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Since 1968, more than 600 educated youths from the Kweichow Neighborhood of Nanking East Road, Whangpoo District, Shanghai, have responded to the call of our great leader Chairman Mao that "educated youths must go to the villages and receive reeducation from the poor and lower-middle peasants." They have gone to the villages in every part of the country and to the border regions to make revolution. After sending off these educated youths, some of the cadres of the neighborhood thought, "Our responsibilities are finished. We can relax." However, after some time passed, some of the young people in the villages met with difficulties and vacillated in their thinking; and some parents were anxious because their sons and daughters had gone far away. The neighborhood branch realized that is it did not immediately help the parents resolve this problem, it would not only affect their adherence to revolution and promotion of production but, more importantly, it would adversely affect the cultivation of successors to the proletarian revolution. It was at this time that a group of parents of educated youths voluntarily organized small groups to discuss together the problem of how to educate sons and daughters to set down roots in the villages. The Party branch immediately latched onto this newborn thing and set about mobilizing the masses, organizing the parents to study the series of directives of Chairman Mao concerning the movement of educated youths up to the mountains and down to the countryside in order to raise their consciousness of line struggle, so that they would actively coordinate with the resettlment area in doing a good job of reeducating the educated youths.  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the extremely important recent instructions of our great leader Chairman Mao, a large number of workers' Mao Tsetung's thought propaganda teams are rapidly entering colleges and universities and other units which have failed to conduct a successful struggle-criticism-transformation campaign. Thus, a high tide in the struggle-criticism-transformation campaign, under the leadership of the working class and participated in by millions of revolutionary people, is being fiercely launched with a force strong enough to overthrow mountains and upset seas. After they have studied Chairman Mao's latest instructions and Comrade Yao Wen-yuan's important article, "The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership in Everything," the broad masses of workers across the nation courageously and without restraint say: "Whenever Chairman Mao waves his hand, we march forward! Under the leadership of the proletarian headquarters, with Chairman Mao as its commander and Vice-Chairman Lin Piao as its deputy commander, we must study better and make living use of Mao Tsetung's thought. The working class should always raise its political consciousness in the course of struggle, unite with the broad masses of revolutionary people of all levels to march forward along Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary path, persist in carrying out the great historical mission of a struggle-criticism-transformation campaign, and win a complete victory in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!"  相似文献   

More than six years have passed since the publication of Chairman Mao's brilliant "July 21" Directive. Chairman Mao stated: "It is still necessary to have universities; here I refer mainly to colleges of science and engineering. However, it is essential to shorten the length of schooling, revolutionize education, put proletarian politics in command, and take the road of the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant in training technicians from among the workers. Students should be selected from among workers and peasants who have practical experience, and they should return to production after a few years of study." Chairman Mao's important directive addresses itself not only to the field of education but also to our socialist industrial enterprises and the working class. Guided by Chairman Mao's directive, school education has undergone a profound change during these six years, and factory-run education has developed greatly. The more we travel along the "July 21" road, the more it broadens.  相似文献   

Seven years ago, our great leader Chairman Mao personally approved of the investigation report entitled "The Road of Training Technicians as Seen from the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant" and issued the brilliant "July 21 Directive." Chairman Mao pointed out: "It is still necessary to have universities; here I refer mainly to colleges of science and engineering. However, it is essential to shorten the length of schooling, revolutionize education, put proletarian politics in command, and take the road of the Shanghai Machine-Tool Plant in training technicians from among the workers. Students should be selected from among the workers and peasants having practical experience, and they should return to production after a few years of study."  相似文献   

It is worthwhile that we pay a great deal of attention to the experience the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County had in carrying out the revolution in education. Chairman Mao points out: "In the countryside, poor and lower-middle peasants should manage our schools, because they are the most reliable ally of the working class." In action, the comrades at the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County have already implemented this great instruction of Chairman Mao, by having poor and lower-middle peasants, as leaders, work with the revolutionary teachers and students to run the schools and to reform the educational system. There are some people who look at the revolution in education as something quite difficult to accomplish. The truth is, all we need do is follow Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line — firmly and unwaveringly, seriously but not perfunctorily — as well as to be good in summarizing experiences and lessons. Before too long, there will be noticeable results. Hasn't the outlook of the Shuiyuan Commune, which irrevocably carried out Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary thinking on education, changed completely in just a little over six months' time?  相似文献   

Seven years ago, in the brilliant illumination of Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive," this new socialist thing known as the May 7 cadre school came into being. Chairman Mao issued a great call: "Sending the masses of cadres to do manual labor gives them an excellent opportunity to renew their study; it should be done by all cadres except those who are too old, weak, ill or disabled. Working cadres should also go group by group to do manual labor." Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive" and his injunction to "send the masses of cadres to do manual labor" are of great significance in opposing and preventing revisionism and consolidating the dictatorship of the proletariat, and they have clearly pointed the direction that May 7 cadre schools should take. While people everywhere are engaged in studying the theory of proletarian dictatorship and investigating how to run May 7 cadre schools better, we would like to introduce a well-run May 7 cadre school to everyone: the May 7 cadre school of the CCP Central Committee office.  相似文献   

