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无论走到哪,想起故乡,总会有一股温柔萦绕在心间.故乡有自己的父老乡亲,有自己的童年.故乡给予我们的既有痛苦的东西,也有快乐的东西.每每回味故乡,便是对自己的人生进行一次次洗礼.  相似文献   

以净资产收益率代表我国上市公司的盈利能力,以上证收盘综合指数代表我国的资本市场,以1991~2010年的数据为研究对象,通过VEC模型分析表明:我国上市公司的盈利能力与我国的资本市场之间存在着长期的均衡关系;我国的上市公司和我国的资本市场之间彼此存在着负向的影响;我国的上市公司主要是受自身因素的影响,我国的资本市场在短期内主要是自身因素的影响,在长期内会受到我国上市公司的影响。  相似文献   

As researchers, we are intertwined in our research relationships in two ways that put us on the line. First, our very beings are co-constituted and developed in an intersubjective exchange with the people we work with. Acknowledging our interdependence frees us to take an empathetic and hermeneutic stance that I have termed the epistemology of the hyphen, in our qualitative research relationships, and in the process, reject the objectivist, dissociative mode of procuring research. Instead, we produce knowledge that is socially responsible by virtue of its grounding in empathy and care. Second, I suggest that we are also on the line when it comes to the relationship between ourselves, and our audiences. The constraints and freedoms that contour our voices as qualitative researchers shape not only the stories we tell about our participants, but also ourselves as human beings. We must incorporate affect into our reports for them to do justice to ourselves, our readers and listeners, and our participants.  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-sync with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors, and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities, our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach—the systems design approach—by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

提到“story”.稍有英语基础的人对它都不陌生,不就是“故事”吗?这个词的基本词义的确如此,但是这个普通小词丰富的内涵.其特殊的语义功能又不是某些词典所解释的那样简单.用得恰当,表达出来的意思却很精彩、地道,甚至有些看似只可意会不好言传的内容都可以通过它来传神。请看美国新任总统奥巴马在他的获胜演讲里的一段话:  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that many of our social systems and organizations are out-of-syne with the new realities of the recently emerged post-industrial, information/knowledge age. These new realities are touching the lives of every individual, every family and community, the host of organizations of our public and private sectors. and our overall society. They affect the future of humanity as a whole. Questions arise. What are these new realities? What are the meanings of societal transformations? What is our role in facing the massive changes that confront us today? Are we only spectators of these changes? Are we their victims? Are we at the mercy of others who control these changes and the experts who design systems for us? Or is it up to us to shape; our future and create and recreate the systems to which we belong? What kind of capacities and capabilities should we develop that will allow us to design our own lives, shape our systems, and give direction to the evolution of our communities. our organizations, and our society? I have struggled and worked with these questions over the last three decades. They have been the focus of my research and teaching. I explore these questions in this paper in order to define an approach–the systems design approach–by which we can individually and collectively create a better future for ourselves, our families, our communities and our society while enhancing human performance, adding value to our organizations, and most importantly, creating just and ethical systems for future generations.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国在吸收、利用外资方面取得了巨大成就,推动了我国经济的发展。但是我国中西部地区在利用外资方面还存在诸多问题,在分析中西部地区利用外资方面现状的基础上,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

行政侵权赔偿责任问题已在我国引起高度重视,通过比较我国和国外在相关制度上的规定我们发现我国无论是责任认定还是从追偿措施部存在严重的缺失,因此有必要对我国的行政侵权赔偿制度进行完善。  相似文献   

邓小平理论是当代中国的马克思主义,是马克思主义在中国发展的新阶段,是我们党的指导思想。学习、掌握、运用邓小平理论是我们当前义不容辞的责任。学习邓小平理论,如同邓小平对待马克思主义一样,要有科学的方法,即实事求是的方法。  相似文献   

规模扩大态势下的学分制教学管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长期以来,我国高等教育在管理上实行的是学年制的管理模式,随着高等教育规模的扩大,学生素质参差不齐,这一管理模式的不足也逐渐显露出来,并妨碍了学生个性的发展,因此,实行学分制教学管理模式也势在必行,就目前而言,我国高等教育在实行学分制时,还存在许多问题,如教学资源短缺,选课系统得到不到充分保证,学生没有真正选择专业的权力,选课导师没有到位及学分学籍管理传力度不够等,只有解决了这些问题,学分制才能在我国真正实施。  相似文献   

恶意绿色壁垒的判定及其应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国产品不断遭到国外绿色壁垒的拦截,绿色壁垒已成为继反倾销之后又一影响我国产品出口的障碍,引起了一系列贸易摩擦,并呈现出进一步增强的趋势。事实上,并不是所有的绿色壁垒措施都对我国经济发展不利,善意的绿色壁垒能促进一国经济的良性发展,但恶意的绿色壁垒是要高度防范的。针对恶意绿色壁垒进行分析和认定并提出相应的对策,对规范和促进我国对外贸易的发展、减少贸易摩擦具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

