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The study combines a bibliometric approach with a content analysis of abstracts of articles to explore the patterns of international comparative higher education research in leading international journals. The overall data set covers 4,095 publications from the Web of Science for the period 1992–2012 and the amount of international comparative articles in this data set is analyzed utilizing a geographical coding. Contrary to a general proliferation of international and global trends in higher education, the results of the analysis most importantly reveal a relatively steady state of international comparative higher education research over the past 20 years. Further patterns examined show that international collaborative articles have a much higher share in international comparative research compared to non-comparative research, small-scale country clusters are preferred for comparison and there is a dense network of comparative clusters between Europe and the US. Finally, rationales for these patterns are discussed, as well as potential implications.  相似文献   

Finding the balance between adequately describing the uniqueness of the context of studied phenomena and maintaining sufficient common ground for comparability and analytical generalisation has widely been recognised as a key challenge in international comparative research. Methodological reflections on how to adequately cover context and comparability have extensively been discussed for quantitative survey or secondary data research. In addition, most recently, promising methodological considerations for qualitative comparative research have been suggested in comparative fields related to higher education. The article’s aim is to connect this discussion to comparative higher education research. Thus, the article discusses recent advancements in the methodology of qualitative international comparative research, connects them to older analytical methods that have been used within the field in the 1960s and 1970s, and demonstrates their analytical value based on their application to a qualitative small‐N case study on research groups in diverse organisational contexts in three country contexts.  相似文献   

本文主要探讨了比较教育研究国际视野和民族立场的关系问题.在全球化和本土化两大思潮博弈的背景下,这一问题渐渐凸显出来.我们认为,比较教育研究既要以国际视野为其研究的着眼点,强调以国际比较的视角研究和借鉴其他民族国家的教育,又要以民族立场作为其研究的立足点.一切研究都是为了本民族国家的教育实践,都要置于研究对象的传统文化语境下来进行.比较教育研究的国际视野和民族立场既对立又统一,它们是相反相成的两个概念.  相似文献   

潘懋元先生是我国高等教育界的学术泰斗,比较教育思想是其教育思想的一个重要方面。潘懋元先生的比较教育思想有其独到的见解,对比较教育的意义、对象和方法都有详细的阐述;并认为比较教育要强调客观、公正的研究态度,倡导多维的研究视角,坚持发展的研究观点,纵观学科的发展趋势;同时,在几十年的教育实践中,潘先生通过参加国际学术活动、前往各国实地考察、合作编写英文著作、在国际期刊上发表学术论文等形式践行着自己的比较教育思想。  相似文献   

This article revisits methodological perspectives on international comparative research on teacher education (TE). Benefits and problems related to comparative educational research methodology in general are discussed. Further, methodological issues associated with designing and carrying out an international comparative study on TE are addressed using a multi-level study on teacher education in Finland and Norway an as example. Towards the end of the article, the promises and limitations of international comparative research on TE are presented. Important benefits of comparative education on TE include widening the understanding of one’s own and other TE systems as well as gaining an understanding of international trends. However, uncritical use of such research may lead to decontextualised, ahistorical and standardised transfer and development of education and educational policies. The article concludes by urging researchers in the field of international comparative research on teacher education to address the questions: What is being compared? How is context addressed?  相似文献   

教师教育课程改革的国际趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国《教师教育课程标准》的研制建立在对国际教师教育课程改革研究的基础之上,本文对美国、英国、德国、法国、澳大利亚和日本等发达国家教师教育课程改革的理念和实践展开比较分析,指出教师教育课程改革的国际趋势表现在:开展旨在教师终身专业发展的、以学习者为中心的教师教育课程改革;注重教师教育课程的前沿性、灵活性和实用性;注重模块式课程的开发和教育临床研究;注重以学生为中心的课程实施方法;注重质的评价和严格把关相结合的课程评价。  相似文献   

