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日本第七次中学课程改革及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在"二战"以后进行了七次中学课程改革,几乎每隔十年就要进行一次课改。最近的一次是以2008年颁布的《中学学习指导要领》为标志,这个《要领》是在新修订的《教育基本法》指导下,对中学课程内容进行了重大修订,增加了外语、理科、数学等基础学科的课时量,在内容的深度和广度上也有所增加,以提高基础学力。日本紧贴时代的需要、重视母语教学、强化道德教育、注重外国语教学、重视学生个性发展等,对我国基础教育课程改革具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Computational estimation has not yet established a place in the Kuwaiti national curriculum. An attempt was made to include it during the early 1990s, but it was dropped by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education because of the difficulties teachers had teaching it. In an effort to provide guidance for reintroducing the concept into the curriculum, this study reports on mathematics teachers’ understanding of the meaning of computational estimation and their views about its significance in the elementary and middle school curricula in Kuwait. Data gathered from 59 elementary and middle schools teachers in Kuwait revealed that more than 60% of teachers equate computational estimation with rounding. While two-thirds of the teachers viewed computational estimation to be an important skill for daily life; only one-fifth (20%) saw it as important in mathematics education. More than half of the teachers either disagreed with the idea of teaching computational estimation or only wanted to teach it in limited situations. Most were concerned about the difficulty of learning computational estimation or feared that teaching computational estimation would cause problems with students’ development of standard algorithms for determining an exact answer. These findings reveal the challenge that mathematics educators face in introducing computational estimation into the mathematics curriculum. In order for computational estimation to be taught in elementary and middle school classrooms, teachers need to understand the concept and its value in education. Teacher education needs to focus on helping teachers better understand the concept of computational estimation and appreciate its value for instruction.  相似文献   

This article investigates the composition of the Norwegian lower secondary school curriculum with a special emphasis on pre-vocational education from a contemporary perspective. The data consist of four official national curricula enacted from the 1970s until the present. Despite differences between the curricula, the main structure of school subjects has remained stable over time. Norwegian lower secondary school curricula mainly include academic subjects, even though pre-vocational education is, to varying degrees, present in all curricula, especially amongst elective subjects. This consolidated position of academic subjects results in a consistency in the composition of the curriculum. Curriculum change is most likely to happen amongst electives and is related to changes in policy making and societal changes. Pre-vocational education is mainly included in the first and current curriculum contrary to the second and third curriculum. These findings indicate that the international policy agenda and its emphasis on the relevance of education through stressing the linkage between education and the world of work only has a minor impact on Norwegian curricula. Further, the allocation of teaching hours shows that the status of pre-vocational subjects is low compared to that of academic subjects. International policies emphasizing basic skills strengthen the academic subjects even further.  相似文献   

The approval of the 1979 curricula for the middle school set into motion across the country a chain of public initiatives to promote public awareness. The initiatives were for the most part promoted by the teachers' organizations (CIDI and UCIIM), trade union organizations, and local administrations most sensitive to school questions, and by certain special communities. The one major absentee, unjustified and blameworthy, the Minister of Public Education, chose to look on from the wings as if the matter did not concern him. Indeed, no national initiative was taken by the Ministry at all of an extent capable of involving and inspiring the most active and concerned forces of the school, to discuss and explore not only the new curricula but also the two recent laws (348 and 517) from which the new curricula derived. Yet the law is clear and explicit. Wherever changes are made in the "school bylaws and regulations or teaching curricula" the Ministry of Education is called upon to organize refresher and training courses for staff, with the authorization to impose "compulsory" attendance (see Article No. 76 of Decree No. 417 for 1974). Instead, from the offices of Viale Trastevere not even one copy of the text of the new curricula — I repeat, not even one copy — was sent to the various middle schools throughout Italy. Thus it is not surprising that last May, when the measures for adopting the test for the school year 1979-80 were being implemented (1979-80 was the year when the new curricula were to enter into force), many teachers had either not adopted new texts or had chosen texts that, cameleon-like, had been presented as new but in reality were far from the spirit and the innovative lines present in the new curricula. The absence of the Ministry of Education is even more grave considering that studies and inquiries have shown that in the sixties the unified middle school had difficulty getting off the ground because of the lack of training of teachers.  相似文献   

