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晏阳初是极负盛名的教育家、哲学家,被誉为平民教育之父。一切教育理论与教育实践都起源于哲学思想的萌动,而晏阳初的平民教育的活力正是基于其超拔的教育哲学思想。文章探讨了晏阳初超拔的教育哲学思想体系中的自由教育哲学思想、博爱教育哲学思想和民本教育哲学思想,以及其教育哲学思想对当今教育理论和教育实践的启迪价值。  相似文献   

实地调查是比较教育研究中不可或缺的方法,通过实地调查可以深入了解所研究区域的教育文化及其功能,通过实地调查能够收集到全面的、真实可靠的一手教育资料,通过实地调查能够形成区域教育知识,实地调查具有建构比较教育学理论的基础作用。关于在比较教育学领域中如何开展实地调查,日本著名比较教育学者大塚丰教授在日本比较教育学会会刊《比较教育学研究》2005年第31号上发表的《作为方法的实地调查——研究比较教育学方法论的一个视点》一文能够给我们提供许多具体的指导。  相似文献   

In this article we argue for the spatialization of research on educational transfer in the field of comparative education within a theoretical framework that focuses on networks, connections, and flows. We present what we call a "spatial empire of the mind," which is comprised of a set of taken-for-granted "truths" about space and place that have legitimized much research in the social sciences. We critique this spatial empire of the mind and present some of the core ideas associated with the spatial turn. The next part of the article reviews three possible ways that new spatial theorizing has been taken up in educational research. Here we make reference to existing educational studies that engage with new ways of rethinking space and place. The argument that we put forward is that the most promising approach, for research on educational transfer within the field of comparative education, is network spatiality. We argue that there is great value in rethinking space and place not simply as objects of study, but within a theoretical framework that focuses on networks, interconnections, and movements within and between them, as well as their productive capacity to produce and shape knowledge, identities, and human subjectivities.  相似文献   

This article does not attempt to deal in comprehensive terms with educational policy formation in the Federal Republic of Germany. Nor is it a venture into institutional history. It is an effort to state some preliminary findings about relatively ignored aspects of educational policy formation, largely refracted through the recent experience of one institution, the University of Duisburg — planned over 400 years ago, established in 1655, closed "on many grounds, particularly the problem of unfavorable political circumstances in 1818," reincarnated the same day and year as a Pädagogische Hochschule (1), and most recently reformed as a comprehensive university (Gesamthochschule) comprising "die Abteilung Duisburg der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ruhr und die Fachhochschule in Duisburg."(2) Some materials will be drawn from recent forays of German social science into related fields, and from journal and daily press accounts of educational politics.  相似文献   

One important element of globalization is the dissemination of western educational ideals and organizational frameworks through educational development projects. While postcolonial theory has long offered a useful critique of this expansion, it is less clear about how educational development that eschews neo-imperialist tendencies might proceed. This problem poses a question that requires philosophical reflection. However, much of comparative and international development education ignores philosophical modes of inquiry. Moreover, as Libbrecht (2007) Libbrecht, Ulrich. 2007. Within the Four Seas: Introduction to Comparative Philosophy, Leuven, Belgium: Peeters.  [Google Scholar] argues, philosophy all too often sees itself as synonymous with the Euro-American intellectual tradition, thus ignoring indigenous educational thought that might more appropriately guide local educational development. Drawing on John Dewey's (1938) call for deeper and more inclusive plans of operations in response to social conflicts and Jurgen Habermas (2008) call for “reciprocal learning processes” and “cooperative acts of translation,” we will attempt to reach beyond our individual philosophical borders to explore the necessity and possibilities of comparative philosophy of education by sharing three examples of our current efforts to apply philosophical analysis to international educational development. These examples will articulate and embody the necessity and the challenges of applying philosophical analysis to educational development work.  相似文献   

