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美国康涅狄格州新教师档案袋评价及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新教师档案袋评价是康州教育厅对新教师进行评估的一种新举措,新教师惟有通过评价才可以获得康州临时教师资格证书。本文通过对档案袋评价的内容、标准以及实施步骤的分析,归纳了康州新教师档案袋评价的特点,以期对我国教师评价的改革与发展提供有益的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

Portfolio assessment can be used to measure counselor-in-training growth over time. The benefits to counselor education programs, including the ability to evaluate counselor progress, are discussed.  相似文献   

Because of the nature of institutional administration, the intrinsic characteristics of the teaching profession, and outside factors, educators may suffer from many stress-related problems such as anxiety, illness, and withdrawal. In this article, the authors offer three case studies taken from field analysis as examples of stress in the workplace. These illustrations are followed by a discussion of the ways scholarship has endeavored to deal with the problem of stress.  相似文献   

高等学校目前的学业成绩评定模式存在很多问题,应建立起将学习结果与学习过程综合考虑,对学业成绩进行定性评定与量化考核相结合的综合体系;同时,还要对各种学业成绩评定进行元评价,以及时对学业成绩评定进行反思、调整,从而不断促进教学质量的提高.  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革倡导把学生成长记录袋评价这种质性评价方法引入学生评价体系,以实现学生评价方法的多元化,更好地促进学生的发展.但作为一项新兴的评价方法,它在实施过程中将会遇到观念层面、社会支持层面以及操作层面的诸多困难,需要采取切实措施加以克服.  相似文献   

《Educational Assessment》2013,18(3):147-194
This article contains findings from a yearlong case study of a quasi-experiment of a language arts portfolio assessment system in a northern California middle school. Students in the alternative assessment classrooms were issued report card grades determined by an external examination committee made up of local English teachers who applied a locally developed rubric to student portfolios. In contrast. students in the customary assessment classrooms were issued report card grades determined by individual classroom teachers. Measures of reading achievement, writing achievement, and motivational goal orientation examined the effects of placement in 1 or the other assessment condition. A significant effect on reading achievement favored the alternative assessment students. No significant effect on writing achievement was found. Students in the alternative assessment classrooms registered significantly higher levels of learning-goal orientation than did students in the customary classrooms, but there were no differences on scales measuring advancement and approval-goal orientations. Qualitative data are presented that illuminate the quantitative findings. In this article, I discuss why the school chose not to adopt the portfolio assessment system schoolwide, despite substantial evidence that students learned more in the portfolio classrooms than other students learned in the nonportfolio classrooms. I conclude that portfolio assessment systems are unlikely to be used to their full potential, even if they are shown to be effective instructional tools, if adequate resources are not allocated for their implementation.  相似文献   

在高职院校专任教师管理中实行绩效考核制度,应将专任教师的专业发展与绩效指标设计结合起来.对专任教师的绩效评价,可从教学督导部门评价、学生满意度调查、教师业绩自评、教师同行评价四个方面进行.其中,应着重强调教学工作业绩评价和学生满意度调查.  相似文献   

英国为初任教师提供支持的研究由来已久,目前已经建立了一套完善的初任教师支持体系,为教师的顺利入职和专业成长提供了高效的保障.主要表现为:系统的新教师入职培训计划,个性化的支持方案,多样化的支持机构,以及强有力的质量保证体系.探究英国初任教师支持体系建设的历程与发展,对于促进我国初任教师成长与专业化有着重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

本文通过反思当前职业学校教师评价体系中存在的问题,从职业学校教学目标的实现以及指导教师发展的方向,提出了建立具有二维导向的职业学校教师评价体系的设想,旨在引发职业教育工作者提出自己的见解,使我国的职业教师评价适应现代职业教育的发展。  相似文献   

揭示对高专教师进行教学效果评估的目的和意义。通过对莆田学院几年来试行此项工作的结果分析,对如何完善高校教师教学效果评估工作进行反思,并提出改进措施。  相似文献   

在对新教师实施社会化的过程中,美国教育界特别重视新教师的初次上岗,因为这不仅将为他们的工作走上正规创造良好的开端,而且是其树立自信心的重要时段。实践表明,新教师上岗是一项涉及面颇广的系统工程,认真把握好起始阶段的各个环节,处理好从教师、领导、学生、家长到课堂教学、课外活动、纪律、作业等方方面面的关系,将为新教师顺利完成岗位职责,有效推进教学业务,成功实现自我发展打下坚实的基础;反之,如在缺乏充分准备的状态下贸然上岗,则会陷于一大堆繁杂陌生的事务中难以自拔,其今后的发展之路也将困难重重。有鉴于此,美国教育协会(NEA)的研究们经过广泛调查,总结出了针对新教师上岗的十项指南,其中大多数具有普适性,内容具体而实在,浅显易操作,以引导他们顺利迈出第一步。以下笔将予以介绍,并作适当评论,以飨我国中小学新教师。  相似文献   

In recent years, the model of imparted learning underlying many traditional preserviceteacher programmes has given way to an emphasis on constructed learning, in which student teachers are encouraged to develop their own understanding of what it means to be a teacher. Underlying this trend is an assumption that student teachers are becoming more empowered as learners. This paper investigates that assumption. It reports on a study which used Belenky et al.’s (1986) conceptual framework to explore the epistemological perspectives of a group of first‐year early‐childhood student teachers. Although the student teachers were enrolled in a preservice programme which seeks to foster reflective practices, few could be considered empowered learners. The paper suggests that, if student teachers are to become more empowered, teacher educators may need to undertake considerable soul‐searching concerning their practice.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Information on students’ development of science skills is essential for teachers to evaluate and improve their own education, as well as to provide adequate...  相似文献   

成长记录袋评价理论内涵及其实施策略   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
多元智能理论和建构主义理论的学习评价观反映了现代教育的评价理念,成长记录袋评价正体现了这种理念。本文从多元智能理论和建构主义理论角度说明成长记录袋评价的理论背景和其功能特点,并结合物理教学实际在操作层面上探讨了成长记录袋的实施策略。  相似文献   

针对高职院校对新教师专业发展和职业素质提升的要求,提出运用档案袋评价模式对新教师进行动态和过程性的评价,要求新教师收集专业发展过程中的材料,参加专业发展所需的教学、科研和实践活动,主动反思修正教育教学行为,引入导师、同行、督导、学生对新教师进行评价,旨在为高职院校提出一种较为合理的新教师评价模式,更好地调动新教师教育教学积极性,为高职院校师资队伍建设和管理建言献策。  相似文献   

This study investigated the construction and evaluation of an instrument called the Perceptions of Success Inventory for Beginning Teachers (PSI-BT) intended to measure factors documented in research that contribute to beginning teachers’ perceptions of success. The PSI-BT was found to assess the following factors using exploratory factor analysis: (1) Administrative Support, (2) Classroom Climate, (3) Mentor Support, (4) Colleague and Instructional Resource Support, (5) Commitment, and (6) Assignment and Workload. Internal reliability, content validity, and concurrent validity were also measured in the validation process. Our findings suggest that the PSI-BT provides a reliable and valid instrument that can provide schools with valuable feedback to ensure the success of their beginning teachers.  相似文献   

我国高校教师绩效评估体系改革的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立"高校教师发展性评估体系"是我国高校教师绩效评估体系改革的方向,而这将是需要政府、高校管理层、教师、学生、社会等各个层面全力配合和支持的系统工程。要在树立教师发展为本理念的前提下尊重每位教师的个性化特点,综合发挥发展性评价和奖惩性评价的优点,实现教师自己和高校的共同和谐发展。  相似文献   

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