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Dialogue A(A=A Chinese seaman;B=A foreign seaman)中国海员外国海员A:Let me introduce myself.My name is Chen Shanghai.May I haveyour name?”让我自我介绍一下。我叫陈上海。请问您尊姓大名?B:How do you do,Mr Chen?My name is Peter White.  相似文献   

bullheaded牛脾气,顽固,执拗A:Why not give Tom some advice about buying a house? 汤姆买房,我们可以给他提点建议呀。B:Oh.Tom is so bullheaded;he won't take our advice. 汤姆这么顽固,他听不进我们的意见。  相似文献   

1.in my book 照我看;依我的观点A:Do you think I should trust Tom and let him do it?你认为我可以相信汤姆,让他干那份工作吗?B:In my book.Tom is not a responsible person to betrusted依我看,汤姆不是一个值得信赖的认真负责的人。  相似文献   

blind spot(对某事或某一领域的)迟钝.无知A:What did you talk about at the party?B:Modern art, but I found it was a blind spot with Tom.A:在晚会上你们都谈了些什么?B:现代艺术,但我发现汤姆对此一窍不通。dry run排练;排演A:We’re going to practice a dry run of the performance tonight.  相似文献   

Take a Bath     
梅:汤姆,你怎样让妈妈相信你每天都洗澡的?汤姆:那太简单了!我只是每天将肥皂弄湿而已。May:Tom,howdoyoumakeMumbelievethatyoutakeabatheveryday?Tom:It’ssoeasy!Ijustwetthesoapeveryday.Take a Bath$南昌市石头街小学@熊威  相似文献   

1、喂!请找汤姆接电话。Hello!May/Can/Could I speakto Tom? I’d like to Speak to Tom. May I talk to Tom? May I have a word with Tom? 2、我是汤姆. This is Tom. (This is)Tom here.  相似文献   

1. Helen lives in the next house to Tom. Tom talks to her for a short time every day. 海伦住在汤姆家隔壁。汤姆每天都和她交谈一会儿。  相似文献   

[英语原文] I Didn'tDo My Homework Tom:Teacher,will you scold a boy for something he didn't do? Teacher:Of course not. Tom:That's good.I didn't do my homework. [汉语翻译] 我没有做作业 汤姆:老师,您会责骂一个没有做某件事的孩子吗? 老师:当然不会. 汤姆:那太好了.我没有做作业. [小幽默大智慧] 汤姆设下圈套,让老师按照他的思路走,使得老师无法批评他没有做作业.  相似文献   

1、喂!请找汤姆接电话。Heuo!May/Ca可Could 1 speak to Tom?I刁like to speak to Tom.May 1 talk to Thm?May 1 have a word with Tom?Would you ask Tom tos伴ak to the phone?2、我是汤姆。This 15 Tom.(Thi。15)Tom he二·Tom 15 here.This 15 Tom speaking.Tom 15 sPeaking.3、你是谁?Who,8 tha口it?Who械tha咖伴akin岁亡alling?WI,0 am 1 speaking to?M盯1 have扣ur name?4、你是李雷吗?15 thatU此i?15 that you,U此i?15 thatU肠1 sPeaking?5、请稍等一下。Hold on,Please.Hole on(fo加momen内minute,please.On口A mom…  相似文献   

Tom's Excuse Teacher:Tom,why are youlate for school every day?汤姆,你为什么每天上学迟到? Tom:Every time I come tothe corner,a sign says,“School-Go Slow.”我每次路过  相似文献   

1. That man is good and rich.误: 那个人又好又有钱。正: 那个人非常有钱。2. Tom has a sweet tooth.误: 汤姆有一颗甜牙。正: 汤姆爱吃甜食。3. He has a black eye.误: 他有一个黑眼睛。  相似文献   

