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Der Beitrag versucht zu bestimmen, welche Rolle ethnographischer Feldforschung im Ensemble erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschungsmethoden zufallen kann. Einführend wird diskutiert, was man sinnvollerweise unter P?dagogischer Ethnographie zu verstehen habe. Sodann bemüht sich der Autor um eine knapp gefasste Deskription der jüngeren Geschichte von Ethnographie im deutschsprachigen Wissenschaftsraum von P?dagogik seit Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Welche F?rderung und welche Hemmung hat P?dagogische Ethnographie bislang in der Disziplin erfahren? Welche Anregungen von au?en wirkten sich positiv aus, welche fehlten? Eingehend wird das Problem er?rtert, dass die angels?chsische Kultur-und Sozialanthropologie als eine internationale Leitdisziplin für Ethnographie in Deutschland und in der deutschen P?dagogik nicht angemessen repr?sentiert ist. Im Weiteren wird dann, im Stil von Wissenschaftsforschung, der Blick auf die biographische Rahmung gelenkt, in die Ethnographie auf Seiten der Feldforscher und ihrer Lebensgeschichte gestellt ist. Feldforschung wird als eine Form akademischer Bildungsreise bestimmt, die von kulturellen „Grenzg?ngern“ betrieben wird Abschlie?end er?rtert der Autor Fragen der wissenschaftlich-publizistischen Autorit?t von Ethnographie. Dabei wird auf ein m?gliches Schisma zwischen einer „humanistisch“-partizipatorischen und einer szientifisch, „antihumanistischen“, auf dem Monopol professioneller Expertise beharrenden Tradition innerhalb der Ethnographie verwiesen.  相似文献   

Developments and consequences of school profiling in general-education schools in selected European countries and perspectives for implementation in Germany – The development of a school programme, e.g. by way of forming a profile in the field of music or sports, is part of everyday school life in many European state and private schools today and even statutory in some countries and states. This paper focuses on the background and the significance of this development in school politics but also on the potential and the challenges which come with the profile formation of schools on an individual as well as systemic basis. Furthermore, the author introduces and discusses examples for the profile formation of schools and classes by looking at concrete projects. After that, recommendations are given for school programme work in individual schools. The focus is especially on German-speaking countries such as Germany, Austria and Switzerland.  相似文献   

This article examines whether students’ learning gains in reading and mathematics depend on the time of their transition from elementary school to the academic track of secondary schooling. Drawing on data from the ELEMENT study, the learning gains of fifth and sixth graders in elementary schools (N?=?3167) and academic-track schools with various curricular profiles (N?=?1758) in Berlin were modelled by regression and propensity score matching (PSM) analyses. When baseline differences between the school types were controlled, analyses for reading did not reveal statistically significant differences at all. Findings for mathematics were inconsistent depending on the method of analysis. Regression analysis showed statistically significant results of small effect size in favour of the academic-track schools. However, this finding could not be replicated by means of PSM. The study does not provide evidence for a generally positive effect of early transition to the academic track of secondary schooling with respect to mathematics and reading performance. Theoretical and methodological implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

In the light of the diversity of early child teacher education profiles this study deals with two questions: Can typical content profiles regarding early childhood study courses be identified? Do gains in self perceived competences and professional knowledge differ between students of different content profiles? First, the curricula of 16 vocational schools and 15 bachelor study courses in early childhood education are coded regarding creditpoints (ETCS) in various domains of early childhood education. Latent class analyses led to one “practical” content profile of the 16 vocational schools and to three profiles of Bachelor courses: a social pedagogy and scientifically oriented profile, a pedagogical content profile, and a mixed profile. Multi-level regression analyses as well as analyses of complex covariance patterns of repeated measures (self-concept of competences and knowledge regarding language, language development and fostering language) yielded relationships between content profile of study courses and utilization of the courses’ offerings on the one hand and the development of competences and knowledge of prospective early childhood teachers on the other hand. These results hold true even when individual background variables were statistically controlled and show that it is less the academization per se but the content profile of study courses which makes the difference.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the developmental side of organizational learning. It starts out from the hypothesis that those conditions of successful learning and development competency, which can be externally influenced, are indeed independent of specific organizations and can be identified empirically. On the basis of the current results of an empirical investigation in the area of adult education, we will present a detailed profile of the requirements of a learning further education organization consisting of the dimensions organizational leadership, strategy, structure and culture, core competencies and treatment of knowledge and organizational environment. This profile was generated through a three-stepped research process combining theoretical, empirical and developmental approaches.  相似文献   

