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The poor and lower-middle peasants of this production brigade, under the leadership of the Party branch, have gradually become able to grasp socialist culture by employing many different forms of school operation. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's thought on educational revolution, they have established through their own efforts brigade primary schools, village schools, and people's schools, so that those youths who have practical hardships are still guaranteed an education. In this way the great majority of the poor and lower-middle peasants and their sons and daughters are able to study culture, thus promoting, through active learning and usage, the extensive development of the mass movement that Chairman Mao has prescribed. This is a most welcome new situation that has emerged from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

Encouraged by the admonition of our great leader Chairman Mao that "educated youths must go to the villages to be reeducated by the poor and lower-middle peasants.… Comrades in villages everywhere should welcome their going," we at Nansa Brigade in I-ch'eng hsien, Shansi, welcomed twenty-three educated youths who came to the countryside from Peking in December 1968.  相似文献   

Editors' Note     
Since the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, millions of educated youths all over the country have answered Chairman Mao's great call that "educated youths must go to the countryside." With high revolutionary aspirations, they have made their way to the countryside and border regions. There they forge revolution and are reeducated by the poor and lower-middle peasants. Being tempered through the Three Great Revolutionary Struggles in rural areas, they are sturdily growing up.  相似文献   

Since the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, tens of millions of educated youths, in response to Chairman Mao's call, have gone up to the mountains and down to the countryside in a gigantic revolutionary flow. This drive bears far-reaching significance for combating and preventing revisionism, reducing the three great differences, restricting bourgeois rights and bringing up millions of successors to the cause of the proletarian revolution. Spurred by the movement to study theory of the proletarian dictatorship, we must further consolidate and carry forward the great achievements in the movement up to the mountains and down to the countryside.  相似文献   

The town of Chu-chou in Hunan Province, carrying out the great directive of Chairman Mao that "educated youths should go to the countryside," has put into practice factory-commune links, and under the leadership of cadres, has made a collective settlement of educated youths in commune and brigade farms, forest areas, and tea plantations. In the last two years the entire town has located more than 8,000 educated youths using this method of settlement. This is a valuable undertaking by the people of Chu-chou, and it is enthusiastically hailed by workers, peasants, and educated youths.  相似文献   

Chairman Mao pointed out long ago that "education must serve proletarian politics and be combined with productive labor" and that "our education policy must enable everyone who receives an education to develop morally, intellectually, and physically and become a worker with both socialist consciousness and culture." Chairman Mao set forth this policy in accordance with the basic theory of the proletarian dictatorship, a policy which generalizes the experience and lessons of class struggle in the sphere of education both inside and outside our country. In order to use education as an instrument for restoring capitalism, Liu Shao-ch'i, Lin Piao, and their ilk have tried in every way to resist, undermine, and distort the policy. Though Liu Shao-ch'i and Lin Piao were defeated in their scheme, class struggle and two-line struggle remain acute on the education front and will continue to be so for a long time to come. The revolution in education forms an important part of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and got its start only in recent years. We face a formidable task of carrying on the struggle, and we will advance along an uneven road. But at all times and under all trying circumstances, we must never waver in our adherence to the education policy laid down by Chairman Mao. We must firmly implement the policy in our practice, and on the basis of our current achievements, carry on the revolution in education.  相似文献   

In his political report to the Ninth Congress, Vice Chairman Lin [Piao] called on us: It is necessary "to see the socialist revolution in the sphere of the superstructure through to the end." This great call has immensely encouraged the members of the Workers' and Liberation Army's Mao Tse-tung Thought Propaganda Team and the broad masses of revolutionary teachers and students who are probing the educational revolution. We are determined to emulate Vice Chairman Lin's glorious example in making a living study and a living application of Chairman Mao's thought on educational revolution, thus seeing this great political revolution of the superstructure through to the very end!  相似文献   

