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德国高等职业技术教育对我国的启示与借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
德国高等职业技术教育动员社会力量合作办学,形成良好的办学合力。学校实行“双轨制”教育,学生在校学习理论的同时,在企业接受锻炼,增强了实际本领,促进了毕业生充分就业,提高了企业效率,值得我国高等职业技术教育界学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

高等职业教育的目标是培养适应生产、建设、管理、服务第一线需要的高等技术应用型专门人才。高等职业教育走产学合作教育之路,实现社会化办学,是大力发展我国高等职业技术教育的重要战略选择,产学合作教育的理论成果成功地向可操作性方向转移,为产学合作教育有效落实提供了保证。  相似文献   

深化产教融合是国家、学校和企业等三方的共同诉求。目前,我国高职教育产教融合存在企业办学主体地位不突出、校企协同育人机制不健全、教育供给与产业需求失衡、高职教育对产业发展贡献度不高等困境,究其原因在于政府主导作用发挥不充分、院校服务产业发展能力不足、企业参与产教融合动力不足。在此基础上从政府、学校、企业等三方提出高职教育产教融合的协同推进策略:第一,政府应建立健全制度环境,强化宏观调控职能;第二,职业院校应提升服务产业发展能力,增强产教融合吸引力;第三,企业应强化办学主体地位,持续深化"参与办学"改革。  相似文献   

我国农村职业教育滞后原因分析与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
农村职业教育发展存在地方经济与传统观念、政府投入不足与政策导向、专业设置与农民收入多元化、办学条件与办学定位、教育成本与就业等深层次问题。农村职业教育要树立正确的指导思想,建立多元化投资体系和灵活多样的办学形式,职业教育与技能培训相结合,突出实践性教学,体现职业性和技能性,建立培训机制,完善就业准入制度,整合农村职教资源,城乡与校企联合办学,做好高中与中职、中职与高职、招生与就业三个衔接等。  相似文献   

We should bring into full play the initiative of enterprises and establishments, as well as the relevant departments in developing vocational and technical education. We should encourage individuals, collectives, and other sectors to run schools and urge all units and departments to set up vocational and technical schools on their own or in cooperation with each other or with education departments. In addition to training personnel for their own units or departments, these schools can be entrusted with the task of training personnel for other units and in enrolling self-supporting students.  相似文献   

‘校企合作“是高职”双师型“师资队伍建设的重要途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
“双师型”师资队伍的建设是高等职业技术教育发展的关键。高职院校与企业建立“产一学一研”结合的合作关系,将教师派到企业参加实践,聘请企业人员任兼职教师及与企业合作进行科研及项目开发,对于建设高素质的“双师型”师资队伍,进而推动学校的改革与发展,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

广东中等职业教育的快速发展是多种因素共同促成的,主要体现为:省委、省政府的重视及大力扶持;经济持续快速发展对技能型人才的需求量大增,中职毕业生就业前景良好;学生、家长多从实际出发,讲求实效;中职学校应势扩大办学规模,提高办学水平,创立特色品牌;利用本地资源优势,建好职教师资培养培训基地,提供合格师资。  相似文献   

高职院校"全日制学校教育"与"在职培训"两种模式的对象、形式、内容、效果不同,各有优势与不足。结合两种模式的优长,可建立"学工合一"教育模式,从全日制教育模式逐步过渡为带薪半工半读、工读相间模式,将就业教育理念贯穿学校教育始终,实施一体化教学,提高学生综合职业能力。  相似文献   

作为社会创业教育的子系统,职业学校创业教育体系目前存在功能缺失的问题。为此,应构建基于政府、学校、社会“三位一体”的职业学校创业教育的系统格局,其中,政府是主导,通过政策、法规统筹和调控系统的运行与发展;学校是主体,直接参与系统运行并发挥转换与整合功能;社会是环境要素,为系统运行提供舆论、信息等条件支持。  相似文献   

我国当前的职业教育还存在不少问题与不足,需要进一步深化改革,不断加大对职业教育的财政投入,逐步实现义务中等职业教育;深化职业教育教学改革,以就业促招生,实现可持续发展;尝试职业技能形成能力评估,建立完善职业学校退出机制;甄别中高职学校的发展状况,适时放开升格上档之路;整合职业教育资源,实现优势互补,合理布局,发挥职业教育的整体优势。  相似文献   

瑞典与芬兰的职业教育改革都努力将教育工作者与职业生活中的代表结合起来,发展创新的职业场所学习方式。我国职教改革应借鉴其先进的理念和做法,进一步深化校企合作,突出技术教育与科研、生产的一体化;教学中要引入工程项目,使学生通过项目学习提高解决实际问题的能力;职业教育要突破正规教育的束缚,扩展到继续教育中;政府要发挥好统筹、协调作用,为发展职教提供多方面支持。  相似文献   

高职教育要立足区域经济和支柱产业,必须以行业企业为依托,通过“订单”培养、联办二级学院、共建专业、共建课程、共建实践基地、共建产学研中心、共享校企人才智力资源等形式,与行业企业开展全方位、深层次的合作与交流,创新和构建“以社会需求为导向、以互惠共赢为基础、学校主动为行业企业服务、行业企业积极参与”的校企合作长效机制。  相似文献   

