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中国古典诗歌浩如烟海。在中国古典诗歌的百花园中,异体诗是一枝夺目的奇葩。它有别于其它四言、五言、七言诗的所谓“正体”诗,以其独特的形式与内容,赢得人们的青睐与赞誉,尤其为历代文人所喜爱。  相似文献   

“X跟Y一样W”语式的语义预设相当复杂,但呈现出严格的规律。该语式在表示比拟的意义时,存在“YW”的预设义;在表示比较的意义时,其语义预设与“W”的性质有关:当“W”不是“大、小”类词时,存在着“YW”的预设义;当“W”是“大、小”类词的消极成分时,同样存在着“YW”的预设义;当“W”为“大、小”类词的积极成分时,不一定具有“YW”的预设义。也就是说,并不预设事物具有积极成分的概念意义所表达的性质,而是表示整个概念范围。  相似文献   

早期STEM教育是近年来继项目活动后出现在学前教育领域的一种新的教育形态。STEM教育与项目活动非常类似,两者都是基于问题的学习,都有助于培养幼儿解决问题的能力;但同时两者在其价值取向、整合方式、探究内容、对幼儿个性化发展的促进以及教师的角色与作用等方面也有着明显的区别。项目活动更多看重的是教育的个人发展功能,而STEM教育更多追求的是教育的工具价值;项目活动是一种跨越学科领域的、大范围的整合,STEM教育则是一种围绕同类型学科的、小范围的整合;项目活动以幼儿的兴趣为出发点,探究的内容往往极为丰富多彩,基本上可以囊括幼儿生活的全部,而STEM教育主要集中在幼儿对周围物质世界的探究方面,其内容主要涉及到"物理知识"及"逻辑数理知识"两个方面;项目活动能满足所有幼儿的个性化发展需要,故而能促进所有幼儿的适宜性发展,而STEM教育则相对只能更好地满足某些特定学习风格(场独立型)的幼儿的个性化发展需要;在项目活动中,教师的"引导"作用更多地表现在对幼儿已有兴趣的合理引导,在STEM教育活动中教师的"引导"既有对幼儿已有兴趣的"引导",更有对兴趣的"引发",带有一定的"外烁论"的痕迹。厘清这些差异,有助于幼儿园教师提升相关教育理念,从而更好地开展这两种教育活动。  相似文献   

Putting the "Noun Bias" in Context: A Comparison of English and Mandarin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, researchers have been debating whether children exhibit a universal "noun bias" when learning a first language. The present study compares the proportions of nouns and verbs in the early vocabularies of 24 English- and 24 Mandarin-speaking toddlers ( M age = 20 months) and their mothers. Three different methods were used to measure the proportion of noun types, relative to verb types: controlled observations in three contexts (book reading, mechanical toy play, regular toy play), identical across languages; a vocabulary checklist (MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory); and mothers' reporting of their children's "first words." Across all measures, Mandarin-speaking children were found to have relatively fewer nouns and more verbs than English-speaking children. However, context itself played an important role in the proportions of nouns found in children's vocabularies, such that, regardless of the language spoken, children's vocabularies appeared dominated by nouns when they were engaged in book reading, but not when they were playing with toys. Mothers' speech to children showed the same language differences (relatively more verbs in Mandarin), although both Mandarin- and English-speaking mothers produced relatively more verbs than their children. In sum, whether or not language-learning toddlers demonstrate a "noun bias" depends on a variety of factors, including the methods by which their vocabularies are sampled and the contexts in which observations occur.  相似文献   

