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This article examines how the field of religious education informs religiously based colleges and universities as they teach about their institutional missions. A discussion of the audiences, languages, and the temporal orientations of institutional mission education is intended to provide insights and parameters as mission offices chart their futures and justify their purposes to diverse constituencies. Particular attention is given to current challenges, namely the unjust structures and practices that have shaped institutions and their missions. Utilizing examples from his home institution, the author argues for a “present approach” to mission education.  相似文献   

In this article we report on our study that explored internationalization in higher education institutions as it relates to two levels of “culture” -- institutional culture and national higher education culture. We examined two leading research-intensive universities, “Coastal University” (Australia) and “Prairie University” (U.S.A.), which have similar institutional cultures (as theorized by Bergquist & Pawlak, 2008) yet reside in different national higher education contexts. Through cross-case analysis, we examined internationalization strategies as they relate to institutional culture and sought to draw inferences about the influence of national higher education cultures on these strategies. We propose the need to examine these cultures when developing internationalization strategies within institutions.  相似文献   

Whether one employs the bureaucratic, collegium, political, or another model to understand and interpret the functioning of colleges and universities, the problems of goal definition and attainment are of paramount importance. While several studies have begun to provide tentative empirical evidence about the possibility of conflicting institutional goal priorities between campus groups, the results to date are incomplete and, in some instances, contradictory. The present study compared the preferences of students, faculty, and administrators in a public, four-year college for five types of institutional goals derived from a factor analysis of 47 goal statements developed by Gross and Grambsch (1968). Significant differences were found between these campus groups on all five types of institutional goals. These differences are discussed within the context of previous research findings, and further areas of research are suggested to explore the degree of goal consensus in institutions of higher learning. It is suggested that the failure of researchers to undertake these investigations and of those “in control” to act upon the results of these inquiries might produce greater damage to the future of American higher education than resulted from the recent era of student unrest.  相似文献   

"以学生为中心"视阈下的高校学生管理,即以学生的学习和发展作为工作的出发点和落脚点,实现从以"崇尚秩序"为中心向以"支撑发展"为中心转变,从"被动应对"向"主动服务"转变,从"空洞口号"向"具体实践"转变,努力构建起适宜学生发展的制度环境,从而更好地促进学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

This article is aimed at identifying distinctive features of the educational policy of university mergers—their main stages, types, and declared goals. We analyzed cases of university mergers and acquisitions (M&A) from the 1990s to the present, which allowed us to identify and describe four Russia-specific waves of educational policy. Based on the authors’ classification, basic characteristics are attributed to each wave: Universitization, Federal Universities, Optimization, and Flagship Universities. The grounds for classification include such possible forks as similarity of the academic profiles of institutions of higher education (IHEs), the formal hierarchy of the organizations being merged, remote geographical locations, and, importantly, the body that makes decisions about mergers. The article also introduces such concepts as “mobilization,” “optimization,” and “repositioning,” to describe the basic motives of university reorganization. We also show the prevailing motive behind each of the merger waves. The results of this research can be used in planning potential mergers and evaluating completed university reorganizations.  相似文献   

张烨 《复旦教育论坛》2006,4(6):24-28,32
政策的本质以及它与制度的关系模式决定了教育政策制度分析的必要。教育政策的制度分析框架应将教育政策纳入到与教育制度关联的关系模式中,放入教育制度变迁的大背景中进行考察;教育政策的制度分析应该是方法论整体主义和个人主义的统一,而实现连接的桥梁则是对行动者策略行为的充分关注;作为方法论的制度分析,它的特点主要表现在对教育制度差异的敏感性、注重制度发展史,关注观念与意识形态等心智结构因素对制度发展的影响;教育政策的制度分析的最终落脚点在于对教育政策制度伦理公正的考量。教育政策的制度分析框架是建构的、开放的,同时作为一种方法论它又是有限度的。  相似文献   

