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A written questionnaire was submitted to two samples of sophomore students mainly from the Faculty of Engineering at Ban University (Southern Italy). The eight problems proposed in the questionnaire concerned the functioning of simple d.c. circuits. Analysis of the results shows the presence of a common misunderstanding (sequential reasoning) based on a ‘local’ interpretation of the current flow (i.e. the current value at a given position is not influenced by the passive elements not yet ‘encountered’ by the current). This form of reasoning has been found to be very tenacious since it is still largely shared after teaching on circuitry at university level and is present even in students who have passed the physics examination at university. The implications of these results are considered

RISSUNTO A due campioni di studenti appartenenti soprattutto al secondo e terzo anno delta Facoltá di Ingegneria dell’Universitá di Bari é stato proposto un questionario (8 problemi) sul funzionamento di semplici circuiti elettrici. L'analisi dei risultaii ha evidenziato I'esistenza di un errore comune (ragionamento sequenziale) consistent in una interpretazione ‘locale‘ delflusso di corrente: la corrente in un punto del circuito non e influenzata dagli elementi passivi, se da essa non ancora ‘attraversati’. Si é riscontrato eke tale forma di ragionamento é largamente presente anche dopo I'insegnamento della circuitistica a livello universitario e in studenti che hanno superato l'esame di fisica. Vengono, quindi, discusse le implicazioni derivanti da tali risultati.  相似文献   

县级电大建设中存在问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育多元化的发展,县(市)级电大将如何生存和发展?这无疑是我们电大教育工作者深切关注的问题。本文拟就电大目前存在的主要问题,以及今后改革发展作一些粗浅分析,并提出相应的思路和对策,以期推动县(市)级电大教育不断向前发展。  相似文献   

What is the relationship between research into multilingualism and research concerned more generally with language and communication in mathematics education? Diversity in linguistic practices is universal in modern society and poses problems for teaching and learning even in apparently monolingual contexts. Research in multilingualism and mathematics education offers constructs and insights that can inform research and pedagogy more widely.  相似文献   

中国的金融学及其学科发展面临诸多问题。从现代金融学的研究前沿入手,对新涉及的四个主要领域的内容进行研究,发现公司金融、定价与证券组合管理、金融市场与制度和国际金融管理领导了现代金融学的发展潮流,对中国金融学的建立和发展有现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports the Italian data on the bystanders' project. In the last decade, several studies have been conducted on the prevalence and nature of bullying among primary and secondary students as well as on individual and social risk factors, illustrating that bullying in the Italian context is a widespread phenomenon. No research has been conducted, so far, on the 'bystander' behaviours of those students who see other peers being bullied or bullying others in school either physically, verbally or through sexual coercion (i.e. touching girls). The study was conducted with 594 students (51.9% boys and 48.1% girls), aged 12–16 years old, with a mean age of 13.1 (SD=0.87). They were recruited from six different middle schools, two in each of three different sites in Italy: Northern Italy (Vercelli), Central Italy (Rome) and Southern Italy (Catania). Results showed that though the most likely reaction is supporting the victim by trying to discourage the bully, gender differences emerged, with girls more likely than boys to support the victim and boys more likely to encourage the bully or simply ignore. Differences resembling the same pattern emerged also with regard to own involvement as a bully or a victim. Findings are discussed by looking at possible applications for intervention.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Education Act 1981, the Department of Education and Science commissioned three major research studies. These were concerned respectively with: in-service training (Manchester University and Huddersfield Polytechnic); the implementation of the Act (London University Institute of Education); and support for the ordinary school (National Foundation for Educational Research). All the studies were completed by 1986, and numerous publications have resulted from them. Dr Seamus Hegarty, deputy director at the Foundation, summarises findings from the NFER study.  相似文献   

This article is a report of a Community Development Project currently being run by the Centre for Studies and Development in Environmental Education (CEDEA), at the National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA) in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The Centre was inaugurated 3 years ago as part of an attempt to change the Institute's direction, from that of carrying out research for the scientific community to one that integrates research with sustainable development and social needs. CEDEA's team members embarked on a participatory community project, INPA and Society, that was developed with a community near the Institute. This is an urban community with economic, social, cultural and environmental problems that the project aims to approach. INPA and Society is divided into several projects, one of which is Women in Action. This is a report about the challenges that Women in Action has produced for both the Institute and the Centre. It also discusses the results that are being achieved, while commenting on the difficulties that have been confronted and how these could possibly be avoided by other groups.  相似文献   

Marine geologists of the University of Bremen were present on the Fourth Expedition of the Polar Research Institute to the Antarctic in late 1985 on the Polar Star; in summer 1986 a professorship in microbiology and virology is to be established; and in late 1986 the first professorship for space research is to be appointed. These three examples are somewhat out of fit with the image presented in the 1970s by Bremen University. But even the harshest critics of those years (e.g., the Bremen section of the "Freedom in Research" society) had to concede in early January 1986 that we "are on the right path."  相似文献   

为解决大学女生参与体育课积极性不足、体育水平较低的问题,对南阳理工学院2008级女生专选班进行了一个学期的行动研究。在教学—反馈—调整循环的框架下设计研究方法,找出问题,设计解决方案并应用于教学。通过行动研究,提高了教师的教学水平,改善了女生参与体育课的积极性,促进了学生的体质和体育水平发展。  相似文献   