2004年教育部开始实施新一轮普通高中课程,从知识与技能,过程与方法,情感、态度与价值观三个维度构建了课程目标体系,新课程标准跟以往教学大纲的一个重要区别是更关注学生的情感、态度与价值观。文章通过调查问卷、访谈研究、定性观察等透视高中物理教学中情感、态度与价值观目标培养的现状,找出教学中存在的问题和不足。  相似文献   

推行部分学科课程双语式教学是教育部为拓宽本科学生专业视野,促进学科与学术前沿融合,加快高等教育与国际接轨而采取的重要举措。根据目前高校双语课程连续多年的教学实践,证明双语教学的实效性很大程度上依赖于原版英文教材的使用。文章以此为论点,对安徽大学部分开设双语课程时间较久的院系所用教材进行问卷调查,并予以统计分析,提出以下商榷性的结论或建议,以资高校采购与利用双语课程英文原版教材类图书时参考:制度上要严把双语原版教材类图书的选用关,加强教学与图书采购人员的信息沟通,注重发挥院系资料室的英文图书保障作用,建立双语原版教材类图书利用效益的最大化机制。  相似文献   

International surveys have served as agents of change for the introduction of reforms in curricula worldwide. The Israeli Ministry of Education set a goal of raising Israel's ranking in international surveys so that Israel will be among the 10 leading countries in the Program for International Student Assessment and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). The Ministry of Education therefore acted to reduce the gap between the intended and the attained science curriculum by intervening on two curricular levels: the intended and the implemented. Over the years, documents that contributed to the adoption of contents and skills from the international surveys were added to the science curriculum, until the publication of the new science curriculum. The intervention was successful and in TIMSS 2011, Israel ranked 13 out of the 42 participating countries. The present research examines the influence of international surveys on science education in Israel, over the course of time (1996–2011). Analysis of documents accompanying the curriculum shows a clear message that international surveys are standards that should be used for teaching, and every additional document closes the gap between the science curriculum and the international surveys.  相似文献   

教学团队建设是教学质量工程的重要内容,是教育部在高等学校中实施本科教学质量与教学改革工程的一项重要举措。教学团队的构建应该根据课程设置和师资队伍结构进行。大学英语选修课是大学英语的后续课程,其课程体系宽泛,课程内容丰富,基于选修课程群建设的教学团队能够最大范围地覆盖英语这门学科的各个课程体系。因此,大学英语教学团队及其运行机制的建立,能够在教学运行和教学改革中发挥积极有效的作用,从而保证人才培养质量。  相似文献   

随着小学英语教育的逐步推广,小学英语教学方面的讨论和研究正在不断地深入.如何贯彻执行<全日制义务教育英语课程标准>,保证教学质量,是广大小学英语教师面临的重要问题.本文依据教育部新制订的英语课程标准,对宜春市小学英语教育现状进行分析,提出相关建议.并指出宜春市小学英语教学只有把当前小学英语教育现状、小学生的生理以及心理特点、外语教学的实质相结合,才能走向成功之路.  相似文献   

赣南师范学院历史学专业于2008年被教育部批准为国家特色专业建设点,走出了一条特色专业建设之路,即在对校情、自身优势和学科发展态势的正确分析判断的基础上,着眼区域历史文化资源这一切入点,以学科建设为龙头搭建专业建设的平台,在师资队伍建设、课程教育教学内容、教学管理体制以及人才培养机制等多方面力求改革与创新,精心打造历史学特色专业,努力提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

在非艺术类普通高等院校中,<中国美术史>的教学受到学生、老师、学校等诸多方面因素的制约而未能达到国家教育部教学大纲所订的目标.根据非艺术类本科院校的教学条件,宜采取课堂教学与课外讲座相结合的方式,即以系统讲述中国美术发展史的课堂教学为主,以根据不同专业方向需要开设课外专题讲座为辅,实行点、线、面相结合的教学方式.  相似文献   

国民政府为实现民族同化,而重视边疆教育。国民政府教育部颁布了许多法令,制定计划大纲,专门成立了教育部蒙藏教育委员会、蒙藏教育司,负责边疆教育事项,并在边疆各省建立了各级边疆学校。边疆地方政府也兴办了大量的边疆学校,培养边疆人才。民国时期的边疆教育,不仅仅是学校教育,也包括社会教育。  相似文献   

