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In recent years the Education Commission of Fujian Province has taken further steps toward placing the work of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) in a position of being "the most important of all that is important" among the various items of enterprises to be developed; it has also upheld the drawing up of plans by each district and locality, and the provision of instructions and guidance to each region within the province depending on the category in which the region belongs, and has thus given great impetus to the promotion of smoothly implementing the plan for popularizing NYCE.  相似文献   

举办一届历史上最出色的奥运会是北京奥运行动的战略目标之一,是中国政府向世界做出的庄严承诺.向13亿中国人普及奥林匹克教育既是衡量最出色奥运会的重要指标,又是北京奥运会筹办工作的难点.从分析当前中国奥林匹克教育存在的主要问题和中国农村奥林匹克教育的状况入手,就加强中国农村奥林匹克教育,提高奥林匹克教育的普及程度进行了深入的探索.  相似文献   

At the on-site conference convened at Ruyang on July 11, which was held on the subject of implementing the "Project for Promoting Compulsory Education in Impoverished Regions" and the World Bank Loan for the "Third Basic Education Project" for impoverished regions in Henan Province (hereafter, referred to as the "Two Projects"), the reporters who attended the conference were excited about the achievements that Henan Province has attained in the implementing of these "Two Projects," and, after the conference concluded, were moved to go down to the countryside, in spite of the harsh wilting heat of the summertime, to visit the places where the achievements had been made and to "get the story out."  相似文献   

In order to accomplish the mission of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) in Shaanxi Province according to schedule and also to ensure quality, we have, over many years, given full play to the functional role of the Education Commission and have put the popularizing of NYCE in the position of being "the most important of all that is important." We have been enthusiastic and have put all our strengths together to fight this battle; thus there has been a fundamental transformation of the outlook of basic education in some of the counties on the great plains of the Guanzhong region and especially in the impoverished regions.  相似文献   

By the end of 1996, nine of the ten districts and counties under the jurisdiction of the government of Jinan municipality in Shandong Province had already passed the provincial government's inspection of the results of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE), with Shanghe County being the only one remaining. Shanghe County had once been one of the fourteen impoverished counties in Shandong Province, with an annual revenue of less than 40 million rmb. Earlier this year, when people estimated that it would take some 60 to 70 million rmb for the county to be able to realize the popularization of NYCE, even the people of Shanghe themselves thought this was a fairy tale.  相似文献   

As one of the most populous provinces in the country, Henan Province faces an enormous and arduous task for popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) throughout the province. In order to accomplish this historic mission, the provincial Party committee and the provincial government have proposed a strategy of "Prospering Henan Province Through Science and Education," in which, from first to last, we are placing education in a position of priority for development. In handling matters of the relationship among the various types and levels of education, we are firmly maintaining that compulsory education must be put in the position of being "the most important matter among all important matters," so as to promote the sustained, healthy, and secure development of compulsory education throughout the province. At this time, in terms of the major indicators, the degree of popularizing NYCE in our province is slightly ahead of the average levels and standards for the country as a whole. The average number of years of education received by the citizens of our province has increased from 6.3 years in 1990 to 7 years today, and thus there has been a relatively significant improvement in the educational quality of our citizens; this has, in turn, helped to promote the construction of the TWO Civilizations throughout our province.  相似文献   

What struck us most deeply as we visited Anhui Province to learn about the conditions of popularizing nine years of compulsory education (NYCE) there was the courage to innovate on the part of the people of Anhui and their spirit of accomplishing things. In the face of the two major difficulties—the need to invest in the educational budget and the enhancement of the rate of popularization—the folks in Anhui not only came up with a way to resolve these problems but also put their noses to the grindstone and, in the most pragmatic manner, worked hard to produce remarkable results.  相似文献   

民主式教学理论的核心是民主——学生自主学习和充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性。本文从什么是民主式教学和职业学校对民主式教学的需求以及职业学校如何开展民主式教学三个方面进行论述。  相似文献   

中国2007年前实施的9年义务教育基本上是农民负担的,2007年之后的9年义务教育是低水平的。影响义务教育年限的因素有四点:经济因素、人口状况、国家传统、法律准备。将中国与实行12年义务教育的国家进行比较,同时对高中阶段教育的性质和当前义务教育实施中教育公平问题进行分析,结论是:落实9年义务教育是义务教育工作的当前目标,有步骤、分阶段地实施12年义务教育是长远目标。  相似文献   

