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An important question in the teaching of basic theory courses is how to improve the students' ability to analyze and solve problems by effectively relating the use of visual aids in teaching to the cultivation of the students' capacity for scientific abstraction, in accordance with the dialectical materialist theory of knowledge and Chairman Mao's instruction on "the unity of theory and reality."  相似文献   

This article initially provides a brief overview of virtue epistemology; it thereafter considers some possible ramifications of this branch of the theory of knowledge for the philosophy of education. The main features of three different manifestations of virtue epistemology are first explained. Importantly, it is then maintained that developments in virtue epistemology may offer the resources to critique aspects of the debate between Hirst and Carr about how the philosophy of education ought to be carried out and by whom. Wilfred Carr's position—that educational practitioners have privileged access to philosophical knowledge about teaching practice—will in particular be questioned. It will be argued that Carr's view rests on a form of epistemology, internalism, which places unreasonably narrow restrictions upon the range of actors and ways, in which philosophical knowledge of and/or for education might be achieved. In declaring that practical wisdom regarding teaching is ‘entirely dependent’ on practitioner reflection, Carr not only radically deviates from Aristotle's notion of practical wisdom, he also, in effect, renders redundant all philosophical research about education that is not initiated by teachers in this manner. It is concluded that Aristotle's general approach to acquiring information and knowledge about the world might yet still offer a foundation for a more comprehensive philosophy of education; one that makes clear that the professional testimony and reflection of teachers, observation of teaching practice, and already existing educational philosophy, theory and policy can all be perceived as potentially valuable sources of philosophical knowledge of and for education.  相似文献   

In the United States, but not only here, the movement to evaluate teachers based on student test scores has received powerful political and parental support. The logic is simple. From one testing occasion to another students should show growth in their knowledge and skill. Similar types of students should show similar patterns of growth. Those students that show more growth than the average must have the better teachers, while those that show less growth than the average must have poorer teachers. If the value added by teachers to students' knowledge and skill, as measured by the students' test score growth is quite large, those teachers can be rewarded. If the value added is quite small, those teachers should be fired and replaced by better teachers. This simple and logical approach to teacher evaluation is, however, impossible to do fairly, reliably, and validly, but is nevertheless increasingly being used throughout the country. Here are my views on what is wrong with value-added models of teacher evaluation.  相似文献   

Student difficulties in science learning are frequently attributed to misconceptions about scientific concepts. We argue that domain‐general perceptual processes may also influence students' ability to learn and demonstrate mastery of difficult science concepts. Using the concept of center of gravity (CoG), we show how student difficulty in applying CoG to an object such as a baseball bat can be accounted for, at least in part, by general principles of perception (i.e., not exclusively physics‐based) that make perceiving the CoG of some objects more difficult than others. In particular, it is perceptually difficult to locate the CoG of objects with asymmetric‐extended properties. The basic perceptual features of objects must be taken into account when assessing students' classroom performance and developing effective science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) teaching methods.  相似文献   

Failure to activate relevant, existing background knowledge may be a cause of poor reading comprehension. This failure may cause particular problems with inferences that depend heavily on prior knowledge. Conversely, teaching how to use background knowledge in the context of gap-filling inferences could improve reading comprehension in general. This idea was supported in an experimental study comprising 16 sixth-grade classes (N?=?236) randomly assigned to experimental or control conditions. In the experimental condition, students' contribution to “gap-filling” inferences with expository texts were made explicit by means of graphic models and inference-demanding questions. After eight 30-min sessions, a large training effect was found on students' inference making skills with a substantial and sustained transfer effect to a standard measure of reading comprehension. The effects were not mediated by students' motivation, decoding ability, vocabulary, or nonverbal IQ.  相似文献   

In an experiment, we studied beliefs about the structure of students' mathematical knowledge that may affect teachers' formative assessments. Using a novel approach that simulated an assessment situation, we measured the beliefs of N = 42 preservice mathematics teachers. Teachers' responses revealed that they predominantly thought of students' conceptual and procedural knowledge as being symmetrically related but not identical, which is in line with recent findings about students' knowledge. Their assessments may, thus, not be biased by incorrect beliefs. Teachers, however, did not believe conceptual and procedural knowledge to be more interrelated as a result of students' increased expertise.  相似文献   

