将育人当做重要责任,无论什么时候,师生均是学校主角及学校工作的着力点。时代呼唤高校“建绿色校园育绿色文明”,高校应转变办学理念,实施基于绿色环境培育、教育、熏陶人这一特色办学思路。当前,具体进行“绿色校园”特色建设时还存在目标不够明确、组织领导不够健全、运行管理机制不够完善、绿色校园的学术氛围不够浓厚等问题。对此,在进行高校“绿色校园”特色建设时应予以重点关注与解决。  相似文献   

社会责任是一个社会人应该对社会承担的使命、职责、义务。社会的进步和发展,正是以每个人出色地完成社会责任为基础的。当代大学生除了应当承担起普通社会成员对社会应尽的责任之外,还对社会负有更多的特殊的责任:一是承担着发展中国先进生产力的责任,二是承担着推动发展先进文化的责任。大学生的社会责任感是新世纪民族复兴的要求,如果高校培养的大学生不具备应有的社会责任感,那么只能说我们的教育是失败的。因此,树立对国家、民族和社会的责任感应是大学生不可忽视的问题,培养大学生适应新世纪要求的社会责任感是高校必须解决的问题。  相似文献   

大学生的心理健康问题日益受到社会各界的关注。本文分析了当前大学生的心理健康现状,阐明了高校图书馆在开展大学生心理健康教育的优势,提出了高校图书馆对大学生实施心理健康教育的具体措施。  相似文献   

高等教育区域化视野中的地方高校特色生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育区域化是经济、社会和高等教育发展到一定阶段的产物。高等教育区域化与地方高校特色互相依存,互相促进。为促进高等教育区域化发展与地方高校特色生长,必须进一步落实省级政府管理职责,明确地方高校办学定位,加强高校与地方的融合,注重人才培养质量与特色。  相似文献   

浅议高校思想政治教育工作的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校思想政治教育工作是保持高校稳定的基础,也是学生正常学习生活的可靠保证。但是由于受传统思维习惯的影响,思想政治工作中存在着针对性不强,管理理念落后,效率不高等一系列问题。因此,在高校思想政治教育工作中我们要落实以人为本的理念,提高思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

如何建立良好的新型师生关系是当前高校体育课程改革的一个新课题,也是解决高校体育课程改革难题的突破口之一。建立良好的师生关系,保证师生间在课堂内外的信息交流畅通,能够在体育课程的实施过程中创造出积极、互动的学习氛围和融洽、开放的学习环境。  相似文献   

论道德管理及其在高校学生管理工作中的转换   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
付炳宽 《天中学刊》2004,19(4):102-104
依据思维质量转换理论,从道德的视角来看,高校学生管理工作的精髓理念可以用“道德管理”四个字概括,其面临的一个基本任务,就是加强实施道德管理,合理开发和利用人的精神力量,建立和拥有高绩效的工作系统.从根本上保障学生管理工作质量上的正态转换。在学生管理工作中,道德管理与伦理关怀是高校学生管理工作的一体两面,二者在实践中辩证地整合在一起。在高校学生管理工作机制中,运作、整合道德管理的理念体系,具有重大的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是进一步理解等离子喷涂制备的复合涂层在外力作用下内部应力场的规律。目前,相关方面的报道较少。为了达到这个目的,采用扫描电镜获得高分辨率的涂层照片,经过离散化处理,并进行有限元分析。Al2O3-13TiO2等离子喷涂涂层是一个比较理想的研究目标。通过调整喷涂参数获得了不同的多孔结构,例如孔隙率、裂纹密度、裂纹方向等。数值模拟显示网状孔隙结构对涂层内应力场有显著的影响。同样的,通过改变相的本征力学属性,研究了其它成分的涂层。在理想状态下,仿真结果显示第二相对涂层内部应力场的影响较弱。另外,提出了一种通用的涂层性能分析方法,指出了它的优点和局限性,并强调其重要性(REV)。  相似文献   

从1902年高师诞生到1997年的高校收费并轨,高师生一直享受着免费待遇。1997年部分高师开始收取相当于其他非师范专业一半数目的学费,2000年高师像其他院校一样全面收费。时至年,高师生免费开始回归,对教育部直属6所师范大学9月份新入学的师范生实行免除学费的政策。  相似文献   

Honors colleges housed in public universities began only in the last half century, but have become nearly ubiquitous over the last 20?years. This paper, using recent data from the oldest stand-alone honors college in the country, is the first to study how the application and enrollment decisions of honors college students differ from the general population of students considering a large public university. Overall, the empirical results suggest that honors college applicants and enrollees are drawn from the right-tail of its host institution??s ability distribution, independent of residency status. Nonetheless, honors-college applicants are still more likely to enroll in selective and liberal arts institutions than the general pool of admits to a large public university, which is only partially offset by the effect of honors-college admission. It follows that honors colleges enroll academically stronger, but not the strongest, admits to a large public university.  相似文献   

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