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No Science Teacher Left Behind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

五年多前制约北环中学成长和发展的关键性因素就在于学校教师文化自觉意识的缺失.在2005年底,学校选择了以"和"为主题的学校文化建设作为战略重点,创新校本研修,力图唤醒并逐步形成教师文化自觉意识,使得学校在学校文化建设中化解办学危机,让北环走向成长、走向发展、走向自强.  相似文献   

The emergence of compensatory education and special education as two distinct entities within the larger educational system can be readily understood in terms of each program's unique social and historical background. An argument for continued separation of treatment along programmatic lines cannot be supported, however, due to growing evidence that the educational rationale for separate systems does not hold. That is, specific instructional treatments tend not to vary across programs, and particular strategies found to be effective are effective for both compensatory and special education students. Drawing upon a diverse pool of studies, we review the findings on the features of effective instructional practices that help to move the lower quartile of students closer to the mean and that are not setting bound. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications of effective instruction research for future research, reform policies, and current educational practices.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires states to establish accountability systems that are both valid and reliable. If one follows the language of the law literally, there is no design that will meet both requirements. If one interprets the law more flexibly, it is possible to create such a design. States will need to approach the problem carefully if they are going to appropriately balance the various probabilities of making incorrect decisions about schools.  相似文献   

潘灵的中篇小说《一个人和村庄》入围第六届鲁迅文学奖中篇小说奖十强,这是他多年来小说创作中的重要收获,也是云南小说创作的重要收获。在《一个人和村庄》中,他以悲悯的情怀和真诚的姿态,密切关注着自己所生活、所热爱的土地以及生活在这片土地上的人们的命运,他以自己的文字对城市、乡村,世俗物欲的扩张、人文精神的坚守等问题做出了思考。土地意识、留住乡愁、荒诞与苍凉是进入这部小说的重要关键词,论文从这三个方面出发对该作品进行解读。  相似文献   


Race is the social expression of power and privilege, and new racial configurations take shape in conjuction with alterations in the political economy of American society. This article examines the relationship of educational policy to the emergence of a new conception of racism that has appeared in the post-civil rights era: colorblind racism. Colorblind policies are championed as fair and just, congruent with the egalitarian aspirations of the Civil Rights Movement that culminated in the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. In rendering invisible the salience of race, the goal of colorblindness is to make advantage appear as a logical consequence of the natural order of things. The non-recognition of race as a form of political power tacitly enables the colorblind ideal to steer education policy toward the reinforcement of the dominant culture as the norm and the maintenance of hegemonic social arrangements. The insinuation of colorblindness into the culture of educational policymaking, and of No Child Left Behind in particular, suggests that substantive educational restructuring may not be part of the nation's racial agenda.  相似文献   

The value of play seems inherent to the understandings of early childhood, but teachers of young children in the elementary grades have rarely been studied as to their attitudes toward play (Wing, 1995). The research explored teacher perceptions of the role of play in learning and the implications for practice. The study involved 4 first-grade teachers from 2 diverse socioeconomic school settings. The pheno-menological work followed a qualitative format of interview with an analysis of related documents. Although the instructors held a common value for play in the development of young learners, they did not make a corresponding provisions for such in their classrooms with the exception of 1 participant. Varying perceptions of the definition and place of play resulted in differing levels of willingness to include child-initiated play that were spawned within the educational contexts. These perceptions led to the inductively realized outcome variables of instructional goals, student products, and classroom climate. Dewey's (1916) view of work and play, Bredekamp and Rosegrant's (1995) Continuum of Teacher Behaviors, and Ajzen and Fishbein's (1980) theory of reasoned action provided frameworks for deductively understanding the teachers' instructional decisions.  相似文献   

I was a 1)military brat.My father was a 2)marine officer before my birth and until I tarted high school.We moved twelve times in fourteen years.When people learn this,hey ask,"How did you ever make friends with anyone? That must have been hard for you."  相似文献   

What does No Child Left Behind (NCLB) have to do with higher education? Turns out plenty, according to Teniell L. Trolian and Kristin S. Fouts. They argue that NCLB has signifcant consequences for college learners.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) emphasizes educational accountability for all students. Twenty-eight states have policies to aggregate student participation and proficiency data for schools for the deaf in NCLB reports. The remaining states account for these students in other ways: referring student data to "sending" schools and aggregating data to the district or state level are most prominent. In reports of student assessment results for academic year 2002-2003, three schools for the deaf made "Adequate Yearly Progress" under NCLB: These schools demonstrated at least a 95% participation rate in assessments, and at least 95% of their students met or surpassed state proficiency benchmarks in reading and mathematics. Proficiency levels for other schools varied by report, but were often comparable to those of students with disabilities. Challenges and strategies for capturing the impact of NCLB accountability policies on deaf students are discussed.  相似文献   

