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自旋极化电子在许多研究领域有着广泛用途,目前国际上普遍采用光电离GaAs晶体产生自旋极化电子。本文介绍自旋极化电子产生的原理及一种设计简洁、结构简单的极化电子源装置。该十字型四通道装置内有一非常简单的900静电偏转器,新型的用于固定晶片的弹簧夹子可保证晶片加热均匀。用波长780nm圆偏振激光激活GaAs光电阴极可以产生极化电子,然后通过900静电偏转器及一组静电透镜将极化电子引、到反应区。  相似文献   

Probe measurements have been made in cadmium, thallium and carbon arcs by sweeping the probe through the arc at a constant velocity and measuring the current collected by the throw on a ballistic galvanometer with different probe potentials applied. The voltage-current characteristic was analyzed to get a measure of the positive ion concentration, the average electron temperature and the space potential by the Langmuir method. The cathode falls found were each equal to, or only slightly higher than, the ionization potential of the active gas, and were 9.0 volts in the cadmium arc, 6.5 volts in the thallium arc and 5.0 volts in the carbon arc. The last value is to be compared with the ionization potential of the cyanogen molecule of 4.4 volts. The anode fall found in the carbon arc was 16.5 volts. These values for the carbon are agree almost exactly with the “forward” and “back” E.M.F.'s measured by Duddell and others at the cathode and the anode but not identified by them as the cathode and anode falls. The electron velocities were found to be Maxwellian with average velocities sufficiently high to account for the ionization known to exist. Over parts of the are stream where the fields were found to be large the electrons showed corresponding increases in average temperature and evidence that only about three-quarters of the energy gained by the electrons from the field between collisions is lost by the lectrons while the remaining quarter is retained and made evident by the steady increase in the electron temperature. As the current flowing through the arc was increased, the radiation per unit volume and also the positive ion current per unit length of the probe were found to increase very rapidly indicating an increase in the efficiency of the ionization process as the current increases. It is thought that this observation is closely related to the fact that the voltage drop across the arc decreases as the arc current increases.  相似文献   

For many experiments in physics and in some engineering applications, it is necessary to produce electron bundles, or as they are often called, “electron beams” of considerable intensities.Various methods have been used for directing a cloud of electrons evaporated from an emitting surface into a beam and then concentrating this beam to a desired degree. The concentration of electron beam in high vacuum depends entirely upon fields of force, either electric or magnetic, while in low vacuum or in rarified rare gas it depends also upon the action of the field of ionized gas molecules.In high vacuum the fields of force act upon the electron beam in a manner similar to the action of lenses upon a beam of light. An improperly shaped field produces effects similar to spherical aberration in poorly corrected lenses; non-uniform velocity of electrons in the beam results in effects similar to chromatic aberration of light.This optical analogy is not perfect.In the case of the electron beam the velocity varies continuously throughout most of the path and indices of refraction employed usually are greater than in the optical case. Moreover, space charge in beams of high intensity limits the concentration attainable; consequently, even theoretically, an electron beam can never be brought up to a mathematical point as in the case of light optics. Many secondary effects are present which complicate the problem still further.In focusing electron beams, both electrostatic and electromagnetic methods have been used extensively. The electrostatic method, however, seems to be preferable, especially when the beam is to be deflected. Precautions should be taken not to destroy the focusing of the beam during deflection.  相似文献   

Reference intervals in clinical chemistry are commonly based on results of measurements in reference western population or are taken from the western literature. Reference Values are thought to aid physicians to interpret results of measurements and, should be representative of a defined group of individuals. This group should be as similar as possible to the patients under investigation. The reference population in this, study has been recruited from the individuals attending the Health Plan Clinic who fulfill the defined inclusion and exclusion criteria as well as defined partition criteria. The samples were sorted based on the decision by the physician. The emerging group of individuals was considered as a reference population for the hospital patients and the results of measurements in this study was evaluated statistically, to stress on the urgent need to establish the in-house reference values. The reference limits are defined as the central 95 percentile of the population after eliminating the outliers. The lower, reference limit is the 2.5 percentile while the upper reference limit constituted the 97.5 percentile for the population.  相似文献   

The quantum relaxation time of electrons in condensed matters is an important physical property, but its direct measurement has been elusive for a century. Here, we report a breakthrough that allows direct determination of quantum relaxation time at zero and non-zero frequencies using optical measurement. Through dielectric loss function, we connect bound electron effects to the physical parameters of plasma resonance and find an extra term of quantum relaxation time from inelastic scattering between bound electrons and conduction electrons at non-zero frequencies. We demonstrate here that the frequency-dependent inelastic polarization effect of bound electrons is the dominant contribution to quantum relaxation time of conduction electrons at optical frequencies, and the elastic polarization effect of bound electrons also dramatically changes the plasma resonance frequency through effective screening to charge carriers.  相似文献   

