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马克思在《资本论》中所揭示的失业原因(必然性)在现象上仍可以从我们正在进行的市场经济实践中找到。失业对失业来说,是一件痛苦的事情,但对其他方面来讲也并非一无是处.适度失业能提高企业效率,优化产业结构.是企业和职工公平竞争的前提.为此.应建立适度失业机制,防止过度失业。  相似文献   

Unexpectedly, the duration of first unemployment among first degree holders has quickly increased in Rwanda after considerable loss of the skilled labour during the war and Genocide perpetrated against Tutsi in 1994. The time it takes a higher education graduate to land a first employment is a key indicator for the evaluation of and optimal investment in higher education. A long-term first unemployment has negative psychosocial and economic consequences, and is an interplay of diversified factors. Yet, these factors have not been ascertained in Rwanda, whereas their knowledge is crucial for an efficient planning of higher education and employability of the graduates. This study aimed to fill in this knowledge gap for the period 1998–2009. We fitted a binary logistic regression model to data from the 2010 Employer and Graduate Survey (n = 1007) that was conducted by the National University of Rwanda. The results showed that the duration of first unemployment was significantly associated to the graduate’s age, job search method, acquired skills, further graduate studies, monthly salary and category of employing institution. The results suggest that the higher education sector should identify and fill skills gaps in the existing curricula or its delivery with reference to the labour market requirements.  相似文献   

与工作环境相适应的人格通常伴随着较高的工资水平.人格与就业之间(自然人格与失业之间)存在着某种必然联系.论文从学生的人格出发,建立了人格和就业之间的关系架构,探讨了人格和大学生失业之间的关系,研究表明人格和人力资本一样在个人的求职乃至就业的成功方面具有较大的影响.个体所受教育的差异所导致的劳动产出的差异已经越来越小.人格特征对劳动产出的影响越来越明显.  相似文献   

我国城镇的高失业率有其特殊成因;在解决就业这一棘手的问题上,仅靠市场之手是远远不够的,还必须依靠另一只看得见的手——政府的宏观调控,整个社会的发展战略应由追求速度为主要目标的经济增长,转向以创造就业为中心的经济增长。  相似文献   

The authors provide an overview of the psychosocial impact of unemployment. Case studies, based on interviews with the long-term unemployed during 1988 and 1989 are presented to highlight the Personal Employment Identity Model. The PEIM is a service delivery paradigm designed to assist counselors when working with the unemployed. It utilizes an individuals's ego identity in relation to their self identification with their previous work role to recommend interventions. Interventions will vary according to the inherent and expressed needs of the individual on the continuum of the Personal Employment Identity Model.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the ripple effect of high community unemployment on a group of community educators, the home school counselors. This group plays a crucial role as liaison between the elementary school child, the parents, and community agencies offering services for needy children. The impact of remaining employed in an environment of high unemployment is discussed relative to changes in the general health status of the home school counselors, changes in their job responsibilities, and perceptions of their effectiveness in fulfilling those responsibilities. A presentation of the results of this study was made to the home school counselors, enhancing their awareness of the potential effects of increased workloads and increased concerns about job security.  相似文献   

当前,就业已成为制约我国社会经济发展的重要因素,是各级政府关注的重点,也是学术界探讨的热点。为此,从我国的国情出发,分析了就业问题的症结所在,并提出应遵照市场经济规律,选择与我国国民经济同步增长的就业发展战略。  相似文献   

An expansion in higher education in combination with the recent global economic recession has resulted in a high college graduate unemployment rate in Taiwan. This study investigates how the high unemployment rate and financial constraints caused by economic cutbacks have shaped undergraduates’ class choices, job needs, and future income expectations. Therein, the results obtained from a structural equation model indicate that students whose expenditures were most affected by the economic recession were in greater need of paid employment and were also more likely to take practical and credential courses, which resulted in heavier course loads. Clearly, the economic downturn and the consequential high unemployment rate have directed undergraduates to select more practical education, wherein they now prefer classes that are more likely to increase their employability. The results obtained in this study indicate that people use college courses to enhance their competencies and employability. Finally, regardless of the economic situation, female undergraduates expected significantly lower pay after graduation in comparison to their male counterparts.  相似文献   

Using Danish administrative data on all high school graduates from 1984 to 1992, I show that local unemployment has both a short- and a long-run effect on school enrollment and completion. The short-run effect causes students to advance their enrollment, and consequently their completion, of additional schooling. The long-run effect causes students who would otherwise never have enrolled to enroll and complete schooling. The effects are strongest for children of parents with no higher education.  相似文献   

当今社会,失业问题作为一个日渐严重的社会问题逐渐引起人民群众的广泛关注。由于种种历史与现实的因素,导致我国产业结构不尽合理、市场经济体制未发展完善以及长期存在的城乡二元制经济结构。这些因素的共同作用导致了我国的失业问题也具有明显的结构性失业特征。针对我国当前社会呈现的结构性失业问题进行系统有效地分析,进而针对问题提出具有针对性、切实可行的对策。  相似文献   

当前中国经济一直面临非均衡态势,在这一态势下必然存在着一定程度的失业率和通货膨胀率,而就业与通货膨胀作为两个既关乎经济又涉及政治的问题,同时又是宏观经济学的两个基础性问题。由于各国政府都以就业充分以及物价平稳的实现作为其追求的目标,而我国当前正面临着的居高不下的通货膨胀率以及日益膨胀的就业压力问题也就成为我国政府经济政策调整必须面临的一个严峻问题,因此对通货膨胀率和失业率之间变动关系的研究意义十分重大。  相似文献   

Aggregate unemployment may affect individual returns to education through qualification-specific responses in participation and wage bargaining. This paper shows that an increase in regional unemployment by 1% decreases returns to education by 0.005 percentage points. This implies that higher skilled employees are better sheltered from labour market changes with respect to their jobs but they encounter larger wage changes than less skilled employees. We use representative individual data and panel variation in unemployment between German regions and employee groups. We demonstrate that our results are robust with respect to aggregation bias, time lags and potential endogeneity of the unemployment variable.  相似文献   

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