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近代以来在欧洲和世界相继形成了四个影响重大的国际关系体系.每次旧体系的打破与新体系的建立,都是通过战争来实现的.因此,对冷战之后我们所处的世界体系需要有新认识、新判断.  相似文献   

认真贯彻"三个体系"建设要求扎实推进档案事业科学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对"三个体系"的重要意义做了深刻全面的阐述.在此基础上,笔者结合工作实际,分别提出了"三个体系"建设的工作重点.并为保障"三个体系"建设的贯彻落实,提出从研究与宣传、监督与奖惩、标准与保障、人员的素质与能力四个方面加强"三个体系"建设的组织领导.  相似文献   

艺术学科体系是关于人类艺术实践活动系统知识的总和,其基本内涵包括艺术史论和艺术创作实践与应用两大体系.艺术学科体系的外延包括所有关于艺术史论体系和艺术创作实践与应用体系的相关学科,主要有一般艺术学、特殊艺术学、边缘艺术学、新兴艺术学四大部类.这也构成了艺术学科体系的基本构架.建设中国艺术学科体系应坚持民族性与包容性相统一、普遍性与特殊性相统一、理论性与实践性(创作)相统一、历史性与时代性相统一、哲学性与科学性相统一的基本原则.  相似文献   

在分析电子文件管理标准建设现状、标准体系现状的基础上,讨论现状的成因.基于电子文件管理标准体系概念模型构建视角的分析,从管理流程、资源、技术支撑等方面构建出电子文件管理标准体系参考模型,进一步映射出体系的层级内容,尤其是一级模块.最后结合我国现状,提出机械使用标准体系表并不能达到预期的效果,需要综合采取多种策略,有效保障标准体系的实施环境、实施效果、实施程序等.  相似文献   

如何认识和设计政务信息资源目录体系和交换体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,推动政府信息公开、资源共享,已成为政府信息资源开发利用的一项重要工作.许多领导人和专家都反复强调:该工作的核心是建设政府信息资源目录体系和交换体系.那么,什么是政府信息资源目录体系和交换体系呢?我们认为,正确理解这两种体系,是正确地设计和实施并使其有效地发挥作用的前提.……  相似文献   

"三个体系"之间关系的实践与理论的双重解读   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述"三个体系"在档案工作实践发展中的意义,同时在理论层面阐述"三个体系"与以往档案学理论的关联性.文章最后还指出"三个体系"建设中要注意处理好档案工作理论与实践的历史、现实与未来需要之间的关系.  相似文献   

"三个体系"建设在高校档案工作中的思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在高校档案工作中,要贯彻落实"三个体系"建设,需坚持"开源节流"是档案信息资源建设的重要举措,"深入浅出"是档案利用服务工作的宗旨导向,"两手抓"是档案安全保密体系建设的核心思想.  相似文献   

穗言 《档案学研究》2011,25(3):48-53
幸福档案是幸福社会建设中形成的原始记录,具有分布广、数量大、信息动态变化和利用需求大等特点.幸福档案是社会文明进步的直接体现,具有传承拼搏精神,弘扬奉献精神,保障社会公平,提升城市文明的重要作用.幸福档案体系是“三个体系”的创新和发展,其建设需突破传统思维和工作方式的束缚,开创全新的工作模式.  相似文献   

信用是现代市场经济的生命.随着市场经济的发达,对信用信息的要求就更为迫切.发展现代市场经济需要有巩固的公共信用信息体系作为支撑,因此建立健全社会信用信息体系已成为我国发展市场经济的当务之急.作为社会信用建设主导部门,政府在社会信用体系建设中发挥着至关重要的作用.政府主导的对信用信息的征集、加工、共享和管理是社会信用信息体系建设最核心的部分.本文将对一种可行的省级社会信用信息体系建设方案进行初步的探索.  相似文献   

"三个体系"--档案资源体系、档案利用体系和档案安全体系建设--是档案事业发展的核心与基础,是相互联系的有机整体.本文就"三个体系"的科学内涵、发展现状、主攻方向、目标任务以及相互间的关系和不同地位进行了阐述.Wang Guozhen  相似文献   

文献信息传播理论初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The so-called doaumentary information denotes the process of realizing information livening and sharing by means of information exchange,distribution,transfer and circulation for a certain receiver.It is made up by disseminators,the dissemination channels,receiver audience and disseminative results.It is a process of developing and infinite circulation,having the features of characters of purpose and benefit,dynamic state and continution,fratuitousness and remuneration,education and learning,science and systematicness as well as ideology and awareness.There are natural and social functions of the documentary information dissemination.Its basic laws are laws of synchronization,selective compatibility,overlap and the finite law of meeting the needs of demands as well as the law of complementation,while the basic principles are service supremacy,open policy,forward limit,exrensiveness,rapidness,accuracy and exactitude as well as benefits.Ways of dissemination are of passive,active,participation,computer and network pattern and modes.ref.2  相似文献   

根据文化部要求,第五次全国公共图书馆评估定级工作于2013年全面展开.受文化部委托,国家图书馆研究院对第四次公共图书馆评估标准进行修订,制订第五次公共图书馆评估标准.新标准的制定总结了前四次评估工作的经验和不足,结合当前事业发展面临的新形势和新任务,借鉴国内外已有相关研究和实践成果,并广泛征求了业界和学界的意见.新标准分为设施与设备、经费与人员、文献资源、服务工作、协作协调、管理与表彰、重点文化工程七个部分.修订重点包括:注意与相关政策及标准的衔接;优化指标体系框架及分值分配;增删和调整部分指标内容;调整部分指标的取值;细化指标的备注说明;调整定级必备条件.  相似文献   

