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During the on-line conference, Applications of Technology in Teaching Chemistry, June 14-August 20, 1993, the topic What Chemists (or Chemistry Students) Need to Know About Computing generated considerable discussion. In this paper some of the key points of the discussion are collected and integrated with information from the literature. The key points developed here include: the computer as a tool for learning study, research, and communication; hardware, software, computing concepts and other teaching concerns; and the appropriate place for chemistry computer usage instruction. Some suggestions for access, implementation, and extent of implementation of useful skills for the chemist and chemistry student are given in the paper. The papers, graphics, discussion streams, and related materials from the on-line conference have been archived. Information on retrieving these documents and the documents themselves can be obtained through anonymous ftp: inform.umd.edu, Path: /Educational Resources/Faculty Resources and Support/Chemistry Conference (CHEMCONF).  相似文献   

This article examines the online discourse that took place in representative threads from two classes, seeking to document indicators that students did or did not engage in co‐construction of knowledge. Stahl's (2006 Stahl, G. 2006. Group cognition: Computer support for building collaborative knowledge, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.  [Google Scholar]) social theory of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is used along with discourse analysis methods to examine these course dialogues. Findings show the class that had a peer‐like, consistent facilitative instructor and discussion anchored around questions and shared artifacts was more likely to engage in discussion leading to the negotiation of knowledge and understanding. This class relied on social acknowledgements, questions, and shared exploration of perspectives and theories throughout their discussion. These elements and strategies appear to be important components that make up for lower levels of tacit understanding in online environments, thus enabling learners to interact in social learning processes. The other class, which lacked a facilitative instructor, did not have the same results. Although interaction levels were equal and students carried topical motifs such as the phrase “faster, better, cheaper” from message to message, students in this other class did not engage deeply or develop new understanding of the course material through the discussion.  相似文献   

Whether our students are sitting in the room with us as we teach, sitting in their home listening, participating by video-conference, or answering discussion questions on an online platform, technology can play a pivotal role in student learning. In this article we discuss technology in higher education, specifically its role in hybrid or online formats. As Renard (2005) so eloquently stated, "No generation has ever had to wait so little time for so much information" (p. 44). Presented here is a discussion of the types of students who benefit from distance learning, the factors that prompt instructors to engage in distance learning, and what instructors should know about distance education before they begin teaching with this kind of delivery.  相似文献   

新课程标准倡导"合作、交流"的学习理念,课堂讨论是实现这一目标的有效途径。本文论及了组织讨论课的重要性、方法以及应注意的事项等问题。  相似文献   

元认知及元认知培养对教学的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
元认知这一术语是在20世纪70年代由弗拉维尔提出的,在这以前中外历史上已有广泛的论述。弗拉维尔认为元认知的结构主要包括四个方面:一是元认知知识;二是元认知体验;三是目标或任务;四是行动或策略。要提高学生的元认知水平需从提高教师的认知水平以及学生的认知能力、动机水平、迁移策略与认知策略等方面入手。  相似文献   

朱奕冰 《天中学刊》2005,20(3):9-11
"和平发展"外交战略提出后,学术界就这一话题展开了深入的探讨。在探讨的过程中,有相当一部分学者把"和平发展"与"和平与发展是时代主题"当中的"发展"混为一谈。探讨这两个概念的联系与区别,深化对这一问题的研究,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The paper looks for common ground between cognitive science and science education starting from historical roots. Topics critically scrutinized are: representation of knowledge with applications of the schema and frame concept to physics education centering around the hierarchical structure of knowledge, the qualitative-quantitative distinction, the declarative-procedural distinction, and the semantic-episodic distinction; the uses of network versus production system representations, stressing the distinction between outward and inward representation which is often neglected; a short discussion of the likewise often forgotten index and reference issue.The paper has been presented to the ATEE Symposium on Implications of Cognitive Science for the Education of Science Teachers IPN (Kiel) 29.–30.08.1985.  相似文献   

提出“问题教学法”,阐述了“问题教学法”的4个环节,并就“问题教学法”实施的效果和体会等进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Set in the context of a first-semester undergraduate Mandarin Chinese curriculum, the Tones First case provides an illustration of how one might hurdle a formidable learning task using technological tools. The author examines extant curricula for opportunities to introduce complementary technology components. Thorough discussion of the software-activity design process is presented as well as an overview of the resulting application.  相似文献   

The discussion on how to run "May 7" cadre schools well, which was initiated by Jen-min jih-pao, is necessary and well timed. We sincerely welcome and support it. We also have some preliminary experience and ideas about this problem. We would like to mention some of them for the discussion.  相似文献   

实施互动教学法 提高研究生教学质量   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
充分发挥教师和学生双方主观能动性的互动教学法,更有利于培养研究生的研究能力和良好意志品质,有利于提高教学效果,保证教学质量的提高。应用这一教学方式,可以采用“答问式”、“问答式”、“讨论式”和“答辩式”等多种方式进行。它要求学校必须配备高素质的任课教师,拥有较丰富的图书资料和便捷的资料查询系统,建立有效的调查、实验和实践基地,改革传统的学生学习成绩与教师教学质量考核办法,尽可能使用先进教学设备,安排小班教学。  相似文献   

