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At the National Conference on the Work of College and University Admissions convened in Zhengzhou in early March of this year, the State Education Commission proposed that, in order to deepen the reforms of college and university tuition requirements, college and university admissions, and job placement for college and university graduates, those colleges and universities that have a feasible plan of action may, with approval, carry out reform spot experimentations. It also proposed that those colleges and universities carrying out these spot experiments will, when admitting students this year, no longer lower the enrollment qualification scores for students who are paying their own tuition and students who are being entrusted for education by enterprises or government units; instead, all students admitted by these colleges and universities will be expected to remit a certain amount of tuition for their education. At the same time, the colleges and universities must, by setting up scholarships for superior students, special-item scholarships, and student loans, further deepen the reform of the system of job placement for graduates. This is what is meant by what is commonly referred to as the joining the tracks between "publicly funded students" and "self-funded students."  相似文献   

China has a territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, and a population of 1.1 billion. There are 1,075 general colleges and universities throughout the country, enrolling a total of approximately 2 million students. Each year we have about 2.5 million graduates from upper middle school, which, added to the number of graduates from previous years, make for a pool of candidates for admission to college and university of about 2.8 million in any given year. In the last two years, in accordance with the state's planning, we have admitted about 700,000 new students to the general colleges and universities each year (which is approximately 3 percent of the total number of people of the same age in the country at large and about 20 percent of the graduates from upper middle schools for that year). To guarantee that the limited resources and funds that the state invests in higher education may take greater effect, we have to select the new students of the highest quality and qualifications to admit to the colleges and universities. At the same time, however, we also have to make it convenient for the broad masses of graduates from upper middle schools to take part in examinations locally and apply for admissions to all the appropriate colleges or universities in the country. Since 1952 we have begun to adopt a system whereby the questions for all general colleges/universities entrance examinations throughout the country are unified, and all colleges and universities are pledged to admit new students on the basis of competitive merit. Thus the plans of colleges and universities in terms of new student admission, the subjects of examination, the questions in the examinations, and the standard answers, as well as the scoring standards or criteria of evaluating results, are all formulated in a uniform way by the state, with the provinces (or autonomous regions or municipalities that are under the direct jurisdiction of the center) carrying out the work of printing the examinations, conducting or holding the examinations, evaluating scores and, finally, admissions. With the exception of a hiatus of twelve years' time during the period of the Cultural Revolution, this nationwide uniform examination system for college and university admission has been in place ever since, and has always been there to ensure, effectively, the quality of the new students being admitted to general colleges and universities, and to ensure the smooth and effective completion of the state's plans for college and university admissions. At the same time, to a certain extent, this system also promoted the enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning in the middle schools, by avoiding repetitive and redundant work and labor in the area of admissions examinations, saving large amounts of human, material, and financial resources.  相似文献   

学生干部队伍的建设是高职院校中共青团学生管理和教育工作中的重要工作,对于学校的日常管理与教学有着多个方面的作用。每一位学生干部,都应当了解和认识学生组织,重视发挥好学生干部的功能。当前,高职院校学生干部组织在改革调整中出现了一些问题,影响了学生干部队伍战斗力的增强。针对这一点,本文先阐述了当前学生干部队伍的建设存在的问题,且提出提高他们参与工作积极性的策略。  相似文献   

大学招生在高等教育实现“卓越性”与“公平性”的目标中起着至关重要的作用。美国的大学在招生中享有极高的自主性,它们有权制定反映本校办学特征的招生政策,并最终有效地实现大学招生的卓越与公平目标。中国人民大学积极尝试在自主招生中兼顾“卓越”与“公平”理念,今年推出的“圆梦计划”具有表率和实践作用,可以激发其他大学在招生中更加合理地追求“卓越”与“公平”。但是由于受自主招生人数的限制,“圆梦计划”受益学生人数少、候选学校有限,因而有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

