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We recommend the following investigation report to all proletarian revolutionary comrades, broad masses of workers, poor and lower-middle peasants, student youths, revolutionary intellectuals, and revolutionary cadres in the nation. This report vividly describes how the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution has produced a great change in the ranks of engineering and technical personnel and has demonstrated the great vitality of new socialist ideas. It is entitled "The Way to Train Engineering and Technical Personnel as Viewed from the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant," but it also points out the revolutionary direction of school education.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, profound changes have taken place in Tsinghua University under the guidance of Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary line. The Communist Party has led in reforming the old educational system, teaching principles and methods. A new scholastic pattern synthesizing teaching, research, and productive labor has emerged. Besides running various kinds of factories of its own, the university has lined up a number outside, making it possible for schooling to be closely integrated with productive labor and social practice and for intellectuals to integrate themselves with the worker and peasant masses, thereby changing the situation in the old schools in which education was divorced from proletarian politics, the masses and productive labor. These reforms have effectively guaranteed the implementation of the educational policy laid down by Chairman Mao that "education must serve proletarian politics and be combined with productive labor."  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the extremely important recent instructions of our great leader Chairman Mao, a large number of workers' Mao Tsetung's thought propaganda teams are rapidly entering colleges and universities and other units which have failed to conduct a successful struggle-criticism-transformation campaign. Thus, a high tide in the struggle-criticism-transformation campaign, under the leadership of the working class and participated in by millions of revolutionary people, is being fiercely launched with a force strong enough to overthrow mountains and upset seas. After they have studied Chairman Mao's latest instructions and Comrade Yao Wen-yuan's important article, "The Working Class Must Exercise Leadership in Everything," the broad masses of workers across the nation courageously and without restraint say: "Whenever Chairman Mao waves his hand, we march forward! Under the leadership of the proletarian headquarters, with Chairman Mao as its commander and Vice-Chairman Lin Piao as its deputy commander, we must study better and make living use of Mao Tsetung's thought. The working class should always raise its political consciousness in the course of struggle, unite with the broad masses of revolutionary people of all levels to march forward along Chairman Mao's proletarian revolutionary path, persist in carrying out the great historical mission of a struggle-criticism-transformation campaign, and win a complete victory in the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution!"  相似文献   

Editors' Note     
Since the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, millions of educated youths all over the country have answered Chairman Mao's great call that "educated youths must go to the countryside." With high revolutionary aspirations, they have made their way to the countryside and border regions. There they forge revolution and are reeducated by the poor and lower-middle peasants. Being tempered through the Three Great Revolutionary Struggles in rural areas, they are sturdily growing up.  相似文献   

Guided by Chairman Mao's great instruction to "develop the sports movement to enhance the health of the people," sports activities among the broad masses of workers, peasants, and soldiers in our country have vigorously developed since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. An army of athletes, brought up on the education of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tse-tung Thought and emerging with a new spiritual outlook, is rapidly growing. In order to popularize and raise the standard of the sports movement in our country further and to promote friendship with peoples in different countries through sports activities, we must strengthen the ideological molding of our athletes during the current movement to study in depth the theory of proletarian dictatorship and must strive to lead our army of sportsmen along the right path.  相似文献   

中国革命伦理思想在文革时期的发展遭到了严重的扭曲,以致形成了极左的革命伦理。这种极左的革命伦理使文学创作受到了重创。同样,文革文学在一定程度上成为这种道德的形成与发展的温床,致使中国革命伦理思想的发展脱离了正常的轨道。因此,革命伦理与文革文学是一个值得探讨的论题。  相似文献   

Since the start of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, tens of millions of educated youths, in response to Chairman Mao's call, have gone up to the mountains and down to the countryside in a gigantic revolutionary flow. This drive bears far-reaching significance for combating and preventing revisionism, reducing the three great differences, restricting bourgeois rights and bringing up millions of successors to the cause of the proletarian revolution. Spurred by the movement to study theory of the proletarian dictatorship, we must further consolidate and carry forward the great achievements in the movement up to the mountains and down to the countryside.  相似文献   

“化大革命”在1966年的迅速发动与当时中国的思想化状况存在着密切的联系:平均主义价值观念的重新扩张,构成了民众参与“革”的驱动力;个人崇拜的滋长和盛行,提供了“革”发动的重要政治资源;“革命的斗争哲学”构筑了“革”发动的思想基础;“左”倾理论的产生和发展,形成了“革”发动的理论基础;从众心理的影响,对民众参与“革”起了重要的推助作用。  相似文献   

“林彪路线”是“文革”后期普遍采用的一个习惯用语,是对林彪为代表的反党集团在“文革”中所推行的政治路线、组织路线和思想路线的总称。“林彪路线”具有公开的一套路线和暗中的一套路线。其公开的一套路线的特点是极力迎合所谓毛泽东的革命路线,利用毛泽东发动文革的“左”倾错误,把这一路线推向极端。其暗中的一套路线则是林彪在实现篡党夺权以后准备实行的一套路线,因而这是一条未及全部实行的路线,是林彪准备施政的腹案。前者是林彪篡党夺权的手段,后者是他篡党夺权后准备实行的路线。“林彪路线”的两面性从反面证明“文化大革命”的破产是必然的,“林彪路线”的破产也起到了唤醒民众的作用,预示着“文革”必然破产的命运。  相似文献   