In "On the Correct Handling of Contradictions among the People," Chairman Mao said: "All of our plans, our procedures, and our thinking should take as their starting point the fact that there are 600 million people in our country; we must never forget this." I feel that this statement by Chairman Mao can direct writing reform too. Writing reform is a major undertaking; it is related to the livelihood of 600 million people and their sons and grandsons for ten thousand generations. If such a major undertaking does not take the whole nation as its starting point, it will in all probability fail. Recently, however, some discussions of writing reform have not taken the 600 million people as their starting point; instead, they have considered it from the point of view of the advantages to and the convenience for a very small circle of people. They have not considered the laboring people in general, or the needs of the peasant masses in particular. This is what Mr. Chen Mengjia does.  相似文献   

It is worthwhile that we pay a great deal of attention to the experience the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County had in carrying out the revolution in education. Chairman Mao points out: "In the countryside, poor and lower-middle peasants should manage our schools, because they are the most reliable ally of the working class." In action, the comrades at the Shuiyuan Commune in Yingkow County have already implemented this great instruction of Chairman Mao, by having poor and lower-middle peasants, as leaders, work with the revolutionary teachers and students to run the schools and to reform the educational system. There are some people who look at the revolution in education as something quite difficult to accomplish. The truth is, all we need do is follow Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line — firmly and unwaveringly, seriously but not perfunctorily — as well as to be good in summarizing experiences and lessons. Before too long, there will be noticeable results. Hasn't the outlook of the Shuiyuan Commune, which irrevocably carried out Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary thinking on education, changed completely in just a little over six months' time?  相似文献   

Young adolescents in communities with high rates of early sexual initiation are at risk of multiple negative health outcomes. Although sex education programs for this age group are often controversial, surveys document that many mothers and fathers would appreciate guidance about how to discuss sexuality with their children. This paper presents an innovative strategy for reaching inner‐city parents and helping them communicate effectively with their preteen sons and daughters about the importance of delaying sexual initiation. Input from 38 focus groups with 109 youths and 64 parents was used to inform the development of an intervention, called Saving Sex for Later. This theoretically grounded intervention is designed for communities where adolescents are at high risk of initiating sex prior to or early in high school. It consists of three audio‐CDs that contain dramatic role‐model stories to help parents identify ‘teachable moments’ to talk with their sons and daughters about their values and expectations, set household rules and respond appropriately to both positive changes in their adolescents' development and warning signs of trouble. In addition to describing how community input informed the stories, a random sample of 133 parents from one school community was mailed the audio‐CDs. Feedback includes examples of how parents applied messages to talk with their children about changing bodies, changing relationships and reasons for delaying sexual initiation. The next steps include evaluating whether the intervention is effective in helping parents convey sexual abstinence messages and in supporting the delayed sexual initiation of their young adolescent children.  相似文献   

Chairman Mao teaches us that "sending the masses of cadres to do manual labor gives them an excellent opportunity to renew their study." In response to Chairman Mao's great call, vast numbers of cadres throughout the country are now renewing their study either by being sent down to do manual labor or by taking part in collective productive labor while still holding office. It is our wish that all these cadres will write about their understanding of study renewal so that they can exchange experiences and promote the revolutionization of their ideology. The following three articles were written by a cadre in a "May 7" cadre school, a cadre who has settled down in a brigade, and an administrative cadre who persists in taking part in collective productive labor.  相似文献   

唐宋时期,有子嗣人家的女孩子不能参与财产的直接继承和占有。女儿所能得到的娘家家产只有少量的私财和奁产陪嫁。民间通行的女儿占有和支配娘家家产的方式主要有:奁产陪嫁、招婿入赘、立嗣外甥外孙、遗嘱继产等。  相似文献   

Resolutely carrying out Chairman Mao's instructions on the proletarian revolution in education, the poor and lower-middle peasants of the Layaotzu, Sungshukou, and Waisantaokou production brigades of the Aihui people's commune in Aihui County (Heilungkiang Province) entered the schools in November last year, seizing back the power in education in rural areas and smashing complete domination of the schools by bourgeois intellectuals. The poor and lower-middle peasants are masters of culture; they have become the main force in the proletarian revolution in education in the rural areas. They have carried out the recent instruction issued by our great leader Chairman Mao: "In the countryside, schools and colleges should be managed by the poor and lower-middle peasants - the most reliable ally of the working class."  相似文献   

