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Middle-level education and citizen's education [see glossary] in the Border Region has in the past suffered from serious problems of dogmatism and old-fashioned orthodoxy, thus departing from and even opposing the needs of the Border Region and of the Border Region peoples. The senior cadre meeting of the year before last and the third meeting of the Government Committee in the spring of last year pointed out a clear and correct policy: for the purposes of the War of Resistance Against Japan and of service to the Border Region peoples, the education of cadres comes first, citizen's education second. That is, we must change those aspects of education that are not relevant to carrying on the War of Resistance and not relevant to the Border Region and its people, thus making education fully compatible with revolutionary San-min chu-i [Three People's Principles] (which is to say, the New Democracy) and with the spirit of the Ten Great Policies,* and suitable to the present needs for construction in the Border Region. The Conference on Rectification of Studies in Middle-Level Schools during the first half of last year and the rectification movement in the various Middle Schools during the second half of last year generated criticism of old-fashioned orthodoxy and dogmatism; this is a great step forward and is a key transformation of middle-level education in the Border Region.  相似文献   

中医药文化是中华民族古老智慧与非凡创造力的伟大结晶,是中华民族优秀传统文化的绚丽瑰宝,是中华民族悠久历史积淀的珍贵财富。本文主要是在新形势下对中医药大学生社区志愿服务进行研究,希望能够为中医药大学生在社区志愿服务中提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

肖霞 《教育教学论坛》2019,(25):131-133
地方高校与当地政府、企业和社会力量联动构建高校实践育人共同体,是地方高校主动适应经济社会发展和应用型人才培养要求,提升办学质量和影响力,实现转型发展的新模式。当前地方高校实践育人共同体建设机遇和挑战并存。明确理念,凝聚目标共识;提升能力,提供持续保障;畅通机制,促进有效推进;优化方法,凝练优势特色是推进地方高校实践育人共同体建设的有效探索。  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,自新民主主义革命发展起来的妇女解放运动和思想解放运动以更加猛烈的势头摧毁封建体制和封建思想的束缚。这股思想潮流由城市蔓延到农村,逐渐感染到偏远闭塞的陕甘宁边区。中国共产党为了发动更多的人起来战斗,也在政策,法制等各个方面解放人们。在这种背景下陕甘宁边区的离婚的制度及状况呈现出了它特有的历史性和时代性,使人们的思想解放迈上一个新的台阶。但是因为当时的主要任务是抗日,婚姻解放也要服从这一时局,所以,这一时间陕甘宁边区的离婚自主也表现出了一定的时代局限性。  相似文献   

The Shan-Kan-Ning Border Region youth movement has a long and glorious historical tradition; beginning from the period of civil war [with the Kuomintang forces, 1928-1936], the Border Region Communist Youth Organization and the National Salvation Association of Youth have produced a large number of cadres and carried out a number of tasks beneficial to the revolution. But it cannot be denied that it has at the same time lacked a grasp of the specific characteristics of the Border Region, that through the formalistic use of the old work style and of methods derived from cities outside the Border Region it has lost touch with the people and walked a crooked path.  相似文献   

论陕甘宁边区的土地政策和土地立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗日战争和解放战争时期,陕甘宁边区土地政策经历了减租减息、征购地主土地和土地改革的演化过程,这种演化是和中国社会主要矛盾的转化分不开的,通过这种演化,在陕甘宁边区的老解放区逐渐消灭了封建地主土地所有制,实现了耕有其田的土地制度。在每次土地政策演化的进程中,陕甘宁边区政府都有相应的土地法规出台,边区的土地立法涉及到土地政策、土地所有权和使用权、土地登记管理、土地司法等方面,内容相当完整,说明在当时的历史条件下,边区土地管理的法制化程度已相当高了,这些法规在保证中国共产党的各项土地政策的实施方面发挥了重要作用。也为其他革命根据地乃至新中国成立后的土地政策的制定和土地立法积累了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