Learning in the earliest stage of life — the infancy, toddlerhood and preschool period — is relational and rapid. Child-initiated and adult-mediated conversations, playful interactions and learning through active involvement are integral to young children making sense of their environments and to their development over time. The child's experience in this early phase of life is at the heart of ‘Learning to Be’ in any society. This article reviews early learning studies aimed at understanding children's personal, intellectual and social development, and promoting that development. Particular reference is made to attachment and attention, the process of self-regulation, and the adult-child engagement strategies that advance the child's receptive and expressive language: these all exercise substantial influence on early childhood learning and child development outcomes over time. The selected research studies variously highlight the development of infants, toddlers, and young children in kindergarten and the early years of school, and how children make sense of their environments as social, learning and unique human beings. Both the home learning environment and early childhood education programmes are important in children's development. This article argues for high-quality early childhood experience and giving attention to the engagement role of adults in advancing young children's development, minimising the risk of poor development and supporting positive long-lasting personal, academic and social benefits. In this early phase of life, in the words of Jacques Delors: ‘… none of the talents which are hidden like buried treasure in every person must be left untapped’. (Delors et al. 1996, p. 23).  相似文献   

先秦关于“言”、“意”看法有四种。有极端的“情欲信 ,辞欲巧”的信仰型语言观和“得意忘言”解构性言语观 ;有孔子的“辞达而已矣”的中庸性语言观和《易传》中的“书不尽言 ,言不尽意” ,因而“立象尽意”的重构性语言观。后两者对古典诗歌美学产生了重要影响。其中“立象尽意”的表达策略消解了诗歌艺术中的主客观对立的关系 ,使中国诗歌美学与中国“天人合一”的哲学精神融为一体  相似文献   

20世纪初的留日中国学界出现了一系列引人注目的关键词,这些新词语带来了留日中国知识分子思想意识的变化。“世界”的意义首先值得我们注意。它联系着中国知识分子的空间观念的变化,由此,中国人感受自己和感受世界的方式较传统都有了很大的不同。  相似文献   

The effect of phonology and semantics on word learning in 5- and 6-year-old children was explored. In Experiment 1, children learned to read words varying in spelling-sound consistency and imageability. Consistency affected performance on early trials, whereas imageability affected performance on later trials. Individual differences among children in phonemic awareness on the trained words were related to learning, and knowledge of a word's meaning predicted how well it was learned. In Experiment 2, phonological and semantic knowledge of nonwords was manipulated prior to word learning. Familiarization with a word's pronunciation facilitated word learning, but there was no additional benefit from being taught to associate a meaning with a nonword.


From Confucius to Lin Piao, all reactionaries in history who tried to restore the old order and turn back the clock invariably advocated the "doctrine of the mean [chung yung]." Confucius praised the "doctrine of the mean" as the "supreme virtue"; Chiang Kai-shek spoke of it as "the most refined and correct philosophy of life"; and Lin Piao babbled that the "doctrine of the mean … is rational." The revolutionary people, however, have nothing but contempt for all this trash. Hadn't Confucius cursed that "the inferior man opposes the mean"? This shows that the "doctrine of the mean" has always been opposed by the revolutionary people since antiquity. The working class is the most thoroughgoing revolutionary class, so it should thoroughly criticize this doctrine.  相似文献   

“南园五先生”是明初崛起于岭南的诗人群体,他们对明中叶“南园后五子”、晚明“南园十二子”具有重要的影响。“南园五先生”作为一个晚起的概念,有个生成过程,即黄佐从“南园诗社”中抽“五先生”之观念、“重正五先生诗集”的出现、“南园与五先生”之论述,到最后以“南园五先生诗集”冠名之确立。本文在联系明中叶“南园后五子”、晚明“南园十二子”的基础上,进一步指出“南园”已从一个自然的地域概念转化为一个具有精神内涵的人文语汇———南园诗魂。  相似文献   

目前网络教育中应当强化“教”的研究,其因在于网络教育之不足和学生自主学习能力弱。需在此基础上探讨了网络教育中强化“教”的研究的理论依据和现实基础分别在于建构主义学习论和自主学习的特点。提出了网络教育条件下强化“教”的研究的三方面具体举措,重新认识和理解网络教育条件下教师的“教”,强化网络教育师资队伍建设,走出网络教育的某些误区。  相似文献   