研究生急速扩招后,研究生管理二级学院负责制成为各高校不约而同的选择。二级学院在综合性大学研究生培养过程中承担了重要的教育管理角色。建立规范化的二级学院研究生培养制度,是保证研究生培养质量的重要基础工作。  相似文献   

当前,我国资助工作体系日臻完善,已经能保障高校学生安心求学。随着高校学生受助需求多样性增强,发展性需求明显显现,高校的资助工作已经步入从保障性资助转变为精准资助和发展性资助的过渡阶段,这对高校资助育人工作提出了新的要求。基于高校资助育人工作的现状调研,探索"发展性资助"模式构建,扎实推进对家庭经济困难学生在"发展"上的精准帮扶,促使学生得到全面发展,帮助学生构筑个体发展的强大精神支柱。  相似文献   

构建和谐校园是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要组成部分,具有十分丰富的内涵,其关键在党。建设服务型高校学生党支部,能发挥党支部的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范作用,实现大学生身心和谐、学生人际关系和谐、学生与校园环境和谐、学生全面发展和谐,是创新高校学生党建工作的一项重要内容。本文结合工作实际,提出了建设服务型高校学生党支部的措施。  相似文献   

吴坚 《怀化学院学报》2005,24(4):113-115
学生管理工作是高等学校教育管理工作的重要环节,坚持“以人为本,学生第一“教育管理理念是做好学生工作的灵魂。分析了高校学生教育管理工作中以人为本的内涵、具体要求以及路径选择。  相似文献   

高校依法对学生享有自主管理权,对促进高校教育事业的发展是必要的,且已经发挥了积极的作用,但这种自主管理权的行使不是绝对随意性的,否则就会侵害学生的基本权利,不断引发高校与学生之间的纠纷.因此,如何实现高校学生管理的行政法治,即如何实现高校内部规章制定的法治化,高校对学生具体管理行为实体和程序的法治化,是雅进高校教育事业发展和维护学生合法权益的关键.  相似文献   

The reform of the student admissions system of the colleges and universities in our country and of the system of job placement or employment of college and university graduates will be further deepened. The State Education Commission recently proposed certain opinions regarding carrying out spot experiments in this reform, focusing on gradually changing and turning away from the traditional way of doing things in which the state takes care of students who go to college or a university and takes care of their job placement or employment.  相似文献   

随着我国高校教育事业的蓬勃发展,高校学生的各种信息日益增多,信息量不断增加,高校学籍档案管理工作变得日趋繁琐、复杂。要做好高校学生学籍档案管理工作,就必须掌握当前高校学籍档案管理的发展趋势,努力学习现代化技术条件下的档案管理知识及相关辅助工具,从而实现高校学籍档案管理的标准化、规范化,更好地为学生服务。在此主要从高校学籍档案管理的现代化趋势出发,阐述学生档案管理的特征,并根据其特点提出加强学生学籍档案管理的有效措施。  相似文献   

“三全育人”指出要实现全员、全方位、全过程育人,是新时代高校立德树人的重要途径。学生社区作为大学生学习生活聚集平台的教育功能受到更多的关注。移动互联技术的发展冲破了高校的传统樊篱,推动高等教育改革重新整合教育资源,给高校思想政治教育带来了新趋势,高校后勤社会化改革也为学生社区更好发挥教育功能奠定了基础。在此背景下,不少高校积极开展学生社区育人模式改革,社区书院、社区党建、智慧社区、学生自治和邻里规划等社区新型学生社区教育管理服务模式得到了实践,并取得显著成效。  相似文献   

As late as 1949, the colleges and universities in our country still followed the old system and recruited and admitted their students separately, with each college and university following its own methods and principles. From 1950 to 1951, however, we began to gradually put into practice a method by which the colleges and universities within each greater administration region recruited and admitted students jointly. Then, in 1953, we began to implement the First Five-Year Plan in this country. In order to cultivate cadres in a planned and methodical way, we began, in 1952, to implement a nationwide centralized or unified student recruitment and admissions policy for all the colleges and universities throughout the country.  相似文献   

