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Winthrop University is a public comprehensive university of about 6000 students, 5000 of whom are undergraduates. The Department of Mathematics offers a baccalaureate degree in mathematics, but has no graduate degree programs. As late as 2009, there was essentially no undergraduate research in the department. At this time, faculty made efforts to cultivate a research program that would motivate faculty to pursue more scholarly opportunities and include undergraduates in their scholarship. These efforts began with in-house-sponsored summer programs that lasted a few weeks and grew over the subsequent 5 year period to several externally funded undergraduate research programs, including a National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experience for Undergraduates program. In this paper, we discuss some lessons we learned in developing a culture of undergraduate research. We focus on the advantages and challenges of undergraduate research at primarily undergraduate universities, offer advice for starting or growing a research program, and provide resources for funding undergraduate research.  相似文献   

Over a period of 5 years, faculty members from the North Carolina State University's Counselor Education Program have integrated a curriculum enhancement to promote collaboration behaviors among program graduates across the master's degree options for training school, college, and community counselors. The School–College–Community Collaboration (SC3) idea was integrated into a 48‐credit master's degree curriculum accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. The authors present the rationale for the training program, historical background, program enhancement content, evaluation findings and faculty responses, and future plans for the SC3 enhancement program.  相似文献   


More criminal justice students are interested in a career in physical evidence collection. Oftentimes faculty have limited knowledge of the subject, which undermines their efforts to advise students on how to secure such a position. Additionally, because crime scene technicians have traditionally learned the position through “on-the-job” training, few academic programs exist designed to provide this education and training. This paper provides an overview of the development of a college-level degree program that will prepare individuals for careers as crime scene technicians and gives faculty a basis for advising students about this career option.  相似文献   


Although scholarship is important in higher education and faculty productivity expectations are continually increasing, we still do not understand the holistic view of faculty productivity. This study takes a different viewpoint on faculty productivity examining differences by university classification and by discipline. Most importantly, we sought to obtain the effects of the delivery mode of terminal degree on later faculty productivity. The mode of terminal degree via Internet delivery looks attractive to students, but this study found that this has implications for future research productivity. These three elements illustrate a different scope that has important implications for administrative leaders looking to hire future faculty as well as students thinking about becoming a future faculty member. To capture this view, 600 faculty members from 59 American universities were surveyed. From this survey, five different variables emerged to create an overall faculty scholarly productivity factor. This factor was then compared against university classification, discipline, and mode of terminal degree. Results showed surprising significant differences between university classifications and disciplines as compared to scholarly productivity. One of the most noteworthy findings was that there is a significant difference in faculty productivity based on the mode of terminal degree. Furthermore, no difference in later faculty scholarly productivity exists between that of a hybridized, online degree and a purely online degree. Again, these results indicate significant finds which have a high influence on faculty scholarly productivity, which holds important implications for the future of the university.  相似文献   

The increased interest in program‐ and university‐level assessment over the past few decades has led to increased faculty involvement in developing program learning outcomes and performing program assessment activities. Depending on the level of support and encouragement faculty receive from administration and other entities, they may support or resist these activities. Faculty resistance may stem from fear of losing control of their course content, discouragement over previous failed assessment attempts, or confusion from inconsistent leadership. The School of Food Science, a joint program between the Washington State University and the University of Idaho, recently completed a curriculum mapping and assessment exercise that was conducted entirely by faculty. Faculty members teaching undergraduate courses were surveyed about their opinions of the mapping and assessment process both before and after the process was conducted. The goal of the surveys was to evaluate faculty opinion of these processes and how that opinion changed after completing the processes. Faculty members were generally supportive of the mapping and assessment processes, and willing to participate, and this opinion did not change after the processes were complete. The results of the mapping and assessment activities surprised most of the faculty, and they stated that they had ideas to address the issues found during the exercises. Overall, these results are encouraging in terms of faculty support of the mapping and assessment processes. Provided that administrative support of these processes continues and there is consistent leadership, faculty should continue to be supportive of program level assessment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how science faculty members?? belief systems about inquiry-based teaching changed through their experience in a professional development program. The program was designed to support early career science faculty in learning about inquiry and incorporating an inquiry-based approach to teaching laboratories. Data sources for this qualitative study included three semi-structured interviews, observations during the program and during faculty members?? implementation in their courses, and a researcher??s journal. In the first phase of data analysis, we created profiles for each of the four participants. Next, we developed assertions, and tested for confirming and disconfirming evidence across the profiles. The assertions indicated that, through the professional development program, participants?? knowledge and beliefs about inquiry-based teaching shifted, placing more value on student-directed learning and classroom inquiry. Participants who were internally motivated to participate and held incoming positive attitudes toward the mini-journal inquiry-based approach were more likely to incorporate the approach in their future practice. Students?? responses played a critical role in participants?? belief systems and their decision to continue using the inquiry-based format. The findings from this study have implications for professional development design.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to (a) identify the major tenets of a preservice secondary science education program as expressed by science education faculty, (b) identify knowledge structures that beginning secondary science teachers have constructed about the teaching and learning of science, and (c) identify the correlatives that exist between the first two objectives. The study was grounded in the postulates of teacher cognition in that teachers construct their own schema from their experiences in order to comprehend, plan for, and respond to the dynamics of their classroom. This qualitative study consisted of interviews and observations of beginning science teachers, interviews with science education faculty, and an analysis of the course syllabi of that faculty. Methods of single and cross-case analytic induction were combined to analyze the data. Based on the data, it may be concluded that aspects of the program, such as student-centered learning, cooperative learning, general pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge, were adopted into the schema of the beginning teachers; the degree of adoption appeared to be linked to the individual's most significant learning experiences and the constraints of the school situation. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 34: 633–653, 1997.  相似文献   

