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The resort to experiment is considered to be essential for teaching physics. But it often consists of an inductivist method where students are supposed to be able to find physical laws by observing phenomena. In fact it is not as easy for the students as it is for the physicist. We propose and test another way. When studying a new phenomenon, an initial discussion is performed between students in the class. They can propose various (eventually contradictory) explanatory models. Experiments are then used to make a choice between these models. Sequences in class situation are described, with learning behaviour and results reported for pupils in French schools (grades 6 and 8, 11‐14‐year olds).  相似文献   

Learning happens not only in schools, but also in every context that affords new experiences and opportunities for metacognition. We aim to maximize the different activity-milieux in which learners are engaged in developing their life-long learning dispositions to learn within and across contexts. This paper is a follow up of an earlier published paper in which a framework on interpreting learning as how the self interacts with phenomena and reifications was proposed. Grounded in this learning framework, our research seeks to expand the “within context” learning to “across contexts” learning with evidence from a case study examining a 10-year-old boy's learning process. Through the case study, we will describe the interplay between bowling and schooling and how strategies learned from one context is situated into another drawing upon Ito et al.'s (2010 Ito, M., Baumer, S., Bittanti, M, boyd, d., Cody, R., Herr-Stephenson, B., Horst, … Pascoe, C.J., Perkel, D., Robinson, L., Sims, C., Tripp, L. (2010). Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press [Google Scholar]) developmental trajectory of “hanging out-messing around-geeking out” perspectives. The findings show that for learning to be meaningful and authentic for the twenty-first century, it is essential for the learner(s) to be in constant dialectical interactions and relationship with oneself, others, and with the social-cultural artifacts that afford the learning. We conclude with practical implications derived from the study.  相似文献   

Just as linguistic errors have provided insights into the nature of linguistic competence(s), detailed analyses of blind spots or marked trajectories in the reflection cycles of novice teachers may provide a window on their underlying beliefs, and thus on relevant zones of proximal development. In this paper we analyse a case study in an experimental web‐based learning environment in which a novice teacher demonstrably just reproduces the assumptions she started out with rather than re‐inspecting them. Having located a problem of motivation uniquely inside the learners’ heads, she pointedly ignores hints in the feedback that her own verbal and nonverbal behaviour in the classroom might be a relevant domain of enquiry. Our findings show the need for structural interventions within a priori hypothesized, linearly ordered, stages in reflection models. We report on two small‐scale experiments that implement suggested changes in the architecture of the web site which yield more context‐sensitive ways of scaffolding reflection. In conclusion we argue that detailed discursive accounts of successful and less successful reflection trajectories are needed to refine and further develop models in teacher thinking.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - In an effort to pursue and achieve quality and equity in science education, the South African National Curriculum Statement stipulates that learners should...  相似文献   

This article reports the results of the investigation into institutional support provided to adults by 12 novice consultants on assessment and recognition of their non-formal and informal learning in four institutions of higher education (HEIs) in Lithuania. Using the general systems perspective and perception theory, novice consultants’ perceptions of their experience of guiding and supporting adults was examined with the main aim to provide a better understanding of the challenges that they encountered and the benefits they gained so that to enhance the process. The method of content analysis was employed to investigate novice consultants’ perceptions. The results of their feedback responses revealed four major challenges, including the novelty of the procedure, complexity of the process of portfolio development, difficulty to raise adults’ awareness of the value of the procedure and difficulty to provide moral support to adults, which caused gaps in consultants’ performance. The established benefits included a better understanding of the process, benefits for their professional activity and personal development, improved competence to consult and an impact on the attitude towards others and self. The implications of the findings for fostering consultants’ training to enhance the process of institutional support provided to adults are discussed.  相似文献   

This case study investigated undergraduate students’ first experience in online collaborative learning in a project‐based learning (PBL) environment in Taiwan. Data were collected through interviews of 48 students, instructor’s field notes, researchers’ online observations, students’ online discourse, and group artifacts. The findings revealed interesting phenomena as results of cultural influences as well as educational system impacts. Students experienced learning benefits from PBL in the intensive six‐week period, yet voiced serious concerns about the changed role of the instructor, as well as strong reservations on peer collaboration as a result of the competitive tradition in education. Online collaborative learning and PBL critically challenged some culturally‐rooted traditions in Taiwan. The study generates practical insights into the applications of online collaborative learning and PBL in Taiwan’s higher education as well as implications for cross‐cultural implementation of online learning.

