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对建筑结构分析程序应用中计算简图的确定,计算程序的合理选择等问题进行了探讨。指出了这类程序使用中合理确定计算简图、认真校核设计参数及减少人为失误的重要性。提供了程序应用中的一些实用技巧。  相似文献   

仪器分析课是一门应用性很强同时又非常重要的化学基础课,本文就如何提高仪器分析的教学效果,提出一些思考,如注重教学内容选择、使用多媒体辅助教学、加强实验教学。  相似文献   

Conclusion One of the most gratifying returns was a chance comment offered by a teacher as we walked across the lawn toward a local fast food restaurant. We were chatting about what he had experienced during the preceding two years. You know, he said, when we began this, I didn't see many hopeful signs, but I think that most of us (teachers) feel now that we work in the best high school in the city. The source may have been biased, and rigorous controls were obviously lacking, but that is the way one teacher perceived the changes. Many gained planning, leadership, problem solving, and other important behavioral and coping skills that contributed in interactively subtle, but nevertheless real ways.Can good things be made to happen in urban schools? The quantified data are equivocal, but we believe that the associations among interventions and perceived changes support cautious optimism.  相似文献   

The current study investigated the contribution of 5 hypotheses to the estimated effects of preschool in the Child-Parent Centers on occupational prestige, felony arrest, and depressive symptoms in adulthood in the Chicago Longitudinal Study. An alternative-intervention, quasi-experimental design included over 1,400 low-income participants (93% of whom were Black) who attended preschool for 1-2 years or the usual early educational intervention and were traced to age 24. LISREL analysis of 5 hypotheses (cognitive advantage, family support, school support, motivational advantage, and social adjustment) indicated that while each individually accounted for part of the estimated direct effect of preschool on adult well-being, the best fitting model across outcomes included indicators of all 5 hypotheses. The full model completely accounted for the direct effect of preschool on occupational prestige and official felony arrest, and 79% on depression symptoms. Key mediators included cognitive skills at school entry, school quality in the elementary grades, juvenile arrest, and school completion. The identified processes may help establish, strengthen, and sustain effects in other programs and settings.  相似文献   

Failure to thrive (FTT) is a frequent cause for the admission of infants to the hospital. Such hospitalizations are often lengthy and expensive, and usually do not contribute to an understanding of the etiology of FTT. Generally, organic causes of FTT can be ruled out by a thorough history and physical examination. In this study two groups were examined: 17 infants who were admitted to foster medical placement homes (MPH), private homes with specially trained parents; and a comparison group of 18 infants who were treated in a more traditional way with diagnostic hospitalization. The groups were similar in all regards prior to admission. All infants were less than a year of age. Family disruption was a prominent feature in both groups, but socio-demographic analysis showed them to be similar in all areas studied. The comparison group gained an average of 276 grams in the hospital over 8.6 days. The MPH group gained 362 grams in the hospital over 8.7 days, with an additional 1270 grams in the medical placement home over 31.1 days. Five children were admitted to the medical placement home without hospitalization. After correcting for an expected weight gain of 15 grams per day (normal growth), the comparison group showed a catch-up growth of 16 gms/day, while the MPH group gained 29 gms/day in excess of expectation, almost twice the comparison group. A 100-gram weight gain cost +308 in the MPH program and +1,635 in the traditional approach. This five-fold difference was felt to be a significant deterrent to the continuing approach of admitting children to the hospital for for the workup of FTT.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A treatment program for sexually abusing families is described, which illustrates the complexities in the families, in the treatment required to assist them, and in the interrelations of agencies with whom they come into contact. The program used a multi-therapist, multi-modality treatment model in conjunction with expert consultants in medicine, psychology, art therapy, law, criminology, and research. The article discusses the formidable barriers to creating a treatment program that stem from the necessity of establishing linkages with other agencies and systems in the society. These barriers include the difficulty other service providers may have in recognizing the problem; the trouble doctors, lawyers, and policemen have in interviewing the young victims; the problems in the criminal justice system with obtaining justice for the victim by arresting and prosecuting the offender while protecting his rights; and the conflict of the schools caught between their responsibility as mandated reporters of abuse and the legal rights of the parent-offender. Questions are raised which may assist others embarked on developing similar programs.  相似文献   

