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We study the potential impact of introducing performance‐based funding systems (PBFS) on national research systems, using information on the number of publications and their scientific impact (citations or publications in top‐ranked journals) for 31 countries over the period 1996–2016. The analysis is performed both at the aggregate level and looking separately at each of the six main scientific areas identified according to the Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) classification. On average, PBFS are found to increase the number of publications, though the effect is only temporary and fades after a few years. Looking at the scientific impact, PBFS are found to have a negligible effect on excellence as measured by the share of articles published in the top journals, irrespective of the type of assessment adopted. On the contrary, PBFS have some influence on average research quality, as measured by the number of citations per paper normalised with respect to the field.  相似文献   

Higher education research is a growing, inter-disciplinary and increasingly international field of study. This article examines the citation patterns of articles published in six leading higher education journals—three published in the United States and three published elsewhere in the world—for what they reveal about the development of this field. The analysis shows that the American journals are not only dominated by American-based authors, but that they also cite predominantly articles, books, chapters and other publications published in the United States. By contrast, the three non-American journals accommodate a much broader spread internationally of both authors and citations. Possible explanations for these patterns, and whether they matter, are discussed.  相似文献   

Citation analysis is a valuable method for tracking the growth and transmission of scientific knowledge. In criminology and criminal justice, such analyses tend to be focused on “classic” works or on highly cited scholars over many years. As an alternative approach, we focus on work that has been cited rather quickly – what we term the “early onset” of impact. In doing so, we identified 221 of the most highly cited peer-reviewed articles, authored by 480 scholars, which were published in criminology and criminal justice journals between 2010 and 2015. Analyses reveal wide variation in substantive topics and methodological approaches, as well as a substantial gender gap with respect to authorship. Additional analyses provide insight into both journal and institutional/program prestige. We conclude with directions for future research and stress the importance of tracking over time articles that appear to be off to an early start with respect to scholarly impact.  相似文献   

This study systematically reviews research evidence regarding two questions: (1) to what extent do schools gain insight into the quality of their own functioning as a result of an inspection? and (2) what are the emotional consequences of inspections experienced by school staff?

It provides a review of empirical research studies published as full-length articles in scientific journals and proceedings of international conferences, symposia and workshops, as well as in books or as book chapters, from 1995 until 2012. Both quantitative and qualitative data are considered. The review process identified 35 relevant publications that met the criteria for inclusion.

The review leads to the conclusion that inspections fail to contribute significantly to schools’ self-understanding, but that they lead to a severe negative emotional impact on school staff. Furthermore it is concluded that the current evidence base shows several gaps, mainly related to underlying explanatory features that contribute to the occurrence of these effects.  相似文献   

International large-scale assessments are on the rise, with the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) seen by many as having strategic prominence in education policy debates. The present article reviews PISA-related English-language peer-reviewed articles from the programme’s first cycle in 2000 to its most current in 2015. Five literature bases were searched, and results were analysed with SPSS. Results map the frequency of publications according to journal, country, and scientific discipline. They also summarise major themes within three identified categories: secondary analysis, policy impact, and critiques. Findings indicated that studies based on the PISA dataset has led to progress in educational research while simultaneously pointing to the need for caution when using this research to inform educational policy.  相似文献   

This study used scientometric methods to conduct an automatic content analysis on the development trends of science education research from the published articles in the four journals of International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Research in Science Education, and Science Education from 1990 to 2007. The multi-stage clustering technique was employed to investigate with what topics, to what development trends, and from whose contribution that the journal publications constructed as a science education research field. This study found that the research topic of Conceptual Change & Concept Mapping was the most studied topic, although the number of publications has slightly declined in the 2000’s. The studies in the themes of Professional Development, Nature of Science and Socio-Scientific Issues, and Conceptual Chang and Analogy were found to be gaining attention over the years. This study also found that, embedded in the most cited references, the supporting disciplines and theories of science education research are constructivist learning, cognitive psychology, pedagogy, and philosophy of science.  相似文献   

基于中国职业技术教育发展数据库、职业技术教育学发展数据管理及分析平台,对2009年度全国研究生在教育类、人文社科综合类核心期刊上发表的职业技术教育学科论文进行统计,分析发文量、文献被引频次及其即年指标、H指数,揭示2009年度研究生职业技术教育研究的区域学术影响力、培养单位学术影响力、论文学术影响力和研究的热点领域。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of newspapers in a philosophy of science course.Using the newspaper as a required text facilitates student exploration of the nature of science by examining current scientific topics. Students in the course read The New York Times on a weekly basis. The articles from the Times support two pedagogical activities: newspaper journals and weekly discussions. The journals consist of free responses to published articles and serve as a means to encourage students to direct their own learning. The weekly discussions permit a free exchange of ideas about controversial topics while facilitating discourse about a multitude of topics concerning the nature of science. This paper describes the course design and provides several examples of how newspaper articles can be used as pedagogical resource.  相似文献   

