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本文利用数据挖掘领域的基因表达式编程算法,对软件失效数据进行数据挖掘,得出失效表达式,从而对软件的可靠性程度进行评价或预测。实验证明:该软件评测系统具有较高的预测精度。  相似文献   

应用CMMI模型改进软件项目开发流程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CMMI(软件能力成熟度)模型集成已经成为软件过程改进的标准模型,本文针对中小型软件项目应用CMMI改进软件过程中出现的问题,结合CMMI各级标准,提出了中小型软件项目应用CMMl模型的实施方案和指导步骤。  相似文献   

Operational reliability evaluation theory reflects real-time reliability level of power system. The component failure rate varies with operating conditions. The impact of real-time operating conditions such as ambient temperature and transformer MVA (megavolt-ampere) loading on transformer insulation life is studied in this paper. The formula of transformer failure rate based on the winding hottest-spot temperature (HST) is given. Thus the real-time reliability model of transformer based on oper- ating conditions is presented. The work is illustrated using the 1979 IEEE Reliability Test System. The changes of operating conditions are simulated by using hourly load curve and temperature curve, so the curves of real-time reliability indices are ob- tained by using operational reliability evaluation.  相似文献   

为了使储户安全的使用ATM机办理业务,开发了自动取款机智能判定系统,并研究了其软件设计方法。通过采用结构化程序设计方法,使用C51语言编程,自顶向下,逐步求精,完成系统的软件设计,给储户一个比较安全的环境。  相似文献   

根据非形式化方法,构造了三维引擎的软件体系结构模型。3D引擎模型由物理视图、进程视图、开发视图和逻辑视图组成,重点描述了逻辑视图中的3个层次:引擎层、系统层与游戏层,最后对模型的应用作了阐述。  相似文献   

苏春  张烨  张恒 《东南大学学报》2010,26(3):480-483
为了利用退化数据评估长寿命产品的可靠性,提出一种新的比例风险退化模型.利用时间退化数据与应力加速寿命之间的相似关系,并假定退化数据的失效概率函数是时间协变量的比例函数,从而实现基于比例风险退化模型的可靠性评估.采用最小二乘法估计模型参数.由已知时刻的退化量失效率及比例函数外推产品在特定时间、预定失效阈值下的失效率及可靠度函数.以一种长寿命GaAs激光器的退化数据为例,完成该产品的可靠性评估.结果表明:所提方法能准确描述退化过程,是长寿命产品可靠性评估的一种有效方法.  相似文献   

应用音频编辑软件作为研究心理语言学的计时工具具有可行性。两个实验利用音频编辑软件探讨了汉语句子理解中语义分析与句法分析的关系 ,结果发现 :( 1)汉语阅读中语义与句法的关系 ,在朗读作业时 ,更符合“句法自主”理论模型。而在默读作业时 ,尚需进一步探讨。 ( 2 )男性理解句子的速度比女性慢 ,原因可能是其句法加工的速度较女性慢而与语义加工无关。 ( 3 )朗读作业下 ,句法分析的历程比语义分析的历程长。  相似文献   

A simplified bi-variable human error probability calculation method is developed by incorporating two common performance condition ( CPC ) factors, which are modified from factors employed in cognitive reliability and error analysis method (CREAM) to take into account the characteristics of shipping operations. After the influencing factors are identified, Markov method is used to calculate the values of human reliability. The proposed method does not rely on the involvement of experts in the field of human factor nor depend on historical accidents or human error statistics. It is applied to the case of the crew on board of an ocean going dry bulk carrier. The caculated results agree with the actual case, which verifies the validity of the model.  相似文献   

in order to evaluate the seismic reliability of water distribution system and make rehabilitation decisions correspondingly, it is necessary to assess pipelines damage states and conduct functional analysis based on pipe leak- age model. When an earthquake occurred, the water distribution system kept serving with leakage. By adding a virtual node at the centre of the pipeline with leakage, an efficient approach to pressure-driven analysis was developed for simulating a variety of low relative scenarios, and a hydraulic leakage model was also built to perform hydraulic analy- sis of the water supply network with seismic damage. Then the mean-first-order-second-moment method was used to analyse the seismic serviceability of the water distribution system. According to the assessment analysis, pipes that were destroyed or in heavy leakage were isolated and repaired emergently, which improved the water supply capability of the network and would constitute the basis for enhancing seismic reliability of the system. The proposed approach to seismic reliability and rehabilitation decision analysis on water distribution system is demonstrated effective through a case study.  相似文献   

讨论了人员工作可靠性对复杂工程技术系统可靠性的影响,分析了人员工作失误形成的可能原因,详细介绍了基于逻辑图形分析的人员工作失误预测方法。文章指出:分析并解决人员工作可靠性评估与预测问题,既有助于设计并制造出更可靠的复杂工程技术系统,也有助于促进系统可靠性的近一步维持。  相似文献   