Project-based learning engages students in problem solving through artefact design. However, previous studies of online project-based learning have focused primarily on the dynamics of online collaboration; students' knowledge construction throughout this process has not been examined thoroughly. This case study analyzed the relationship between students' levels of knowledge construction during asynchronous online discussions with respect to engagement in project-based learning. Graduate students' online postings in a course that comprised both project-based and non-project learning activities were coded and counted for knowledge construction, teaching, and social interaction moves using computer-mediated discourse analysis. Chi-square analyses found that the instructor's teaching discourse remained fairly consistent during project-based and non-project learning. Despite this, students' online discussions during project-based learning were characterized by more advanced levels of knowledge construction, where ideas were rationalized and integrated into plausible solutions. In contrast, students' online postings outside project-based learning rarely moved beyond the lower levels of information sharing and idea exploration. Based on these results, guidelines for designing and facilitating online project-based learning are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we propose an alternative, based on constructivism, to the conventional way of teaching basic physics courses at the university level. We call this approach ‘coherent teaching’ and the underlying philosophy of teaching science and engineering ‘need-based learning’. We have been applying this philosophy in practice in a basic physics course at the Department of Engineering Physics and Mathematics of Helsinki University of Technology. Here we present the main ideas of the new approach and how we have implemented them, as well as discuss how coherent teaching has affected the students' opinions about the course and how it has changed the learning results.  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法以"学生为中心",在完成任务的过程中,培养学生分析和解决问题的能力.结合学生实际,将任务驱动教学法应用到高校经济学专业课程,正好满足了这类课程实践性强、知识更新快的特点.通过教学实践,既巩固了学生对课本知识的学习,更重要的是培养和提高了学生分析解决实际问题的能力,为学生进入到实际工作领域打下了良好的基础,实现了学校和社会的有效衔接.  相似文献   

Teachers' instructional practice is pedagogically vulnerable when not anchored within detailed and comprehensive observation and understanding of students' immediate responses during instruction. Professional noticing ability, then, is central to, and integrated within, teachers' ability to provide instruction appropriately adapted to students' immediate needs. This article explicates a model of expert noticing for literacy instruction and relates this model to the characteristics of microadaptive teaching decisions. Characteristics, for example, that distinguish expert from less expert noticing during literacy instruction include detailed hypothesizing, breadth and depth of elaboration, observation of learners' metacognitive behavior, and identification of pivotal events. Teacher noticing ability is generally not related to years of experience, but can be learned through participation in sustained, multilevel professional development with an explicit focus on noticing ability. This complex learning integrates teachers' pedagogical and content knowledge with observation of student behaviors, and supports teachers' learning from practice.  相似文献   

线上深度教学,是以教师深度的知识教学为基础,促进学生开展“激活—联结—评价—迁移”深度学习,以实现学生认知、情感和实践能力深度发展的一种活动。学科知识的深度教学是指知识的外在形式和知识的内在意蕴的教与学。由于目前网络学习平台发挥的功能不全,及教师对线上教学的规律认识不够,线上教学存在域限性、时限性、不可控性、单向性等几个方面的特征,从而带来了线上实现深度知识教学,促进学生深度学习,以及实现学生深度发展方面的局限性。克服这些局限性,要充分发挥网络平台在深度教学中的作用,认真做好线上深度教学设计,以及实现线上教学与线下教学的深度融合。  相似文献   

Given the diversity of materials in our surroundings, one should expect scientifically literate citizens to have a basic understanding of the core ideas and practices used to analyze chemical substances. In this article, we use the term ‘chemical identity' to encapsulate the assumptions, knowledge, and practices upon which chemical analysis relies. We conceive chemical identity as a core crosscutting disciplinary concept which can bring coherence and relevance to chemistry curricula at all educational levels, primary through tertiary. Although chemical identity is not a concept explicitly addressed by traditional chemistry curricula, its understanding can be expected to evolve as students are asked to recognize different types of substances and explore their properties. The goal of this contribution is to characterize students' assumptions about factors that determine chemical identity and to map how core assumptions change with training in the discipline. Our work is based on the review and critical analysis of existing research findings on students' alternative conceptions in chemistry education, and historical and philosophical analyses of chemistry. From this perspective, our analysis contributes to the growing body of research in the area of learning progressions. In particular, it reveals areas in which our understanding of students' ideas about chemical identity is quite robust, but also highlights the existence of major knowledge gaps that should be filled in to better foster student understanding. We provide suggestions in this area and discuss implications for the teaching of chemistry.  相似文献   

Pre‐service teachers face many challenges as they learn to teach in ways that are different from their own educational experiences. Pre‐service teachers often enter teacher education courses with pre‐conceptions about teaching and learning that may or may not be consistent with contemporary learning theory. To build on preservice teachers' prior knowledge, we need to identify the types of views they have when entering teacher education courses and the views they develop throughout these courses. The study reported here focuses specifically on preservice teachers' views of their own students' prior knowledge and the implications these views have on their understanding of the formative assessment process. Sixty‐one preservice teachers were studied from three sections of a science methods course. Results indicate that preservice teachers exhibited a limited number of views about students' prior knowledge. These views tended to privilege either academic or experience‐based concepts for different aspects of formative assessment, in contrast to contemporary perspectives on teaching for understanding. Rather than considering these views as misconceptions, it is argued that it is more useful to consider them as resources for further development of a more flexible concept of formative assessment. Four common views are discussed in detail and applied to science teacher education. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 497–523, 2008  相似文献   

