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追求学校教育质量与效能是当今世界各国基础教育改革的核心要旨.学校效能研究从揭示学校对学生的成就影响开始,其间经历有效学校运动到学校改进运动,其目的是改进学校,使学校成为有效能的学校.学校效能研究在40年的发展过程中在方法论上不断革新,试图揭示学校效能的因素,在实践层面为政府以及学校重建提供理论指引;同时学校效能研究面临着政治化、专门化和技术化问题,问题的解决有待于研究的进一步深化.  相似文献   

Although school psychologists have been called on in recent literature to assume a leadership role in a collective and comprehensive effort to address students’ mental health needs, many practitioners find that their professional roles continue to be narrowly focused on special education‐related activities, such as individualized assessment and eligibility determination. Meanwhile, students’ mental health needs have never been greater. The current study focused specifically on school psychologists’ provision of school‐based counseling, an activity that has been shown to be effective in addressing students’ mental health needs, as well as a professional role that many practitioners have expressed a desire to expand. A national sample of school psychologists responded to an Internet survey related to various aspects of counseling service delivery, including their training to provide services, current practices, and perceptions of the importance for school psychologists to assume the responsibility of providing school‐based counseling services.  相似文献   

有效学校校长领导力是校长创造一种以学生高效学习、教师高效工作、有创新精神为特征的学校氛围的能力。在日益强调学校有效发展的今天,有效学校校长领导力对学校绩效的作用已逐渐引发了理论研究者和教育实践者的关注。本文对有效学校及相关概念的研究、有效学校校长领导力的研究、有效学校校长领导力与学校效能关系的研究进行了综述,并从研究理论、研究方法和研究内容三个方面对校长领导力的现有研究进行了反思和展望。  相似文献   

The subject of school and society is more comprehensive in the yearbook for 1979 than it usually is. Several factors are responsible for this: in the first place the reportage covers two years and in the second place it has been extended further, namely to March 30, so that it could cover both the school year and the parliamentary year, allowing us to report on legislative initiatives and the school debate around them in a mutually coherent way. Finally, material concerning the school has been much more abundant in the daily press now than earlier. This is both because some particularly important subjects have been debated, such as morning prayer, the Tvind school, and the U-90, and also because material concerning the school has been dealt with much more by the mass media than previously, and various events have been covered more comprehensively and in more newspapers than before.  相似文献   

Many studies have been conducted on hearing pupils' understanding of science. Findings from these studies have been used as grounds for planning instruction in school science. This article reports findings from an interview study of how deaf pupils in compulsory school reason about phenomena in a science context. The results reveal that there is variation in the extent to which pupils use scientific principles for reasoning about science phenomena. For some pupils, school science seems to have little to offer as a framework for reasoning. The results also generate questions about the need in school instruction of deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils to consider the specific teaching and learning situations in a deaf environment.  相似文献   

In the past decade a growing number of industrialised nations have been concerned with school systems which have attained their goals of academic excellence. Within the research on education in less developed countries, environmental factors, particularly in‐school determinants of student achievement have not been fully explored. This paper examines classroom management and teaching practices as they impact on student achievement in a Caribbean setting. Characteristics of academically persistent environments and school effectiveness strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Irrespective of how the roles, tasks, and responsibilities of principals have evolved due to educational change and reform, the school principal still holds the key to achieving school effectiveness. Over the last few decades, extensive studies have been conducted on the role of the school principal. Most scholars, researchers, and school reformers have discussed the role of the school principal as the school leader, school manager, key decision maker, facilitator, problem solver, chief executive officer, chief learner, marketer, team leader, and agent of change (Edmonds 1979; Clark, Lotto, and Astuto 1984; Smith and Purkey 1983; Gamage 1990, 1996a, and 1996b; Barth 1991; Sergiovanni 1987; Thomson 1993; Caldwell 1994; and Cranston 1996). These studies, however, provided only limited information about the profiles and professional development of school leaders who are meeting the new challenges in 21st-century schools.

In recent years, as a result of increased collaboration and communication among educational institutions in various nations, a series of research projects to examine and compare aspects of school leadership, including professional education and experiences of school leaders, have been conducted. This paper presents the profiles and entry perspectives of Australian and Japanese school principals, and information on preservice and in–service training programs related to professional development. Implications for changes in university-level professional development programs, and selection and training of school principals in both Australia and Japan are examined.  相似文献   

在学校文化建设中形成学校特色   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在学校外部环境和内部动因发生变化的状况下,学校文化建设已成为一种学校生存与发展战略,学校主体文化建设的自觉性不断增强。课程文化作为学校文化建设的重要组成部分,拓展了学校文化建设的内涵和品质,成为学校文化建设的重点与核心。学校文化建设与学校特色形成是同一枚硬币的两面,在学校文化建设中形成学校特色,着眼于课程与教学特色的形成,其实就是在建构学校文化的软实力。  相似文献   

三十年小学语文童话教学研究述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
童话,作为最富有幻想性、趣味性的儿童文学体裁,凭借着它与小学语文教学的天然联系,大量进入小学语文教科书,成为儿童和教师可以真实触摸的文本,也成为校园文化建设的重要资源.学术界一直以来对这类特殊文体就葆有浓厚的研究兴趣.综观三十年来研究成果,主要集中在对以下问题的研究:从教育教学的角度审视童话本体和童话选文;从宏观上整体把脉童话教与学的现状;从实践层面探索童话教学的新方法等三个方面,对小学语文童话教学研究做一个整体的历史回顾与评述.  相似文献   

