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This paper offers a review of the former soviet higher education system and compares it with the current UK system, arguing that there is much that the latter can learn from the former. It goes on to argue that the 'academic drift' of the former polytechnics in the UK towards 'university' style teaching and courses was wrongheaded, and that the drift should now go the other way, with universities all moving towards a Soviet style 'polytechnism' in their structures, courses and mission statements.  相似文献   

课程设置是高等教育教学管理的一个关键问题。本文通过对外贸易学院、上海金融学院、上海海事大学、上海财经大学和复旦大学五所大学公共基础类课程对比分析,期望对上海立信学院公共基础类课程设置有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

MBO定价问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2003年3月27日,财政部发至原国家经贸委企业司关于《国有企业改革有关问题的复函》(财企便函【2003】9号)。文件建议:"在相关法规制度未完善之前,对采取管理层收购(包括上市和非上市公司)的行为予以暂停受理和审批,待有关部门研究提出相关措施后再作决定."这样就意味着曾经热得发烫的MBO将暂告一段落.  相似文献   

本文力求从产权制度上寻求合理的改革途径,为农村信用社法人治理结构充分发挥作用奠定制度基础,从而为从内因上解决当前农村信用社经营中面临的主要困难,找到一种解决方案.  相似文献   

The higher education bureaus, education departments (bureaus), planning commissions and finance departments (bureaus) of the various provinces, relevant ministries and commissions under the central government and the State Council, and the various institutions of higher education under the Ministries of Education and Finance:

The "Regulations Concerning Provisional Methods of Commissioned Training by Institutions of Higher Education," jointly laid down by the Ministry of Education, the State Planning Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, is now issued for trial implementation. Please review the experience gained in its trial implementation and report in time to the Ministry of Education so as to facilitate its revision in due course.  相似文献   

Prospective Students' Perceptions of University Brands: An Empirical Study   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
A model of the elements of a university brand was developed together with an instrument for measuring how favorably each of these elements was perceived by a sample of young people who were considering entering university. One hundred and ninety-eight students undertaking pre-university courses in two further education colleges in East London completed a questionnaire designed to assess their evaluations of two out of three post-1992 universities covered by the study. The questionnaire contained sections that explored the promises suggested by a university brand, the objective circumstances of an institution, and its symbolic and external representation. Linkages between the favorability of the sample members' perceptions of the main components of a university's brand and the participants' conative, affective, and cognitive responses (including those related to a university's reputation) were also examined. The model involved a mixture of constructs with formative or reflective indicators and thus was estimated using the technique of partial least squares.  相似文献   

The "Circular on Resolving the Problem of Secondary and Elementary School Dropouts," issued by the General Office of the People's Government of Shanxi Province, is now retransmitted to you for your reference.  相似文献   

Frankly Speaking     
Government teachers who have a sincere desire to make their courses significant and interesting will find Dr. Struve's criticisms justified and his suggestions useful.  相似文献   

To promote the development of education in Tibet and do a good job of aid-Tibet educational work, the State Education Commission was commissioned by the State Council to convene a conference on aid-Tibet education in Beijing on March 9-11, 1993. Secretaries-general of people's governments and directors of education commissions of twenty-one provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, as well as people in charge of educational departments of twenty-five ministries and commissions, participated in the conference. Li Tieying, member of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and member of the State Council, attended and spoke at the conference. Also attending and addressing the conference were Deputy Secretary-General Xu Jianzhi of the State Council, Vice Director Wang Mingda of the State Education Commission, and Chairman Jiangcun Lobu and Vice Chairman Laba Pingcuo of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region. Vice Minister Li an aid-Tibet education coordinating and leading group with the participation of the province's financial departments and education commission and with a deputy leader of the group detailed to take charge of the work; (2) to make a special annual allocation of 1.5 million yuan from the province's finances as supplementary funds for aid-Tibet education; and (3) to designate six schools, including the Yueyang No. 1 Middle School and the Yueyang Normal School, to operate as aid-Tibet education schools. The governments of all other relevant provinces and municipalities are stepping up the implementation of similar measures.  相似文献   

《外贸单证》是商务类专业学生对接国际商务单证员岗位的一门专业核心课程。本文从外贸单证课程的定位入手,结合单证员岗位的工作性质,着重阐明单证课程教学如何与单证员岗位进行无缝式衔接,分析了当前单证课程在教材选择、教师队伍建设、实践实训等方面存在的问题和具体改革方法。  相似文献   