在对2000-2009十年间刊载在国内九种外语类核心期刊上有关英语写作的文章进行统计分析的基础上,从研究内容和研究方法的角度,对国内英语写作研究的特点作以简要述评,结果表明:研究内容向更深更广的方向发展,主要表现在关于检验写作教学模式有效性的实验研究已趋成熟,基于语料库的文本特征分析研究已成规模,关于写作过程的研究缓慢...  相似文献   

Project-based teaching is nothing new; it originates from the work of authors like Dewey and Kilpatrick. Recent decades have seen renewed interest in this approach. In many countries, it is currently considered to be an innovative approach to science and technology (S&;T) teaching. In this article, we present a systematic review of what recent scientific publications teach us about this approach: How is this approach identified in these publications? How is the use of this approach in school S&;T justified? What are the main research questions covered by studies in the field? What do these studies on this approach teach us? To answer these questions, we have selected and analysed articles published, between 2000 and 2014, in journals that are specialised in school science and technology education and that are indexed in ERIC database. In the synthesis based on this analysis, we present: (a) the theoretical constructs used by the authors to refer to this approach and the features identified to define it; (b) the justifications for this approach; (c) the research questions covered by studies in the field; (d) the data collection and analysis methods used in these studies; and (e) the main findings. In addition to presenting a synthesis of current research in this field, we offer a critical discussion thereof with a focus on two aspects, namely the way PBSTL is conceptualised and the rigour of the research methods used to ensure the validity of findings.  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses what happens when knowledge for policy generated within PISA is received by its target audience: what have the Portuguese policy actors been doing with PISA data and analysis when they consider, express and justify their choices? Drawing on previous and current studies, using interview materials and formal and informal policy documents, as well as texts published in the written press, the article analyses two main phenomena related to the reception of PISA and how this has evolved between 2001 and 2012 in Portugal: the consolidation of PISA's credibility as a source for policy processes and texts; the emergence of new actors and modes of intervention in the production of knowledge for national policy, drawing on PISA. Finally, it presents an analysis of the reception of PISA 2015 in the Portuguese media, focusing on the interventions by political actors in the Portuguese daily and weekly written press. Two main elements emerge from our content analysis as the main common elements of that reception: the consecration of PISA's credibility; and the practices of qualification and disqualification of educational policies and perspectives. The article concludes by emphasising the regulatory role of PISA in Portuguese policy processes and the relevant contribution played by the politics of reception in legitimising this role.  相似文献   

In this study we empirically investigate the claim that articles published in computer science education journals are more methodologically sound than articles published in computer science education conference proceedings. A random sample of 352 articles was selected from those articles published in major computer science education forums between 2000 and 2005. Each article was then coded in terms of five indicators of methodological quality. It was found that there were no practically or statistically significant differences between the articles published in journals and those published in conference proceedings on any of the indicators of methodological quality. One implication of this finding is that those who evaluate the academic output of computer science education researchers should be wary of arbitrarily prescribing more academic merit to journal publications than conference publications.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a rise in the number of students identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with increasing estimates of prevalence still emerging from cohorts monitored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, dissemination to a school psychology audience about these students’ needs has been disparate, with publications being idiosyncratic in the extent to which certain areas have received focused and sustained attention and other areas receiving much less attention. A structured review of the literature examined the extent to which research on children and adolescents with ASD was published within school psychology journals from 2002 through 2012. Results indicate that published studies relating to ASD can be grouped in seven categories, with some being deeply investigated, whereas other topics have been minimally discussed within the field. The most surprising of these findings is the relative lack of publication on the development and psychometric properties of assessment tools used to evaluate students with ASD.  相似文献   

基于对2002年以来CSSCI来源期刊中的管理学类、心理学类期刊上所发表文章的搜索结果,对在“领导-部属交换(LMX)”相关问题上发表的期刊论文进行了描述性的统计,统计包括论文数量年度分布、研究方法、受资助情况及研究主题等。然后从LMX的相关概念、本土化、中介与调节效应、前因与结果变量等几个方面对主要的研究成果进行了总结归纳。最后提出了未来研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

