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In 2004 a forum on the innovation of Suzhou-style embroidery was held in the city of Suzhou, attracting some 50 celebrated artists, scientists and scholars from home and abroad. Nobel Laureate and famous physicist Tsung-Dao Lee delivered an important presentation as the forum's honorary president, noting that "Culture will not sustain without innovation. Suzhou-style embroidery will see infinite vitality by making innovative breakthroughs". His speech triggered intensive discussions among participants and enormous comments online. The forum has had continued impacts on the development of Suzhou-style embroidery in the new century.  相似文献   

Donnu Guo ("Eastern State of Women") was an ancient kingdom governed by queens and existing during the Sui and Tang dynasties (approx. 6th-9th centuries AD). Few historical records have been ever found about this mysterious matriarchic society until it was rediscovered one thousand years later in Danba, a county in western Sichuan Province adjacent to Tibet. Ancient watchtowers, unique terrains in the shape of plum blossoms and in particular beautiful women that have been insulated within the depth of mountains for hundreds of years,all have gained it a reputation as the "valley of female beauty".  相似文献   

On the eve of 16 October, the seats of the City Hall opera house in Wellington, New Zealand were fully occupied. Sun Yingdi, Chinese young pianist dubbed as "Liszt in primary colours", concert kicked off his nearly was giving his solo concert. The one-month-long musical tour in New Zealand, which was part of the "Oriental Express" program initiated by Chinese Cultural Ministry. The concert was a big successs. With his extraordinary skills and perfect performance, Sun touched the strict New Zealand audience so deeply that they gave him stormy applauses for quite a long time.  相似文献   

A s a comprising event of "Focus on Chinese Culture 2009" series, the art exhibition "China in Eyes of African Artists" , was recently held in China Culture Center in Cotonou,economic capital city of Benin. An artist delegation from Shenzhen was invited to attend this event. Some 300 officials, diplomats and artists participated in the opening ceremony.  相似文献   

The French Embassv hosted a reception to celebrate the National Day of France on July 14. Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong attended the reception. French Ambassador Sylvie Bermann delivered a speech highlighting events in celebration of the 50th anniversary of France-China diplomatic ties and expressing her best wishes for the everlasting friendship between the two countries.  相似文献   

In November 11, 2003, the renowned Chinese writer Zhou Erfu, at age 83 and in the advanced stage of cancer, strenuously wrote a letter to his Japanese friend Yi Kenichiro, inquiring about the translation and publication of the Japanese edition of his novel "The Panorama of the Great Wall" which reflects the whole period of the Chinese people's anti-Japanese war from 1937 to 1945. Yi Kenichiro, with a medium-sized figure, gentlemen-like appearance and unswerving disposition, is a Japanese professor expert in Chinese literature and language. He was then busy with his teaching work and the translation of the Japanese version of Zhou's novel. Receiving Zhou's letter, he fell into a sad mood and hoped Zhou could be recovered soon and live up to the day when the whole novel was published in Japan.  相似文献   

On February 6, 2008, the eve of the Chinese Year of Rat, Chinese red lanterns ignited major shopping streets of London. For the third year running, the "China in London" season was officially launched with grand parades. This spectacular event, aiming to showcase China's fascinating history and culture and strengthen ties between China and UK, has attracted a huge number of local residents and many prestigious institutions like the British Museum and the Royal Opera House.  相似文献   

During his state visit to France and Belgium this year, Chinese President Xi v Jinping stressed the importance of cultural origins and ties. In his speech delivered at the College of Europe, Xi took Chinese tea and Western wine as examples, noting that "Chinese tea's conservativness and restrainedness and European wine's vibrancy and warmth represents two different ways in enjoying life and interpreting the world."  相似文献   

Eight French composers were invited to a competition called "Presences China" to compose distinctive Chinese music during Shanghai Music Festival taking place in May 2006. They were requested to use Chinese instruments and familiar Chinese melodies, which was hailed as a creative endeavor in the history of music.  相似文献   

"I have two more dreams fulfilled than others," said Madam Sun Danwei, president of Wuyutai Tea Co., Ltd., "One is Wuyutai managed to offer tea service in the Olympic Village and the other is t myself, as a representative of Wuyutai, was selected as an Olympic torch bearer!"  相似文献   