Informed by different ontologies, rival research traditions in comparative education forward divergent epistemological platforms, types of analyses and conclusions for the comparative education community. This article examines two studies of educational designs in socialist states-- Joseph Farrell's study of Allende's Chile and Jonathon Jansen's study of Mugabe's Zimbabwe--both of which share remarkably similar conclusions, despite their disparate geo-cultural contexts, as well as divergent research methodologies. Through a comparative analysis of the religio-political conflicts highlighted in each study's conclusion, as well as the research methodologies utilised by each comparativist, this article suggests that rival research traditions can not only arrive at similar conclusions, but offer one another complementary, though divergent, ontologies, which together offer a more complete and fuller picture of the reality or realities being studied.  相似文献   

"教学做合一"是我国近代著名教育家陶行知先生提出的生活教育理论的核心思想之一。为了培养创新型小学美术教师,提高未来小学美术课堂教学质量,必须让师范生走进小学美术课堂,了解当前小学美术教育的现状,积极进行教学改革实践。"教学做合一"使师范生更深入地探索小学美术课堂教学的规律,在实践中深刻体验创新型教学理念,切实掌握创新型教学方法。  相似文献   


In her article "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership," Professor Dillard delineates a set of proposals for the study of educational inequity. Professor Wright in his response, "An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research," comments on Professor Dillard's proposals and furthers her analysis by an integration of the cultural studies literature. The author enjoins this conversation in this article by reviewing the proposals by feminists of Color to further social justice in solidarity with Professor Dillard's analysis. In particular, feminists of Color are examined, expanding the definition of "data" to include artistic production such as poetry, personal reflections, and autobiographical essays. The integration of spirituality as it relates to secular teaching is another innovation proposed by various writers. Feminists of Color have also chosen to construct theory and a political agenda for achieving social justice rather than only engaging in intellectual debates that deconstruct existing paradigms. Professor Dillard is part of a cadre of feminist writers who advocate radical changes in the academy to eradicate educational inequity.  相似文献   

置身于全球化背景下的比较教育面临着诸多冲击和挑战,特别是在以西方为主导的强势话语下,比较教育学科和实践逐渐偏离了它正确的航向。由于对普世主义信念的坚守和文化自觉意识的缺乏,比较教育学科和研究者时常面临着身份认同危机。在此背景下,走出困境的惟一出路就是认清国际教育交流的学术话语权利关系,提升文化自觉,努力寻求“本土生长”的教育理论和实践,倡导“和而不同”的理念,并积极参与到国际教育的对话与交流中。  相似文献   

库森是法国的比较教育学家。库森认为教育比较的目的在于“借鉴改进”,他研究外国教育体制的唯一目的就是通过外国经验来解决法国的社会问题。库森重视教育比较的“实证调查”方法,他在研究过程中非常强调考察成功的实践经验,总结教育比较的“因素考察”内容。库森对比较教育科学的贡献主要集中在三个方面:一是提出了进行研究比较时组织材料所遵循的程序;二是总结了国与国之间的教育比较内容;三是试图给出一种理想化的对比标准。库森比较教育思想的局限性体现在教育比较的“理想”化标准,不够现实。  相似文献   

我国教师教育主要的理念就是"教育理论指导教育实践",而这一理念是以技术理性为基础的。但是,教育理论与自然科学理论之间及教育实践与技术实践之间有着质的区别,因此,教育理论的价值不是指导教育实践,而是作为实践主体"理解"的一个文本。据此,教师教育应该从观念到具体教育措施上都进行相应的改革。  相似文献   

“理论指导实践”是一个虚假的命题。基于此命题,教育研究中一直盛行着大量以“上帝句式”发布的实践指令:即“要如何如何”。这类实践指令酿就了一种“学究谬误”:即把研究者为解释实践所建构的理论模型倒置为实践的真正根由。学究谬误的产生,导源于人之自我欺骗的合理化本能以及二元对立的结构主义思维。较之于实践,理论总是灰色的,它不能指导、审判抑或决定实践,而只能对其进行既不充分又无结果的“抒情的解述”,使之暴露疑点。学究谬误的矫治,需要教育研究者谨慎标定理论的调门,并牢记研究中的自我反思。  相似文献   