The secondary electron emission from alkaline-earth oxide-coated cathodes has been investigated under both continuous and pulsed bombardment. Various factors affecting the yield, such as dependence upon primary voltage, collecting voltage, temperature, time, and angle of incidence, are noted, and the present state of the theory is discussed.Experiments have been performed with three types of apparatus. Yield vs. Energy data reveal values of δ of 4–7 at room temperature, with a more or less flat maximum at approximately 1,000 volts primary energy.The yield increases with temperature in an exponential manner, and plots of log Δδ (i.e. δK° ? δ300°K) vs. 1/T give straight lines. Values of Q1 between 0.9 – 1.5 eV. are generally indicated, and from extrapolation of these curves, yields exceeding 100 at 850° C. are deduced. The secondary emission depends upon the degree of activation, and increases with enhancement of the thermionic emission characteristics. Short-time effects such as growth or decay of secondary current after the onset of primary bombardment or persistence after the cessation of bombardment have not been observed, and values of yield obtained by pulsed methods are in accord with those obtained under D.C. conditions. Tail phenomena reported by J. B. Johnson and interpreted as “enhanced thermionic emission” from oxidecoated cathodes become manifest only under experimental conditions characterized by certain space-charge effects, and have been effectively simulated by bombarding a tantalum target adjacent to an electron-emitting tungsten filament. Various measurements of the energy distribution of secondary electrons as a function of primary voltage and temperature have been obtained. It was observed that the average energy of the secondary electrons decreases with temperature at a rate which more than compensates for the increase in the number of secondaries emitted per incident primary. The mechanism of the observed dependence of yield upon temperature is not well understood. Various alternative explanations are discussed and, in the light of the present state of our knowledge, regarded as untenable.  相似文献   

In electron coincidence spectroscopy, kinematically complete measurements are made of symmetric ionising collisions initiated by an electron beam on a gaseous atomic or molecular target. The reaction measures the shapes of individual orbitals, and provides a sensitive measurement of the charge density far from the atomic nuclei. The technique promises to be of outstanding importance in developing an improved understanding of molecular structures.  相似文献   

It has been shown that electrons with 11.5 volts energy can dissociate a hydrogen molecule into its two constituent atoms, but up until recently no experiments have been performed to see whether fast positive ions are able to dissociate hydrogen.In the present experiments Li or Cs positive ions of various velocities are produced in a tube containing hydrogen molecules. The tube is immersed in liquid air, and the rate of decrease of pressure of hydrogen is measured as a function of the velocity of the positive ions. It is found that with no positive ions entering the tube there is a certain decrease in the pressure of the hydrogen due to its thermal dissociation on the hot filament and its subsequent condensation on the cold walls of the tube. With ions of energies from 15 to 320 volts flowing in the tube the rate of decrease of pressure is greater, showing a formation of some condensible product due to the action of the ions.The rate of pressure decrease with the voltage applied has been found to be proportional to the ion current flowing. The rate per unit current is proportional to the pressure; and the rate per unit current per unit pressure is practically independent of the voltage for Li and Cs ions of energies from 15 to 320 volts.The effect has been shown not to be due to secondary electrons.The process may be due to the formation of alkali hydrides in the gas phase. The number of hydrogen molecules disappearing per positive ion entering the tube varies from 0.01 to 0.5. No critical potentials have been found in this experiment, in disagreement with recent experiments of Leipunsky and Schechter.  相似文献   

In a superconductor electrons form pairs and electric transport becomes dissipation-less at low temperatures. Recently discovered iron-based superconductors have the highest superconducting transition temperature next to copper oxides. In this article, we review material aspects and physical properties of iron-based superconductors. We discuss the dependence of transition temperature on the crystal structure,the interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity by examining neutron scatering experiments, and the electronic properties of these compounds obtained by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy in link with some results from scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy measurements.Possible microscopic model for this class of compounds is discussed from a strong coupling point of view.  相似文献   

Electron-phonon interaction and related self-energy are fundamental to both the equilibrium properties and non-equilibrium relaxation dynamics of solids. Although electron-phonon interaction has been suggested by various time-resolved measurements to be important for the relaxation dynamics of graphene, the lack of energy- and momentum-resolved self-energy dynamics prohibits direct identification of the role of specific phonon modes in the relaxation dynamics. Here, by performing time- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on Kekulé-ordered graphene with folded Dirac cones at the Γ point, we have succeeded in resolving the self-energy effect induced by the coupling of electrons to two phonons at Ω1 = 177 meV and Ω2 = 54 meV, and revealing its dynamical change in the time domain. Moreover, these strongly coupled phonons define energy thresholds, which separate the hierarchical relaxation dynamics from ultrafast, fast to slow, thereby providing direct experimental evidence for the dominant role of mode-specific phonons in the relaxation dynamics.  相似文献   