In just a decade, the international university rankings have become dominant measures of institutional performance for policy-makers worldwide. Bolstered by the façade of scientific neutrality, these classification systems have reinforced the hegemonic model of higher education – that of the elite, Anglo-Saxon research university – on a global scale. The process is a manifestation of what Bourdieu and Wacquant have termed US “cultural imperialism.” However, the rankings paradigm is facing growing criticism and resistance, particularly in regions such as Latin America, where the systems are seen as forcing institutions into a costly and high-stakes “academic arms race” at the expense of more pressing development priorities. That position, expressed at the recent UNESCO conferences in Buenos Aires, Paris, and Mexico City, shows the degree to which the rankings have become a fundamental element in the contest for cultural hegemony, waged through the prism of higher education.  相似文献   

Although there have been many claims that technology might enhance university teaching, there are wide variations in how technology is actually used by lecturers. This paper presents a survey of 795 university lecturers’ perceptions of the use of technology in their teaching, showing how their responses were patterned by institutional and subject differences. There were positive attitudes towards technology across institutions and subjects but also large variations between different technologies. Two groups of technology were identified—“core” technologies, such as Powerpoint, that were used frequently, even when lecturers felt that they were not having a positive impact on learning, and “marginal” technologies, such as blogs, that were used much less frequently and only where they fitted the pedagogic approach or context. Rather than there being “leading” universities that were the highest users of all technologies, institutions tended to be heavier users of some technologies than others. Similarly, subjects could be associated with particular technologies rather than being consistent users of technology in general. The study suggests that university technology policy should reflect different disciplines and contexts rather than “one size fits all” directives.  相似文献   

This paper examines the involvement of academic staff in the management and administration of Australian higher education institutions, particularly universities.

An early focus is on the maelstrom of change from 1960 until the mid 1970s when change was generally equated with expansion and growth often without integrative forward planning. Three positive outcomes of this period of change are identified: an expansion of the passive concept of administration to include management and entrepreneurship as legitimate activities in the operation of universities and colleges; a greater involvement by academics in institutional management because, among other reasons, of the availability of enlarged data bases and heightened competition for diminishing resources; and the increasingly definitive forms of professionalisation among career administrators.

The deficient preparation of academics for management roles in Australian universities and colleges is contrasted with evidence of increased participation by administrators in management development activities including graduate programmes. Trigger films which are designed to provoke opportunities for learning in a peer group situation are presented as a particularly powerful remedy for this deficiency.

An evaluation of the TERC trigger film, “Decisions in Academic Departments”, by a small group of professional administrators from eight countries is then analysed. Such trigger films provide a stimulating and easily used resource for the improvement of management and administration in higher education.  相似文献   


This paper describes the rationale for a change from conventional extension towards participatory innovation development and extension. The “Conservation Tillage Project” and the “Food Security Project” developed such an approach and have embarked on institutionalisation of this approach into the agricultural extension service in Masvingo Province in Zimbabwe. Dialogue with farmers, farmer experimentation and the strengthening of self-organisational capacities of rural communities are the major elements to improve development and spreading of innovations, thus the efficiency of extension. The new approach requires a role change of agricultural extension workers from teacher to facilitator as well as appropriate methods and tools. Elements of “Training for Transformation” and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) were tested and developed and were found to be effective tools. The strategy to institutionalise participatory extension is based on joining efforts and networking with other organisations, a campaign to familiarise institutional staff and a training and follow-up programme for staff in the framework of organisational development.

