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《坛经》中蕴含着丰富的教学艺术资源,主要有巧譬妙喻、诗化偈颂、反诘导悟、默传意会、机锋问答和随方解缚等,有些对今天的教学仍具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

人教版国标本高中语文(必修)第一册第四单元课文《寻找时传祥——重访精神高原》练习一中提到了“机锋”一词,原题是这样的:课文语言朴实,却在不经意中给人以震撼,请找出课文中包含“机锋”的话,谈谈你的看法。什么叫机锋?“机锋”一词在教材中还是第一次出现,对它的意思似乎还  相似文献   

慧远禅师为南宋灵隐寺一代高僧,其虽转益多师,但主要深得圆悟克勤禅师真传,大展机锋棒喝之临济宗风,并运用得出神入化,以诗化的禅语开示后学,强调顿渐一体,圆融无碍。慧远为宋孝宗所器重,赐号“佛海”。其传法海外,点悟日僧觉阿,使临济宗风传之东瀛,在中日佛教交流史上写下浓笔重墨的一页。慧远的弟子除了佛门中人外,尚有官绅儒士,如内翰曾开·知府葛郯等。在慧远禅师的公案中,可以看到其具有卓绝的禅学智慧和勇猛精进的精神,体现出一代禅学大师的风范与气概。  相似文献   

数学活动经验的获得既要靠“做”,又要靠“悟”.“悟”可以从“悟过程”、“悟实质”、“悟用法”“悟局限”等方面入手,引导学生反复地悟、不断地悟,促其自主省悟、逐步觉悟,并将“悟”与“说”、“用”有机地结合起来.这样,学生就会获得探究的经验,其自主探究能力就会增强,数学素养就会提升.  相似文献   

数学活动经验的获得既要靠“做”,又要靠“悟”.“悟”可以从“悟过程”、“悟实质”、“悟用法”“悟局限”等方面入手,引导学生反复地悟、不断地悟,促其自主省悟、逐步觉悟,并将“悟”与“说”、“用”有机地结合起来.这样,学生就会获得探究的经验,其自主探究能力就会增强,数学素养就会提升.  相似文献   

唐晓燕 《课外阅读》2011,(9):301-301
曾读过北京清华大学附属小学副校长、特级教师窦桂梅老师的文章《思索,在咬文嚼字上的定格》,在文中她强调:咬文嚼字重在“悟文品字”。“悟”由“心”和“吾”组成。从左向右看就是“思考的我”,从有往左看就是“我的思考”。可见非思考不能算“悟”,没有个体体验不能算“悟”。“品”呢,指辨别好坏,就是恰当地咬文嚼字。“悟文品字”的关键是个“悟”字,悟字当头,品在其中。  相似文献   

“悟”是语文学习的妙法。古人十分重视语文学习中的“悟”。“顿悟”“了悟”“颖悟”“心悟”“意悟”“领悟”等是人们谈禅、评诗、论学时常用的词汇,也是古人留给我们的宝贵的语文学习财富。  相似文献   

在思政课的提质增效中,“教与悟”承载着将知识体系转化为理论体系、信仰体系的重任,深层彰显着思政课育人的本质,全景展现思政课育人的过程,多维度揭示思政课育人的逻辑,因而具有重要的方法论意蕴。把握“教与悟”在思政课中的核心地位,厘清“教与悟”的内在意涵,解决教什么、怎么教的难题,以及悟什么、怎么悟的困境,这是思政课的基本任务与面临的重大现实问题。从教师层面来看,思政课要教知识、理论、技能、方法以及素养,需要从“进”和“出”两个层面着手解决。“进”就是要钻得进学科、钻得进教学、钻得进实践,“出”就是要想得出来、讲得出来和写得出来。从学生层面来看,要悟道、悟理、悟境,学会领会、沉浸、体验。  相似文献   

对于严羽在《沧浪诗话》中提出的主要诗学观点及其美学内涵,历来有众说纷纭的阐释与评价。本文从严羽自己提出的“以禅喻诗”的方法论进行切入,指出“妙悟”说是严羽诗思想的核心范畴,也是诗学与禅学相通的关键之点。又对“妙悟”说的审美内涵进行解析,指出其包含着“第一义之悟”和“透彻之悟”两个层面,而“透彻之悟”又是严羽诗学的着眼点和落脚点。“透彻之悟”所指的并非是某家某派的风格,而是好诗所应具有的审美境界。这种境界的特征一是整体性的美感,二是具有虚幻性和多义性。西方的符号论美学所说的诗歌“幻象”,可以参照理解严羽的“透彻之悟”所呈示的审美境界。  相似文献   

“学懂悟会”基于翻转课堂的课改视角,将“学懂知识”放在课前,“悟会内化”放在课堂,基于先学后教、化育的理论基础,基于三维课程目标,推行“学懂悟会”操作程序,践行多元支持和诊断过程评价。并从学习水平、学习过程、学习方法分析“学懂悟会”的内涵,提出“学懂悟会”的化育意义。  相似文献   

赵翼在《陔馀丛考》中有关六言诗的评价可谓触及六言诗发展的实质问题。本文通过解读赵翼关于六言诗的一些观点。例如,赵翼认为六言诗的起源不始于谷永,偏爱王维的六言绝句,并认为六言诗没能兴盛是因为“其虽工但非天地自然之音节”,结合赵翼的诗学理论,客观分析上述观点。与此同时。试对六言诗的发展和最终没能繁荣的原因做一个粗浅探究。  相似文献   