This study explored faculty views about curriculum planning in academic programs. Using a semistructured format, researchers interviewed 59 faculty members at two very different campuses about their assumptions and the influences upon them as they work with colleagues in planning program curriculum. Although many of the same factors influence course and program planning, we observed that, compared to course planning, program planning is irregular (even infrequent), typically responds to a specific catalyst, and is more dependent upon a supportive institutional climate and leadership. We consider ways that institutional researchers can help provide a supportive climate for responsive and regular planning that will link planning and assessment more closely.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the beliefs of students and faculty in a 4-year birth–kindergarten teacher preparation program using the Teacher Belief Q-Sort (TBQ). Data were collected over one academic year from a total of 63 students, 35 students at the beginning of their coursework and 28 students at the end of their program, completing their student teaching experience. The faculty (n = 8) in the program completed the TBQ to provide a criterion sort as well as to assess the consistency in philosophy across faculty members who teach preservice teachers. Compilations of rankings are presented to describe beliefs related to children, discipline, and teaching practices held by students who are at different points in their education program. Criterion comparison results indicate that student teachers at the end of their education program report beliefs more similar to faculty beliefs than students at the beginning of their education program. However, findings suggest that the student teaching experience does not appear to significantly alter beliefs about children, discipline and teaching practices. These results are discussed in terms of child-directed versus teacher-directed styles of preservice teachers and implications of assessing beliefs for teacher preparation programs.  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study of one New Zealand university faculty involved in the second phase of a three-phase study investigating the experiences of talented undergraduate students. Talented undergraduate students are a largely forgotten group in research. The current study sought to investigate who the talented students were, and then what their lived experiences as talented undergraduate students were. The study involved 128 undergraduate students who provided information about their experiences as high achieving students in an undergraduate degree program. Approximately 10% of all students enrolled across five different undergraduate degree programs in the faculty were defined as talented undergraduate students. These students were ethnically diverse and largely older than we had anticipated. The majority had not previously been identified as talented and many had been largely unsuccessful educationally, prior to embarking on their undergraduate studies. Several students experienced challenging personal circumstances, such as financial hardship and extensive family responsibilities. The grit or resilience demonstrated by these students seemed to explain the essence of the phenomenon of being a talented undergraduate student in this faculty.  相似文献   

This narrative research study was conducted to explore the experiences of full-time community college faculty members involved in student learning outcomes assessment. Prior research documented the need for more community college faculty involvement with assessment at the program and institutional levels (Grunwald & Peterson, 2003; Kinzie, 2010; Nunley, Bers, & Manning, 2011); however, little research had been published about faculty experiences with assessment at these levels. This study adds to the body of literature about community college faculty participation with assessment by sharing the perspectives of faculty members who had participated with either program or institutional assessment on their campus. One-hour semi-structured interviews with nine participants at three different 2-year institutions recognized for their assessment processes provided the data for the study. The size of this study was limited to nine participants so that an in-depth exploration of each participant’s experience with assessment could be conducted. The shared experiences of the participants in this study revealed that faculty involvement with assessment beyond the course level was primarily influenced by faculty perception of assessment being valued as a tool for institutional improvement. Three indicators of the value placed on assessment by these institutions were that they: (a) allocated resources (time and training) for assessment, (b) clearly articulated the goals of assessment at their institution, and (c) demonstrated how assessment results were used in institutional decision-making. This study also revealed that faculty members’ prior experience working with assessment and individual skills or abilities also influenced decisions to become involved with assessment.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether formalized gatekeeping procedures and program‐level characteristics influence the rates at which deficient trainees are graduated from counseling programs. One hundred eighteen faculty members reported that counselor educators face diverse pressures to avoid investigating potentially deficient students, including concerns about being sued and concerns about receiving compromised teaching evaluations. However, faculty members in programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs and faculty members in programs with more formalized gatekeeping procedures seemed to more effectively follow through with concerns they had about specific students. These findings support the implementation of both broad, program‐wide training standards and specific, formalized procedures to more effectively screen deficient trainees.  相似文献   