The experiences show that the attitudinal change required to implement participatory approaches is highly depended on personalities. To have an impact on the change of attitudes a continuous mediumterm training process with a close follow-up is required. The paper concludes that institutionalisation of participatory approaches into hierarchically structured organisations is a highly complex intervention. In order to be successful, major changes in planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation procedures are required. Changes of that nature require a process of at least 5 to 10 years and high commitment on the side of institutional staff on all levels and donors as well.  相似文献   

This article posits the use of adapted multicase methodology as appropriate to the exploration of participant cases and context that are fragmented, fluid, and interconnected artefacts of hypermediated postmodern experiences. This paper attempts to deconstruct conventional interpretations of “case” and “context,” in an effort to propose a methodological approach attuned to the boundary-less-ness and hybridity of the postmodern milieu. For illustrative purposes, adapted multicase methodology is employed toward exploring the gender identity construction and enactment of four self-identified female gamers.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes mission drift in baccalaureate colleges. “Becoming a university,” defined as a change in organizational name (e.g., Aurora College becomes Aurora University), symbolizes the transition from a liberal arts mission to a comprehensive university mission. Mission drift is conceptualized as a form of “divergent change,” which can be studied using institutional theory. This paper develops testable hypotheses about becoming a university by integrating institutional theory literatures on market factors, institutional factors, and network factors. Hypotheses are tested by applying panel methods to a 1972–2010 panel dataset of all private organizations defined as “liberal arts colleges” by the 1973 Carnegie Classification. Results show that colleges became universities in response to declining freshmen enrollments, prior adoption of curricula associated with the comprehensive university model, and when network contacts previously became universities. Organizational age and strong market position lowered the probability of becoming a university. The findings contribute to literatures on organizational change and mission drift. Given that most postsecondary institutions—both public and private—are increasingly tuition reliant, future research should analyze the adoption and the effects of behavioral changes designed to increase enrollment-related revenue.  相似文献   

在广播电视大学全面更名转型为开放大学的情境下,办学定位作为开放大学的顶层设计与未来行动指南非常重要。为此,通过对“1+15”所开放大学办学定位统计分析发现:当前开放大学办学定位存在趋同化、偏高、形式化等现象或问题。依据新制度主义理论分析认为,在制度环境“不确定性”的场景下,开放大学不得不寻求制度环境的合法性认可;同时,为实现技术环境的效率需求,开放大学在办学定位策略上应采取混合策略。为优化开放大学办学定位,需要从创设双层关系重构的新制度环境与基层学术机构办学定位的理性行动两个方面来采取行动策略。  相似文献   

In the past decades, a body of international research concerning residential institutions for children emerged. This article focuses on the history of the Ghent orphanages (1945–1984). First, the population of the more than 1200 children and young people resident in the orphanages between 1945 and 1984 is analysed. This analysis illustrates a shift from a legal approach to a normative interpretation of the orphaned child. It becomes clear that the Ghent orphanages functioned, in the second half of the twentieth century, as a system of care for what we today would call youth “at risk” or “pre-delinquent” children and not “orphaned children”. According to this analysis, the focus shifts to the role and the functions of these institutions within the broader community of the city of Ghent. Although the population of the orphanages changed, the local authorities continued to use the name “orphanage”. In that vein, it is argued that concepts such as “orphans” and “orphanages” did not only refer to the classification of certain groups of children, but were also useful tools to protect the social order. An analysis of 45 interviews with both former orphans and educators provides an in-depth insight into the complex relationship between the educators and the orphaned children. In this way, the orphanage was studied not only “from the outside” but also from “the inside”, and by capturing the childhood narratives of former orphaned children it is possible to complement the “official story” with their interpretation of the past.  相似文献   

The “employability” paradigm is beginning to be publicly regarded as one of the key developmental paths and “modernisation” principles of higher education institutions. In this context, the article first overviews the existing practices for tracking graduates’ early careers in Europe. Next, it identifies and discusses relevant conceptual aspects for designing system(s) for tracking graduates’ careers and using the results of graduate studies. This includes understanding and interpreting employability, possible societal tensions surrounding higher education when seeking to support the needs of graduates, employers or initiating new “professional projects”, and the development of disciplinary assumptions about career success. Third, based on the results of a national survey among higher education institutions in Slovenia, it explores institutional views related to establishing systems for monitoring graduates’ “employability”. Understanding higher education institutions’ attitudes and capacities towards monitoring the employability of their graduates is important for the success of tracking surveys in terms of their involvement in the collection of data, adapting the research instrument to reflect possible disciplinary particularities and the use of survey results. By combining the institutional perspective with the previously elaborated conceptual framework, the article calls on higher education stakeholders to support the strategic function of career monitoring systems for exploring new professional opportunities of graduates in the context of broader societal and economic developments.  相似文献   