全面、科学地构建一流的高等教育体系是我国高等教育健康发展的关键。高等教育体系应是金字塔型,即少量学术研究型大学,一批教学研究型大学,大量育人为主的地方大学、职业技术学院。构建这样的体系,必须加强政府宏观调控,正确处理整体与局部的关系;调动各级政府办学的积极性,正确处理国家办学和地方办学的关系;鼓励高校自我发展,正确处理发展与自我发展的关系;借鉴国外先进经验,正确处理国际性与民族性的关系,从而形成层次清晰、定位准确、分工合作、互为补充的、具有中国特色的现代高等教育体系。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that examined the cumulative effects on students’ learning of science, and perceptions of the role of writing in learning, when the students engaged in multiple writing tasks with planning strategy support. The study was conducted with Year 10 biology students who completed two consecutive units on Cells and Molecular Biology. A mixed method study was implemented using a pre-/post-test design with a focus on student performance on higher order conceptual questions, and semi-structured interviews with treatment students after the completion of each unit of study. Results from the quantitative component indicated that multiple, non-conventional writing had a significant benefit in helping students learn Molecular Biology. The results for the Cell unit were not so conclusive suggesting the strategies are most useful for novel content. The interviews with students demonstrated that they understood and engaged successfully with both the conceptual and linguistic demands of the tasks. These findings, taken as a whole, confirm that multiple writing tasks can support effective student learning, provided various pedagogical conditions are met.  相似文献   

Mihyeon Kim 《Roeper Review》2013,35(4):252-262
The intent of this study was to present information about high-achieving students' career decision making associated with thinking styles. We gathered data from two International Baccalaureate (IB) programs and a Governor's School Program with a sample of 209 high-school students. The findings of this study demonstrated that the effect of program on the different thinking styles was statistically significant. The findings showed that external thinking style was a good predictor for choosing social science areas as future careers. However, students with higher external thinking styles chose computer and math areas 73% less often than students with lower external thinking styles. In addition, the findings demonstrated that high-school students attending a program with an academic focus on liberal arts tended to be more people oriented and outgoing and valued sharing ideas with others as opposed to students in a program with an academic focus on science and technology. Finally, students attending a program with an academic focus on liberal arts tended to be more systematic and set priorities more often than students in a program with an academic focus on science and technology.  相似文献   

对"与时俱进"的哲学思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江泽民同志在“七·一”讲话中提到的“马克思主义具有与时俱进的理论品质” ,这一思想是对马克思主义理论的一种新概括 ,是对中国共产党 80年斗争历史经验的高度总结 ,同时也包含了深刻的哲学内涵。本文从考察马克思主义所具有的与时俱进的理论品质着手 ,对与时俱进这个概念进行了初步的哲学分析 ,并认为与时俱进具有综合整体性、超前性、历史联系性和方向性等特点。  相似文献   


This paper reports the experiences of staff, parents, governors and students at a secondary free school in the West Midlands of England in relation to the inclusion of students with special educational needs (SEN). The paper is based on a qualitative research project carried out at a school that opened in 2015, with the explicit aim of examining the extent to which it developed as an inclusive school, particularly for children with SEN. In the paper, we draw on the classic distinction between ‘education’ and ‘schooling’ to identify tensions and overlaps between process and outcome oriented practices and examine the views of different stakeholders on how such practices impact on inclusion. By focusing on the day-to-day practices of the school and linking them to broader notions of schooling and education, we provide a complementary perspective on the current research on free schools, which is overwhelmingly quantitative and focused on admissions.  相似文献   

通过调查发现,我区有相当一部分的学校虽然对校本培训有足够的重视,但仍存在着培训观念陈旧落后、培训方法传统单一、培训管理松散无序的状态,极大地影响了新课程理念下的校本培训的实效性,对基础教育改革的进程和质量带来了一定的影响。本文在对新课程理念下的校本培训现状调查研究的基础上,对新课程校本培训的理念、认识及我区中小学校本培训存在的问题做了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

朱熹首倡并躬行的“以《诗》言《诗》”说是对《诗序》”以史证《诗》”以及后儒“以《序》解《诗》”的否定与批判,同时又体现了对《诗经》文学本质与诗歌创作规律的深刻认识。贯彻“以《诗》言《诗》”的原则,实现传统《诗经》学的重大变革,是历史的发展与时代的需求赋予宋代学者的重大使命;而文学名家与经学大师的一身兼任,历代文学与历代经学的双轨集成,是朱熹实现《诗经》学变革的主体条件怀客观基础。  相似文献   

In order to develop deeper and better understandings of what constitutes effective educational practices, and to bridge the gap between research and practice, there is a need for a paradigm shift in autism educational research. The contribution of this paper is to examine the key methodological challenges that stand in the way of autism educational research impacting on practice. This research field is dominated by experimental research designs that evaluate the impact of ‘interventions’ that focus on developing the skills, knowledge, and understanding of pupils with autism. For educational research to have an impact on the lives of individuals with autism, their families, and the practitioners who work with them, movement towards a more balanced range of methodologies is needed. This needs to include methodologies that situate the knowledge base of practitioners on a par with the knowledge base of researchers, drawing on the evidence base from the classroom itself, and bringing in the perspectives and views of individuals with autism, their families, and the practitioners who work with them.  相似文献   

In most cases therapy is addressed as an indoor verbal activity in which the relationship between therapist and client stands at its centre. This article proposes a different approach to therapy: conducting it creatively in nature, with the environment being used not only as a therapeutic setting but also as a medium and a partner in the process. The article is based on a case study carried out with a group of children with special needs within a school setting. It explores the therapeutic and educational impact that this approach had on the participants and on nature's role in it. The article also aims to initiate a dialogue around the option of working with this population in non‐verbal and experiential ways, illustrating the potential that the use of group work, creativity and contact with nature may offer.  相似文献   

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