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Kazimierz D?browski’s five-level theory of personality development, the Theory of Positive Disintegration, is one in which the experience of all emotions is essential for the process of individual growth toward the personality ideal. In this article, we synthesize D?browski’s conception of syntony and the development of empathy. We discuss the genesis of empathy within the lower levels of human personality development and visually demonstrate the multilevelness of the development of empathy through a diagrammatic representation of syntonic and empathic responses with examples of these traits mapped to the varying levels of development within D?browski’s Theory of Positive Disintegration.  相似文献   

In this conceptual article, we seek to extend the domain of the conservation of resources (COR) theory to the collegiate student–athlete population in the context of academic–athletic role conflict and stress. Aside from reviewing the direct effects academic–athletic role conflict may have on psychological strain, this conceptual study also continues to build on the theory by proposing mediational pathways of role conflict, and the moderating effects of personal characteristics and social support on the stressor–strain relationship. Although this theoretical framework has been mainly applied in the work–family context, it could be proven useful in alleviating the pressures resulting from student–athletes’ competing roles by providing stress-coping strategies. Focusing on addressing student–athletes’ challenges in managing their college careers, the study provides a theoretical foundation for enhancing student–athletes’ well-being and collegiate experiences. Implications for managerial practices and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Unilevel disintegration, the second level in D?browski’s theory, does not have a structure comparable to the higher levels. It also lacks direction. If so, one is bound to ask what is developmental about it and what, in fact, is developing in level II. Two classsic studies and one of highly gifted adults show three possible kinds of emotional development on the not-so-flat plane of level II: a personal growth from black-and-white to relativistic thinking, from no sense of self to an individual self, and fulfillment of one’s talents as a productive member of society. Viewing the levels as types of development makes clear that the first two levels are not precursors to advanced development.  相似文献   

Data from twenty‐two case studies of schools in four North American school districts are examined to assess the process and outcomes of reform through school‐based management (SBM). The analysis is guided by a theoretical model that describes the process through which SBM can lead to school improvement. This model suggests that the formal change in governance reflected in a shift to SBM must first generate improvements in the decision making processes utilized at the school. Better decision making will enable schools to implement needed strategic and operational changes, and these together will help build an effective school culture. An improved culture, along with the strategic and operational reforms implemented at the school, will lead to changes in the behavior of staff members, which is necessary for there to be improvement in various outcomes that serve as indicators of school quality. The analysis of the case studies indicates that schools in our sample most frequently exhibited positive changes in two areas, namely, decision making processes and school culture. Strategic and operational changes were less likely to undergo positive change, as were individual behavior and school quality. However, the overall pattern of findings provides reasonable support for the general validity of the model. Furthermore, the data from this sample of schools suggest that SBM has considerable potential to elicit positive changes in schools. To help insure that such potential is realized, the findings indicate that school leaders must insure that all constituents have an opportunity to participate in school level decisions, that a vision regarding desired outcomes should be utilized to guide the implementation of strategic and operational changes, and that the process of change should be monitored in order to better identify problem areas and allow corrective action to be taken.


In this study, the author implemented a problem-based learning (PBL) experience that allowed students in an advanced science methodology course to explore differentiated instruction. Through working systematically in small, collaborative groups, students explored the nature of differentiated instruction. The objective of the study was to examine pre-service teachers’ developing conceptions of differentiated instruction (DI) as a way to teach for diversity. The author adopted action research as a strategy to explore students’ perceptions of DI in the context of science teaching and learning. Several data collection methods and sources were adopted in the study, including student-generated products, student interviews, classroom observation, and journal writing. Outcomes report on students’ perceptions of both the potential and challenges associated with adopting a DI approach to science teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Building on Ball's (2009) Ball, A. 2009. Toward a theory of generative change in culturally and linguistically complex classrooms. American Educational Research Journal, 46(1): 4572. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] model of generative change, we explored how two experienced literacy teachers, after completing a graduate-level multicultural literacy course, enacted the tenets of critical literacy. Ball defined teachers' generative thinking as “connecting their personal and professional knowledge with the knowledge that they gain from their students to produce or originate knowledge that is useful to them in pedagogical problem solving and in meeting the educational needs of their students” (2009, p. 47). We uncovered how teachers' generative thinking progressed over time; how they sanctioned critical literacy practices in their own classrooms; and how they continued to guide their students to question, dispute, and examine power relations. As the teachers' generative thinking grew over the two years, they continued to express tension and doubt, showing that teacher change is never linear or simple, but often situational and complex.  相似文献   

王雯 《海外英语》2012,(12):172-173
Tourism literature is a window for foreigners to know China and a medium for publicizing Chinese culture.Increasing the quality of translation of tourism literature is of great significance in promoting Chinese tourisms’ further development.This paper explores the strategies to deal with the translation of tourism literature,taking Skopos Theory as the theoretical base.  相似文献   

Based on the theory of the post method pedagogy and the teaching practice,this paper proposes a new teaching model,the self-correction model,and explains it from the point of view of linking theory.  相似文献   