论全球化背景下比较教育研究的方法论拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较教育研究的发展在很大程度上源于方法论的不断丰富.在当今教育全球化的背景下,重新审视比较教育方法论显得尤为重要.本文从国际政治学、后现代主义和文化哲学的视角提出关于方法论拓展方面的一些设想,旨在提高比较教育研究的科学性,促进比较教育学科的自身发展.  相似文献   

民族国家是当代世界最基本的组织形态,是国际关系的基本主体,而比较教育和国际教育又是以民族国家为基本单元开展研究的。本文着重指出了国际教育的双重性,并重点探讨了民族国家的生存方式如何决定或影响着比较教育和国际教育研究模式,最后强调民族国家对于比较教育和国际教育的重要性。  相似文献   


Based on data from the “2014 Chinese University Faculty Survey,” this article analyzes the distribution characteristics and manifestations of internationalization from returnee faculty to Chinese colleges as well as their impacts on the internationalization of higher education in the three dimensions of scientific research output, teaching content and methods, and international exchanges. Compared to local teachers, returnee faculty members adjust their research output strategies to reach a higher level of internationalization. They favor publishing papers in international journals and publish fewer domestic papers and make fewer domestic patent applications. They focus on international perspectives and content in their course teaching content and methods. In terms of international exchanges, they participate in international academic conferences and travel abroad more often for advanced studies. Their experiences studying overseas accumulate their comparative advantage in the internationalization of the academic profession. Higher education institutions should make them play larger roles in promoting the internationalization of scientific research and teaching as well as international academic exchanges to improve the level of internationalization of Chinese higher education.  相似文献   

Comparative higher education: potentials and limits   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
Research on higher education is an object-focussed area based on a broad range of disciplines. The institutional base is often shaky and diverse. Various characteristics, notably the blurred distinction between the scholar and the reflective practitioner, contribute to considerable tensions, though research on higher education enjoys substantial public attention.Interest in comparative research on higher education grew in recent years and was reinforced by the community of higher education researchers in Europe. As it can be conceptually and methodologically demanding and fruitful, the growing interest could serve as a stimulus for enhancing a common identity and a growing quality. However, few comparative research designs represent the ideal type of setting a research agenda of clearly defined hypotheses to be tested, and if they do so, the study mostly turns out to be too simplistic due to disregard of the complex context. Rather, most comparative projects are exploratory and most productive in providing unexpected insight.In addition, comparative research faces many problems of a practical nature. Costly research seems to be granted sufficient funds only if it addresses issues of current political concern. Language barriers and limits of field knowledge often lead to a poor provision of information. International collaborative research teams tend to be vulnerable due to, among others, a heterogeneity of schools of thoughts, spiralling costs and different work styles.The author argues that comparative studies on higher education are most fruitful in destroying conceptual reasoning based on narrow experience; they are a gold mine for the early stages of conceptual restructuring. They are indispensible for understanding a reality shaped by common international trends, reforms based on comparative observation, growing trans-national activities and partial supra-national integration in higher education. Comparative projects can be regarded as theoretically and methodologically most promising if they are based on a semi-structured research design, whereby the strengths of various conceptual approaches in explaining the phenomena are analysed and the researchers systematically deal with the fact that the project is likely to generate surprising information requiring to restructure the initial conceptual framework.  相似文献   

康德尔比较教育方法论述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
康德尔比较教育方法论的形成有其坚实的理论渊源和特定的时代背景.在分析了当时比较教育研究现状的基础上,康德尔提出了自己的方法论思想.他认为,民族主义、民族特性和国际主义是比较教育研究的基础和核心,因素和力量分析是开展比较教育研究的切入点.康德尔的比较教育方法论思想对理解当前比较教育中的民族立场与国际视野的关系具有重要意义.  相似文献   

如何扩大留学生教育规模,是目前高等教育国际化面临的热点课题。澳大利亚在较短时间内摆脱了留学生教育发展困境,一跃成为当今世界的主要留学生接收国,在国际留学生教育服务市场的占有率居高不下,其发展经验很有借鉴意义。本文集中对中澳两国留学生教育发展策略展开对比分析,力求以澳大利亚经验为基础,探索出一种切实可行的发展策略,推进我国留学生教育事业整体进程。  相似文献   