Based on the nonlinear continuum damage model(CDM) developed by Chaboche,a modified model for high cycle fatigue of TC4 alloy was proposed.Unsymmetrical cycle fatigue tests were conducted on rod specimens at room temperature.Then the material parameters needed in the CDM were obtained by the fatigue tests,and the stress distribution of the specimen was calculated by FE method.Compared with the linear damage model(LDM),the damage results and the life prediction of the CDM show a better agreement with the test and they are more precise than the LDM.By applying the CDM developed in this study to the life prediction of aeroengine blades,it is concluded that the root is the most dangerous region of the whole blade and the shortest life is 58 211 cycles.Finally,the Cox proportional hazard model of survival analysis was applied to the analysis of the fatigue reliability.The Cox model takes the covariates into consideration,which include diameter,weight,mean stress and tensile strength.The result shows that the mean stress is the only factor that accelerates the fracture process.  相似文献   

物流学科实验模拟软件模型的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物流学科实验模拟软件是创造一个仿真环境,用于提高教学效果和效率,以及提供给学生做实践演练的网络虚拟环境.虚拟物流企业、物流市场、社会环境是其中的三个主要虚拟情境.在以竞争为导向的虚拟市场中,虚拟的角色可进行虚拟经营管理活动.软件必须具备对话、协作等有助于学习的功能,以及教学过程控制、评估及相关管理功能.  相似文献   

在环境因子理论的基础上,提出了用于先验信息融合的专家打分法的步骤、规则以及融合系数计算方法;针对数控系统设计、制造和使用等因素,给出了专家打分法的具体方法,结合数控系统子系统阐述了基于专家打分法的融合系数计算方法;最后针对一组历史信息与现场信息,给出应用专家打分法的数控系统可靠性评估的实施方法。  相似文献   

目前对预防性维修策略的研究大多都基于固定的预防维修周期T,但实际生产中,每一次预防维修后设备的故障率不会降到零,且以更快的速度增长,因此预防维修周期也应相应地变化。本文运用故障率增加因子和役龄回退因子来刻画每一次预防维修后设备故障率的演变规律,以每周期内单位时间的最小成本为目标,并将每次预防维修前的可靠度进行最低的限制,以此来确定最佳的弹性周期预防维修策略,最后通过实例计算与定周期进行比较,说明其经济性,能够为实际生产提供决策支持。  相似文献   

风险理论是当代精算学研究的热门话题,许多文献在对风险理论的研究方面取得了很大的进展,获得大量重要成果.本文以古典风险模型为起点,在前面一些成果的基础上做了一定扩展,对带干扰的多险种风险模型进行了研究,并对带干扰的双险种风险模型推导了其破产概率.  相似文献   

CMM作为软件企业规范软件开发过程的标准,越来越受到软件企业的重视.本文针对CMM的体系提出了基于CMM的软件建模模型,以帮助软件企业自身可以通过模型进行自我评价,实现改进软件开发过程.  相似文献   

在中国建设创新型国家的背景下,培养大量具有创新能力的软件人才具有重要的战略意义.分析了培养创新型人才的六大影响因素,在总结了CDIO人才培养理念和创新能力契合的基础上,构建了基于CDIO的软件人才创新能力培养模型(STI-CMM),并从课程和实践两个方面分析了四个阶段中要实现的培养目标和需要开展的工作.  相似文献   

Considering the uncertainty of material performance, geometric characteristic and analysis method, the analysis of statistical parameters of the resistance of cast ball-and-socket support joints and the reliability analysis are carried out by JC method (improved first-order second-moment method) based on the relevant experimental data. Results show that the resistance partial factor of the joint increases with the increase of the reliability index. The resistance partial factors are suggested corresponding to the reliability index under different load combinations. Moreover, the suggested resistance partial factor is adopted in reliability design, and it is found that the reliability index of the joint is larger than the target reliability index. The optimal load combination is the one in which live load plays an important control role. Finally, based on the suggested resistance partial factors, the reliability analysis of cast ball-and-socket support joints of a project is conducted.  相似文献   

基于模糊观测数据的RBF神经网络回归模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于模糊观测数据的RBF神经网络(FORBFNN),用于解决一类输出不可精确测量但可用模糊隶属度来表征的非线性系统建模问题.神经网络模型中各隐层神经单元的权重系数采用一种新的模糊EM算法辨识获得;隐层神经单元的数量及径向基函数的中心和宽度基于一种数据驱动的方法自适应确定,即首先初始生成一个隐层单元,然后根据一定的规则逐步加入新的单元,该过程不断迭代直到模型满足预设要求.该方法同时考虑了模型的复杂度及预测精度.数值模拟实验结果表明该建模方法是有效的,且建立的模型具有较高的预测精度.  相似文献   

通过对软件开发的分析,介绍了软件可用性概念及其重要性,并对软件可用性开发方法进行探讨,提出对软件可用性实验室建设思路,最后在硬件最简化投入基础上做出软件可用性实验室建设的尝试。  相似文献   

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