人地系统主题数据库以人口、资源、环境和社会发展为核心,服务于人地系统基础研究、社会经济可持续 发展和国家战略需求。主题库由自然资源及其开发利用、环境灾害及其治理、人口与劳动力、社会发展、地理背景、 遥感及地表参数、典型示范区及全球数据等八大类,共32 个子库构成,数据资源总量8.8TB 左右。主题数据库共享服 务平台由一个主节点和3 个分节点组成,除具有一般数据库服务系统所具有的数据检索、查询、下载等基本功能外,还 具有属性数据可视化、数据在线分析、区域可持续发展评价等特色功能。在建设和运行期间,主题数据库为国家和区 域资源开发,环境保护,可持续发展研究、分析、评价与决策,国土资源规划,生态系统过程监测与调控等领域提供 了大量的数据服务。  相似文献   

针对当前OPAC网站缺少搜索引擎与用户体验优化而造成用户流失的现状,对OPAC优化的背景、现状与需求、搜索引擎与用户体验优化概况、用户体验与访问质量及优化策略进行研究.通过采用简短域名、提高系统访问速度、设计简洁大方的页面布局、编写简单明了的网页源代码、使用规范的Html标签、放置科学合理的关键词、设置尽量短的内部链接及提升用户体验等优化策略,并对OPAC与搜索引擎、活跃用户与流失用户、优化的影响与评价等关系进行详细分析,呼吁重视OPAC的搜索引擎与用户体验优化工作,以增加活跃用户,实现OPAC的核心价值.图3.表2.参考文献16.  相似文献   


The Russian Revolution Centennial has called forth many exhibitions of the vast holdings of libraries, archives, museums and other collections. This special issue reviews major exhibitions, the history of the collections and the conceptions and strategies of curators. Revolution’s centennial in 2017 called forth numerous conferences, programs, lectures, publications, and other events. One of the richest avenues of celebration and scholarship was the many brilliant exhibitions organized by archives, museums, and other repositories. The centennial provided an occasion for assessing and for rethinking the modes of presentation and the significance of many types of collections. What to show, how to show it, and for whom became big questions to which curators, archivists, art historians, and many others came up with big answers. These exhibitions and initiatives have pointed the way toward new and welcome collaboration between curators, archivists, historians of art and photography, and political and social historians of the Russian Revolution.  相似文献   

Discussions of the future of journalism center on new economic models, digital modes of distribution, and how to attract young audiences. But what of how future journalism might represent, describe, and critique issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality? And what of the race, gender, class, and sexuality of future journalists themselves? Issues of industry survival take center stage in debates about journalism’s future. Issues of integrity, wisdom, and increased levels of equity in coverage and employment have less success finding the spotlight. Concern over how to deliver news in the coming decades generally trumps debate about who might deliver it and the character of what might be delivered. The importance of political economy analyses of new journalism, coupled with keeping gender, race, and sexuality identities front and center, is emphasized.  相似文献   

Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

建设专业、统一的高校档案数字资源平台,已经成为高校档案工作的共识、趋势和重点,但限于档案工作侧重、档案构成、档案数量、软硬件投入等多方面因素,各高校进行档案数字资源平台建设时,应该充分考虑实际情况和未来需求,选择合适的建设模式。论文在对部分高校档案数字资源建设现状进行调研的基础上,以实效和目标实现程度为考核标准,结合高校档案工作未来的发展趋势,提出综合性的高校档案数字资源平台建设模式,并给出模式调整与建设策略,便于各高校根据自身的情况,动态优化,形成合适的建设模式,提高建设成效。  相似文献   

刘丽 《图书馆论坛》2020,(1):117-125
文章采用田野调查法观察土地流转后农民生活及信息需求,选择区域进行问卷调查,利用SPSS对数据进行分析。结果显示土地流转后农民经济较宽裕,精神却比较空虚。问卷定量化展现了农民在科技信息利用、信息需求类型、信息基础设施、信息获取渠道、休闲方式选择、信息获取程度等方面的内容。聚类分析形成了政策类信息需求及利用、生活类多样化信息需求及利用、农业科技信息需求及利用、网络信息的需求及利用等4个类团。从农业科技信息服务对象的调整与兼顾、公共文化服务教育和精神扶贫功能的发挥、农民文化需求主动性和自觉性的唤醒等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

This research aimed to develop core competencies framework for information professionals of Thai academic libraries in the next decade (2010–2019). The study consisted of two phases, Phase 1- the study of opinions about the roles of Thai academic libraries and information professionals in the next decade (Tanloet & Tuamsuk, 2011) and Phase 2- the development of core competencies framework conducted by using the Delphi technique. This paper presents Phase 2 of the study. The research conceptual framework on core competencies for information professionals was synthesized and adopted from several resources including [Gulati and Raina, 2000] , [Gorman and Corbitt, 2002] , [Abels et?al., 2003] and [Ashcroft, 2004] and University of Nebraska-Lincoln Library (2007). The subject of this small Delphi study included 21 experts from the following three groups: eight instructors of library and information science, eight administrators/practitioners of academic libraries, and five scholars who have had active roles in the library and information professionals. Data were collected in three rounds and analyzed by using the median, mode, and inter-quartile range. Results of the study were concluded and discussed on the three following core competencies for information professionals of Thai academic libraries in the next decade. 1) The Knowledge - consists of eight areas including knowledge of the foundations of information profession, information resources, information and knowledge management, information technology, library and information services, organizational management, research and user studies, and continuing education and lifelong learning. 2) The Skills – consist of 11 skills including user services, information resource management, information technology, marketing, language and communication, team working, analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making, management and planning, teaching and training, conceptual thinking, and knowledge management skills. 3) The personal attributes – consist of seven characteristics including the leadership, service mentality, morals and professional ethics, achievement motivation, accountability, self-management and adaptability.  相似文献   

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