Part of the work of teaching elementary science involves evaluating elementary students' work. Depending on the nature of the student work, this task can be straightforward. However, evaluating elementary students' representations of their science learning in the form of scientific models can pose significant challenges for elementary teachers. To address some of these challenges, we incorporated a modeling-based elementary science unit in our elementary science teaching methods course to support preservice teachers in gaining knowledge about and experience in evaluating students' scientific models. In this study, we investigate the approaches and criteria preservice elementary teachers use to evaluate elementary student-generated scientific models. Our findings suggest that with instruction, preservice elementary teachers can adopt criterion-based approaches to evaluating students' scientific models. Additionally, preservice teachers make gains in their self-efficacy for evaluating elementary students' scientific models. Taken together, these findings indicate that preservice teachers can begin to develop aspects of pedagogical content knowledge for scientific modeling.  相似文献   

Two studies examined students' intuitive physics ability and characteristics associated with physics competence. In Study 1, although many students did well on a physics quiz, more than 25% of students performed below levels predicted by chance. Better performance on the physics quiz was related to physics grades, highest level of math taken, and students' perceived scholastic competence, but was not related to a number of other hypothesized personality variables. Study 2 further explored personality and academic variables and also examined students' awareness of their own physics ability. Results indicate that the personality variables were again unrelated to ability, but narcissism may be related to subjects' estimates of knowledge. Also, academic variables and how important students think it is to understand the physical world are related to both measured and estimated physics proficiency. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 39: 394–409, 2002  相似文献   

Students' attitudes towards teaching and learning must be addressed with the same seriousness and effort as we address content. Establishing a personal connection and addressing our students' basic psychological needs will produce positive attitudes towards teaching and learning and develop life‐long learners. It will also promote constructive student‐teacher relationships that have a profound influence on our students' approach towards school. To begin this process, consider the major tenets of the Self‐Determination Theory. The Self‐Determination Theory of human motivation focuses on our students' innate psychological needs and the degree to which an individual's behavior is self‐motivated and self‐determined. Faculty can satisfy the innate psychological needs by addressing our students' desire for relatedness, competence and autonomy. Relatedness refers to our students' need to feel connected to others, to be a member of a group, to have a sense of communion and to develop close relationships with others. Competence is believing our students can succeed, challenging them to do so and imparting that belief in them. Autonomy involves considering the perspectives of the student and providing relevant information and opportunities for student choice and initiating and regulating their own behaviors. Establishing a personal connection and addressing our students' basic psychological needs will improve our teaching, inspire and engage our students and promote positive attitudes towards teaching and learning while reducing competition and increasing compassion. These are important goals because unless students are inspired and motivated and have positive attitudes towards teaching and learning our efforts will fail to meet their full potential. Anat Sci Educ 10: 503–507. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

教育需要基础与创新平衡发展,而我国教育的现状是“基础无力、创新缺乏”,所以夯实基础、实现创新是我国教育改革基本目标.基于过程哲学、生成哲学、意会哲学,认为“过程”是双基之本,“生成”是创新之根,因此提出了面向基础与创新的“过程→生成”教学理念及模式,期望以此取代传统的数学教学的“定义→性质→定理→例题”注入模式.  相似文献   

Dealing with representations is a crucial skill for students and such representational competence is essential for learning science. This study analysed the relationship between representational competence and content knowledge, student perceptions of teaching practices concerning the use of different representations, and their impact on students' outcome over a teaching unit. Participants were 931 students in 51 secondary school classes. Representational competence and content knowledge were interactively related. Representational aspects were only moderately included in teaching and students did not develop rich representational competence although content knowledge increased significantly. Multilevel regression showed that student perceptions of interpreting and constructing visual-graphical representations and active social construction of knowledge predicted students' outcome at class level, whereas the individually perceived amount of terms and use of symbolic representations influenced the students' achievement at individual level. Methodological and practical implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the development of representational competence in classrooms.  相似文献   

To effectively cultivate students' growth mindset, it is important to identify contextual factors that may communicate mindset messages to students. The present study examined the association of students' growth mindset with various dimensions of teacher beliefs (mindset, self-efficacy), teaching practices (guided inquiry, group work, task differentiation, in-class ability grouping, mastery and normative evaluations), and school climate (holistic development, in-school ability grouping). Participants were 2200 ten-year-old students, 358 teachers, and 65 principals from Finnish elementary schools that participated in the OECD Survey on Social and Emotional Skills. Multilevel analyses show that students endorsed more of a growth mindset in classrooms where teachers used guided inquiry and in schools that emphasized students' social-emotional development. In contrast, students endorsed more of a fixed mindset when teachers assigned different tasks to different students based on ability. Implications for how to combine teaching practices to support students’ growth mindset are discussed.  相似文献   

文章针对目前我国高等院校课堂满堂灌、考前搞突击这种应试教育体制下导致的大学生"高分低能"的现象,提出了"五位一体"的教学模式."五位一体"教学模式指针对不同的教学内容,分类采取仿真翻转、举一反三、专题研讨、探究学习教学方法,并采用了基于层次化的实验体系和多元实验模式.该教学模式以电类基础课程为平台,对自主性、研究性教学方法进行了探索和实践,提高了学生的自主学习能力和创新能力.该模式的基本思想可以应用到其他课程,具有较高的推广价值.  相似文献   

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