The articles in this special issue include different perspectives on comparative policy studies with an aim to understand transnational education policies in relation to the logic of national educational systems and to grasp the ongoing reframing of teacher identity and teaching as a result of the policy activities of ‘new’ and coordinated international actors. This special issue aims to contribute to a continued qualified investigation in curriculum issues at the various levels within the public education system, as well as in the international policy movements, affecting public education differently in different nations. A ‘comparative curriculum research’ inspired by theories and methods from comparative education might be helpful in this endeavour.  相似文献   

博士生教育是国际上公认的正规高等教育的最高层次,导师的指导在博士生培养过程中起着举足轻重的作用。本文对澳大利亚昆士兰大学关于博士生导师指导情况的调查进行了分析和研究,并通过国际比较,从博士生的角度,阐述了导师指导频率这一影响博士生培养质量的关键因素。最后对提高我国博士生导师的指导频率提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

国外比较成人教育研究探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外比较成人教育包括国际成人教育和比较成人教育两个重要的组成部分。国际成人教育主要体现在世界范围内的政府组织、非政府组织、国际成人教育大会以及其它各种社会团体和成人教育工作者的广泛合作上。比较成人教育则经历了成人教育经验全盘借鉴和动力和因素分析两个时期。信息资料不全和不对等,影响了比较成人教育研究的发展。  相似文献   

自1857年俄罗斯民族教育家之父乌申斯基发表《论公共教育的民族性》一文以来,至今俄罗斯比较教育研究已走过150余年的发展历程。学者们在对各国教育进行大量研究的基础上,就研究的单位、主题、范式等方面都建立了自己独特的风格,成为世界比较教育研究发展的一个重要部分,也为世界比较教育学科的发展做出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

顾明远是当代中国著名的比较教育学家。他辛勤耕耘,开拓创新,建构了以比较教育的目的与方法、比较教育与文化研究、比较教育与知识经济、比较教育与国际理解以及国别教育研究为主要内容的比较教育体系。他首创中国比较教育学科点,拓展了比较教育的研究对象,创新了比较教育的研究方法,为创立具有中国特色的比较教育学做出了杰出贡献。  相似文献   

This article explores two distinct strategies suggested by academics in Tanzania for publishing and disseminating their research amidst immense higher education expansion. It draws on Arjun Appadurai’s notions of ‘strong’ and ‘weak’ internationalisation to analyse the perceived binary between ‘international’ and ‘local’ academic journals and their concomitant differences in status. In an attempt to examine critically how the status quo regarding knowledge production in higher education is maintained and reproduced, the article explores interactions between a Tanzanian academic and an educational researcher from the global North, including the ways in which research collaborations between academics from different contexts and material conditions in their institutions may both advance and inhibit professional development of academics and comparative education research, writ large. The article concludes with a call for comparative education researchers to carefully consider the future of educational research in sub-Saharan Africa and the complexities of continued involvement in knowledge production processes.  相似文献   

建国后十七年中国比较教育状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建国后的17年,我国的比较教育发展表现出明显的时代特征.在社会建制上表现为,《比较教育》课程不复存在,比较教育研究机构尚属初创,比较教育专业刊物未露头角;在研究成果上表现为,研究对象国的"一边倒",研究专题的"两个侧重",研究方法的简化单一.这一状况与总体国际关系的"一边倒"、教育政策的"俄语化"与"留苏热"、知识分子的"意识形态化"有着密不可分的关系.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to begin a discussion of the importance of the material environment in which international and comparative educational research is done as a fundamental aspect of any methodological discussion of the activities of the field. It argues that the position of international and comparative education within universities and its relationship to potential funders act powerfully on the types of work that can be done. It also highlights ways in which the intensification and globalisation of market forces shapes not only the social reality being researched but the research environment itself. It is particularly concerned with the ways in which these forces impact upon the early career development of researchers and the long-term impact this will have on the health of international and comparative education.  相似文献   

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