晚年毛泽东在“文革”的特定时空中发动知识青年上山下乡运动以培养接班人,但是,实战证明这种培养策略出现了失误。新时期,邓小平扬弃了这种培养策略,提出通过正规学校教育、社会实战、细致的思想政治工作等途径培养接班人的策略,从而保证一代又一代社会主义事业接班人的健康发展。  相似文献   

How is it that the brilliant directive of our great leader, Chairman Mao, that "intellectual youths be sent down to the countryside to receive reeducation from the poor and lower-middle peasants" has been realized completely throughout an entire hsien? The experience of Ch'ang-ling hsien in Kirin Province was that the leadership personally took a hand in relying on the poor and lower-middle peasants, in wholeheartedly doing the work, and in applying Mao Tsetung thought to the elevation of the level of reeducation.  相似文献   

在中国乡村社会的习惯法里,子女所承担的养老责任是存在性别差异的.一般是由儿子承担赡养父母的责任,女儿在出嫁前侍奉父母,出嫁后一般不承担自己父母养老责任,但是她作为媳妇则要承担赡养公公婆婆的责任.然而在一些农村地区出嫁的女儿却参与自己父母的养老过程:通过对村庄一养老个案的分析,阐释了家庭养老中的性别差异变化.研究发现,出嫁的女儿参与自己父母的养老过程的原因在于家庭成员间关系越来越理性化.养老本该是儿子的义务,并且此义务承载着天然的伦理性意义,"儿子养老"演变成"女儿参与养老"表明,支撑家庭养老中性别差异的价值和伦理基础已经被侵蚀.  相似文献   

Hung-ch'i Brigade of P'ing-kang Commune in Huo-chin hsien, Anhwei, is an advanced unit for doing good work with educated youths in the countryside. This brigade, since 1969, has welcomed fifty-three educated youths to the countryside. In more than four years since then these educated youths, under the tutelage of the Party organizations and the poor and lower-middle peasants, have been tempered in the Three Great Revolutionary Movements of the villages. They have become good aides when the cadres and masses read and study, daring little generals in class struggle, attackers in the production struggle, and red vanguard soldiers in scientific experimentation. In the process of mutually uniting with the poor and lower-middle peasants, their thinking and their emotions have deeply changed: those who in the past did not want to go to the villages now love the villages; those who in the past did not have deep feelings concerning the poor and lower-middle peasants now feel that the poor and lower-middle peasants are very close. The cadres and masses of Hung-ch'i Brigade educated the educated youths, but they also learned many things from the young people; they especially learned that the young people are vigorous and enthusiastic, are the most willing to learn, have the least conservative thinking, have a revolutionary spirit of daring to think and daring to do, enabling the cadres and masses to make very great progress. The cadres and masses of Hung-ch'i Brigade, whenever speaking of the educated youths, become exceedingly excited, praising ceaselessly.  相似文献   

In the clamor surrounding the "return to class and make revolution" movement that has begun in Peking universities and in primary middle schools, the revolutionary students and teachers of Stone-view Mountain Middle School have, with the aid and support of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Advisory Group, raised high the great red flag of the thought of Mao Tse-tung, conscientiously studied Chairman Mao's writings, resolutely and thoroughly carried out the latest instructions of Chairman Mao relative to the education revolution, and, in the midst of the education revolution, have taken a joyous step forward.  相似文献   

毛泽东是否“染有民粹主义”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民粹主义是一种极富空想色彩的社会思潮。自胡绳先生提出:“毛泽东染有民粹主义色彩”这一论点以来,既得到了理论界部分人的支持,又爱到了理论界部分人的尖锐批驳。只有通过对民粹主义全面而准确的把握及对毛泽东在民主革命时期的思想和社会主义建设时期的思想的正确认识,才能对毛泽东是否染有民粹主义的问题进行科学的界定。  相似文献   

In his political report to the Ninth National Congress of the Party, Vice Chairman Lin pointed out: "With a view to continuing to launch the revolution in the sphere of the superstructure, it is necessary to implement Chairman Mao's various proletarian policies." "The main problem now is implementation." The working class must resolutely occupy the school battleground and successfully fight this battle of the educational revolution. Implementation of Chairman Mao's policy toward intellectuals is a very important question.  相似文献   

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