This research paper is about the role of the principal in enabling teacher leadership for pedagogical innovations and school improvement studied in two Innovative Designs for Enhancing Achievements in Schools (IDEAS) schools in Singapore and Australia over a 3-year period from 2005 to 2007. The research reported is based on the developing relationship between principals and teacher leaders as they collaboratively engage in a process of whole school improvement. Both case study schools used the IDEAS school improvement program which originates from the Leadership Research Institute, University of Southern Queensland. The cases trace the facilitation of the IDEAS process in each school and highlights the centrality of teacher leadership in bringing about change in school-wide pedagogy and a process of school re-culturing. It underlines the fact that principals need to support the enabling of leadership among teachers by giving them the space, time and responsibility to make decisions about curriculum work and ensuring that these are aligned with new organizational structures and processes. The paper discusses how the schools were different and yet similar in many ways between the two countries, Singapore and Australia, with regard to the nature of the enabling processes for organizational revitalization and school capacity building. It draws out some implications for school leadership and school improvement.  相似文献   

叶适的法治思想已初具雏形,对某些社会问题有独到见解,作为一名封建地主阶级思想家能达到如此认识高度已颇为不易。本文试从法治的两大基本要素(完善法和执行法)这一角度入手,剖析其法治思想。其中执行法这一点主要探讨对法令执行者,即各级执法官吏的选拔与任用问题。同时指出贯穿叶适法治思想的平民倾向。  相似文献   

This article is based on the premise that instruction involves the control of cognitive processes by means of carefully selected instructional strategies. Visual cognitive processes having to do with perception, the assimilation of new information, and learning by means of analogy are examined, and particular instructional strategies by which each process can be controlled are identified. Ways of improving mental skills (i.e., those visual processes at which the learner is relatively adept) are discussed. Conclusions are drawn regarding relationships between visual learning and instruction, and implications for research and design are examined. Research for this article was conducted while the author was a visiting scholar in the Department of Instructional Technology, University of Southern California. The research was supported by a grant from the University of Calgary. The author wishes to thank Richard Clark for his helpful comments on an earlier draft of the article.  相似文献   

为解决大学女生参与体育课积极性不足、体育水平较低的问题,对南阳理工学院2008级女生专选班进行了一个学期的行动研究。在"教学—反馈—调整"循环的框架下设计研究方法,找出问题,设计解决方案并应用于教学。通过行动研究,提高了教师的教学水平,改善了女生参与体育课的积极性,促进了学生的体质和体育水平发展。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) filter bank is a single input, single or multi-output device consisting of multi-SAW-filters, input interconnection network or switch circuits, and can be divided into two cate- gories: channelizer (multi-output) and switchable (programmable, single output). The former is mainly used in military channelized receiver for spectrum analysis; the latter has wide application in frequency synthesizer and frequency-hopping radar and com- munication syst…  相似文献   

The authors discuss briefly the purposes, trends, problems, and implications of media-attitude research published in AV Communication Review during its 25 years. The remainder of the article consists of abstracts of 68 such experimental studies and reference citations directing the reader to studies originally published elsewhere and abstracted in AVCR. This study was supported in part by a grant from the Research Institute for Studies in Education (RISE), College of Education, Iowa State University.  相似文献   

问题是科学研究的起点,选题是科学研究全过程的第一步。在科学研究过程中,能否敏锐地从科学发展的各种问题中提出有创见性的问题,并从提出的各种问题中形成和选择有价值的研究课题,是科学研究工作能否顺利开展并获得成效的关键。山西省农科院高寒区作物研究所,运用科学的科研选题方法,进行六倍体皮、裸燕麦种间杂交的成功实例,充分说明选题在科学研究工作中的重要作用。  相似文献   

Quite a large number of international meetings devoted to issues concerning higher education are organized each year. The problems of their contribution to the further development of higher education and research in this field are raised in a thought‐provoking article written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Professor E.A. van Trotsenburg, President of the European Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (EARDHE) and Director of the Institute of International Science and University Didactics, University of Klagenfurt.  相似文献   

基于建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM))概念,以福州市规划设计研究院新建大楼为实际案例,应用Autodesk Revit软件将原有CAD图纸进行BIM结构钢筋和机电模型建置,并提出BIM技术虚拟仿真过程中发现的问题。研究结果表明:(1)BIM技术可实际解决工程常常出现钢筋复杂节点、机电管道碰撞的问题;(2)机电系统进行Revit翻模时,不能按原CAD路径绘制,族库不全需建族完善。该研究成果可为后期施工决策提供技术支持,并有助于相关行业人士学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

地方高校青年教师生活质量研究述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前国内学者对地方高校青年教师生活质量进行大量研究,取得丰硕的研究成果。研究认为,地方高校青年教师工作生活质量令人关注,心理健康状况堪忧,必须高度重视地方高校青年生存发展问题并采取有效策略加以解决。  相似文献   

《广西民族师范学院学报》“南方民族研究”栏目自创建以来,得到广大读者及作者的支持与厚爱。为使关心这一栏目的朋友进一步了解创建该栏目的意义和发展目标、创建过程、建设成效及存在的问题和发展构思,特刊发此文,以求教广大读者和作者、  相似文献   

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