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教师是学生评价的主要实施者,是学生评价改革的主力军。教师的评价对于学生自我意识的形成、生活目标的确定、身心健康发展等都具有深远影响。本文在对学生评价理念进行现实反思的基础上,探讨教师对学生评价存在的误区。  相似文献   

素质教育的实施 ,促使我们对教育工作中的许多问题要进行深层次的思考 ,比如关于学校坚持“三个为主”的问题 ,关于学生课外作业负担过重的问题 ,关于贯彻“因材施教”原则的问题 ,无论是理论上还是实践操作上都有思辨的必要  相似文献   

关于"研究性学习"的几个问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
剖析研究性学习的几个典型定义,区别"研究"与"探索"、"探究"的不同,从人类研究活动的四个基本特征出发,揭示研究性学习的本质特征和内涵及其对教学实践的要求,提出不宜把所有探索性学习都纳入研究性学习范围,最后得出几个初步结论.  相似文献   

This paper reports an analysis of response strategies employed by 300 first year undergraduate students on a chemistry test to answer questions posed in multiple choice and constructed response formats. Test answers were categorized and analyzed for format-related differences in solution strategies and error patterns. A subgroup of 21 students who had written the test were interviewed following the test with the intent of further exploring the response strategies which they had used. The verbal reports from the interviews were scored for the presence of typical problem-solving behaviours. Analysis of the test data indicated no significant differences in the types of solution strategies employed, nor in the types of errors committed, across test format. Most students used algorithmic production strategies and worked out the answers without regard to question format. However, the verbal data revealed evidence of subtler differences in the types and frequencies of problem-solving behaviours, particularly with respect to problem representation and answer evaluation.  相似文献   

关于非智力因素的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在受教育和自我教育中,非智力因素处于至关重要的地位。良好的非智力因素是社会人成才的首要条件;良好的非智力因素对一个人的成才是不可或缺的。完成非智力因素结构的分割与重组,优化非智力因素结构是我们需要完成的一项长期而艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

Herpes during pregnancy is a common concern. Because one in every five women is infected with the herpes virus, it is likely that herpes may be a topic that will be raised during a prenatal class, or afterward in private. An expectant mother who has a history of herpes may have concerns about protecting her baby from this virus. She may also have concerns about her own health, relationship issues including the support of her husband and family, or how to communicate with her health-care provider and make the best choices for a safe birth experience. Her childbirth educator can be a source of support and empowerment.  相似文献   

周发 《中学生物学》2007,23(1):9-10
1 C4植物维管束鞘细胞的叶绿体既然没有基粒,为什么还显现绿色,能否进行光反应?   现行高中生物选修教材是这样描述的:C4植物中构成维管束鞘的细胞比较大,里面含有没有基粒的叶绿体,这种叶绿体不仅数量比较多,而且个体比较大,叶肉细胞则含有正常的叶绿体.据此推测:在C4植物维管束鞘细胞中的叶绿体由于没有基粒,不能进行光反应,只能进行暗反应.据研究发现,C4植物维管束鞘细胞叶绿体中的内膜系统主要由基质片层(基质类囊体)组成.以上资料为C4植物维管束鞘细胞中有叶绿素提供了证据.因此准确的表述应该是在维管束鞘中含有较大的叶绿体,有基质类囊体但是没有基粒或发育不良,但类囊体膜上仍含有光合色素叶绿素等,所以鞘细胞显现绿色.至于有了叶绿素,就能完成光反应,尚有异议.主要的推测理由是认为C4植物的基质片层可能不完全具备完成光反应的条件,如可能不具备所需要的各种酶,化学反应和典型的光反应可能不一样,ATP和NADPH不能顺利生成.而实际上根据教材光反应是在基粒类囊体上进行的,因此没有基粒就没有光反应.……  相似文献   

在阅读教学中,常常是教师提问,学生答问,长此以往,其结果就使得学生在课堂上只知道等待教师的提问,而从来不去自己主动发现问题。教师问什么,学生答什么,教师教什么,学生学什么;教师若不提问,学生也不问,教师若不教,学生也不学。学生的学习完全处在一种被动的状态。而且,由于只有教师的提问,使得语文课上教师一言堂的现象始终不能得到根本的改变;使得学生学习语文的积极性始终得不到充分的发挥;也使得以学生为主体的教学改革思想在语文课上始终得不到充分的体现。要改变这种状况,首先要转变陈旧的教学观念。要转变过去那种…  相似文献   

近20年来国外有关青少年同伴关系研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过回溯近20年来国外有关青少年同伴关系的研究,在总结其在同伴关系类型、同伴关系与家庭关系、同伴地位三方面研究成果的同时,也指出了目前仍未得到解决的一些基本问题,并在此基础上对未来同伴关系领域的研究做出了展望。  相似文献   

Turkish student teachers' concerns about teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  