Online‐kooperatives Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lernumgebung in Taiwan: Eine Fallstudie aus Sicht der Studenten

Diese Fallstudie untersuchte die erste Erfahrung von Studenten in Online‐kooperativem Lernen in einer projektbasierten Lern‐ (PBL) Umgebung in Taiwan. Die Daten wurden durch Interviews von 48 Studenten, den Feldnotizen, den Online‐Beobachtungen, den Online‐Diskurs‐ und Gruppenartefakten der Studenten der Forscher gesammelt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten interessante Phänomene als Ergebnisse von sowohl kulturellen Einflüssen als auch Bildungssystemwirkungen auf. Die Studenten erfuhren in den intensiven sechs Wochen den Nutzen von PBL zu kennen, trotzdem äußerten sie sowohl ernste Sorgen über die geänderte Rolle des Ausbilders als auch starke Bedenken in Bezug auf gleichrangige Kollaboration als Folge der wettbewerbsgeprägten Tradition in der Bildung aus. Online‐kooperatives Lernen und PBL forderten kritisch einige kulturell verwurzelte Traditionen in Taiwan heraus. Die Studie ermöglicht praktische Einblicke in die Bewertungen von Online‐kooperativem Lernen und PBL in Taiwans höherer Bildung wie auch Auswirkungen auf interkulturelle Durchführung des Online‐Lernens.

L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne dans un environnement d’apprentissage fondé sur les projets à Taiwan: étude de cas sur les perspectives des étudiants de premier cycle

La présente étude de cas porte sur la première expérience d’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne qu’ont eue des étudiants de premier cycle dans le cadre d’un environnement d’apprentissage (AFP) fondé sur les projets. On a rassemblé des données grâce à des entretiens avec 48 étudiants, grâce aux notes de terrain des professeurs, grâce aux observations en ligne des chercheurs, grâce au discours en ligne des étudiants et aux productions de groupe. Les résultats obtenus ont fait apparaître des phénomènes intéressants, résultant des influences culturelles et du poids d’un système éducatif. Les étudiants ont vécu une progression de leur apprentissage grâce à l’AFP au cours de la période intensive de 6 semaines mais ils ont toutefois fait part de l’inquiétude sérieuse que suscitait le changement de rôle du professeur et de leurs fortes réticences sur la collaboration entre étudiants du fait de la tradition de concurrence en éducation. L’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP représentaient un défi critique pour certaines traditions enracinées dans la culture de Taiwan. La présente étude ouvre des perspectives pratiques sur les applications de l’apprentissage collaboratif en ligne et l’AFP dans l’enseignement supérieur à Taiwan avec des conséquences pour la mise en place de l’apprentissage en ligne dans un cadre transculturel.

El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos, en Taiwan: un estudio de caso sobre las perspectivas para los estudiantes de primer ciclo

El presente estudio de caso trata de la primera experiencia de estudiantes de primero ciclo con el aprendizaje colaborativo en línea dentro de un entorno de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP) en Taiwan. Los datos han sido recaudados a través de entrevistas con 48 estudiantes, a través de los apuntes de terreno de los profesores, de las observaciones en línea de los investigadores, del discurso en línea de los estudiantes y de las producciones de grupo. Los resultados han arrojado fenómenos interesantes que son el resultado tanto de las influencias culturales como del impacto del sistema educativo. Los estudiantes han experimentado los beneficios del aprendizaje ABP durante la sesión intensiva de 6 semanas pero han expresado inquietudes serias sobre el cambio de papel del profesor y fuertes reservas acerca de la colaboración entre alumnos como consecuencia de la tradición competitiva en educación. El aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y ABP representan desafíos críticos para algunas tradiciones con fuertes raices en Taiwan. Este estudio abre perspectivas prácticas sobre las aplicaciones del aprendizaje colaborativo en línea y el ABP en la enseñanza superior de Taiwan además de implicaciones para la puesta en práctica transcultural del aprendizaje en línea.  相似文献   