陕甘宁边区政府是中国共产党在新民主主义革命时期建立的新型政府,它坚持精兵简政、厉行节约和经济平等的原则,把反贪治吏纳入法制轨道,充分体现了人民是政权的真正主人。陕甘宁边区政府以廉洁、民主、平等、规范、高效著称,不仅为我党领导的新民主主义革命的彻底胜利奠定了基础,而且为新中国的政权建设积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

安庆师范学院作为安徽省高等教育的根和源,有着丰厚的历史文化资源。多年来,该校党委宣传部通过开展“百年校魂”教育,在传承校园文化、凝练校园精神等方面起到了独到的作用,彰显了校史资源在新时期的教育价值。  相似文献   

Yenan. New China News Agency cable, September [?] 19 — The entire text of the "Northwest Bureau Directive on the Question of Winter Cadre Training in Subdistricts and Townships" reads as follows: 1. On the basis of reports from the various subregions and of views expressed by non-Party people at a forum in the Yenan subregion, the Northwest Bureau [of the Communist Party] feels that the main weakness of a great many local cadres today is a lack of understanding of policies and an excessive simplification of work methods. These are basic problems in the thought and work style of subdistrict and township cadres today that must be exposed and changed. If this sort of problem cannot be satisfactorily solved, different opinions about Party policies can develop between higher and lower levels, and there is a danger that the policies will not be thoroughly implemented. A proper and suitable solution to this problem, then, is to have local cadres both understand all the policies and laws applicable to local work and be good at uniting the masses and non-Party people to carry out these policies and laws. This is tantamount to solving all the basic problems of Border Region construction, and it is the most reliable guarantee that local work will be thoroughly transformed and that policies and laws will be thoroughly implemented.  相似文献   

中组部、中宣部、教育部党组2013年7月联合印发的《关于进一步加强高校学生党员发展和教育管理服务工作的若干意见》对规范党员发展程序及高质量的教育、培养提出了新要求。目前高职院校学生党员发展工作存在培养时间短、学用结合难等问题。为提高学生党员培养质量,高职院校要采取以下措施:一是早启蒙、扩大面、创载体;二是加强两课教育,创新教育形式;三是发挥宿舍的阵地作用,带动宿舍公寓文化建设;四是严格执行标准,构建科学、规范的组织发展模式;五是校企合作,延伸党建活动阵地。  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(1-2):164-174
The train passes through lofty mountains and crosses gorges, moving forward as fast as wind and lightning. Zhang Daishu, Chairman of the revolutionary committee at Yangjiawan Elementary School in Yanan, an Overseas Chinese who returned to her mother country and who is a member of the Communist Party, looks out the window and watches the scenery as it passes quickly by. Her mind is in turmoil, and her thoughts float from one thing to another. [She thinks about how] she has just traveled thousands of miles to Chongqing from Yanan to visit Tao Duanyu, the "exceptional model" of what had once been the Shanxi, Gansu, Ningxia Border Region; she had been the first teacher at Yangjiawan Elementary School. [Zhang Daishu] would never forget this in her lifetime. On her journey home, she repeatedly encouraged herself, saying, I must inherit and develop the revolution in education undertaken by the great leader Chairman Mao during the Yanan period and its glorious tradition; I must take over the revolutionary tradition, This "model elementary school" was established with the direct involvement of Chairman Mao and the Party's Central Committee, and it must raise even higher the red flag. …  相似文献   

李先念是鄂豫边区中国共产党与国民党地方军政当局建立合作关系的主要代表,是坚持统一战线中的独立自主原则,放手发展人民抗日武装力量,建立和发展抗日根据地的光辉典范,是正确处理抗日与反顽的关系,坚持自卫立场,灵活机动地进行反顽斗争的卓越领导人。他始终坚持紧密依靠工农群众,最大限度地团结各阶层人民的方针,为鄂豫边区抗日民族统一战线的巩固、扩大和发展作出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   