5×5×5 ? Creativity in the Early Years has involved five early years' settings, five artists and five cultural centres working in partnership to support young children (3–6 years) in their exploration, communication and expression of creative ideas. This year‐long research project has been inspired by the approach to education and the creative arts in early years' settings in Reggio Emilia, Northern Italy. The three aims have been evaluated; they were: to demonstrate ways in which creativity and innovation can be fostered in and with young children; to influence early years' educational practice by establishing creativity as an essential foundation of early learning; and to share findings as widely as possible, creating a legacy for the future. This article examines the collaborative processes between artists, educators and cultural centres as they worked with young children using a creative and reflective cycle. The underpinning principles and the role of professional development have been essential to the success of the project. Findings show that careful observations and documentation of children's words will provide insight into their ideas and understandings. As adults it is our role to facilitate and support children's depth of learning. By respecting children and taking time to make observations and connections with the children's thinking, we can refine our own efforts in supporting their learning more effectively.  相似文献   

<论语>的判断句主要有五种形式:一是[主语,]谓语+也;二是[主语,]是+谓语+也;三是主语+者,谓语+也;四是[主语,]+为+[谓语];五是[主语,]+非+[谓语].可见,在<论语>中已出现了"是""为"等判断词,"非"不是判断词,而是表否定的副词.  相似文献   

Diane Boyd 《Education 3-13》2013,41(8):983-997

The aim of this research was to consider how young children could develop an education for sustainable mind-set, through place-based learning within a local context. This research built upon the development of an Early Childhood Education for Sustainable (ECEfS) framework (Boyd, D., H. Hirst, and C. McNeill. 2016. Early Childhood Education for Sustainable Framework 48 (ECEfS). https://www.foundationyears.org.uk/2017/09/environmental-sustainability-resources/). The place-based research focused upon Dewey's theory of experiential learning and by engaging in offsite longitudinal community-based projects, where young children become familiar with their own locality. This familiarity encourages children to develop an ecological self within place by being submerged in an ever-changing natural environment through the Forest School Philosophy, with an emphasis upon regular visits conducted over an extended period. Over a period of a year children and adults in different and diverse settings experienced opportunities for place-based learning to develop their Education for Sustainability perspective. Observations focused upon children and adults considering how they both started to become more aware of local critical issues and related them to their own reality. The research received ethical approval by LJMU and all involved chose to take part and could withdraw at any time.  相似文献   

古典诗歌鉴赏是中学语文教学的重点和难点,而诗歌鉴赏的要点是对诗"意"的把握,对诗"意"的解读除了要打通阅读经验与诗歌内容的内在联系外,还要充分尊重诗歌的"言"、"义"、"象"、"意"四层结构和"言"、"音"、"意"三层结构的双重召唤结构这一个性特征。这一个性规定了在文本解读的整体意识下其解读的一般流程:看看,定"调";读读,明"义";想象,造"象";读、悟,解"意"。在整个过程中,需要在以往知识经验、情感经验的基础上,调动理解力、联想想象力、感受力、直觉力等多种心理能力的共同参与,"读"是重要的方法。  相似文献   

Summary Two nursery class teachers were introduced to, and instructed in the use of, ‘Incidental Teaching’ (I.T.) procedures designed to facilitate child initiated language interactions in the natural classroom environment. Both nursery classes included a large proportion of children from Punjabi‐speaking homes. Throughout the study teacher‐child language interactions were sampled using a radio microphone linked to a tape recorder. For each sample all child initiations addressed to the teacher were transcribed together with all teachers’ responses to child initiations. A multiple baseline design across teachers/classes was employed to evaluate the effects of I.T. procedures and an amended strategy.

After the initial training session, both teachers’ use of I.T. procedures increased markedly and in both classes children initiated more frequently. The total number of words spoken to the teacher, and the average number of words spoken per child, increased in both groups. During a second intervention phase (the amended strategy), when the teachers arranged the environment so that children were required to request access to certain materials, both the number of child initiations and the teachers’ use of I.T. procedures continued to rise in both classes. In school A both the total number of words spoken, and the average number of words used per child, continued to rise, whilst in school B the total number of words spoken and the average number of words used per child fell, as more children with restricted language became involved in language interactions.  相似文献   