How developed countries train, recruit and retain their schoolteachers is an area of considerable interest in education today. In this paper we consider how the US is addressing the issue of teacher quality by holding schools and school districts accountable for ensuring that all teachers of core subjects are ‘highly qualified’ by the end of the 2005–2006 school year. Part of the hugely important No Child Left Behind Act, this ‘highly qualified’ teacher requirement links billions of dollars of Federal funding to ensuring that schools and school districts develop strategies to meet these targets. We consider how successful this policy has been in two case study states: Wisconsin and California. What emerges is a mandate for change which emphasizes teachers' content knowledge over pedagogic skills, which reveals discrepancies in the certification, training and administration of the profession across different states, and which sharply reminds us of the difficulties faced by even the apparently simple policy of requiring high quality teachers by law.  相似文献   

布什总统2002年签署的<不让一个儿童掉队法案>是对1965年<初中等教育法案>最全面的改革,也是其执政期间最为耀眼的政绩之一,但是该法案的实施面临巨大的挑战,而英语问题学生达标是事关法案能否最终实现的关键.其中英语问题学生基础差,学业成绩大面积提高进展缓慢;以英语为考试语言的学科测试无法客观评估学生学业;英语问题学生人员流动性较大,学校面临巨大困惑;学校力不能及的相关因素,如语言学生的差异性,语言学生数量不断增加,NCLB与语言学生自相矛盾等都是该法案实施的瓶颈.美国<不让一个儿童掉队法案>实施中遇到的语言学生挑战对我国热议中的<国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要>的实施具有一定的启示作用.  相似文献   

试析美国教育改革计划《不让一个孩子掉队》   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<不让一个孩子掉队>教育改革计划正在美国如火如荼地进行,它表明了新世纪美国政府的教育改革方向.文章试从该计划改革的背景、实施状况、特点进行分析,以助于我们更全面地认识美国正在进行的教育改革.  相似文献   

Abstract Young children do not typically represent in their drawings the occlusion of a farther object by a nearer one. In response to such arrays, they frequently show either a horizontal or a vertical bias, i.e. either depicting the two objects side by side or one above the other. Though there seems to be a strong bias towards depicting array‐ rather than view‐specific information, this tendency does not seem to indicate any limitation in graphic skills. This experiment attempts to assess the differences in drawing response across two conditionsone which seems to demand view specificity, i.e. a games condition, and one which apparently does not. In a communication game, the drawings were produced by one child, designated as ‘Artist’, so that the other child, assigned to the role of ‘Detective’, could identify the chair which the ‘Artist’ had sat on. It is suggested that instructional effects, together with initial decisions to communicate with peers or adults, may be implicated in the relatively greater incidence of occlusion output in the standard over the games condition, particularly in the middle age ranges.  相似文献   

不让每个学生落下,这一口号蕴含了以现行教育对每个孩子进行改造的合理性与普遍性。它要求学校与教师使每个孩子都能得到和其他孩子相近或相当的教育结果,这是一种对标准化教学与评价的吁求。为了这一口号,学校教育变异为对数字结果的敏感与对自身的保护,学生们则成为实现这一目标所必需被操纵、强制与压迫的工具。"不让每个学生落下"并不等同于尊重与关心不同学生之不同需要。实际上,这一口号旨在消除不同学生之不同需要,迫使他们将赚取分数、学习文化课作为惟一真实的教育需要。为了孩子们更为丰富的生活和个性发展,"落下者"的意义需要重新被思寻。  相似文献   

In January 2002, President George W. Bush signed into law what is arguably the most important piece of US educational legislation for the past 35 years. For the first time, Public Law 107–110 links high stakes testing with strict accountability measures designed to ensure that, at least in schools that receive government funding, no child is left behind. The appropriately named No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) links government funding to strict improvement policies for America's public schools. Much of what is undertaken in NCLB is praiseworthy, the Act is essentially equitable for it ensures that schools pay due regard to the progress of those sections of the school population who have traditionally done less well in school, in particular, students from economically disadvantaged homes, as well as those from ethnic minority backgrounds and those who have limited proficiency to speak English. However, this seemingly salutatory aspect of the Act is also the one that has raised the most objections. This paper describes the key features of this important piece of legislation before outlining why it is that a seemingly equitable Act has produced so much consternation in US education circles. Through an exploration of school level data for the state of New Jersey, the paper considers the extent to which these concerns have been justified during the early days of No Child Left Behind.  相似文献   

This Bernsteinian analysis conceptualizes No Child Left Behind legislation in the United States as a recent and deliberate shift towards a “performance” model of official pedagogic discourse. The paper posits that this shift carries the capacity to fundamentally alter teachers' professional practices and identities. It examines particularly whether the policy shift has impacted the professional practices and identities of pre-service and early career teachers, whose training has been completed in the wake of No Child Left Behind, differently than it has impacted the professional practices and identities of their veteran counterparts.  相似文献   

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