Promoting adult education is a human resources development with short cycles and quick effects and that calls for a certain amount of funds and investment. Starting this year, adult education will be included in the state budget for revenues and expenditures as an additional item. When making arrangement for education expenditures, local financial departments should also incorporate funds needed for adult education in their budgets and allow the funds to increase as the economy moves forward and regular revenues grow. Enterprises should disburse funds needed for employee education according to a prescribed ratio. In addition, shortfalls can be made up in the following ways: Expenses for technological training involving the development of new technology or research on new products may be disbursed directly as a part of the production cost; expenses for staff training may be disbursed from the retained percentage of profit, surplus from block-grant expenditures, and after-tax profit; training expenses for projects of technological development, introduction of foreign technology, and technological innovation, or projects of optimizing the service of certain products (including expenses for sending employees abroad for advanced training) may be disbursed from the project funding itself. Funds for staff education in enterprises should be handled and disposed of by its educational division under the supervision of financial departments. If there is surplus in the funding that cannot be spent in the same year, the surplus can be carried over to the next year. For small-sized enterprises that cannot afford to offer staff education on their own and enterprises that do not run staff education programs efficiently, the departments in charge can set up concentrated staff education facilities and support such facilities with funds taken from respective staff education expenditures. When planning for either urban community construction or newly built enterprises in the future, we should, at the same time, plan for the construction of basic facilities for adult education and incorporate such projects in the investment plan for infrastructure investment projects. The various ministries and regions should set up a few key adult education bases that are better equipped and of a higher quality. In the area of peasant education, expenses that involve eliminating illiteracy, training of teachers, compiling of textbooks, exchange of experience, activities, and so forth, should all be disbursed from educational expenditures by education departments at different levels. Funds for county-run peasants' secondary specialized schools and peasants technical schools of different specialties and types should be raised by the county people's governments under unified arrangements and according to their respective financial strengths. The departments concerned, however, should lend the local governments certain financial aid. Funds for peasants' cultural and technical schools run by townships (towns) can be drawn as a certain percentage from the rural education surcharge, pooling funds from the people, collecting tuition fees, or launching work-study programs.  相似文献   

近代工业对唐山教育事业的发展做出了突出贡献,主要是:它最先开办职业教育,为企业自身的发展提供专业技术人才;它直接开办中小学教育,在为自己企业职工子弟提供上学机会的同时,把招生范围扩大到全社会;它是唐山高等教育的先行者,最先实现职业教育与高等教育的结合;它还是热心的助学者,对其他社会办学力量给予资助。  相似文献   

论述了美国社区学院在构建公平性学习社区、积极开展服务性活动、直接服务地方经济的服务职能对我国地方高职院校的发展给予的启示,即服务应成为高职院校始终不弃的理念,服务人群应多元化,服务项目应多样化,地方高职院校与地方企业应联合发展。  相似文献   

21世纪以来,我国密集颁布了一系列教育改革文件,推动教育治理的现代化进程。政府主体在高职教育外部治理过程中承担着主体责任,各级地方政府应尽快让中央"放管服"精神落地,公布地方政府的权力清单、负面清单、服务清单和资格清单,完善高职教育法制和监督机制;通过构建行业企业参与的激励机制,推进高职院校治理体制改革,校企合作培养"双师型"教师,调动市场组织合作办学的积极性;此外,还要规范社会中介组织对高职教育的评价,充分发挥第三方评价的作用。厘清外部治理三方主体的责任,可以促进各方共同推进高职教育外部治理现代化的进程。  相似文献   

澳大利亚技术与继续教育(Technical and Further Education,TAFE)是政府直接引导的实施职业教育与培训的主体机构,其发展历程经历了创立初期、迅速发展、系统重塑并稳步发展的三个重要时期。澳大利亚TAFE具有内联外通的国家职业资格框架、行业主导的办学机制、专兼结合的优质师资队伍、高质量和高认可度的职业资格培训、灵活开放的终身教育理念及强烈的市场意识等特点。这对我国高职院校发展具有重要的启示:明确培养定位,彰显高职院校办学特色;政府统筹管理,完善就业准入及国家职业资格认证制度;培育“双师型”师资队伍,建立专兼结合的长效机制;转变发展方式,办学方式灵活化、终身化;吸引行业、企业参与高职院校办学,发挥其主导作用。  相似文献   

成人职业技术教育是我国教育领域中最具市场化倾向的,在成人职校管理中应用营销学原理有利于争取更多的生源。应用时,既要把握原理的实质,又要结合职教的特殊性。要根据社会需求,确定和调整办学方向;根据自身优势,确定市场位置;以满足学生就业需求为目标,实行全程教育培训服务;及时向社会传递招生信息等。  相似文献   

目前,中等职业教育出现了明显的滑坡现象,西部农林中等专业学校陷入招生与就业的两难境地。基于西部农村实际情况及特点、西部农林中专学校的现状、职教发展趋势以及社会发展的需要等,西部农林中等专业学校继续办好中职是可行的选择,其发展走向为:立足于中职,面向农村,低重心发展,以农村实用技术为动力,以创业教育为主线,以弹性学制为手段,走科、教、产一体化,规模与效益相结合的区域特色型办学之路。  相似文献   

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