I invite everyone to speak freely today. The government began this work after Liberation. Before the end of 1954 the Research Committee for Chinese Writing Reform was reorganized as the Committee for Chinese Writing Reform. During the past two years we have concentrated primarily on bringing order to the Chinese characters and on determining the phonetic plan. The "Plan for the Simplification of Chinese Characters" was promulgated in February 1956. It includes three tables. The "Plan for the Phonetic Spelling of Chinese is at this very time being considered by the judicial committee appointed by the State Council. Both the simplification plan and the phonetic plan were debated by the political associations, and opinions were solicited from all sectors, but the response has been insufficient. Writing reform is a major undertaking; it concerns several hundred million people; ultimately it is related to education; it has relevance for communications; telegraph, industry, and all other fields; we need opinions from all of them. We are holding this meeting today to hear the opinions of everyone. All aspects of our work, from principles to specific problems, can be discussed. There are many defects in our work, and we hope to hear criticism of all of them. If there is not enough time today, we can continue the discussion later.  相似文献   

The town of Chu-chou in Hunan Province, carrying out the great directive of Chairman Mao that "educated youths should go to the countryside," has put into practice factory-commune links, and under the leadership of cadres, has made a collective settlement of educated youths in commune and brigade farms, forest areas, and tea plantations. In the last two years the entire town has located more than 8,000 educated youths using this method of settlement. This is a valuable undertaking by the people of Chu-chou, and it is enthusiastically hailed by workers, peasants, and educated youths.  相似文献   

“两课”教学的实效性和大学生的创业问题是高校面临着的客观问题。将“两课”教学改革与大学生创业教育有机结合起来,在贯彻党的教育方针的前提下,将“两课”教学的基本培养目标定位在责任感,激发学生的创业欲望;调整“两课”课程设置,为大学生创业教育提供服务平台;强化“两课”实践教学,发挥学生的主体作用,切实提高大学生的创业能力,这有利于提高“两课”的德育功效,有利于帮助大学生正确对待创业问题。  相似文献   

In his brilliant article "The Orientation of the Youth Movement," our great leader Chairman Mao analyzed the task, object, and impetus of the revolution in China. Based on the historical experience of China's revolution, he brought out in a penetrating way the significance of having revolutionary youth integrate themselves with the worker-peasant masses and formulated a Marxist-Leninist line for youth work. Guided by this line, the broad masses of young people in our country over the past decades have persisted in proceeding along the road of integrating themselves with workers and peasants and have made positive contributions to the revolution. We must continuously adhere to this correct line set forth by Chairman Mao.  相似文献   

It has already been six years since Chairman Mao issued the brilliant directive to "take the road of the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant and train technicians from among the workers." For the past six years, the working class of Shanghai has been resolutely moving forward in the direction Chairman Mao has led. Besides selecting a large number of workers with practical experience to enter higher-level schools to study each year, the mass movement for factory-run schooling has been intensively developing every day. So far, over 90 percent of the whole city's major industrial enterprises have already launched various forms of technical education. Altogether, there are over 200,000 staff and workers taking part in technical study. The entire city has 48 schools like the "July 21" Workers' University of the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant and over 7,700 students. There are over 300 spare-time secondary technical schools. In addition, there are also a great number of short-term technical training classes and all kinds of spare-time education.  相似文献   

This article dwells on the importance of revolutionary mass criticism and social survey to the reform of universities of liberal arts. Having conscientiously summed up their lesson in traversing a tortuous path, Futan University's "May 7" experimental liberal arts class resolutely carried out Chairman Mao's instruction, "Liberal arts should take the whole society as its factory," and centering on revolutionary mass criticism, organically combined classroom teaching and the Three Great Revolutionary Movements. Over the question of teaching material, they persisted in putting all courses of study under command of Marxism, Leninism, and Mao Tsetung thought. Taking Chairman Mao's works as the basic teaching material and opposing transplanting of the old teaching material, they overcame the lack of teaching material. In the course of revolutionary mass criticism they broke the old concept of "dignity of teachers" and built a new teacher-student relationship. Teaching presented an initial outlook of "officers educate men, men educate officers, and men educate one another."  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(3-4):121-125
At the meeting of the Central United Front Office, in addition to proposing the so-called "Institute for Political Planning" which was intended to take the leadership away from the Communist Party and to smash the people's democracy, Zhang Bojun made a derogatory speech about writing reform,? He stated contemptuously that writing reform was conceived by a few people behind closed doors, that it had not been researched or debated.  相似文献   