A broadly conceived attempt is initiated here to extend hermeneutic philosophy to the understanding of natural science, with a special interest in the significance of this for education. After a brief discussion of several current problems to be addressed, a general outline is given of the evolution of hermeneutics in comparison with the evolution of the philosophy of science. The main thrust of this paper, however, is to show how the ontological version of hermeneutics, developed in various ways by H.G. Gadamer and others, describes rather closely features of scientific activity neglected by most philosophies of science and of education. To this end, the paper focuses especially on the biologist Barbara McClintock.  相似文献   

文学“人性”被广泛地用于中国20世纪的文艺批评界,但相应引发了一系列问题,如对人性涵义的概括,对文学创作中人性的单一与现实生活中人性的复杂关系的观照以及接受活动中对人性的对话反映等。本文就这几个方面进行探讨,以求达到对“人性”内容的清晰认识。  相似文献   

也谈高水平大学及其社会贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先,本讨论了大学排名与评价高水平大学的区别,并得出高水平大学办学水平和自身发展要以贡献社会为前提等认识;其次,本进一步提出了高水平大学应该向社会提供高素质创新型人才成果、高水平科技研究成果以及高新技术产品成果的观点;最后,从科技发展演变、经济形态变化趋势、高科技产品的生产特点以及大学自身职能扩展需求等不同角度,论证了“三个成果”观点的立论依据。  相似文献   

This paper describes a course, Science, Technology and the Public in the Nineteenth Century, which is both interdisciplinary and co-taught by a biologist and an historian. The rationale for including social history in such a course is to make nonscience majors more aware of both the process of science and its relationship to society. An example of the social history component of the course is offered in a discussion of Louis Pasteur and his adulation by the French public. Since Pasteur's popularity was based as much on nonscientific as on scientific factors, we use his career to illustrate concepts about science in its cultural context that we want our students to understand. The course's content is then presented with reference to objectives we hope to achieve. Finally we indicate how, with our varied backgrounds, co-teaching this course led to a sharing of our cognitive spaces and how this was a positive experience for both ourselves and our students.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some aspects concerning the defining process in geometrical context, in the reference frame of the theory of figural concepts. The discussion will consider two different, but not antithetical, points of view. On the one hand, the problem of definitions will be considered in the general context of geometrical reasoning; on the other hand, the problem of definition will be considered an educational problem and consequently, analysed in the context of school activities. An introductory discussion focuses on definitions from the point of view of both Mathematics and education. The core of the paper concerns the analysis of some examples taken from a teaching experiment at the 6th grade level. The interaction between figural and conceptual aspects of geometrical reasoning emerges from the dynamic of collective discussions: the contributions of different voices in the discussion allows conflicts to appear and draw toward a harmony between figural and conceptual components. A basic role is played by the intervention of the teacher in guiding the discussion and mediating the defining process.  相似文献   

This research study focuses on an electronic forum for building a community of pre-service teachers to reflect upon new directions in science teaching. The thesis of this paper is to model the notion of community building for teacher reflective practice. Through pre-service teachers' WebCT postings on students' theories in science, we provide evidence of how WebCT discussion board served as a forum for community building to carry out reflective practice. We conclude that WebCT discussion board can serve as a viable tool for building a community of reflective teachers. This study implies that WebCT and similar Internet electronic discussion tools may be effectively used for community building to carry out reflective dialogues in teacher education.  相似文献   

In his December editorial on Michael Reiss, Kenneth Tobin (Cult Stud Sci Educ 3:793–798, 2008), raises some very important questions for science and science teachers regarding science education and the teaching of creationism in the classroom. I agree with him that students’ creationist ideologies should be treated not as misconceptions but as worldviews. Because of creationism’s peculiarly strong political links though, I argue that such discussion must address three critical and interconnected issues, including the uncertain state of teaching evolution in public schools nationally, the political convergence of the creationist political beliefs with bigoted worldviews, and creationism’s inherent contrariness to science and human progress. I suggest that we as science educators therefore not consider all sides to be equally right and to instead take side against the politics of creationism. I also argue that we need much more serious discussion on how to better teach science to students who hold creationist worldviews, and that science educators such as Reiss need to be part of that.
Konstantinos AlexakosEmail:

Konstantinos Alexakos   is an assistant professor in the School of Education at Brooklyn College (CUNY). He is a former New York City high school science teacher and a former NYC transit worker. His research interests include sociocultural issues especially fictive kinships among minority science students and perseverance and success.  相似文献   

In this paper, we look closely at two events selected through event-oriented inquiry that were part of a classroom presentation on race. The first event was a provocative discussion about Mark Twain’s (Pudd’nhead Wilson, Harper, New York, 1899) and passing for being White. The other was a discussion on the use of the N-word. Grounded in authentic inquiry, we use ethnographic narrative, cogenerative dialogues, and video and oximeter data analyses as part of a multi-ontological approach for studying emotions. Statistical analysis of oximeter data shows statistically significant heart rate synchrony among two of the coteachers during their presentations, providing evidence of emotional synchrony, resonance, and social and emotional contagion.  相似文献   

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