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This study was conducted to examine the effectiveness of an analogy activity, which was designed to overcome junior high students' misconceptions about the microscopic views of phase change. Eighty Taiwanese 8th graders were randomly assigned to either a control group or an experimental group. For the control group, the subjects were instructed through traditional teaching whereas for the experimental group, an analogy activity was conducted on students. This specific analogy activity was presented in the form of role-playing in which students acted as particles and worked together to perform the conditions of phase changes. Through analyzing these students' drawings of the atom arrangements for the three states of some substances, it was found that the students of experimental group, though in many cases, did not perform statistically better than did those of control group in an immediate posttest. The comparisons of a delay test between these two groups indicated that the analogy activity had clearly positive impacts on students' conceptual change on these scientific concepts in terms of long-term observations.  相似文献   

健美操是学校体育教学的重要组成部分。健美操以它特有的动感和现代气息深受大学生的喜爱,成为大学生体育课的首选。高校健美操理论教学内容偏少、教学方式较为单一、师资不适应学生需求等不利因素严重影响了学生原有的健美操学习兴趣,不利于健美操的普及与发展。找出影响健美操课堂效果的本质问题所在,探讨如何去激发学生的积极性,高质量地完成教学,使教学效果优于常规教学,为高校健美操教学改革和教学质量的提高提供依据。  相似文献   

This article argues that the Normal distribution is often not a good model for anthropomorphic data.  相似文献   

同质性劳动是指从质上来看完全相同的劳动,异质性劳动是指某一种具体劳动成果在质的维度上看差异巨大的劳动。按劳分配制度与同质性劳动的契合凸显了公有制的优越性,但是,异质性劳动的比较和换算困难,使按劳分配制度面临着“失灵”的尴尬。基于此,公有制经济与非公有制经济共同发展的中国特色社会主义基本经济制度,是历史发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

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