Chairman Mao pointed out long ago that "education must serve proletarian politics and be combined with productive labor" and that "our education policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually, and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture." Chairman Mao set forth this policy in accordance with the basic theory of the proletarian dictatorship, a policy which generalizes the experience and lessons of class struggle in the sphere of education both inside and outside our country. In order to use education as an instrument for restoring capitalism, Liu Shao-ch'i, Lin Piao, and their ilk have tried in every way to resist, undermine, and distort the policy. Though Liu Shao-ch'i and Lin Piao were defeated in their scheme, class struggle and two-line struggle remain acute on the education front and will continue to be so for a long time to come. The revolution in education forms an important part of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and got its start only in recent years. We face a formidable task of carrying on the struggle, and we will advance along an uneven road. But at all times and under all trying circumstances, we must never waver in our adherence to the education policy laid down by Chairman Mao. We must firmly implement the policy in our practice, and on the basis of our current achievements, carry on the revolution in education.  相似文献   

英国的媒介素养教育的出发点比较高,从保护高尚文化和主流价值观开始,比较主动,更加强调独立意识的培养;而美国的媒介素养教育从如何避免媒介对青少年的负面影响开始,形式比较被动,实用性很强,它要求青少年除了会接触使用媒介,更为重要的是为我所用;加拿大看到了媒介对青少年的积极作用,把媒介作品当艺术品来看待,并没有要求学生对媒介完全持怀疑态度,比较符合青少年对媒介充满期待的特点。这些媒介素养教育值得我国借鉴的地方在于:我们要欣赏媒介,理解媒介,媒介素养教育是一种终身教育,要分阶段分重点进行。  相似文献   

At present, people throughout our country are conscientiously studying and implementing a series of important directives from Chairman Mao regarding the problem of theory and other issues. The study serves as a further impetus to all our undertakings. As with everything else in the country, an excellent situation has developed on the education front. From the "July 21" Workers' University in Shanghai to Ch'ao-yang Agricultural Institute in Liaoning Province, from the Communist Labor University in Kiangsi to schools in Tachai, both north and south of the Yangtze River, and both within and beyond the Great Wall, newborn things of the revolution in education are emerging everywhere like fresh flowers blooming one after another. Through various experimentation and tests, a brand-new system of proletarian education is on the way to being fully established and solidified. It was on July 27, 1968, that workers' and soldiers' Mao Tse-tung Thought propaganda teams began to move into educational institutes. Since then, Peking and Tsinghua universities, guided by Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, have vigorously forged ahead with the revolution in education. On their campuses, the broad masses of workerpeasant-soldier students are rapidly growing up and the ranks of intellectuals are undergoing a profound change.  相似文献   

It is now eight years since our great leader Chairman Mao issued the "May 7 Directive," and the Liu-ho Cadre School, which is run in accord with the Chairman's brilliant directive, is now entering its seventh year. Today, while recalling the course of our struggle here at the Liu-ho school, and renewing our study of the instructions given by Chairman Mao eight years ago, we feel especially enthusiastic.  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):164-174
The train passes through lofty mountains and crosses gorges, moving forward as fast as wind and lightning. Zhang Daishu, Chairman of the revolutionary committee at Yangjiawan Elementary School in Yanan, an Overseas Chinese who returned to her mother country and who is a member of the Communist Party, looks out the window and watches the scenery as it passes quickly by. Her mind is in turmoil, and her thoughts float from one thing to another. [She thinks about how] she has just traveled thousands of miles to Chongqing from Yanan to visit Tao Duanyu, the "exceptional model" of what had once been the Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia Border Region; she had been the first teacher at Yangjiawan Elementary School. [Zhang Daishu] would never forget this in her lifetime. On her journey home, she repeatedly encouraged herself, saying, I must inherit and develop the revolution in education undertaken by the great leader Chairman Mao during the Yanan period and its glorious tradition; I must take over the revolutionary tradition, This "model elementary school" was established with the direct involvement of Chairman Mao and the Party's Central Committee, and it must raise even higher the red flag. …  相似文献   

毛泽东在领导我国革命和建设的过程中,在人的一系列问题上提出了自己的独到见解,进一步继承和发展了马克思主义人学思想。确立毛泽东人学思想在中国哲学中的重要地位,积极探索毛泽东人学思想研究的新途径,对于我们在建设中国特色社会主义的过程中既坚定共产主义信念、不忘"人的全面发展"的大目标,又立足于积极"促进人的全面发展"的现阶段实践,有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

At present, under the guidance of our great leader Chairman Mao's theory of continuing revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat, and following our wise leader Chairman Hua's strategic policy of grasping principles to manage the country, the eight hundred million people of China are engaging in people's war, striking down, exposing and criticizing the "gang of four." We are struggling to build our country into a strong socialist state with modern agriculture, modern industry, modern national defense and modern science and technology. The situation is very exciting, but it puts a lot of pressure on us. In such circumstances, what should we do about education?  相似文献   

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