The school building as a form of pedagogy has been paid more attention since it has been considered as a space for living and making experiences and as a ‘third teacher’. Searching for an up‐to‐date school one often looks for schools with a different appearance from normal schools. This is due to the practical purpose of building schools and classrooms in which pupils have a good experience. This article deals with such a different school, presenting an example that has very much influenced the debates about school architecture in Western Germany after 1945. The architect of the school was Hans Scharoun. This example of a building beyond the norm is the contemporary Geschwister‐Scholl‐Gesamtschule (comprehensive school) in Lünen, North Rhine‐Westphalia. This school was built between 1956 and 1962 as a grammar school for girls. From a historical point of view the school is above all interesting because its architecture was connected with pedagogical intentions and hopes that are not dissimilar to such considerations today. The outline of this architecture followed ideas of democratic school architecture that Scharoun presented in 1951 at a conference called ‘Darmstädter Gespräch’ alongside an exhibition about ‘Man and Space’. These ideas were paid much attention and they have become part of the history of school architecture. But as the school system in Germany expanded and school buildings became more rationalized in the 1960s and 1970s they were no longer followed. Thus the grammar school for girls in Lünen is an example of the shift in opinions and trends of school architecture that had been influenced by social developments and education policy. Scharoun, who is well known beyond the borders of Germany for his buildings, is considered a representative of organic architecture. In school architecture this idea of an organic combination of the single parts of a school as if they made up an organism was decisive too. The consequence was that he grouped and concentrated the rooms and that he assigned the form of the rooms to the nature of the activities taking place in them. One group of rooms comprised the class apartments of the female pupils of the lower, middle and upper grades of the school. They were conceptualized in a different way according to the age of the girls. The rooms should emphasize the different stages of development and consciousness of the girls by colour and light. The rooms for the youngest should thus have the character of a nest while the middle groups were characterized by exactness and the higher ones by the peculiar phase of development between childhood and becoming adult. These areas with their more individual and almost private character were designed to be connected with the other parts of the school (classrooms for lessons in science, assembly hall, offices and library) by way of encounter. Thus the connection of the individual and community should not only be symbolized but made possible in the everyday life of the school. The rooms for the girls were formed like pavilions without rectangles. It is characteristic that they were thought of as class apartments. They were intended to form a second home and to provide a feeling of security, of belonging and of protection. Each of these class apartments consisted of a classroom and a wardrobe, a room for the group and an area for teaching in the open air. Although built with the same elements the class apartments for each of the three age groups show differences in the relations of inner and outer area. The different grades of openness were justified by Scharoun according to the different levels of development of the girls. Those for the younger ones would be more open than those for the older ones. Inside, the class apartments achieved a comfortable character through their forms and by use of colours. This was emphasized by the lighting conditions – daylight was dispersed evenly by small high windows around the room beneath the ceiling of the classroom – and by the different height of the