对1986—2007年间国内教育类和学报类核心期刊上有关农村义务教育研究的文章的分析显示:(1)进入新世纪以后,我国农村义务教育研究呈现大幅度上升的趋势;(2)从研究方法上看,非实证研究占绝对优势,实证研究有显著的增长;(3)研究内容主要包括农村义务教育经费、教育管理体制、教育普及、教育均衡发展、师资力量、城乡二元教育结构、教育为农村建设服务等7个方面的问题;(4)资金短缺是农村义务教育发展的最根本问题。  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代以来,教育人类学在世界范围内获得了快速发展。运用文献资料调研、知识可视化、词频分析等方法,对1965-2013年间Web of Science发表的5316篇教育人类学相关学术文献进行分析,可以发现:国际教育人类学研究的发文量呈蓬勃发展的态势;相关领域学者的分布较为分散,核心作者尚未形成,期刊分布与机构分布则都显示出相对集中和高度分散共存的非均衡化的发展特点;教育人类学具有跨学科研究的特点,相关研究的热点主题与研究前沿的演化均具有按时期演化的特征。研究热点的主题可归类于教育人类学研究对象特征的关注、教育人类学实现形式的研究、教育人类学实施效果的评价研究;国际教育人类学的知识基础在20世纪90年代逐渐趋于稳定并基本成熟,教育公平研究、具体文化视域下的教育人类学研究等在不同时期成为教育人类学的知识基础。  相似文献   


Learning analytics (LA) collects, analyses, and reports big data about learners to optimise learning. LA ethics is an interdisciplinary field of study that addresses moral, legal, and social issues; therefore, institutions are responsible for implementing frameworks that integrate these topics. Many of the ethical issues raised apply equally to educational data sets of any size. However, in this study, we focus on big data that increases the scale and granularity of data gathered. The purpose of this study is twofold: (a) to critically review the published (2011–2018) scientific literature on LA ethics issues and (b) to identify current trends and answer research questions in the field. This study’s research questions are as follows: what is essential in LA ethics for key educational stakeholders, and what should a proposed checklist for LA ethics include for specific educational stakeholders? After systematically searching online bibliographic databases, journals, and conferences, a literature review identified 53 articles from a sample of 562. The selected articles, based on critical and qualitative content analysis, were exhaustively analysed. The findings demonstrate the shortage of empirical evidence-based guidelines on LA ethics and highlight the need to establish codes of practices to monitor and evaluate LA ethics policies. Finally, this work proposes a useful checklist as an instructional design model for scholars, policymakers, and instructional designers, so that trusted partners may use LA responsibly to improve teaching and learning.


文章以CNKI中的“中国期刊全文数据库”为数据源,以2006~2011年为统计时间区间,以刊发“边疆民族研究”为主题的期刊及载文数量为统计对象,并以2006~2011年六年间全国中文核心期载文为例,对刊发以“边疆民族研究”为主题的论文期刊载文信息进行计量学分析,从期刊刊发与“边疆民族研究”相关文章的情况、期刊载文的总体统计和核心期刊载文情况统计等三个方面进行统计对比分析。以期获得相关统计数据,为从事边疆民族研究的专家、学者,尤其是为青年学者提供一个具有参考价值的信息,为他们今后的研究、撰写论文及投稿提供参考信息。  相似文献   

This article assesses the degree to which Christian scholarship has responded to the rise of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL). To what degree, and with what kind of disciplinary and chronological distribution, have overtly Christian publications in scholarly journals evidenced a concern with questions of teaching and learning? This question is approached through analysis of a sample of 9,028 journal articles published between 1970 and 2009. The findings show very limited engagement with pedagogical concerns, and that such engagement is uneven across disciplines. Reasons are offered for seeking stronger engagement with SOTL within Christian higher education.  相似文献   

Quality in higher education is an attractive and important field not only for higher education institutions but also for their stakeholders. However, the research field is very complex due to the overlapping and interlinking of its topics. Over the years, an enormous amount of studies has been devoted to exploring different topics. Nevertheless, few studies focus on exploring the main topics and assessing whether these topics are interlinked. Therefore, there is merit in reducing the complexity of this field by mapping, clustering and visualising the structure of publications’ topics. The research methodology is based on implementing the co-word analysis of keywords extracted from more than two thousand academic publications seeking to reveal the prominent topics and the connections among them from a static and dynamic point of view. Mapping the literature structure of the research field reveals four key areas in the research field where each contains topics that are very likely to be interrelated to each other rather than to topics from other different areas.  相似文献   

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