This article investigated the impact of using e‐learning models' with the principles of constructivism to enhance the critical thinking skills of students in higher education institutions. The study examines the effectiveness of e‐learning model in enhancing critical thinking of students at university level. This effectiveness is measured by a critical thinking test. The target population for this study is undergraduate information systems' students enrolled in Spring 2005 and Fall 2006 semesters at Kuwait University.  相似文献   

This interpretive study of learning environments involved two groups of Israeli science teachers who participated in courses and implemented field trips as part of sciencetechnologysociety (STS) education and under the framework of general system theory. The different groups of preservice and experienced teachers were selected in order to provide diverse perspectives on learning environments associated with the enactment of field trips as enrichment for the science classroom. The article describes the field trip programs and provides examples of how teachers in different stages of their professional development perceive the content, learning activities and problem solving as characteristics of the learning environment. The learning environment categories identified under the content characteristic were interest, interdisciplinary, innovation, difficulty, and contexualising. Under the activity characteristic were autonomy, involvement, collaboration, interaction, effectiveness and concretisation. Under problem solving were identified interaction, availability of resources, teacher support and democracy. The teachers' perceptions of the experienced learning environment were diverse and the categories described provide a framework of planning improvement in the content domain as well as in the enactment process of the field trip planned according to the principles of the general system theory.  相似文献   

This article examines the literature on Native science in order to address the presumed binaries between formal and informal science learning and between Western and Native science. We situate this discussion within a larger discussion of culturally responsive schooling for Indigenous youth and the importance of Indigenous epistemologies and contextualized knowledges within Indigenous communities.
Bryan McKinley Jones BrayboyEmail: Email:

Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy (Lumbee)   is Borderland’s associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Arizona State University and President’s professor of education at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. His research focuses on Indigenous ways of knowing and being, Indigenous teacher education, and Indigenous students in higher education. He can be contacted at bryan.brayboy@asu.edu or ffbb@uaf.edu. Angelina E. Castagno   is an assistant professor in educational leadership and foundations at Northern Arizona University. Her research centers on Indigenous education, multicultural education, and critical race and whiteness theories. She can be contacted at angelina.castagno@nau.edu.  相似文献   

Learners encounter science in a wide variety of contexts beyond the science classroom which collectively could be quite influential on student attitudes and abilities. But relatively little is known about the relative influence of different forms of informal science experiences, especially for the kinds of experiences that students typically access. We conduct factor and regression analyses on data collected from a large number of diverse public-school attending 6th and 8th graders drawn from two regions in the USA. Students completed a science reasoning measure and surveys of attitudes, previously completed informal science learning experiences, and demographic factors. Factor analyses identify four dimensions of informal science learning participation (in home, semiformal, nature, and museums). Regression analyses find a relative specificity of effects, with particular outcomes associated with a subset of the forms of informal science participation, highlighting the importance of controlling for correlated factors. There were also a few differences by grade level, with different experiences influencing the development of competency beliefs in science in early vs. late middle schoolers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to explore international student recruitment at higher education institutions (HEIs) by examining the development and implementation of international recruitment activities. There is little research regarding the internal operations of HEIs, how HEIs conduct international recruitment efforts, and the challenges that international recruiters encounter. This study finds that although national policy frameworks vary by country, the practice of international recruitment remains remarkably similar amongst the case study institutions. It further suggests that regardless of rankings, HEIs are facing commodification within the international student recruitment market. Furthermore, it suggests that institutions may improve their recruitment activity by addressing role clarity, improving coordination, differentiating their offerings, and ensuring flexibility to respond to market forces.  相似文献   