In a time of growing competition among colleges and universities for the most able students, degree-granting programs must be designed with the needs of the prospective student in mind. Traditionally, the development of academic programs relied on the energy and enthusiasm of a few faculty champions who saw new degree programs as a reflection of faculty interest and competence rather than of market demand. Conjoint analysis is a tool that has been used extensively in developing products since 1971. During the 1980s its use was expanded to help design services in such industries as banking, health care, computers, and hospitality and tourism. This multivariate technique allows prospective customers to make trade-offs on various product or service attributes. Those customer choices enable the development of utility functions for each service feature and thereby form the basis for configuring offerings that may optimize customer preference and market share. This article reports the use of conjoint analysis to determine the graduate management needs of undergraduate business alumni. At question was the type of degree program preferred by this growing population. The results of this study suggest that an accelerated and abbreviated M.B.A. program would be preferred to an M.S. degree. Such a new program would not substantially cannibalize existing programs nor would this shorter M.B.A. program be perceived negatively by potential students.  相似文献   

In 1973 Illinois State University initiated a campus-wide program in which junior and senior undergraduates were selected to assist faculty teaching freshman-sophomore courses. One or more Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) positions were assigned to all but three departments in the university. Although similar in purpose to smaller programs at other institutions, the sheer size of the program at Illinois State posed a variety of unique questions about administrative procedures, acceptance, and effectiveness, which are answered in this report. In general, the program was deemed highly successful by the faculty and student assistants and has been continued and expanded.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):261-269
This study reports the findings of a survey of the perceptions of faculty and students regarding the effectiveness of the summer program at KFUPM. In this study the objective was to identify the concerns of faculty and students about the summer program and suggest possible policies for development. Information was collected using a questionnaire. Students were given 200 questionnaires to fill out and 160 were completed and returned (80% response rate). Faculty on the other hand, were given 70 questionnaires to fill out and 35 were completed and returned (50% response rate). From the study, it was concluded that the summer program should not offer courses that require a long time to develop skills. It should only be conducted as a supplementary semester to help those, unable to complete their course work successfully during the regular semesters, or improve their skill, which indirectly affect the overall completion of their degrees. The study revealed that there were some concerns about the summer program that need to be addressed by the university administration. It also highlighted the need for the introduction of relevant policy measures for the efficient operation and development of the summer program at the university.  相似文献   

A review of the literature on released-time programs shows a trend away from uncritical acceptance. Emerging skepticism about released time from teaching or service stems from a lack of evidence supporting its usefulness and from the mixed messages it gives about the value of teaching. Four demonstrational experiments confirm that skepticism by showing that (1) verified assessments of normal work loads contradict faculty claims of being too busy for additional scholarship; (2) faculty given released time usually persist in old habits; (3) new faculty showed no obvious benefits of a typical released-time program; and (4) faculty in released-time programs verbalized real doubts about how to use extra time for meaningful scholarship. A fifth experiment suggests an alternative to traditional released-time programs: faculty who claimed too little time for regular scholarship learned to produce significant amounts of writing by finding time for brief, daily writing sessions.  相似文献   

This article is a case study of a 2 + 2 undergraduate social work degree program developed by a regional urban community college and a social work program at a midwestern university. This program brings the undergraduate social work degree program from the university's main campus to the community college campus, using university instructors to deliver the same upper-level courses in the major in a venue, structure, and schedule that accommodates the needs of lower-income, nontraditional, first generation, and racial and ethnic minority community college students. By reviewing the process of developing and implementing this 2 + 2 degree completion program, the article will assist university and community college faculty and administrators who would like to develop similar community college-based, bachelor degree programs. Challenges faced in this specific case study are delineated, and suggestions are offered for successfully developing this kind of 2 + 2 degree program.  相似文献   

The study solicited opinions of teachers and faculty on University of the West Indies teacher education courses about importance of teaching skills and program effectiveness. Interpersonal, curriculum and evaluative skills were found to be the most important. The high importance of interpersonal skills applied only to interactions with students. Interactions with other teachers and parents was consistently lowest in importance. Other low priorities were managerial and methodological skills. Few significant teacher faculty differences were found. In general program effectiveness showed strong positive correlation with order of importance of skills, contrasting with the tendency to negative correlations in the literature reviewed. High involvement of faculty in classroom activity is considered a possible factor influencing these results.  相似文献   


This distance degree program was specifically designed to meet the needs of Head Start teachers working with children from birth through 5 years of age and to raise the professional standards of these multicultural, non‐traditional students. Using electronic technologies and traditional learning methods, a partnership of university faculty and Head Start partners designed and evaluated the 3‐year program (1997–2000) of professional education distinguished by tailored instruction, work site mentoring and consultation, active self‐directed study, reflection and cooperative learning. Evaluative outcomes of program quality included learning success, relevance and practicability of curricula, efficacy of retention efforts, completion rates, quality of delivery strategies, instruction and mentoring. Evidence of program success was supported by these outcomes using multiple sources, including participating Head Start teachers, their supervisors, and university faculty.  相似文献   

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