An understanding of biological variation is important for understanding ecological interactions, ecosystem function, and species’ response to environmental change. Biological variation is essential to species survival because natural selection acts upon the phenotypic variation within a population: the more varied the population’s genetic resources, the more likely that the population will persist into the future. We explored how students think about biological variation by evaluating written assessments and interviews of grades 6–16 students about starting a captive breeding programme for species conservation. We created a qualitative framework that describes levels of proficiency in student ideas about biological variation. Lower level responses reason about attributes related to an individual’s reproduction and survival rather than population-level variability. Student responses at a middle level of sophistication point to the importance of variation but do not link it mechanistically to species survival and resilience. We also describe alternative conceptions related to biological variation and natural selection which exist at all grade levels. Educators can use these findings to inform curriculum and instruction in terms of addressing important concept areas (e.g. variation at the population scale) and some common alternative conceptions that may impact an accurate understanding of natural selection and evolution.  相似文献   

A selective attentional model used to explain recent mathemagenic and related research findings also predicted that textbook study questions adjunct to a flow diagram focus students' attention more upon questioned information and less upon nonquestioned information. Furthermore, the chances of such dysfunctional selective attention are increased when students are provided with a mere sampling (partial set) of study questions covering only portions of the diagram and are decreased when students are provided with a population (complete set) of questions or a no-question treatment. As predicted, using the Newman-Keuls procedure (p <0.05), the population and no-question treatment groups outperformed the sampling-question group which, in turn, outperformed a placebo-control group. It was concluded that researchers and teachers should be aware that encouraging students to concentrate on selective portions of critical information can result in inadequate processing of such specialized science materials as flow diagrams.  相似文献   

This study integrated an in-house audience response system (ARS) in the human anatomy course over two years to determine whether students performed better on high-stakes examinations following exposure to similar interactive questions in a large lecture format. Questions in an interactive ARS format were presented in lectures via PowerPoint presentations. Students who chose to participate in the anonymous ARS sessions submitted answers via their personal wireless devices (e.g., laptops, smartphones, PDAs, etc). Students were surveyed for feedback. Student participation in ARS activities was greatest (65-80%) in the first lecture. The number of students who actively participated in ARS activities decreased over the next four sessions, and then slightly increased in the last two sessions. This trend was the same for both years. Use of the ARS did not dramatically enhance overall student performance on examination questions that dealt with content similar to content presented in the ARS sessions. However, students who scored in the lower quartile of the examination performed better on the examination questions after the ARS was implemented. Accordingly, our findings suggest that the effect of ARS to improve student performance on examinations was not uniform. The overall benefit of an ARS to enhance the lecture experience was confirmed by student surveys.  相似文献   


This research explores an American high school chemistry teacher's perspective on the meaning of student questions that originate from curiosity and engagement with subject matter. Ethnographic analysis of a teacher's reflective processes and decision-making approach suggests that questions hold contradictory meanings as powerful, conflicting pressures come to play in the everyday patterns of classroom discourse. Although thoughtful intellectual questions are valued as indicators of student attitudes and understandings, they nonetheless create an interruption to the normal flow of things. To the teacher, such interruptions pose threats to his control of classroom events and his ability to cover the content of his course. Although science educators might enthusiastically endorse the idea that classrooms should be characterized by a spirit of inquiry in which student questions are encouraged and respected, findings suggest that it can be difficult for this to happen in actual schools where particular teachers face specific institutional curricular pressures.  相似文献   

Recognizing that the focus of studies on retention has been at the undergraduate level, a hypothesis is presented that to accomplish their objectives of providing scholars for the future, doctoral degree granting universities must focus attention on the factors affecting persistence of doctoral students. Further, due to the changing nature of the doctoral student population, doctoral students must now be defined as adults. Bringing together the themes of retention, persistence, and adult education, this review of the literature presents areas for further research and study.The author wishes to express his thanks to Dr. Nancy Gadbow, Assistant Professor of Adult Education, Syracuse University and Theodore Rector, Associate Dean, School of Education and Human Development, SUNY-Binghamton for their assistance in the preparation of this work.  相似文献   

建设学习型社会有这样几个问题特别需要加以注意。 一、建设学习型社会的必要性 建设学习型社会是为国家可持续发展所必须。我国是世界上人口最多的国家,人地关系的紧张程度为世界之前列,土地、能源、矿产等自然资源越来越紧张,靠地大物博的自然恩赐来发展国家实现富裕已经不可企及!古今中外人类社会的发展历史证明,实现发达和富裕,依赖先天自然资源条件固然是一个捷径,但不是巩固的和持久的。真正的发达和富裕要建立在充分掌握时代前沿的知识、技术及建立优良社会准则和社会秩序的基础上。有了这样的基础,自然资源的多寡就不那么具有决定意义,这方面的优势越大,自然资源的作用因素就越小。对这样的发展来说,国家和民族不但不会  相似文献   

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