rooms. The greater community of the school was reached only by crossing a great hall; the assembly hall and the specialized classrooms were placed nearby. The great break hall was not only an area of movement but was designed as a room for meetings and assemblies. With regard to the class apartments the break hall can be characterized as a public space. This public character was supported by the fact that the school library, the school council and the assembly hall were associated with the break hall. Moreover there were fountains with drinking water, benches, notice boards, showcases, plants and a milk bar within the room – elements that are typical of a public space. The plan of the grammar school for girls in Lünen shows the correspondence of relatively small and shielded class apartments to spacious and generous public rooms. This connection of extraversion and introversion, of inner space and the outside, of openness and unity in Scharoun’s opinion shows most obviously the essence of school. There is no doubt that by following the idea of an organic architecture Scharoun built his school from the pupils’ point of view – but without ever asking them what they wanted. The pupils who would live and learn within these rooms played the main role, not the teachers. Thus the rooms for the teachers were located at the edge of the building. This also makes clear that Scharoun was not interested in rationalizing time and space for the purpose of teaching. On the contrary, he tried to take the knowledge or assumptions concerning the needs of children into account by building the school in order to support their learning. Attachment to the space they should live in, the feeling of well‐being and identification were more relevant to Scharoun than organisational and technological efficiency. When the school was finished it was praised for its polygonal forms that were felt to be a liberation from formal obligations and inflexibility. Only five years after the opening of this school Scharoun’s ideas for school buildings met with little response. They did not stand up to public demands for simpler and cheaper solutions, for rationalized and fixed types and series production of school buildings, which became an item on the agenda following an enormous growth in the number of pupils. It was suggested that Scharoun’s subjective architecture would have regulated the order of the lessons, the relationship between pupils and teachers and their possibilities of participation in school. In opposition to his idea of a democratic school architecture there would be no liberty and no possibility for individual use of the rooms. Everything would be determined and the complex educational situation would have been intolerably simplified. In addition the everyday life of school would have shown that the room for meetings could not be used as Scharoun supposed. The criticism could not be denied and indicated the failure of Scharoun’s plan for a school. But it was not the architecture that failed. It was rather the regulated school with its fixed divisions of time that was not able to appreciate and use the potential offered by the building. After a period of less esteem, Scharoun’s architecture of schools recovered when new debates concerning the quality of life of schools and the aesthetic dimensions of school buildings came into being. In the meantime the school in Lünen is described by the keywords variety, warmth, security, aura. In contrast to the criticism of the 1970s the architecture and the structure of rooms of the grammar school for girls in Lünen are now praised by pupils and teachers for their richness of stimulus and their possibilities for individuality. But there has been no empirical research into the notion and of the use of the building and its rooms by teachers and pupils in everyday life. What can be said almost certainly is that Scharoun’s school in Lünen would be appreciated today with regard to contemporary recommendations for good learning environments for pupils.  相似文献   

