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The increased pluralism in today’s United States society, including our public school student population, has called for physical education teacher education (PETE) programs to train teachers who can respond to the educational needs of students from diverse backgrounds. However, concerns have been raised with educator preparation programs’ ability to prepare teachers to address diversity in our schools. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to discuss the movement toward teaching for social justice in PETE with focus on preparing teachers for cultural diversity; this includes special attention to cultural humility as a missing component in physical education teacher preparation. We discuss the current state of diversity in PETE, leading to a discussion of social justice as a theme in teaching and teacher education in physical education. Next, we detail the underpinnings of social justice pedagogies in physical education and the need for infusing cultural humility in PETE.  相似文献   

Because higher education brings members of academic communities in direct contact with students, the reflective higher education student is in an excellent position for developing two important intellectual virtues: confidence and humility. However, academic communities differ as to whether their members reach consensus, and their teaching practices reflect this difference. In this essay, Ward Jones argues that both consensus‐reaching and non‐consensus‐reaching communities can encourage the development of intellectual confidence and humility in their students, although each will do so in very different ways.  相似文献   

It is argued that two plausible goals of the educational enterprise are (i) to develop the intellectual character, and thus the intellectual virtues, of the student, and (ii) to develop the student's intellectual self-confidence, such that they are able to have conviction in what they believe. On the face of it, however, these two educational goals seem to be in tension with one another, at least insofar as intellectual humility is a genuine intellectual virtue. This is because intellectual humility seems to require that one does not have conviction in one's beliefs. It is argued that this tension can be avoided so long as we have the right account of intellectual humility in play. This enables us to understand what educating for intellectual humility might involve, and how it might co-exist with the educational development of a student's intellectual self-confidence.  相似文献   

有机化学多媒体教学的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章结合教学经验和体会,对多媒体技术在有机化学教学中的应用进行了阐述和分析;同时,指出应用多媒体教学时应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

面对经济大潮的冲击,现代语文教师应以不变应万变,应给自己一个明确的定位,构建成熟而稳定的文化底蕴:成熟的心智;对“教师职业的明确认识;求真务实的为人品格;谦虚严谨的教学态度;积极进取的心态。  相似文献   


Sacred teaching takes many forms across religious traditions, focusing on creation and sacramentality in Christianity, God’s nature and creation of human beings in Judaism, and spiritual and social practices in both. At the heart of Jewish, Muslim, and Christian traditions are accents on the sacredness of life, creation in the image of God, and human dignity. This essay analyzes the three traditions to discover textures of sacrality and practices of sacred teaching and learning. Can such teaching be revolutionary in divided contexts? The paper proposes an approach to sacred, revolutionary teaching to foster compassion, openness, humility, and hope.  相似文献   

谦卑是积极心理学领域中研究的一项重要内容,它属于六大美德分类下的24种性格优点之一。谦卑并不意味着缺乏自尊和自信,而与一种客观、真实、积极的自我评价有关。测量谦卑的方法主要有自评量表法、他人评估法等。女性比男性更倾向于谦卑,集体主义文化比个人主义文化更加推崇谦卑。依恋类型、自我同一性发展、父母教养类型等因素影响个体谦卑的发展,通过改变自我夸大的倾向、培养宗教信仰和感恩的心态可提升谦卑。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s there was considerable discussion of the moral dimension of teaching instigated largely by the Office for Standards in Education (1994) and School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (1995, 1996a, b) discussion papers. Although there was widespread acceptance among educationists, the inspectorate and the teaching profession that there was a moral dimension to teaching, differences were apparent in the perceptions of the significance of this dimension and the implications of it for schools. On the one hand, many teachers acknowledge the moral dimension of teaching, they recognize that teachers from time to time have to deal with controversial issues and have an obligation to respect the rights of children. However, they tend to see this dimension as peripheral to the main business of teaching and learning and not something which will influence how they are judged as professionals. Some recent perspectives on Personal and Social Education, such as the emphasis on personal competence or the self-esteem movement, have contributed to the marginalization of moral concerns in favour of a skills or therapeutic approach. This paper supports the view that teaching is inevitably a moral enterprise and that teachers need to be encouraged to see themselves as autonomous moral agents whose decisions have a fundamental impact on pupils' personal development.  相似文献   

Some schools launched campaigns to promote respect for teachers and value for teaching. Others organized teacher-student get-togethers. Some schools invited teachers on spring excursions, others presented them with kitchen utensils and other souvenirs. All these activities were carried out "in great splendor." Regrettably, the expenses were shouldered by the students. At assembly meetings school leadership promised that these activities will continue.  相似文献   

尊重多元化、开放性、反对中心性、重视实践和人性化等方面是后现代思想的核心特征.从后现代思想的基本特征出发对教师教育实践进行审视,教师教育中存在的目标单一化、内容僵硬化、师生关系不平等以及培养模式封闭化等问题逐渐显现.促进教师教育培养目标的多元化、构建平等的教师教育师生关系、倡导教师教育课程知识的生成以及注重教师教育培养模式的开放四个方面是改进现实问题的可行之路.  相似文献   