This project explores conceptual continuity as a framework for understanding students’ native ways of understanding and describing. Conceptual continuity suggests that the relationship between the use of words in one genre and the scientific genre can exist at varying levels of association. This perspective can reveal the varied relationships between ideas explained in everyday or vernacular genres and their association to scientific explanations. We conducted a 2-year study involving 15 high school baseball players’ understanding of the physics involved in baseball. First, we conducted a quantitative assessment of their science understanding by administering a test prior to season one (2006) and season two (2007). Second, we examined the types of linguistic resources students used to explain their understanding. Third, we revisited our data by using conceptual continuity to identify similarities between students’ conceptual understanding in the informal contexts and their similarities to canonical scientific ideas. The results indicated students’ performance on the multiple-choice questions suggested no significant improvement. The qualitative analyses revealed that students were able to accurately explain different components of the idea by using a diversity of scientific and non-scientific genres. These results call attention to the need to reconstruct our vision of science learning to include a more language sensitive approach to teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Higher education has been actively encouraged to find more effective and flexible delivery models to provide all students with access to quality learning experiences yet also meet institutional imperatives for efficiency and accountability. Blended learning, commonly defined as an integration of traditional face‐to‐face and online approaches to instruction (Garrison & Kanuka, 2004 Garrison, D.R. and Kanuka, H. 2004. Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. Internet and Higher Education, 7(2): 95105.  [Google Scholar]; Graham, 2006 Graham, C.R. 2006. “Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends and future directions”. In Handbook of blended learning: Global perspectives, local designs, Edited by: Bonk, C.J. and Graham, C.R. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.  [Google Scholar]; Macdonald, 2008 Macdonald, J. 2008. Blended learning and online tutoring , (2nd ed.), Hampshire, UK: Gower.  [Google Scholar]), is now proposed as one solution that addresses both student learning and higher education organisational needs. Successful blended learning, however, is more than a simple integration of information and communication technologies with face‐to‐face approaches. This paper proposes, describes and evaluates a pedagogical approach to blended learning focused on learners and learning. First, we interrogate the literature related to blended learning to show how various constructions of blended learning may be driven by teacher‐centric or learner‐centric conceptions. Next, planning a learner‐centric blended learning design for a core unit in a first year higher education course is described. The design is then evaluated using a mixed methodology in which the students’ voices illuminate their experiences of blended learning unit design with regards to engagement, learning and self‐determination.  相似文献   

Web‐based learning is becoming prevalent in science learning. Some use specially designed programs, while others use materials available on the Internet. This qualitative case study examined the process of acquisition of integrated science process skills, particularly the skill of controlling variables, in a web‐based learning environment among grade 5 children. Data were gathered primarily from children’s conversations and teacher–student conversations. Analysis of the data revealed that the children acquired the skill in three phases: from the phase of recognition to the phase of familiarization and finally to the phase of automation. Nevertheless, the acquisition of the skill only involved the acquisition of certain subskills of the skill of controlling variables. This progression could be influenced by the web‐based instructional material that provided declarative knowledge, concrete visualization and opportunities for practise.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - In this study, we examined a mathematics teacher’s communicative acts on an instant messaging tool, WhatsApp, and its role in creating a sustained learning...  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Through a case study of a girl student, this paper attempts to draw linkages between science classroom, gender and the larger discourse on the economy and...  相似文献   

In February 2003, RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, commenced delivery of a Computer Science diploma and degree programme using mixed mode delivery to 250 university students in sub‐Saharan Africa, through a World Bank funded project designed for the African Virtual University (AVU). The project is a unique experience made possible by collaboration and co‐operation between Australian and African partners and incorporating a student‐centred philosophy and mixed‐mode delivery. The project also has an ongoing commitment to building African capacity for online development and delivery of courseware through a defined capacity building programme for the University of Dar es Salaam, (UDSM), which will take over the project in 2007. This paper discusses the relevant philosophies of the major partners in the project, outlines the components of the mixed mode delivery strategy and identifies the successes and challenges uncovered in the first year of operation.