生源质量直接影响着高校教学质量和人才培养的质量,如何在生源紧张的形势下提高高校生源质量是一个值得研究的问题。与中学合作,建立优质生源基地,在某种程度上能够确保高校有个稳固的优质生源渠道。不过,要真正实现这个效果,就应该合理定位生源基地,依托各种交流活动,开展可持续性的合作,使中学与高校在提高人才培养质量方面实现共赢。  相似文献   

高校强势学生群体的存在是我国高等教育改革和发展过程中不容忽视的问题,积极做好强势学生群体的思想政治教育工作直接关系到高校的稳定与发展。辅导员作为高校思想政治教育的主力军,要在日常学生工作中树立"以人为本"的理念,积极为高校强势学生群体的全面发展创造条件。  相似文献   

Colleges and universities have expanded their use of the internet and social media in marketing strategies, but the direct mailing of admissions brochures continues to be at the heart of recruitment efforts. Because admissions brochures often serve as a potential student's introduction to the campus, they are carefully crafted to provide a specific impression of the institution. This study examined one aspect of the marketing of colleges by examining the portrayal of racial and ethnic diversity. Through a content analysis of over 10,000 photographs from 165 four-year institutions in the US, the accuracy of the photographic portrayal of diversity in recruitment materials was assessed. Findings indicate that the majority of institutions provided images of diversity to prospective students in 2011 that were significantly different than the actual student body. Furthermore, diversity was typically symbolized by portraying African American students at higher rates rather than presenting a more representative student body.  相似文献   

美国大学对学生发展理论的研究有着近百年的历史。美国学生发展理论包括个体与环境、社会心理、认知和价值观和整合型理论四个基本类型。这些理论分别从社会学、心理学、生态学等角度来解释学生成长和发展规律,理论研究的重点逐步从着眼于学生发展的某一特定方面转移到学生的总体发展上。近二三十年来,由于学生群体的不断变化,美国对女性学生、同性恋学生以及其他弱势群体学生的研究逐步增加。学生发展理论深刻影响了美国的学生管理实践,为学生宿舍管理、学务咨询、心理咨询等重要的学生事务管理领域提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

In recent years, many states, including California, Texas, and Oregon, have changed admissions policies to increase access to public universities for students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. A key concern, however, is how these students will perform. This paper examines the relationship between high school quality and student success in college. Using administrative data from the University of Texas at Austin, we take advantage of the unique policy environment provided by Texas's Top 10% automatic admissions law, which has not only increased the diversity of high schools in the state that send students to the university, but also provides an admission criteria based on a sole observable characteristic: high school class rank. We find that high school characteristics do affect student performance, and these effects seem more pronounced for women and low-income students. In addition, there is little evidence that the effects of high school characteristics decay over students’ time in college.  相似文献   

网上招生数据标准化接口系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校招生数据的发布是高校招生工作及学校教学管理工作的一项基础性数据准备工作,由于各部门对数据格式要求的不一致,加上手工参与数据处理过程,导致新生数据发布存在一定的混乱及与原始数据的不一致的问题,为此研究并设计一套符合高校招生系统与学校教务系统之间的数据标准化接口软件,来优化数据管理流程,减少手工参与,科学、高效地完成学校基础数据的收集与管理,按各部门需求,自动、灵活导出规定格式数据,最终实现招生数据快速、准确地提供给学校相关职能部门。  相似文献   

教书育人是学校德育工作的重要方面,也是学生思想政治工作和两课教学的重要补充。在教书育人过程中,教师与学生是主体与客体的关系。文章主要探讨了大中专院校教师在教书育人,促进学生科学发展方面要明确哪些内容,具备哪些品质,掌握哪些基本方法。  相似文献   

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