The results of "Most Beautlful Places in China" organized by Chinese National Geogrophy Magazine and other 34 local media institutions were unveiled recently. The voting, lasting for eight months, was conducted by experts, media organizations as well as netizens and mobile subscribers. The mast authoritative results, done by the expert panel consisting of a dozen of academicians and some one hundred specialists, were released In the magazine's October issue.  相似文献   

"Tea quality control is implemented in every stage and every process of our tea making and our test standards are even more rigid than those issued by the state," said Sun Danwei, President of Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand name in Beijing. At the launching ceremony of "Green 100 Action" taking place in the end of last year, representatives from 140 chain shops signed "Green Alliance Contract" at Wuyutai's flagship shop, pledging to guarantee all the tea products Wuyutai sells are 100% up to the national standard. While food safety accidents happened time and again in China, Wuyutai, as a time-honored enterprise, demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility for the society.[第一段]  相似文献   

Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd was recently inscribed as "50 Good- Faith l.isted Companies of China 2014". It stood out of the 239 candi- date companies and is the only cul- tural tourism business in China and listed company in Shaanxi province to he included in this new list. Good faith is an essential element comprising the value system of Chi- nese traditional culture. It lies at the very core of an enterprise's corporate culture and bears an enterprise's so- cial obligation. As a leading company in China's cultural tourism industry,  相似文献   

Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday for the Chinese nation. "Happy Chinese New Year" is a brand for cultural exchanges with foreign countries initiated by the Ministry of Culture. This film introduces celebrations of Chinese New Year in Thailand in 2013 and presents the joyous and auspicious Chinese Spring Festival and the colorful Chinese culture from the eyes of government officials from two countries,  相似文献   

"The February 8th Festival", also called the "Miku Worship Festival", is the traditional ancestor worship festival for the Yi nationality in Dali, Yunnan Province. The ancestor worship, singings, and banquet are the major content of this festival. The Bi village is a family village composed of Yi nationalities in the Bi family, which is located halfway up a hill and surrounded by mountains. With 68 households and 314 villagers, the village has a history of more than 500 years. According to their founding legend, their ancestors used to live in the Diancang Mountains.  相似文献   

The National Aquatics Center, or more popularly known as "Water Cube", stands on the opposite of "Bird's Nest" in the Olympic Green. This miraculous building features a mysterious transparent blue appearance and an innovative structure, perfectly mixing architectural concepts and cutting-edge technologies. Based on the traditions of Chinese culture and architectural design, Water Cube stands out in a simplistic and streamlined form, creating a harmonious co-existence with Bird's Nest while distinguishing itself from the grandeur of the latter. The building's design is inspired by the traditional concept of Chinese philosophy, "integral unity and harmony between the round heaven and the square earth", which are respectively represented by Bird's Nest and Water Cube. While meeting functional needs for international competitions, this square blue box is considered an outstanding example integrating traditional culture with modern functional facilities.  相似文献   

When hostesses dressed in outfits with image of white-and-blue porcelain and holding red flower bouquets served medals at Olympic medal ceremonies during the 2008 Games, the readapted, lingering melody of the Chinese folk song "Jasmine Flower" sounded in the sports venues. According to Wang Ning, an official in charge of medal ceremonies from the Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee, the music used at the medal ceremony was recreated based on the original melody of "Jasmine Flower" which is perhaps the most popular Chinese folk song.  相似文献   

2013 China-ASEAN Cultural Forum was held from September 10 to 11 in Nanning,capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China.Vice Minister of Culture Dong Wei attended the forum and gave a keynote speech at the opening ceremony.Mr.Li Kang,Vice Chairman of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,UNESCO official Timothy Curtis,cultural officials and professionals from China and ASEAN countries attended the meeting.  相似文献   

From May 12 through 18, a group of senior students from the opera school of Shanghai Drama Academy, with an average age of 20, staged three opera programs in Beijing, including the Pelting opera programs in Beijing, including the experimental production "Peer Gynt", the contemporary production "On the Top of the Wall, on the Horseback" and the adapted classics "Qing Feng Ting" (Gentle Breeze Pavilion). The three productions, all of which are original creations by those students, attracted extensive interests and positive comments by the audience, the media and the professional circle. And "Peer Gynt" captivated most attentions.  相似文献   

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