就外语教学如何培养学生创新主动性提出了几点想法。  相似文献   

励精图治谋发展 改革创新建示范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京工业职业技术学院围绕国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划的实施,积极探索高技能人才的培养规律,加强内涵建设,创新校企合作、工学结合的人才培养模式,深化课程建设与改革,加强双师结构师资队伍建设和生产性实训基地建设,示范院校建设取得初步成果。  相似文献   

我国义务教育发展中的政府责任视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国义务教育中政府责任问题的理解要顺应新时期我国政府职能的重新诠释。作为一种公共服务的义务教育,政府在其中的责任应该得到重视和重新建构。这种责任在宏观上应做以下三个设问:我国义务教育中政府责任承担的现状怎样?“以县为主”达到预期的政策目的了吗?对现存问题的解决路径在哪里?基于我国义务教育的发展现实,我国政府责任在义务教育发展中处于缺位状态,仅仅片面强调“以县为主”也无法完全解决当前义务教育中存在的实际困境。提出对我国义务教育中的问题,应从发展的角度,通过发展各地方在义务教育发展中的权利与能力来构筑问题解决的路径。  相似文献   

杨银付 《中国教育学刊》2020,(2):I0001-I0001
义务教育是国家依法统一实施,所有适龄儿童、少年必须接受的教育,是我国教育工作的重中之重。提高义务教育质量是教育系统的份内之责,同时也是全党全社会的共同责任。全面提高义务教育质量,要坚持党的全面领导。习近平总书记在全国教育大会上强调,教育是国之大计、党之大计。各级党委、政府要从培养德智体美劳全面发展的中国特色社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人的政治站位和培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人的战略全局看待提高义务教育质量的重要性,并从以下方面着力。一是在推动教育优先发展上加强领导。  相似文献   

对当前我国义务教育培养目标定位的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从现行义务教育的课程和办学实践来看,我国义务教育的培养目标表现出越来越强的“人才”培养特征。这种目标定位既不符合现行我国的教育目的,也不符合义务教育对象的身心发展实际,更有悖于义务教育的性质和根本任务,实则是许多社会问题滋生的一个深层根源。从义务教育的本质、对象以及当前社会主义民主政治建设的需要来看,我国义务教育当以培养合格公民为其基本使命。  相似文献   

学分制是以学分为手段来衡量和管理学生学业状况的教学制度,体现了现代高等教育追求教育民主和培养创新人才的理念。促使当前我国高校实施的学分制走向这一真正意义上的学分制.实际是使“实然”走向“应然”的进步。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,党和国家十分重视义务教育的普及,采取了很多重大措施来推进义务教育的普及工作,使得我国实现了预定的到1990年“普初”的目标,到2000年基本“普九”的目标。到现在,我国普及义务教育的程度达到了较高水平。在这一过程中,积累了许多值得总结和继续发扬的普及义务教育的经验。  相似文献   

义务教育阶段校际差距远比区域之间和区域内部教育不公平更为严重。区域间社会经济发展不平衡、城乡二元结构的发展模式、重点校政策、执法不严、社会阶层分化等诸多因素造成了这种差距。因此应采取建立健全教育经费投入机制,制定统一标准、规范化办学,均衡调配师资,扶持薄弱学校等综合措施予以缓解以逐步达到教育均衡发展的目的。  相似文献   

我国义务教育财政不公平探讨   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
我国有关法规有体现教育公平的规定,但《教育法》、《义务教育法实施细则》存在一些导致义务教育财政不公平的条款。义务教育财政运行的结果表明,地区之间、城乡之间、居民之间在义务教育生均经费、办学条件、经费负担等方面存在巨大差距。虽然政府为提升义务教育财政公平进行了努力,但力度和成效还不大。我国迫切需要建立义务教育财政转移支付制度和对贫困学生的资助制度,以减少义务教育财政的不公平。  相似文献   

世界义务教育自诞生之日起至今,已历时近四百年,世界各国在实施义务教育时都积累了相当丰富的经验。我国应根据本国的国情特点,适当借鉴外国义务教育的成功经验,加强立法和宣传力度、灵活确定义务教育投资主体、合理配置师资以及营造农村新的人文环境和发展态势等,积极推动义务教育的发展,从而提高国民素质。  相似文献   

目的:了解九年一贯制学校教师的适应性现状.方法:采用自编的开放式问卷和个案访谈的形式对成都市石室双楠实验学校的不同性别、教龄和学历等的教师的适应性的现状进行研究.结果:1.九年一贯制学校教师的适应性总体普遍不高,特别是在教学内容和教学管理方面,超过50%的教师感觉完全不适应;2.男教师比女教师的适应性好;3.教龄越长的...  相似文献   

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