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This essay examines a longstanding and recurrent metaphor in the representation of schools in modern society: the school as factory. Tracing this figure to the rise of philanthropic schools provided by factory owners from the early stages of the British industrial revolution, the essay surveys its uses both in the historical sources and in later critical-theoretical analyses commonly informed by the work of Michel Foucault. While acknowledging the frequent validity of the metaphor in specific historical conjunctures, the essay also questions its overapplication past and present, to the exclusion of other symbolic constructions of the school with deeper origins and wider salience for the practice of education. The essay concludes with a reminder that the reproduction of governing metaphors in the historical and cultural study of educational institutions should always be treated with philosophical caution.  相似文献   

引厂入校建设"教学工厂"是高职院校培养高素质技术技能型人才的重要举措。学校、企业、学生三个利益相关方在其中各有不同的利益需求,构成一个复杂的利益博弈模型。高职院校要创造有利的合作环境,"筑巢引凤",寻求学校、企业、学生三者之间共同与相互错位的利益点,方能实现协同发展、三方共赢。  相似文献   

教育均衡的重点在农村,关键在教师。充分利用校本研修、城乡支教和浙江省农村中小学教师"领雁工程"等工作载体,以城带乡,城乡联动,精心打造教师队伍和教师专业发展,努力引领着教师走向卓越,是积极推进素质教育,有效促进农村教育和谐发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

张巧雅 《海外英语》2013,(21):139-140
Recently in China,most parents,when asked about the attitudes towards homework,favor homework as a necessity for practice because the college entrance examination still exists.Admittedly,homework guarantees students’command of knowl edge and better prepares one for the coming tests.However,for pupils,the assigned homework to be finished during the non school hours is detrimental to individual health,family relationships,realization of schools’educational goals and societal equality.In addition,homework for kids,against its original intention in practice,can’t help kids learn efficiently and thus should be banned.This essay focuses on specific reasons in various aspects why homework should be banned.  相似文献   

Of late, newspapers and radio stations at both central and local levels have published different opinions over the issue of key elementary and secondary schools. Some newspapers carried articles that concentrated on the "drawbacks" in running key schools and demanded that they be abolished so as to "let all elementary and secondary schools compete." As a pedagogic study and discussion, the move was beyond reproach. According to the report of some newspapers, however, a few provinces and municipalities even went so far as to declare the abolition of key elementary schools and the method for key middle schools to enroll the better qualified students. As we all know, it was Vice Chairman Deng who first proposed that key elementary and secondary schools be run after the smashing of the "gang of four." For this purpose the Ministry of Education convened a special conference, issued relevant documents, and has not yet made any decision concerning the abolition of the key school system. Under such circumstances, publishing in the newspapers the decision to abolish key schools has thrown people into confusion. Some people called or wrote to demand that the educational departments quickly declare the abolition of key schools, and some schools of nonkey status asked for backbone teachers from key schools. There were also people who even considered a redistribution of the facilities owned by key schools. Thus a tension has been arbitrarily created between society and the educational departments, and between key schools and schools of nonkey status. And the teaching order in many schools has been affected. All this undermines stability and unity and hampers the readjustment of educational undertakings. Personally, I believe our current endeavor to run key elementary and secondary schools indeed involves quite a few problems and conscientious efforts should be made to address them. However, all this boils down to a question of how experience should be summed up and how further efforts can be made in order to run the key schools better; under no circumstances should we thereby arrive at a conclusion that key schools should be abolished. There are several reasons for this.  相似文献   

试论中学与大学德育的有效对接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马凤强  石新荣 《中国德育》2006,1(8):57-59,73
“大一新生综合症”出现的深层次原因是大学与中学德育的脱节,为此,要从教育观念、教育管理、教育目标、教育内容、培养途径等方面实现中学与大学德育的有效对接,以提高我国人才培养质量。  相似文献   

中等职业学校德育课教学是学校德育工作的主渠道,是对学生进行思想品德教育的主阵地。中职学校德育课教学要紧密联系社会实际和学生生活实际,突出育人特色,进一步体现职业教育的特点,把传授知识与陶冶情操、养成良好的行为习惯结合起来,也就是中等职业学校德育课教学应坚持以人为本。  相似文献   