本文以1980年以来岭南建筑学派研究的文本为研究对象,提出一种实践性的建筑历史与文本性的建筑理论相结合的研究模式,即从文本研究出发,将当代岭南建筑学派研究视为一个不断建构、反思与超越的历史发展过程,在此基础上对当代岭南建筑学派研究的进展进行梳理与评述。当代岭南建筑学派研究以何镜堂"两观三性"为标志,对学派思想和实践进行了具有哲学深度的系统整理与理论建构,为当代岭南建筑学派超越地域性建筑流派的思维定势,走向更为广阔的世界舞台奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Retention has been one way that school personnel have dealt with the problem of school failure. Some authors have proposed delayed school entry as an alternative to retention, especially since there are concerns about the effects of retention on students' self-esteem. It is unclear from the literature whether retention and delayed entry have differential outcomes on measures of school success. This study explored whether there were differences in IQ and achievement (at grades 2, 5, and 7) between students who delayed school entry and those who were retained in later elementary grades, as well as any interactions with gender. There was a significant 6-point difference in IQ, favoring the delayed-entry group. Furthermore, when the achievement test scores were analyzed using an ANCOVA with IQ as a covariate, no significant differences were identified for either group or gender. Implications for school practices are provided.  相似文献   

For the past half century, the American public school system has been on the receiving end of a considerable amount of criticism. People of faith have often been at the forefront of expressing that criticism. Attached to their criticism religious people have often called for school choice programs that include faith-based schools as the centerpiece of their ideas for reform. However, this article asserts that these reform ideas are often prepounded with little regard for the possible diadvantages of school choice. The author calls for a more balanced approach to assessing the costs and benefits of potential school choice programs.  相似文献   

论语派是二十世纪三、四十年代重要的文学流派。学术界对该流派进行了大量研究。1949年至1979年的研究以政治思想为评价标准,论语派被目为“帮闲文学”,遭到批判。1980年代的研究中较多运用社会学的研究方法,论语派的思想和艺术价值得到一定程度的肯定。1990年代,研究重点转向论语派的文化立场和文学思想,在作家研究方面取得了较大成绩。新世纪以来,由于研究视野的拓展和新方法的运用,论语派研究在作家作品、期刊、流派的整体特征等方面都获得丰硕成果。论语派研究领域仍存在可供深入开掘的空间,我们应运用新的研究方法进一步探寻论语派的文学史意义。  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to examine relationships between children's TV use and their TV environment, on the one hand, and their school performance on the other. Children and their parents have been asked about their viewing habits, and parents have been asked about their attitudes and actions as regards their children's viewing habits. Data about school achievement and marks have also been collected. The study is longitudinal with data on 194 children from the age of six to the age of 12, which have been analysed with the aid of the Partial Least Squares method. Various connections between TV use and school results are demonstrated. For example, children who grow up in a more ‘cognizant’ TV environment, i.e. are encouraged to watch children's programmes for their age group and get help with assimilating the contents of a programme, also cope better with the cognitive requirements of school  相似文献   

In the field of research into school television there exists at present no adequate overall grasp of the aims that should be set. I am referring here mainly to public television broadcasts for schools. Admittedly a great number of starts have been made in Europe; there have been many experiments concerning school television broadcasts and there have been a good many theoretical discussions—but as a whole the situation is far from satisfactory.  相似文献   

协同教育作为一种新的家校协作教育理念,被视为未来教育的方向。通过实证调查与日常观察,对当前制约农村家校协同教育顺利发展的失范行为进行归纳分析,从农村家庭教育与学校教育协同发展的本质内涵出发,对农村家庭教育与学校教育两者间主体地位失衡、家庭教育与学校教育两者间协同内容狭窄、家庭教育与学校教育两者间评价规范失实等各种阻碍家校协同教育发展中各种失范行为进行剖析,并提出针对性意见与策略,以期完善家校协同教育的发展机制。  相似文献   

Matched groups of pupils from consecutive intakes of a recently opened boys’ grammar school were compared as to academic performance at GCE ‘O’ level and as to attitude to school, while the school, which began by being rigidly streamed, was gradually being unstreamed. The main conclusion has been that significantly more boys have done well at GCE ‘O’ level (gaining five or more passes) as a result of less streaming but slightly at the expense of the brightest pupils, not as to the number of passes these boys have obtained but as to the quality of those passes. There has also been social gain under conditions of less streaming: the behaviour of the boys has improved in general, although the overall attitude to school, as measured by analysis of questionnaires, has not altered.  相似文献   

Over the past 30 years, school principals have been exhorted to articulate a clear vision as a key tool for stimulating the improvement of teaching and learning in their schools. Over the past decade, as school systems have sought to distribute leadership more broadly within schools, the same imperative has applied to middle-level leaders. Indeed, a key assumption underlying the move towards sharing leadership responsibilities more broadly has been the belief that this would strengthen collective efforts and reduce the gap between goals and outcomes. Yet, to date, there have relatively few investigations of the extent to which middle-level leaders are contributing to school improvement efforts. This study sought to understand how shared vision within school management teams (SMTs) impacts teacher commitment and teacher support for students through school alignment and coherence. Dyad survey data were collected from 411 SMT members and 559 teachers at 32 primary schools in Hong Kong. Results indicated that shared vision in SMTs is positively related to teachers' perception of school alignment and coherence, teachers' commitment and teacher support to students. Theoretical and practical implications of findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite persistent calls for school psychologists to provide comprehensive and integrated services, school psychologists may have difficulty providing these services because of critical shortages in the profession. This practical action research study involved surveying district supervisors of school psychologists and training program directors in the state to identify the current and projected shortages in Florida. This multimethod, multi‐informant case example also focused on facilitators of and barriers to addressing the critical shortage. How the data have been used to inform recruitment, retention, and advocacy efforts to identify school psychology as a critical shortage legislatively are provided as well as recommendations for future research.  相似文献   

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