Band structure determines the motion of electrons in a solid, giving rise to exotic phenomena when properly engineered. Drawing an analogy between electrons and photons, artificially designed optical lattices indicate the possibility of a similar band modulation effect in graphene systems. Yet due to the fermionic nature of electrons, modulated electronic systems promise far richer categories of behaviors than those found in optical lattices. Here, we uncovered a strong modulation of electronic states in bilayer graphene subject to periodic potentials. We observed for the first time the hybridization of electron and hole sub-bands, resulting in local band gaps at both primary and secondary charge neutrality points. Such hybridization leads to the formation of flat bands, enabling the study of correlated effects in graphene systems. This work may provide a novel way to manipulate electronic states in layered systems, which is important to both fundamental research and application.  相似文献   

The radial and axial motions of electrons in the betatron are described by means of a potential function of forces. Previously reported conditions of equilibrium, stability and damping of oscillations are derived for the region of parabolic variation of the potential. Extension of the analysis to, non-parabolic regions gives an account of the injection in conventional instruments in better agreement with experiment, particularly in regard to higher voltages of injection.Space charge limitations are discussed with the help of the Laplacian of the potential of forces.By means of an additional radial electric field electrons can be introduced as in the magnetron, without any asymmetry inherent in the conventional betatron circumferential injector. The analysis of the conditions of equilibrium and stability, greatly facilitated in this case by the notion of potential, shows that no substantial improvement in space charge limitations can be expected and that the required variations between the flux linking the electron orbits and the magnetic and electric fields at the orbits are difficult to realize on account of their complexity and narrow tolerances. The X-ray output of a small experimental double yoke instrument was measured by a phototube multiplier viewing an irradiated fluorescent screen and gave evidence of multiple group electron capture.  相似文献   

The results of Del Rosario on cold emission are shown to result from the fact that, through the attainment of specially good vacuum conditions and freedom from contamination, the cold electron current from the wire was suppressed up to field strengths greater than those at which measurable current was obtained in the work of previous observers. It was in fact suppressed beyond the point at which discharge started from points on the welding of the support. The results of Del Rosario are thus probably characteristic of conditions other than those pertaining to the wire, a conclusion which accounts for his current voltage curves. The formula of Fowler and Nordheim is found to apply in the measurable regions in form directly and in magnitude only if irregularities of the surface are such as to raise the field at the surface to a sufficiently high value. Breakdowns after intense heat treatment are studied and found to be caused by immeasurably small currents of electrons knocking ions from the anode. The erratic original curves obtained by previous investigators are found to be caused by successive breakdowns similar to those found after intense heating.  相似文献   

The ratio of the number of electrons striking a surface to the number leaving it was determined under various conditions for a number of metals contaminated by the condensation of grease vapors on them.The curves showing the variation of secondary emission with incident electron energy (evidently characteristic of the contamination rather than of the metals) are similar for all the targets and resemble the results obtained by Gehrts. Reducing the amount of the contamination by heating the metals at first reduces the secondary emission until it falls below that expected from a clean metal. The emission then increases with further heating and the characteristics of the metal appear. The variation of the work function during the “outgassing” process is indicated by this increase of the secondary emission followed by a decrease of the secondary emission as the process continues.  相似文献   

The unit of energy used in particle physics is the electronvolt (eV) which is the amount of energy picked up by an electron passing between the poles of a one-volt battery. Energies of a few eV are sufficient to pull electrons from atoms. Energies a million times higher (MeV,) are involved when dealing with nuclear phenomena such as fission in reactors. To study the constituent particles of the nucleus, energies at least a thousand times higher still (GeV), are needed. The CERN antiproton project described here makes possible the highest collision energies ever achieved, but the total energy in the proton and anti-proton beams is still very small. What is important is that this energy is concentrated in a tiny amount of matter in the particle beam.  相似文献   