Distance education has been a fundamental element of Australian education from early in the 20th century. The prevailing practice in higher education has been to have dual-mode organizations. This has led to some paradoxes unfolding in the recent history of Australian distance education that are grounded in the history and politics of the development of educational institutions and systems. Dual-mode institutions developed in Australia only partly because they suited the geographical and demographic circumstances of a new and developing nation. Rather, distance education often was added as a means of supporting the viability of small, on-campus institutions that had been established for party political expediency in favored rural towns. Attempts by governments in recent years to “rationalize” distance education provision have produced a paradoxical position where “distance education” and “dual-mode” are less frequently used terms, and yet the practices and systems embedded in both terms have flourished under the guise of “flexible delivery.” “Flexible delivery” brings with it some new connotations and practices that reflect the domination of economic rationalist ideologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present, for heuristic purposes, information which suggests that essential organizational behavior is theoretically explainable as a function of “directional” planning, as contrasted with planning from goals and objectives. The article is an outgrowth of a year-long study of the planning, management, and evaluation processes in large urban districts, a study conducted by Urban Education Studies. Data gathered from one city school system particularly, as well as from the other school districts, suggested that explicit, publicly stated goals and objectives were grounded in a set of beliefs and desires for these urban districts. A model of planning without goals, developed by McCaskey, was applied, partially, to the data to assess whether the model explained the observed phenomenon. While more systematic study is required to further test the model, initial impressions suggest that it is viable.  相似文献   

本研究基于身份工作模式,引入成员分类机制概念,以医药商务会话录音转写为语料,探讨专家身份建构 的指称策略使用情况。研究发现,(1)医药商务会话中咨询专家通过人称代词的使用以及他称和自称的相互投射实现 专家身份建构;(2)前者包括第一人称代词复数和单数的主格与属格,其指称用法分别表现为机构型、专家型、引用型、 互动型、病患型以及专家型、结构型、引用型和病患型;(3)后者则通过自称和他称身份标记语完成对专家身份建构的 投射。本研究认为,可以在身份工作模式下对人称代词和社交称谓的使用进行解释,它们的使用与成员分类机制一起, 构成说话人进行身份工作而采取的修辞策略,或谓之说话人实施的身份修辞行为。  相似文献   

健全自然资产管理体制,需要立足国内外经验和自然资源资产改革的内在要求,以问题为导向,从自然资源资产管理机构、功能及管理方式等方面进行机制创新,南平市“生态银行”制度创新为解决“所有者和监管者分开”、资源管理分散化、产权保护不完善等问题提供了制度框架和要素准备。结合“生态银行”实践经验,在自然资源机构设置、产权保护、监督机制等方面强化法治保障,对于推进自然资源资产管理改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

内在的理论体系与外在的组织建制是学科建设两大重要维度。作为“大科学”时代的新兴学科,研究生教育学应当采取“由外向内”的路径开展学科建设。在四十年的建设过程中,研究生教育学已通过“内外兼修”取得了显著的建设成绩。在组织建制上,形成了国家、省市二级专业学会、高校和第三方组织共同支撑的研究机构、依托自设二级学科搭建的专门人才培养单位以及专门的学术期刊;在理论体系建设上,明晰了研究生教育不同于其他层次教育的特殊性,并在基本理论研究、招考研究、课程与教学研究、质量评价研究以及战略规划研究方面形成了系列重要的研究成果。未来研究生教育学的学科建设应“外聚内观”:进一步汇聚合力,充分发挥各利益相关者的能动性,加强组织建制的建设;进一步以“前沿知识”为逻辑起点加强研究生教育学基本问题研究,推动分支学科的建立和发展,综合运用多种方法研究相关现实问题。  相似文献   

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