日本文部科学省为适应社会经济变革、以学生"生存能力"为培养目标的教育改革以及培养教育领域高层次专门人才的要求,在各大学设立了教师教育研究生院。其教师培养课程体系的基本框架包括两部分,即确定以实践能力为核心的教师教育培养目标和由必修课程、学科领域的选修课程及学校现场的教育实习构成的研究生层次的教师教育课程体系。其借鉴意义在于,研究生层次的教师教育应以培养"实践能力"为目标,应强化实践性、应用性课程内容。  相似文献   

For quite some time, many EU and Italian Ministry of Education official documents have warmly suggested the introduction of the history and the philosophy of science in the teaching of science disciplines at school. Accordingly, there is a shared agreement between pedagogists and science historians about the efficacy of this approach towards an understanding of the current curriculum content and the Nature of Science. What is missing, at least in Italy, is a concrete fieldwork in the classroom to show the validity of these declarations. This essay is a report of the experience of introducing history and philosophy of science into junior and senior high school classrooms in Apulia (Italy). The aims of this project are: (a) to build a model of research involving high school teachers and university lecturers in the design and construction of teaching units that use the story of science and epistemology for teaching science and (b) produce evidence that this approach is effective in getting more interest from students in science. We relied on many schools for carrying out the historical-scientific teaching modules. The modules were carried out through the case study approach. In the first phase, the participating teachers were trained by University tutors on the modalities of this particular teaching approach. In the second phase, the teachers carried out the modules in their classes and finally these modules were presented in a conclusive conference. Moreover, we evaluated the efficacy of the intervention through specifically created agreement questionnaires.  相似文献   

关于普通高校形势与政策课教学改革的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育部规定普通高校必须开设形势与政策课,但实际上有的并没有开,或者是遇到特别重大的国际国内问题时才应付一下。鉴于这门课对于大学生在正确认识历史和社会走向上的重要性,高校应该把它重视起来,用“专题课、专家讲、讲大事、社会化、讲座式”的思路进行教学改革,以提高教学效果。  相似文献   

This paper describes and analyses Swedish curriculum theory and research in a 20year perspective in relation to the changes in the comprehensive school system and the decline of the welfare state. It is argued that the break-up of the strong triangle' between the educational research community, the former National Board of Education and the Ministry of Education, which was essential in the implementation of the comprehensive school in the 1960s and in the promotion of research and theory on the curriculum, began in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Some of the consequences of this change are analysed to highlight a changed agenda for curriculum theory and research in terms of a recontextualization not only of the curriculum objects but of curriculum theory and research itself.  相似文献   

手风琴伴奏课程的开设与普及,不仅能够满足音乐学专业课程建设的需要,而且还能有效推进手风琴课程的教学改革。为更好的适应音乐教育发展趋势,培养符合国家要求的技能型人才,手风琴伴奏课程的结构及框架必须进行合理构建。  相似文献   

2001年,泰国教育部颁布了新的《全国教育纲要》和《第八个全国教育发展规划》,由此启动了泰国新一轮的基础教育课程改革,重新确定了国家的基础教育方针政策与目标,规定了不同学段的教学计划、课程内容和管理体制等问题。  相似文献   

课程改革理念存在不同的呈现方式,课程理念得以实现,经历了理想课程、正式课程、感知课程、运作课程和体验课程的传递和阐释。在大陆课程改革的背景下,由于实行教材审定制,小学语文感知课程的表现形式就更为复杂。通过对政策文件、教材编写资料、教材培训者的工作记录等文本资料的分析,发现小学语文感知课程表现形式有三种:感知课程一,通过编写实验教材体现的小学语文课程;感知课程二,实验教材的培训过程中传达的小学语文课程;感知课程三,教师个人认识和理解的小学语文课程。不同的课程感知者的身份、已有的课程经验、对课程改革的态度以及所处的外部环境等等的差异,直接影响感知课程形式所包含的内容。  相似文献   

教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的颁布给中小学教师带来了严峻的挑战。本文从综合知识、教学方法、自我教育、培养学生兴趣、及科研能力五个方面论述中学物理新课程实施中教师的缺失,并在此基础上提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

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