Beijing, September 24, (Renmin ribao correspondent Zhuang Yongling and Xinhua correspondent Yang Jianye)—The second session of the Evaluation Subcommittees of the State Council Committee on Academic Degrees closed today after seven days of meetings. An important speech was made by Deng Lichun, secretary of the Secretariat and head of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee's Propaganda Department.  相似文献   

我国学校及学术文化机关在抗日战争时期受到极大的摧残和破坏。中国共产党在极为艰难困苦的情况下,对抗日大后方陕甘宁边区的教育文化事业,尤其是师范教育事业作出了较为突出的贡献,取得了较为可喜的成绩,这无疑对现在师范教育的发展具有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

抗战时期,中国共产党为适应抗战需要制定了"教育为抗战服务"的教育政策。在这一政策指导下,陕甘宁边区大力开展干部在职教育和学校教育并取得了巨大成就。干部教育在根据地教育中居于首要位置,它是战争环境下的产物,具有明显的中国革命特色,既积累了丰富的办学经验,又或多或少地存在着时代局限性。  相似文献   

抗战时期党在陕甘宁边区实施的社会教育运动究其本质而言不仅是一场政治社会化运动,更是一场马克思主义大众化的运动。用大众化的视野来审读这场运动,可以发现,抗战时期陕甘宁边区实施社会教育是实现马克思主义大众化必然要求。与此同时,抗战时期陕甘宁边区社会教育也适应了马克思主义大众化的要求,其结果是实现了马克思主义大众化。  相似文献   

试论建国初期政治社会化的初步尝试与历史经验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王炎 《教学与研究》2004,2(9):59-64
宣传网制度是中国共产党执政后 ,为在全国范围和全体规模上对人民群众进行经常性的宣传思想工作而建立的思想政治教育网络组织制度 ,它作为新中国政治社会化的初步尝试 ,对于推动建国初期各项事业的顺利进行 ,确保党在这一时期中心任务的实现 ,发挥了有效的政治宣传动员和组织保证作用 ,并为新中国宣传思想工作提供了宝贵的经验教训  相似文献   

抗日战争时期,陕甘宁边区政府实行"三三制",吸收开明士绅参政议政,重视和采纳他们的提案,保证他们有职有权;与党外人士开展民主合作,在工作和生活中予以高度尊重和照顾;实施减租减息、交租交息的土地政策,保障了地主豪绅的地权和财权。陕甘宁边区统战工作的成功经验对当代统战工作具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

Border Region culture has both progressive and regressive aspects: New Democratic culture is its progressive aspect, the remnants of feudal culture are its regressive aspect. The Border Region people have destroyed feudal control on the political and economic fronts; in cultural life, which is a reflection of politics and economics, feudal control should also be destroyed; and from the standpoint of the direction of government leadership and of government's new cultural and educational work, the old kind of cultural control has indeed already been destroyed. In the army, factories, public schools, and in many mass organizations in the Border Region, the old kind of cultural control basically has ended as well. As far as the most important aspects of peasant ideological attitudes are concerned, feudal bondage also has already been broken. But as far as the general sphere of the majority of peasants' cultural life is concerned, remnants of feudal culture still exist, and in certain spheres, such as public health and art, they temporarily occupy a dominant position and clash with rather than conform to political and economic life in the Border Region. Therefore, moving from old to new and destroying feudal remnants, opening up a broad route for the new democratic culture, and making culture appropriately reflect the new political and economic life - these are still important historical tasks for Border Region education, and it is necessary to devote massive efforts to these tasks before we can succeed.  相似文献   

统军司是辽代设立的重要军事机构之一,据《辽史·百官志》记载共有南京都统军司、西北路都统军司、乌古敌烈都统军司等多个机构;试以南京统军司为主体研究对象,从该机构的设置与职官、管辖区域和职掌等方面进行分析,使我们得以更全面的了解辽代军事机构的情况。  相似文献   

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