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Guan Yu is one of the most prominent figures in Chi- nese traditional culture andrevered as "Martial Sage", enjoying the equal status as Confucius who is hailed as "Literary Sage". Sacrificial practices showing respect for Guan Yu have always been carried out since ancient times and have had broad and far-reaching impacts on the sphere of the Oriental Civilization and in particular, the Chinese community worldwide.  相似文献   

On October 17, a unique show of mechanical dragon-horse was unveiled at the Olympic Park in Beijing in celebration of the 50th anniversary of China-France dip-lomatic relations. The three-day event teatures an eight-act performance, with each act lasting one and half hours. On the first day, the dragon-horse and the spider came to life to appear in the Olympic venue. the two mythical each other when On the second day, beasts fought against the spider set a trap in an attempt to capture the drag- on-horse.  相似文献   

At the great assembly celebrating the 50th anniversaty of China-France diplomatic relationship in Paris, visiting Chinese President spoke highly of French doctor Jean Augustin Bussiere for his contribution to the Chinese people's war against Japanese aggression. "We will never forget the important contribution to the development of China made by numerous French friends. Among others, French doctor BussiOre risked his life to open up a route by bike to carry valuable medicines to the anti-Japanese revolutionary bases in China, "Xi said.  相似文献   

1904年(清光緒三十年),林傳甲和黄人分別在京師大學堂和東吴大學同時開始了<中國文學史>的编寫工作.他們或許没有想到,這一編寫活動竟會引發百年來文學史編寫的熱潮,各種類型的文學史已多至近兩千部,[1]幾乎以每年二十部的速度高速產出,正式形成一門中國文學史學科.這一學科在很大程度上受制於中國古代文學研究的水平,但反過來又影響和决定着中國古代文學研究的旨趣、格局和方向."我家江水初發源",研究文學史早期编著中的一些問題,當能為文學史的繼續编寫和中國古代文學研究提供一些經驗和啟示.  相似文献   

This research aims to uncover the strategies/activities that shape the construction of relational identity through analyzing the turning points occurring during the process of intercultural friendship. Forty-five interviews were conducted with members in 15 intercultural friendship dyads. The results reveal that seven types of activities were identified: (1) positivities/providing assistance; (2) rituals, activities, rules, and roles; (3) self-disclosure; (4) networking; (5) exploring cultures and languages; (6) emphasizing similarities and exploring differences; and (7) conflict/conflict management. The strategies of exploring cultures and languages and of conflict/conflict management were thoroughly discussed to advance our understanding of the development and maintenance in intercultural friendship.  相似文献   

孙克让 《寻根》2001,(6):90-92
远古时代,在鉴和镜未发明之前,人类是以人为鉴的,人与人之间相互为镜来梳理各自的形象。这在如今动物世界中仍然可以见到,尤其以灵长类动物为突出。在电视“人与自然”、“动物世界”、“神奇的地球”节目中都有向人们展示灵长类群体生活习性的内容,让我们看到与远祖生活相类似的一些情景:比如斯里兰卡古神庙的猴群生活,它们有猴王,负责领地保卫、迁移和繁殖等重大事情。猴群中亦有类似王妃的母猴,年纪若猴王,当为猴王即位时第一  相似文献   

In Beijing, a dynamic amateur choir is gaining a growing profile in the music circle and beyond. Twice a week, rain or shine, 38 choir members come from different comers of the city for rehearsal to the middle school at the East Second Ring Road. With a short history of less than three years, the choir has presented dozens of performances for charity or public good purposes, These music amateurs have transmitted their energy to dying old people and handicapped children with their encouraging singing, bringing them love, joy and hope. It is not a professional choir, but its well-trained performers have captivated many people and won several international awards with their melodious singing. From the concert in honor of doctors and nurses fighting against the SARS epidemic to the TV competition for Chinese singing foreign songs, the choir members have demonstrated the charms and passions of their art and brought lyrical serenity and purity back to city dwellers who live in urban hurly-burly all day long.  相似文献   

一前言 一九八六年暑假,我開始撰寫<清初的群經辨僞學>一書,在思考明末清初經學發展的一些問題時,閲讀余英時先生大文<清代學術思想史重要觀念通釋>①,余先生以爲清初學術思想史有回歸原典的現象,我受到啓發認爲明末清初的經典研究,是一種回歸原典運動.一九八七年三月,<清初的群經辨僞學>初稿完成,在第二章第三節<新舊典範競争中的回歸原典運動>,即對此一現象有較深入的論述.  相似文献   

人力车发明史   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文茵  姚平 《寻根》2001,(4):93-99
人力车在许多西方人的眼里,和斗笠、舢板、梯田等一样属于东方的特有物品,但事实上早在17、18世纪,巴黎街头就出现过一种被称为“vinaigrette”——“香料盒”的人拉的二轮“马车”。法国画家兼雕刻家Claude Gillot(1673年-1722年)的画里,曾经描绘过两辆“香料盒”的相遇:在他的画中,一辆“香料盒”在街道的拐角,遇上迎面而来的另一辆,两个车夫面对面,拉着豪华车的做着手势,让另一辆车让路。  相似文献   

周士琦 《寻根》2002,(3):62-64
眼镜在今天已成为十分普通的物件了,人们戴眼镜或为了视物清楚,如近视镜、老花镜之类;或为了保护眼睛,免受紫外线及太阳、大海、雪地等强烈的炫光的伤害,如墨镜、偏光镜、电焊镜之类;或仅仅为了装饰,如平光镜之类。  相似文献   

China is an ancient civilization whose written history dates back more than 5, 000 years. Australia is a young and dynamic nation whose rich aboriginal traditions co-exist with different cultures, religions and ethnicities from across the world. Based on this background, the exchange of cultural years in each other's country is of far-reaching importance.  相似文献   


Historians of the eighteenth century have only partially theorized about the relationship between poverty and crime; in particular, few have attempted to measure its nature and extent in detail. Moreover, such scholarship has investigated the phenomenon in urban environments, rather than rural contexts. This article examines the incidence of theft in the eighteenth century and utilizes Oxfordshire as a prosperous rural area. By seeking to eliminate endemic poverty from such calculations, the article more accurately investigates whether a link between crime and poverty is evident. By blending qualitative and quantitative approaches, the article also provides a suggested methodology for further micro-histories of this kind across a range of socio-economic areas in Britain and beyond during the early industrial period.  相似文献   

张研 《寻根》2003,(4):111-113
中国历史上的移民,与同为迁徙人口的流民不同。流民又称游民,指不断流动、没有在迁徙地定居的人口;或已在迁徙地定居,却长期得不到官方承认、未在迁徙地落户入籍的人口。流民的迁徙流动多是零散、无明确目的的个  相似文献   

汪涌豪 《寻根》2003,(4):32-37
侠产生得很早,在春秋末、战国初已很活跃。其时,随周天子天下共主地位的丧失和奴隶制度的瓦解,整个社会的急剧转型带来了社会成员的结构性变动,使得士阶层一下子失去依靠,成为流离失职之人(见苏轼《游  相似文献   

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