(A) 选择合适的句子补全对话, 其中有一项多余。 A: Whose pencil-box is this? B: It is Tom2s. A: Is it your home? B: __1__ A: Are you a new pencil? B: __2__ A: What are you? B: I2m Tom2s good helper(帮手). A: Do you have friends here? B: __3__ A: How many fri  相似文献   

A long word一个长单。怂悬Student:C an Ia白k a qUestion? Teacher:Of cou始e. Student洱币yis“abb加viate”such a fong word?学生:我能问一个问题吗?老师:当然可以。学生:为什么“缩写”这个单词那么长? What’5 the weather like? Tom:What’sthe weather like tod叮,Ann? A皿:Can’t you see it”urse价Tom:1 ean’t see elearlr in sueh a thiek fog,,...-…一Z,“二、、天气如何夕汤姆:今天天气怎么样,安?安:你自己不会看吗?汤姆:雾这么大,我哪能看清呀!英美式小幽默二则@文译~~…  相似文献   

一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子,找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案( )1.A.Tomorrow is Saturday. B.Today is Monday. C.Yesterday was Wednesday. D.Today is Sunday.( )2.A.Tom bought a book. B.Tom bought a book,a pencil and a pen· C.Tom bought a pencil and a pen. D.Tom bought a book and a pen.-( )3.A.It's not long since he saⅥr his friend. B.He didn't know the{riend very well. C.He hasn't met his friend for a long time. D.H…  相似文献   

English Humors     
I.Don’tworryTom:Oh,DearMe。Wehavetogobackatonce.Jack:What’swrong?Tom:Iforgottoturnoffthegas.Itmightstartafire.Jack:Don’tworry.Iforgottoturnoffthegap.别担心汤姆:天哪!我们必须马上回去。杰克:怎么了?汤姆:我忘记关煤气了。可能会引起火灾。杰克:别着急。我忘记关水龙头II.FivecoinsTeacher:Tom,ifyouhavefivecoinsinyourhandnow,canItakesixout?Tom:No,Sir.Teacher:You’reright,andwhynot?Tom:Becausethey’renotyours.五枚硬币老师:汤姆,现在如果你手上有5枚硬币,我能拿出6个吗?汤姆:不能,先生。老师:你说对了…  相似文献   

Mother:Whatareyouread鄄ing,Tom?Tom:Idon’tknow.Mother:Youdon’tknow?Youwerereadingaloud.soyoumustknow.Tom:Iwasreadingaloud,butIwasnotlistening.妈妈:汤姆,你正在读什么?汤姆:我不知道。妈妈:你不知道?你刚才一直在大声朗读,你肯定知道。汤姆:我是在大声朗读,可我没有在听呀。(忠东)Reading@忠东  相似文献   

一、a few和a little都表示"有一点",着重于肯定,相当于some,但a little修饰不可数名词;a few修饰可数名词的复数。如:Tom has a fewfriends in China.汤姆在中国有一些朋友。There is a little milk in the bottle.瓶子里有一些牛奶。  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Tom: Father, our teacher does not know what ahorse is.Father: Why do you think so? Tom: You know, I drew a horse yesterday andshowed it to the teacher and he asked mewhat it was.汤姆:父亲,我们的老师不认识马。父亲:你为什么这么说?汤姆:是这样的。昨天我画了一匹马,我拿给老师看,可他却问我这是什么。  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
The Plural Form of"Child"Teacher:What is the plural of man,Tom?Tom:Men.Teacher:Good.And the plural of child?Tom:Twins."孩子"的复数形式老师:汤姆,"男人"这个词的复数形式是什么?汤姆:男人们。老师:答得好。那"孩子"的复数形式呢?汤姆:双胞胎。  相似文献   

ThePluralFormof"child"Teacher:Whatisthepluralof"man",Tom?Tom:Men.Teacher:Good.Andthepluralofchild"?Tom:Twins.老师:"男人"这个词的复数形式是什么?汤姆:男人们。老师:答得好。那"孩子"的复数形式呢?汤姆:双胞胎。  相似文献   

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