学校道德教育应加强道德需要的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、培养道德需要的意义提高学校道德教育实效,要求教师必须转变传统的道德教育观念,把培养道德需要放在主体性道德教育的高度来认识,充分发挥学生在道德学习中的主体作用。1.培养道德需要是道德教育的内在要求。在胡守主编的《德育原理》(1989)中指出:“德育就是把一定社会的思想观点、政治准则和道德规范,转化为受教育者个体思想品德的社会实践活动。”还有观点认为德育是“教育者按照一定社会的要求,通过特定的教育活动,把特定社会的思想和道德规范内化为受教育者的思想意识和道德品质的过程。”檀传宝在《学校道德教育原…  相似文献   

学校不是未成年学生的监护人,但在学校控制的范围内对未成年学生起着监护的职责,因此在学校事故中按照过错原则,在约定的范围内只承担过错责任。所以学校要加强安全教育,健全管理制度,防患于未然。  相似文献   

近几年,学校安全工作越来越引起领导和师生的高度重视,安全意识进一步得到强化,各种安全制度逐一建立起来并得到落实,特别是应对突发事件的各种应急预案均已制定、实施,并且还搞了火灾逃生、防震逃生等演练,教会了学生一些基本的求生避险技能,激发了学生的自我保护意识,进而维护了校园的安全.维护了正常的教学秩序。对此我们感到特别欣慰。但是,在欣慰之余,我们也发现了“最后一个”的问题。如有的学校在1000米体育测试时,体育教师、班主任或同学只去保护冲刺在前几名的同学,最后一个或几个在拼搏奔跑冲刺时,却无人照护。  相似文献   

义务教育的基本任务是提高学生的素质,小学数学教学的首要任务便是发展学生的数学思维,因此应当把小学数学教学看作是思维活动的教学。本文对小学数学课堂思维活动教学的内容与模式进行了分析。  相似文献   

新课标强调高中阶段必须培养学生课外阅读的能力。现阶段高中生语文课外阅读的状况不尽人意,应采取建立阅读机制、创设阅读氛围、增强阅读意识等措施,培养学生的阅读兴趣,拓展学生阅读的途径,引导学生积极主动地开展课外阅读,提升高中生课外阅读的能力。  相似文献   

创新创业教育是培养创新型人才的一种全新教育模式,高职院校图书馆作为学校办学的重要支柱之一,理应从优化馆藏结构、传授检索技能、开展导航服务、建设网络平台、培养学科馆员五个方面全面对接创新创业教育,肩负起培养高职学生创新创业能力的重任.  相似文献   

中学生的心理素质教育远比其化知识的学习更重要;少数民族中学生异常心理状态直接阻碍了其在大学期间良好心理素质的培养和形成;少数民族大学生如果没有良好的心理适应能力,将会给其日后的生活和事业带来严重的影响。  相似文献   

本文分析了市场经济条件下高校图书馆形成大服务格局的必要性与可行性,提出了高校图书馆形成大服务格局应采取的措施。  相似文献   

This article examines the ways that the charter school movement is experienced and negotiated by educators who entered the profession through Teach For America (TFA). TFA’s impact has been significant in the larger educational trend towards market-based reforms and, in particular, the charter school movement. Analyzed through a critical theory lens that focuses on issues of power and on the ways individuals interact amid larger (and often distal) structural forces, the experiences of TFA corps members are situated within the larger changing context of education. Amid contested, fractured, and complex narratives about charter school reform, TFA’s idea of “relentless pursuit” shaped participants’ conceptions and actions around charter schools.  相似文献   

试论当代大学生诚信教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信教育是校园文化建设之根,也是校园伦理文化的灵魂,它将直接影响着整个社会的发展,也影响着大学生的健康成长。因此,加强当代大学生诚信教育,不仅是社会发展的需要,同时也是高校人才培养素质的体现。  相似文献   

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