孔子是中国历史上最伟大的思想家和教育家,他在长期从事教育和教学的实践中积累了极为丰富的经验,“有教无类”的教育制度,“学而优则仕”的教育目的,以及德育居教育首位的教育思想,成为我国珍贵的教育遗产。  相似文献   

中国教育学研究的问题与改进路向   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
社会转型以及教育实践与教育理论的发展都要求教育学研究者重新审视教育学自身所面临的问题。这些问题主要表现为:做纯粹的概念研究;漠视实践问题,缺乏实践意识;用外来的理论去诠释中国实践;用既定的理论程式去说明、“规范”实践。之所以出现这些问题,既有教育学理论发展历史的原因,也有教育学研究者成长经历及社会分工等方面的原因。教育学研究要走出困境,需要聚焦教育实践,即关注实践、参与实践、批判实践、改进实践。  相似文献   

The author explores humor during a time of increasingly hostile accountability measures directed toward educators. Drawing on incongruity and other theories of humor, he explores both light and dark humor and some aspects of the educational potential and power of humor. Noting how humor is related to creativity and problem management, the argument is that humor has an important place not only in producing educator well-being but for student learning and school renewal.  相似文献   

陶行知先生是我国近代著名的教育家,他的教育思想和理论对我们今天仍有很大的现实意义。本文就陶行知的乡村教育思想展开论述,通过他的关于乡村改造及建设的思想和实践,给我们当今农村教育的发展提供新的思想和启示。  相似文献   

"宽松教育"是一种通过给学生提供宽松氛围以培养其生存能力、创新能力的教育理论和实践。"宽松教育"的演进可以区分为"局部实施"、"全面实施"及"调整"三个阶段;为确保"宽松教育"目标的达成,日本政府围绕教育内容、教育时间等采取了一系列措施,但总体来看,"宽松教育"的实施效果并不理想。"宽松教育"是疗治现代教育痼疾的一次探索。作为一种教育理念,"宽松教育"具有一定的合理性;不过,"宽松教育"在实施过程中也出现了某些失误。  相似文献   

Some comrades advocate drawing a line of distinction between "the sanctity of a teacher's right" [shidao zunyan] and "respecting the teacher and abiding by discipline" [zunshi shouji]. This is because, it is said, following the call to break away from "the sanctity of a teacher's right," the students "consider the teacher as being beneath their notice," and even go so far as to "willfully make trouble and make fun of the teachers." This is a very interesting subject, and I would like to offer some opinions.  相似文献   

陶行知先生是我国近代伟大的人民教育家。他在近30年的教育实践中创立了秉承生活教育思想精髓、具有生活教育特色的生活德育理论。陶行知的生活德育理论随着他的教育实践从萌芽走向成熟,包含了德育目标、德育内容、德育方法和德育途径等多个方面,构成了一个相对完整的德育理论体系,为中国近现代德育理论的发展作出了重要贡献。系统地认识陶行知生活德育理论,有益于从中汲取营养,指导当前的德育实践。  相似文献   

课程标准是关于课程的基本规范和质量要求,是课程计划中每门学科以纲要形式编写的、有关学科教学内容的指导性文件。2017年教育部启动中职公共基础课程国家标准的修订,将过去一直延用的“教学大纲”改为“课程标准”。从教学大纲到课程标准意味着国家教育意志的意义嬗变,这种意义嬗变主要表现为作用载体从课堂教学转为课程建设,基本视域从关注教学过程转向注重学习结果,目标取向从注重三维目标转向培养学生的学科核心素养。国家教育意志的嬗变需要每个职教人的专业理解与实践,每个职教人应将国家的教育意志融入到每堂课的教学实践中、应用到每位学生的综合素养培育上,实现从教学大纲向课程标准的教学“转身”。  相似文献   

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