Word learning can build the high-quality word representations that support skilled reading and language comprehension. According to the partial knowledge hypothesis, words that are partially known, also known as “frontier words” (Durso & Shore, 1991), may be good targets for instruction precisely because they are already familiar. However, studies investigating this question have produced mixed findings, and individual differences in baseline knowledge have complicated results both within and across studies. We present two studies that took a different approach, controlling both familiarity and the nature of the familiarizing episode. We controlled familiarity with novel words through pre-exposure (“pre-familiarization”) in isolation, to induce form-based familiarity, or in sentences that provided few clues to meaning, to induce partial semantic knowledge. The number of pre-exposures varied (0, 1, or 4). After the pre-familiarization phase, we presented the words in several highly informative sentences to support meaning acquisition. Participants included both adults and typically developing children, ages 9–12. Participants’ self-rated familiarity with target words, and their knowledge of the words’ meanings and orthography were each measured at baseline, immediately after learning, and 1 week later. Orthographic and semantic word learning showed contrasting effects of pre-familiarization. For orthographic learning, it was the number, rather than the type, of pre-familiarizations that mattered most. By contrast, the number of pre-familiarizations had little impact on word semantic learning; further, pre-familiarization in low-constraint sentences did not consistently boost subsequent learning. These findings suggest that familiarity with a word prior to instruction does not necessarily improve word-learning outcomes, and they highlight the importance of repeated exposures to high quality contexts for robust word learning.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study examined whether approaches to learning moderate the association between home literacy environment and English receptive vocabulary development. The Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey (2003 cohort) was used for analysis. Latent growth curve modeling was utilized to test a quadratic model of English receptive vocabulary development. Results showed that children's approaches to learning significantly moderated the influence of home literacy environment on English receptive vocabulary development. Post hoc probing of the simple slopes demonstrated that children with more positive approaches to learning and lower levels of home literacy environment had a higher English receptive vocabulary trajectory. The implications of the study results for early literacy interventions are discussed. Practice or Policy: Findings from this study may have implications for early educators who aim to improve Head Start children's language competencies by targeting home literacy environment and approaches to learning. At a preliminary level, the study findings suggest that positive approaches to learning may compensate for a limited home literacy environment. Because positive approaches to learning can facilitate learning in other domains, for instance, language learning, this information may be useful for early educators in terms of promoting positive learning attitudes and predispositions toward learning.  相似文献   

Short and long‐term effects of a treatment for dyslexia are evaluated. The treatment is based on psycholinguistic theory and assumes that dyslexia is due to poor lexico‐phonological processing of words. The treatment is computer‐based and focuses on learning to recognise and to make use of the phonological and morphological structure of Dutch words. The results of the treatment were clear improvements in reading words, reading text and spelling. Effect sizes of standardised treatment gains were large (Cohen's d>0.80 for all variables). Following the treatment, participants attained an average level of text‐reading and spelling. The attained level of reading words and reading text was found to be stable over a four‐year follow‐up period. Spelling showed a slight decline one year after the treatment, but remained stable thereafter. 1 1. A preliminary report of the data was presented at the World congress on dyslexia, September 1997, Thessaloniki, Greece.  相似文献   


The manner in which students manage their learning activities in response to perceived task or course demands describes their 'learning orchestration'. This paper addresses relations between a student's learning orchestration and their learning outcome as a function of prior understanding in first year university biology courses. A cluster analysis of 272 Australian students revealed three different forms of learning orchestration - understanding, reproducing and disintegrated. In one cluster, students felt their environment was more supportive of deep approaches to learning and they adopted deeper approaches. They were the students who had the better prior understanding and they did best on measures of meaningful learning. However, less than one third of the students showed this coherent (and desirable) learning pattern. A second cluster of students showed a coherent but less desirable learning orchestration focused on more surface perceptions and approaches and they had significantly worse learning gains and achievement scores. The third cluster of students saw the learning environment as being more supportive of deep approaches, but, unlike the other groups, they did not adopt an approach consistent with their perception. We describe these students as having a disintegrated learning orchestration. A key finding is that the students with this orchestration also have very poor levels of prior knowledge and also have very poor achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

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