我国古代职官制度是我们祖先留下的一份宝贵的文化财富。其中官员的升迁、降黜就形成了一套完整、严密的制度,职官的变动都有一些专门用语深深地刻印在语言中,我们对这些用语进行一番较系统的训释,可以从一个侧面窥视到我国古代灿烂的政治文化。  相似文献   

Educational technology at the crossroads: New mindsets and new directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational technology seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. Many exciting things are happening in the field, but increasingly we educational technologists find ourselves on the sidelines in our own ballgame. People from other disciplines are taking an interest in educational technology, but they show little interest in our knowledge base (often even little awareness that it exists!) and little interest in our professional organizations and publications. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? To what extent might our mindset be the problem? What new directions do we need to pursue to improve the health and value of our field? These are the central issues which this article discusses.  相似文献   

There have been many attempts to assess the state of research in our field. This article is our attempt to both (1) synthesize recent analyses, opinions, and conclusions concerning the status of technical communication research and (2) propose an action plan aimed at redirecting our field's agenda for its research. We explore these questions: What are the recent research trends in our field? What is and is not promising about our recent approaches to research? Where do we need to go next? What are the critical components for a new agenda for our research?  相似文献   

本文比较了我校汉、侗簇新生的部分体检项目,包括身高、体重、血压、心率和视力,并对数据作了统计分析,同时还与全国同龄学生作了对比.结果表明我校新生的生长发育极显著落后于全国同龄学生(P<0.01).且侗族学生尤为突出.  相似文献   

Our central argument is that if we are to understand who we are as educators in the present as well as who we hope to become in the future, then we must examine and critique how we have collectively represented who we have been. To present our conviction that understanding our history as adult educators is central to understanding our current educational practice, we develop three theses. First, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us understand how we have created our current educational practices from our historical experiences. Second, we draw upon Williams’ notion of a ‘selective tradition’ to show how our current practices are selectively, and often hegemonically, constructed from past practices. Finally, in hopes of moving us toward illuminating our future, we argue that the purpose of history is to help us analyze those selective cultural traditions that inform our current educational practices in order to expose prejudices and illusions. We thus propose the ‘doing’ of history as a counterhegemonic strategy of ‘remembering’ the past in order to critique the present so that as educators we can reveal our historically‐copntinuing limitations and open us to expanding possibilities of Hberatory practice.  相似文献   

本文比较了我校汉、侗族新生的部分体检项目,包括身高、体重、血压、心率和视力,并对数据作了统计分析,同时还与全国同龄学生作了对比.结果表明我校新生的生长发育极显著落后于全国同龄学生(P<0.01),且侗族学生尤为突出.  相似文献   


In this article, we engage in collaborative self-study through a critical friendship that is specifically designed to evoke our personal histories in relation to how we approach our practices as teacher educators. In particular, we focus on understanding the conceptual origins of our pedagogies of teacher education and how our identities as teacher educators were shaped, and continue to be shaped, by colleagues, teacher candidates, and by the process of self-study itself. We argue that the multiple studies that are available to any self-study research programme create a plurality of publics in which we identify, and are identified, in particular ways by particular members of the teacher education community. One significant avenue for our developing line of work concerns the ways in which our shared bilingualism plays out during our critical friendship, and how the use of multiple languages helps us to reframe our identities as teacher educators, particularly whilst engaged in translanguaging practices.  相似文献   

朱子对自己研阅解读经典的途径和方法,曾作比较全面的探索和总结,其中一以贯之的经验在于"浃洽"二字.即在义理融会畅达的基础上,已熟的经书义理与实践操履相结合,在交融印证中获得对于义理的真切感受,达到身心与义理水乳交融的境界.这既是朱子一生读书问学之大体会,也是我们考察朱子读书整理文献的重要方面.  相似文献   

In this article we describe our engagement in self-study as part of an examination of design-based research for education. We focus on graduate-level online teacher education as an example of how self-study provided a means of examining deeply our teaching and our roles as teacher and designer in the learning environment. We posit that online learning environments are particularly well suited for self-study to enhance design perspectives because the interactions between teacher and students are informed by personal context and mediated by technological tools. The graduate students in our courses were teacher leaders in literacy or mathematics who were learning how to support professional development for other teachers. Throughout our self-study research we found ourselves drawing upon our previous design research experiences, which aided our ability to engage in self-study: We were part of the classroom system, focusing on our roles within the teaching and learning process as designers of the online learning environment. Three key design principles resulted from our self-study process: focusing on systems of learning and teaching, designing pedagogical tools and products, and using iterative processes. Engaging in self-study enhanced our understanding and implementation of synchronous online instruction, particularly regarding our use of technological tools to enhance student learning and support learning communities.  相似文献   

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