Moral education is complex: its major issues are not resolvable in terms of contests between rival ethical theories. Five tasks of moral education are identified: dealing with blatant misdemeanours, developing virtues, developing skill in moral reasoning, teaching to care and enabling individuals to choose a worthwhile way of life. These are mutually irreducible in terms of their justification and capable of irreconcilable conflict in practice. Moral education must recognise such conflicts and the consequent inevitability of wrongdoing in human life as well as the need for humility this implies. The position argued for is inconsistent with, and does not imply, moral relativism.  相似文献   


Popular filmic and literary stereotypes of teachers from Brodie and Chips to Keating and Schneebly have not only reflected a public desire for radically innovative and perverse teaching practices, but also created those paradigms in ways that are not always readily identifiable or traceable. This article seeks to analyse tensions between traditional institutional protocols and contemporary populist opinion on the role of the effective teacher. In doing so, the article takes Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society (1989) as a primary example of those tensions and argues for a perverse ‘foolosophical’ view of pedagogical performance and a new appreciation for the necessity of ignorance in the classroom. Since ignorance and understanding are not taken as unambiguous antonyms, the article proposes that effective teaching and learning occur most effectively in the interstices between humility and hospitality.  相似文献   

提出目前物理实验在系统、教学内容及方式等方面许多值得探讨之处.论述上述各方面随着形势的发展和社会的需要应作的变动.  相似文献   

历史的进程总是布满兴亡的尘嚣,在封建主义日渐腐朽没落的近代中国,因为做不到与时俱进,终于被帝国主义的坚船利炮打碎了大刀长矛。诚惶诚恐的中国人才于死亡带来的惊惧之后开始了探索救国的道路,对于封建制度的改革、对于资本主义的模仿对于社会主义的探索,历经各种尝试与失败,最终走上了崛起的道路。本文拟通过对客观背景的追索,对近代中国这段兴亡史简要分析、探讨。  相似文献   

在晋公子重耳流亡的故事中,先后出现与重耳密切相关的六位女性。她们有的远见卓识、明于事理;有的兼有高贵与卑贱双重属性而又维护人格自尊;还有的甘愿过隐居生活,逃离现实;也有的谦恭礼让,不擅宠专房,具有后妃之德。这些女性形象作为文学角色在历史上都是首次出现,具有文学原型的属性。重耳流亡故事中出现的女性形象很密集,并且绝大多数作为正面角色收录在《列女传》中,所占的比例很高。  相似文献   

有机化学课程教学改革的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王健 《宜宾学院学报》2007,7(12):107-108
通过对有机化学课程体系的改革以及开展启发式,讨论式,研究型的理论课教学模式和互动式的实验课程教学;在有机化学的教学改革方面做了有益的探索,并且收到了积极的效果。  相似文献   

我国研究型大学本科人才培养体系改革的新趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张益新 《高教论坛》2010,(4):47-49,65
本文简要分析了研究型大学的基本特征和本科人才培养体系改革的背景和动因,在此基础上,从培养目标定位、培养模式改革、尊重学生个性发展、研究性教学、国际化、新的管理制度等六个方面分析研究型大学本科人才培养体系改革的新趋势。  相似文献   

Mothers' views of what they teach their preschoolers in everyday situations and their beliefs about the importance of teaching particular kinds of skills were explored. Middle class mothers of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children were asked to identify situations/activities in which they intentionally set out to teach their child and situations/activities in which teaching occurs incidental to some other goal. Most mothers reported teaching both cognitive/academic and social/life skills, but they differed in the relative emphases they put on each type. Few mothers spontaneously reported teaching metacognitive skills, although when specifically asked whether they taught any "learning-to-learn" skills they indicated that they did. Nevertheless, the skills they identified were lower-level process skills such as listening and paying attention rather than higher-level self-regulatory skills such as planning and monitoring progress. Some educators have questioned the extent to which parents are aware of and take advantage of the opportunities for teaching afforded by everyday interactions with their children. The present results suggest that this need not be a concern with respect to middle class families in the cognitive and social domains but that it is of concern in the metacognitive domain. It seems clear that there should be an increased emphasis in parent education programs and materials on how and why to foster metacognition.  相似文献   

Mothers' views of what they teach their preschoolers in everyday situations and their beliefs about the importance of teaching particular kinds of skills were explored. Middle class mothers of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old children were asked to identify situations/activities in which they intentionally set out to teach their child and situations/activities in which teaching occurs incidental to some other goal. Most mothers reported teaching both cognitive/academic and social/life skills, but they differed in the relative emphases they put on each type. Few mothers spontaneously reported teaching metacognitive skills, although when specifically asked whether they taught any "learning-to-learn" skills they indicated that they did. Nevertheless, the skills they identified were lower-level process skills such as listening and paying attention rather than higher-level self-regulatory skills such as planning and monitoring progress. Some educators have questioned the extent to which parents are aware of and take advantage of the opportunities for teaching afforded by everyday interactions with their children. The present results suggest that this need not be a concern with respect to middle class families in the cognitive and social domains but that it is of concern in the metacognitive domain. It seems clear that there should be an increased emphasis in parent education programs and materials on how and why to foster metacognition.  相似文献   

以单片微机AT89C51为核心,利用温度传感器AD590和湿度传感器IH3605对孵化箱温度、湿度进行检测。将复杂的孵化控制系统分解成加温模糊控制系统和加湿模糊控制系统,实现了温度、湿度的模糊控制。系统动态响应好,控制精度高,易于各种孵化的实现,从而提高了孵化率。  相似文献   

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