Pope Francis incarnates a praxis of encounter in an age of polarization. For Francis, encounter entails displacement, dialog, and discernment. Relational pedagogy illuminates the fecundity of relationships between the teacher and student at the heart of education. Nel Noddings, preeminent proponent of relational pedagogy, grounds an ethics of care in the mother–child relationship and Levinasian encounter. Noddings points toward the application of encounter in education. The hyper-individualized, commodified, and technocratic culture of Catholic higher education today is a formidable challenge to a pedagogy of encounter. However, indigenous ways of teaching and learning offer pedagogical practices for realizing encounter.  相似文献   

Over the last several decades, instructional communication scholars have studied and measured student motivation as an important learning outcome. Unfortunately, this research has lacked theoretical guidance and has treated student motivation as a construct that varies only in quantity, ignoring existing theory that suggests student motivation is best understood as a construct that differs in quality (i.e., intrinsic motivation). To create two new measures that incorporate theoretical explanations of student motivation, three studies (N = 1,067) were undertaken using self-determination theory (SDT) to operationalize students’ intrinsic motivation as a product of basic psychological need satisfaction. In the first two studies, the Student Psychological Needs Scale and the Intrinsic Motivation to Learn Scale were developed and validated. In the third study, parallel mediation analyses supported SDT’s prediction that the fulfillment of students’ psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness) would mediate the relationship between personalized education practices and intrinsic motivation to learn.  相似文献   

The paper analyzes sports film from the aspect of Adaptation Theory,and gives an overview of explanatory power of the Adaptation Theory so that people could have a new and powerful to understand the using of language.  相似文献   

This study is a critical examination of dominant beliefs in textbooks that impact students through constructed transmissions of the so-called normal American identity. A Beka textbooks are examined for findings that illustrate the dissemination of neutral language that is, in reality, charged with dominant ideologies that marginalize those living outside the parameters of the texts. The underlying themes point to the legitimization of the interests of the fundamentalist group as the authority of socio-cultural values and the consensual subordination of other groups. Informed by Freirean philosophy and praxis, the study is framed through a critical lens through which the underlying relationship between power and discourse is examined. As a means of bringing awareness of the inequity in textbooks, the use of dialogue and critique is discussed as a tool for interrupting the power of the dominant and as a trajectory for self-reflection and empowerment.  相似文献   

Anin -depthunderstandingofthelearningstylesofadultlearnerscanbebeneficialtothefollowinggroupsofpeople :coursedevelopers,whocanthendesignteachingandlearningmaterialsgroundedonscientificprinciples ;instructors ,whocandelivercoursesinamoreeffective ;andeffic…  相似文献   

This literature review examined empirical research conducted between 2004 and 2014 regarding 1:1 technologies in K–12 educational settings. Our overarching research question was: What does research tell us about 1:1 technology in K–12 classrooms? We used the constant-comparative method to analyze, code, and induce themes from 46 relevant articles. Findings showed that the studies selected for analyses primarily concentrated on the following themes: effects on student achievement, changes to the classroom environment, classroom uses, effects on learner motivation and engagement, and challenges to classroom integration. In this article, we define each of these themes, describe the implications of the use of technologies on a 1:1 basis in classrooms, and offer suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Challenges to effective collaboration are magnified when work teams are composed of geographically distributed members. Team members separated by time, distance, and culture often struggle with issues of trust, conflict, and potentially divisive subgroups. With global virtual teams becoming increasingly common in organizations, it is important to understand how to minimize such interactional difficulties. This study examines rules and resources that members of a corporate global team draw on to structure their interactions. In this case study, team members draw on highly ritualized actions prescribed by their software development process and their enacted values to mitigate their communication challenges.  相似文献   

This article examines country star Brad Paisley’s controversial musical dialogue with rapper LL Cool J about race. First, I compare “Accidental Racist” with “Ebony and Ivory” in light of McPhail’s notions of rhetorical coherence and complicity. Second, I interrogate Paisley’s problematic construction of racial division in light of Gresson’s work. Next, I consider how the inclusion of Cool J’s voice at least partly challenges Paisley’s southern White perspective. In light of Hatch’s theory of reconciliation, however, Paisley’s pseudo-apology proves self-serving and Cool J’s forgiveness is cheap. In the end, their contrived country/hip-hop dialogue dances to the tune of neoliberalism and fails to resonate with either of their core audiences, despite their well-meaning intentions.  相似文献   

The subtitle translation is very different from other forms of translation.We translators should meet the particular needs of the subtitle.This study is going to analyze the subtitle translation in "The Big Bang Theory" from Newmark's Communicative Translation Theory in three main perspectives:the information transmission,the aesthetics effect and the emotional transmission.In the information transmission the study will put emphasis on the limited circumstance.In the aesthetics effect the study will explore the expression of the sense of beauty.In the emotional transmission this study will study the use of rhetoric to express different emotions.  相似文献   

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