Enseignement par méthode mixte : Une étude de cas sur les cours par correspondance de sciences d’informatique en Afrique

En février 2003, l’université RMIT de Melbourne en Australie a réalisé un projet pour l’Université Virtuelle Africaine (AVU) fondé par la Banque mondiale qui a permit à 250 étudiants d’universités de la région sous‐saharienne d’Afrique d’obtenir un grade universitaire en sciences d’informatique en participant a un cours par correspondance. Ce projet est une expérience unique qui a été rendue possible par une collaboration et coopération entre des partenaires australiens et africains et par l’incorporation d’une philosophie orientée sur les étudiants et d’assistance par méthodes mixtes de diffusion. Ce projet à une obligation permanente d’améliorer la productivité africaine du développement en ligne et de la diffusion de matériaux de cours en ligne, ce qui est effectué par un programme d’augmentation de la productivité défini pour l’Université de Dar es Salaam (UDSM), qui va assumer ce projet en 2007. Cet exposé décrit les philosophies principales des partenaires de ce projet, esquisse les composants de cette stratégie de diffusion à méthode mixte et identifie les succès et les défis découverts lors de la première année d’opération.

Unterrichten kombinierter Methoden: eine Fallstudie zum Fernstudium der Computerwissenschaften in Afrika

Im Februar 2003 begann die RMIT Universität in Melbourne in Australien mit Hilfe eines durch die Weltbank gegründeten Projekts für die Afrikanische Virtuelle Universität (AVU) mit einer kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung 250 Studenten aus der unteren Sahara‐Region in Afrika die Teilnahme an einem Fernstudiumsprogramm mit einem Abschluss in Computerwissenschaften zu ermöglichen. Bei diese Projekt handelt es sich um eine einzigartige Erfahrung, die durch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen australischen und afrikanischen Partnern ermöglicht wurde und die die auf Studenten ausgerichtete Philosophie und die kombinierte Form der Wissensvermittlung einbezieht. Dieses Projekt hat die ständige Verpflichtung, die afrikanische Leistungsfähigkeit der Online‐Bildung und die Verfügbarkeit von Kursmaterialien zu verbessern, und zwar über ein definiertes Aufbauprogramm für die Universität Dar es Salaam (UDSM), die dieses Projekt 2007 übernehmen wird. Dieser Bericht erläutert die relevanten Kernphilosophien der Hauptpartner des Projekts, beschreibt die Komponenten der kombinierten Methode der Wissensvermittlung und identifiziert die Erfolge und Herausforderungen, die im Laufe des ersten Jahres erkannt wurden.  相似文献   

Strategic and well‐planned use of feedback in the assessment process is key to promoting learning. This paper evaluates the role a two‐stage test process played in guiding and assisting student learning in a second‐year module at the University of KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. Having been provided with verbal and written feedback without grades from the first test, students were given the opportunity to write a different, second test, and each was required to choose which one was graded. Students were generally very positive about the assessment process, most participated willingly and fully, many learned differently for the second test, and there was evidence of meta‐cognitive awareness and understanding. Despite this, a number of students experienced difficulty and frustration in judging the quality of their work. The discussion focuses on process and learning issues, on the utility of feedback and on formative test assessment procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an in-depth case study of a single student who failed an online module which formed part of a master’s programme in Professional Education and Leadership. We use this case study to examine assessment practices in higher education in the online environment. In taking this approach, we go against the current predilection for Big Data which has given rise to ‘learning analytics’, a data-intensive approach to monitoring learning. In particular, we draw attention to the model of the learner produced by learning analytics and to issues of ‘dataveillance’ in online learning. We also use the case to examine assessment in higher education more broadly, exploring the tensions between the requirements for certification and the need for learning. We conclude that assessment practices in higher education may have more to do with ‘quality assurance’ and regulatory frameworks than with ‘enhancing the student experience’ and inculcating the qualities that mark out higher education as an ethical project.  相似文献   

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