This article examines various aspects of a special program of education called the Harijan Education Program (HEP) operated by the Kerala State Government (India) for the education and advancement of a severely disadvantaged group of people called the Harijans of Kerala. An evaluation, through cost-benefit analysis (CBA), shows that the net present value (NPV) of the program and its redistribution benefits in favour of the Harijans are both negative and hence the HEP is not directly an economically viable program. Nevertheless, the program has bestowed and generated a considerable number of other non-quantifiable and non-measurable benefits such as ‘psychic’, ‘inter-generation’, ‘advanced education options’, ‘hedging options’, as well as many social benefits of a demographic, political, environmental and dynamic nature on the Harijans in particular, and the community in general. Accordingly, the authors believe that the program has considerable social and political advantages and therefore should be continued during the remainder of this decade with proper and careful monitoring of all outcome aspects before the program is either scaled down or phased out. Unfortunately, apart from this preliminary and tentative study conducted by the authors, no attempt has been made to date by either the Indian or Kerala governments to appraise the cost and benefit of such an important program which attempts to eradicate the extremely disadvantaged conditions of the Harijans, a still controversial and outcaste group in India.  相似文献   

结合教育部正在开展的研究生学科专业目录修订工作,从学科专业目录的类型、学科专业划分的依据、学科专业的发展与潜在的矛盾等方面入手,探讨了本次研究生学科专业目录修订的中心任务、学科专业设置的根本目标以及目录修订中需要解决的问题和矛盾,以期对目前正在进行的研究生学科专业目录修订工作有所启发和帮助.  相似文献   

《汇编语言程序设计》是高等院校计算机专业教学体系中容易被忽视的一门重要专业基础课程。本文结合计算机学科发展 (软件优化、面向对象程序设计OOP等 )强调了汇编语言的重要用途 ,并在研究国内外主要教材及相关文献的基础上 ,有针对性地探讨了课程内容更新、教材建设、编程方法教学、课程教学方法改革等关键问题 ,具体提出了增加部分实用性教学内容等教改方案。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the effects of the Webster-Stratton parenting program on the parenting skills of maltreating mothers and on the autonomy of their children (3-8 years). METHOD: A randomized controlled trial was used. Twenty-six maltreating families were randomly assigned to one of two conditions: the 16-hour weekly intervention group, or the 4-month wait list control group. Pre- and post-intervention independent assessments included a 2-hour home visit involving videotaped mother-child interactions during two prescribed, 10-minute play activities. RESULTS: Compared to the control group, treatment mothers demonstrated significant improvement in involvement and marginally significant improvement in autonomy-support, but no improvement in structure. Treatment group children showed no significant improvement in autonomy when compared to control group children. CONCLUSIONS: This parenting program proved effective with maltreating parents. The lack of demonstrated effect on children may reflect the need for a larger and more sustained treatment dose and/or the need to include parent-child interaction opportunities in the program. At the same time, while treatment gains were limited to the parent, the high treatment adherence rate (92% attended six or more of the eight program sessions) and low attrition rate (n=1) indicate that the treatment gains may hold potential for more thorough examination.  相似文献   

Immigrant students’ school success is often hampered by limited second language (L2) proficiency, yet the effectiveness of different approaches to L2 support is unclear. Using a summer camp setting, we tested effects of (1) implicit support focusing on meaning of language by engaging students in language-intensive activities without drawing their attention to rules (operationalization: theatre program) and (2) combined implicit and explicit support focusing students’ attention on both meaning and form of language (operationalization: theatre program and instruction in German as L2). A baseline group received no support. N = 149 third-graders with German as L2 participated. There was no effect for the implicit condition on L2, yet children in the combined condition performed significantly better in grammar and reading after the treatment than the baseline group. The difference for vocabulary did not reach significance. Three months later, a significant effect for the combined condition was only found for reading.  相似文献   

A faculty development program was designed to enhance the ability of graduate faculty members to supervise research activities of graduate students. The program was developed to stress interpersonal problem solving in advisement and professional issues. The classroom techniques of discussion teaching, case method, and psychodrama were used to encourage and enhance the full participation of the faculty. Participants indicated that the program enabled them to examine their own beliefs and knowledge regarding issues surrounding graduate education.  相似文献   

Corinne Bees 《Roeper Review》2013,35(2):155-161

Adolescents who are both gifted and learning disabled have unique needs. The GOLD program is a successful model which includes both resource room support and enrichment. Entrance criteria are described. The curriculum includes teaching students about learning disabilities, self‐advocacy, critical thinking, word processing, communication skills, and ethics. Time is provided for remedial and subject work. As well as the curriculum, the success of the program has resulted from intense involvement of staff, one‐to‐one tutoring, a flexible approach to timetables and attendance, and an environment that encourages hope, humor, trust, and student decision making.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to provide further information regarding factors associated with educational evaluation, using a qualitative approach. Fifty-five interviews were carried out with school principals. The results of the present study supported the notion that the qualitative methods could provide information that quantitative procedures could not. Additionally, the findings also provided useful information for solving problems in OEP implementation and enhanced decision-making by indicating points of the program that should be improved.  相似文献   

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