高职高专《外贸单证实务》课程的开发与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《外贸单证实务》是高职高专国际贸易专业学生必修的一门专业核心课程。本文主要从课程定位、教学内容、教学方法与手段、课程实施保障、课程评价、特色与创新等六个方面进行阐述如何开发与实践。  相似文献   

在第二次国内革命战争时期,中国共产党建立了“工农民主政府”,其政权控制区称苏区。从1931年至1937年的五年时间里,苏区政府积极倡导妇女解放,积极开展妇女教育,形成了重要的妇女教育经验,其经验对当今的妇女教育仍有借鉴价值。对苏区妇女教育的研究也早已引起了学者的重视,对此方面研究进行回顾和总结,很有必要。先以时间线索对研究进行了回顾,继后总结了研究的特点,最后指出了研究的一些不足。  相似文献   

We examine the validity of peer observation of classroom instruction for purposes of faculty evaluation. Using both a multi-section course sample and a sample of different courses across a university's School of Business and Economics we find that the results of annual classroom observations of faculty teaching are significantly and positively correlated with student learning outcome assessment measures. This finding supports the validity of classroom observation as an assessment of teaching effectiveness. The research also indicates that student ratings of teaching effectiveness (SETEs) were less effective at measuring student learning than annual classroom observations by peers.  相似文献   

机构是维系组织运转的基本功能构件,大学就是建立在一套独特且相互关联的机构之上的。在校内如何进行合理的机构布局,以适应治理能力提升的需要,就成了大学治理现代化新阶段面临的一项重要课题。论文选取了21位受访人(专家)并对其进行了深度访谈,对获取的文本资料进行了三级编码,就此建构了大学机构布局的理论模型。研究发现,大学的机构布局状态受制于高层作用、部门工作、合作关系、人员管理以及资源汲取等五个维度,也影响乃至决定着大学治理能力的高低。进一步分析发现,设置在校内的各个机构,实质上就是场地、编制、职位、经费等要素在某个组织层面的组合及其体现,机构布局则可理解为要素在时间、空间、数量三个向度上不同配置后的呈现。要素的配置程度或效率,不仅直接反映大学的机构运行效能,也代表着大学治理能力的高低。这一研究发现可以为新阶段下的大学机构改革带来重要启示。  相似文献   

The increasing number of international students enrolled in Australian universities over the last decade has met with a corresponding concern that many non-English-speaking background (NESB) students experience considerable difficulty in their courses. Consequently, concerns about admission procedures have been raised regarding how English language proficiency (ELP) is determined for NESB students (both domestic and international). In addition to standardised ELP tests, some universities accept other forms of evidence, such as the completion of English-medium courses. This large-scale quantitative study analysed data on 5675 undergraduate and postgraduate students available from one university's database over a three-year period to ascertain if its ELP requirements were sufficient to ensure the academic progress of adequate numbers of these students. The best evidence for potential academic success was found to be standardised tests while students submitting other forms of ELP evidence tended to have more difficulties.  相似文献   

The People's Republic of China has followed a planned economy since its founding, when the ownership of the means of production reverted back to the people. Education, too, gradually entered the orbit of planned and proportionate development. Since the period of rehabilitation of the national economy (1950-52), a total of five five-year plans have been put into effect starting in 1953, the first year of the First Five-Year Plan. Planning in education and the educational system itself have both improved and become more complete.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a curriculum development project, framed around the cross‐curricular themes as suggested by the NCC guidelines (1991‐a‐f). It is structured as a teacher partnership experience involving close collaboration between university tutors, student teachers and practising teachers in a local school. From the university's perspective, the curriculum development project grew out of the review and evaluation of the education courses which forms 50% of the four year BA/BSc Hons (Education) degree offered for students preparing to be secondary school teachers. From the school's perspective it offered an opportunity to develop a more formal incorporation of cross‐ curriculum themes into the subject curriculum. The paper discusses the project from three perspectives: the university tutors’, the school teachers’ and the students’, describing professional tutoring partnership in practice.  相似文献   

政府干预是影响现代大学治理的重要变量。作为一种干预形态,"积极政府"的定位源于特定的时代命题,其行动产生了预设的积极效用,有力推进了中国大学的现代化进程,但同时也带来了制度赶超、政策过剩、大学能力单一等消极效应。新时代的国家治理转型为政府善治大学提出了新愿景,面对如何营造有利于大学内涵式发展的外部环境、如何避免现代大学制度落地过程中的悬置、如何引导大学真正服务社会等挑战,政府应从"积极介入"走向"自我节制",通过规范介入的空间、减少介入的主体、变革介入的方式、降低介入的动力等策略描绘出理想的"自制政府"画像。  相似文献   

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