The experimental investigation of the laws governing the excitation of x-rays by electron impact appears to be near completion. However, the existence of the proton, with its mass of 1,846 times that of the electron, provides the possibility of introducing anew variable—the mass—into collision experiments. Previous investigations have led to inconclusive results except that it is known that when fast α-particles fall on an element, its characteristic x-ray spectrum is excited.In the writer's experiments, a mass spectrograph is used to bring either protons or electrons, of same energy in the range from 15 kv. to 25 kv., onto a copper target. The arrangement eliminates several known sources of error. X-radiation produced passed into an argon filled Geiger counter.The procedure was to compare two currents: (1) the current composing an electron beam just intense enough to produce detectable x-rays; and (2) that composing the strongest proton beam which certainly produced less radiation.The ratio of these currents is a minimum value for p, the ratio of the efficiencies for excitation of electrons and protons respectively.The results were that (1) no radiation from proton impacts was observed, (2) the minimum value of p from three sets of experiments was 740; 237,000; and 6,400.In view of the directness of the experiment, the order of magnitude of the highest figure is presented as the result, i.e. ? = 105. This may be compared with (M/m = 1,846, W/m)32 = 79,310, (M/m)2 = 3,408,000.Wave mechanical considerations of impact processes indicate that radiation should be produced by proton impacts of energy greater than the critical energy (for copper, 8.86 kv.) but intensity formulas have not been derived.If they can be derived the present results offer the possibility of checking the wave mechanics of impact processes.  相似文献   

The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, awarded the 2004 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry to Harry B. Gray for his pioneering contributions in the field of electron transfer in metalloproteins. In a series of elegant and challenging experiments beginning in the late 70s, Gray and his coworkers have shown that the transfer of electrons in metalloproteins can proceed over long distances (~ 20 Å) and at fast rates. These experiments have involved the regiospecific functionalization of structurally characterized electron transfer proteins with ruthenium complexes, coupled with laser excitation and transient spectroscopy. Probing the effects of thermodynamic driving force, temperature, donor-acceptor distance and electronic coupling, Gray has shaped our detailed current understanding of the principles governing biological electron flow. The mechanism of electron transfer has been identified as electron tunneling mediated by the molecules separating donor and acceptor. Tunneling timetables have been established for various intervening media. Important biological processes like respiration and photosynthesis depend on facile electron transfer, and Gray's contribution serves as the fundamental basis for understanding these and many related reactions.  相似文献   

韩国圣  黄跃雯  徐唯正  李辉 《资源科学》2015,37(8):1598-1608
温泉保养地的概念与制度最早起源于德国,1954年日本由德国引入并予以制度化及本土化,不但将其发扬光大,而且使其更合乎东方人使用。这种温泉保养地既有利于公民身心健康又可作为旅游吸引物发展成为温泉休闲产品。中国温泉资源利用发展迅速,但是仍缺乏一套较完整的资源管理制度。本研究主要是透过日文文献资料的搜集、阅读及分析,首先建立日本温泉保养地发展系统,再梳理出温泉保养地评定条件及标准,接着又指出温泉保养地的设施设计准则,再指出温泉保养地人力资源开发及专业人才资格认证程序。另外,本研究又借鉴日本的经验指出,在全球化时代,温泉保养地与周边社区的关系管理。最后依据日本经验提出对中国温泉资源管理的9个重要的启示,希望对中国政府部门及实业界规划及管理温泉保养地时有所参考。  相似文献   

随着经济与信息技术的发展,借助信息技术辅助中学语文课程教学成为必然选择,它具有传统课堂教学不具有的一些优势。但在偏远的中学,由于基础设施等软硬件条件情况所限,全面的开展利用信息技术开展语文教学有一定的障碍,本文就偏远中学中开展信息技术辅助教学存在的困难进行分析,针对存在的困难,提出一些策略,以便更好地开展信息技术辅助中学语文教学。  相似文献   

Oxygen derived free radicals have been implicated in a number of clinical disorders including atherosclerosis (1), ischemic heart disease (IHD) (2), post ischemic reperfusion injury (3) and respiratory distress syndrome (4). These radical are generated by sequential reduction of molecular oxygen; the primary product being superoxide anion (O2 .−) which is subsequently reduced to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxy1 radical (OH.) and singlet oxygen (1O2). However the evidence for ODFR induced cell damage in various clinical disorders is still debated and rests largely on free radical scavenging studies, through electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopic (EPRS) studies have provided direct evidence for ODFR generation following coronary artery ligation (5). By definition, a free radical is an atom, ion or molecule with one or more unpaired electrons (the presence of unpaired electron in a free radical being represented by a superscribed bold dot-R.) and may be formed as a result of homolytic fission of a covalent bond or by electron transfer reactions, and may have cationic (NH3 +), anionic (O2 .−) or neutral (NO) characteristics. The most important in vivo source for these radical species have been found to be univalent biochemical redox reactions involving oxygen. (a) A:B→A.+B. (b) A:+B→A.+B.  相似文献   

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