Since the launch of the public investment program ‘Future Education and Care’ (IZBB) in 2003 the share of primary school aged children participating in all-day schooling in Germany has more than quadrupled. Against this backdrop, this study analyzes, the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics which are possibly related to a higher probability of attendance. Moreover, it analyzes changes in the composition of students participating in all-day schooling. Has there been rather a convergence or a divergence in the characteristics of participants and non-participants over time? Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the additional survey “Families in Germany” (FiD), our results show that in West Germany all-day school participants have become more similar according to their socioeconomic characteristics (in particular income), hence supporting the convergence hypothesis. In East Germany our findings also provide evidence for convergence. In contrast to West Germany, however, convergence applies to characteristics related to the household structure. Overall, there is no indication for divergence over time.  相似文献   

Returns to Higher Education in 21 OECD Countries: The impact of economic and university policies. – We present new estimates of the private internal rate of return (IRR) to Higher Education (HE) in 21 OECD countries. In 2001 the IRR varied considerably across countries, ranging from 4 percent for women in Italy (5 percent for men in Spain) to 14 percent in Ireland. IRR are relatively homogeneous across gender. At 6¼ percent the IRR for Germany falls short of the OECD average (8½ percent). The largest contributor to benefits from HE is the educational wage premium; the largest contributor to costs is foregone income while studying. Cross-country differences in IRR are driven by differences in the wage premium (27 percent in Spain versus 91 percent in Hungary and the United States), in the duration of HE, the marginal tax rate, and direct costs of HE. We then simulate the effect of policy reforms on the IRR. An increase in tuition fees equivalent to 15 percent of average national income would reduce the IRR by 0.8 to 1.6 percentage points (Germany: 1.1 percent). Shortening the duration of studies by 10 percent and reducing the progressiveness of the income tax schedule would compensate for the fall in the IRR.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the extent to which changing school forms in secondary school is dependent not only on a student’s school grades, but also on the migration status and educational aspirations of their parents. Based on a cohort (N?=?4219) of school students from one school year in Luxemburg, we were able to show that throughout the lower secondary school, the grade average played a decisive role in the move to a different school form. Furthermore, students with a migration background were shown to have similar chances as students from Luxemburg of moving upwards to a higher school form, yet were less likely to move downwards. However, this phenomenon could essentially be explained by the fact that students with a migration background are not as highly represented in the higher school forms as are students from Luxemburg. Independent of migration status and school grades, parental educational aspirations played a decisive role change between school forms. High educational aspirations facilitated the move to a higher school form, while low educational aspirations correlated with moving to a lower school form.  相似文献   

The German‐born educator Friedrich Froebel (1782–1852) is well known worldwide as the founder of the kindergarten system. His writings on educational play and games as well as his main work – the Menschenerziehung (1826) – have been translated and widely read. Froebel wrote educational texts as well as more than 1700 letters and journal entries or ‘Tageblätter’. Froebel’s formal writings have been published, as have about half of his letters. But most of Froebel’s journals have not been published, even though they are very important for the understanding of his theory of education. The present report intends to fill this gap. The text will present the research problem and reconstruct the history of the research on Froebel’s journals. The structure of the archival conservation of the journals is described and, finally, some of the journals are mentioned with the focus on autobiography. These journal entries reflect Froebel’s self‐image and an extensive spectrum of formal quality. As a whole, the article provides a broad view of this third sector of Froebel’s intellectual work.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
The position of education confronted as it is by the technical development of the present time

La situation de l'éducation face à la technique contemporaine

Teaching science is again receiving increased attention in educational science, didactic and political debates. This review article will present the focal points of research concerning the didactics of science and perspectives for the development of science teaching. It will look at the goals of science education, on the one hand, and at the topics of empirical research and studies concerning a substantive development of teaching and lessons in science, on the other. The contribution closes with an outlook on the implementation of new developments and future perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

Young people who leave school without obtaining a secondary school certificate bear an increased risk of not completing vocational training and being excluded from stable employment in their working life. However, some of these young people do achieve access to vocational training and employment. Based on a longitudinal study of school-to-work transitions of a representative sample of graduates from Praxisklassen in Bavaria (a course especially designed for potential school drop outs at the lower secondary school – Hauptschule), patterns of transition that lead into vocational training and employment are compared with patterns that end up in exclusion from education, training and employment. Determinants of successful transitions, which can be targeted by pedagogical measures, are inter alia: participation in internships in enterprises during the last year of schooling, help and support received from parents and professional career guidance. However, besides these influential factors, regional labor market conditions are important for a successful school-to-work transition. This close link to the labor market ultimately limits the effects of educational interventions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses whether research following PISA might constrain the plurality of empirical and theoretical approaches in empirical educational research. The significance of plurality in the field of science is reviewed initially; followed by the paper’s central thesis. It is argued that qualitative and new quantitative empirical educational research seldom considers each other in key areas of the field, e.?g. investigations on educational inequality. Though, ‘dimming out’ perspective-wise is marked rather a distinct feature of new quantitative educational research. Using the example of research on selection-based learning environments, students’ habitus and the family’s role in educational inequality, it is shown how a reflected linkage of both perspectives and mutual reception can be substantially beneficial to the findings of both paradigms.  相似文献   

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