Our great leader Chairman Mao has recently issued a programmatic directive to us: "It is imperative to combat self-interest and criticize and repudiate revisionism." This is the basic guiding principle of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, and it is also the basic guiding principle for carrying out well the struggle-criticism-transformation in various schools and units.  相似文献   

At the Ninth National Congress of the Party, Vice Chairman Lin pointed out: "Whether the proletariat will be able to firmly occupy the cultural and educational fronts and use Mao Tse-tung's thought to transform them is a crucial question that involves whether the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution can be seen through to the end."  相似文献   

Having gone through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Peking University is developing into a new-type socialist university. It has 17 departments embracing over 60 specialties and a teaching staff of more than 2,000. Since August 1970, it has enrolled some 4,000 students from among young workers, peasants, and soldiers with practical experience all over the country. This is something unheard of in the old-type universities.  相似文献   

This is the response of a first-year university student to a recent examination in chemistry. Comrade Chao Ping strongly applies dialectical materialism to sum up the understanding he got from his study of chemistry, analyzing certain concrete contradictions in the realm of chemistry. It is outstanding and will gladden the reader. This response appeared after the reform of the old examination system when students themselves chose topics and wrote about their comprehension of their studies or short summaries of their studies. It is one of the results of the education battlefront thoroughly carrying out Chairman Mao's proletarian education line and is also a strong counterattack directed at those "worse-off-than-before" ideas which slandered the quality of university teaching after the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius have brought about a profound change in the Shanghai Experimental Primary School. Nonetheless, the struggle between the two classes and two lines has not come to an end. To make the Experimental Primary School serve as an instrument for the dictatorship of the proletariat in accordance with Chairman Mao's proletarian educational line, it is necessary to deepen the revolution in education gradually and in a planned way.  相似文献   

In accordance with Chairman Mao's teaching that "there must be a revolution in education" and under the impetus of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, at the end of 1971, our institute ran the south Shensi teaching base in an old temple in Lung-kang-ssu, Nan-cheng hsien, setting up the field of specialization in agricultural crops. In the spring of 1972, we started taking in worker-peasant-soldier students from the various hsien of south Shensi. For the last two years, with the Party's basic line as a platform, the base's Party organization has plunged into launching the rectification movement to criticize Lin Piao, angrily criticizing the revisionist line in education being pushed by Liu Shao-ch'i and Lin Piao. Recently, it has also angrily criticized their advocacy of the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius and their criminal acts of promoting restoration and turning back the wheel of history. Thus, it has pushed the revolution in education to unceasing and intensive development. Under the enlightenment of Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive," the base's revolutionary teachers and students have struggled to make education serve proletarian politics. In coordination with production labor and the Three Great Revolutionary Movements, they have taken a joyful first step on the road to bringing the agricultural university down to the villages.  相似文献   

新中国成立后的公开课分为文革前和后两个时期。文革之前,公开课以本班上课为特点,听课教师以朴素的观察学习为主,研修目的是通过观察、研究上课教师所传达的教学信息,来改善自己的教学。文革之后,公开课出现了大量借班上课现象,它亦可分为两个阶段,新课程改革之前强调公开课的示范性;新课程改革之后强调公开课的研讨性,使公开课与其他研修方法的融入成为可能。另外,由于借班上课的局限性,促使公开课向校本的班本上课回归,向服务于教师专业发展生成,这样,教师不仅能够在公开课上观察到教学模式,也能够观察到针对学生个体以及特殊课堂情境的生成性教学策略。  相似文献   

The poor and lower-middle peasants of this production brigade, under the leadership of the Party branch, have gradually become able to grasp socialist culture by employing many different forms of school operation. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao's thought on educational revolution, they have established through their own efforts brigade primary schools, village schools, and people's schools, so that those youths who have practical hardships are still guaranteed an education. In this way the great majority of the poor and lower-middle peasants and their sons and daughters are able to study culture, thus promoting, through active learning and usage, the extensive development of the mass movement that Chairman Mao has prescribed. This is a most welcome new situation that has emerged from the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   

我们如何叙述文革——以苏童新作《河岸》的解读为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《河岸》是苏童新近的一部“文革”题材小说。苏童真诚地直面大时代,借助一条河流的故事,铺衍了一段悲剧性的文革往事,从革命政治与日常生活、父子关系的隐喻表征、寻找与逃离等几个角度,把一段老故事讲得新意叠见,隽永深刻。  相似文献   

During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the Campaign to Criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, our school criticized the revisionist line in education and conducted schooling with an open-door policy. This practice was in the spirit of Chairman Mao's "May 7 Directive," and our school began to coordinate its activities with the dynamic Three Great Revolutionary Movements. In 1971, beginning with a cauldron and a large earthen vessel, the teachers and students worked strenuously to found an oil-refinery workshop affiliated with the factory run by the school. Later, with the help of the Peking Cogwheel Plant, we set up another workshop to produce automobile spare parts. In addition, every year we organize the teachers and students for trips to factories and the countryside. There they learn industrial and agricultural work and hike and camp. This has given the school a new look.  相似文献   

陈钢的“红色经典”中国小提琴独奏曲产生于上个世纪六、七十年代“文化大革命”的特殊年代,作品根据革命歌曲、少数民族音乐、地方民歌以及“样板戏”音乐主题改编,不仅具有特定的年代的特定内容,而且是现今国内音乐院校的小提琴教育中的重要教材,为中国小提琴音乐宝库中的经典。  相似文献   

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