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我国虽然已经引入了淡化理论,却没有对商标淡化的适用对象作出明确的限制,也没有规定商标淡化的例外情形,本文认为,淡化侵权的标准应当是:被淡化的对象是驰名商标:淡化产生损害后果;侵权人的主观过错推定责任以及侵权人商业性的使用商标.淡化的除外情形包括:合理使用、滑稽模仿和在先使用.  相似文献   

论驰名商标的反淡化保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商标淡化是指冲淡驰名商标的显著性,削弱驰名商标与其所表彰的商品或服务之间的特定联系.降低商标所承载的信誉的一种新兴商标侵权行为。反淡化保护的对象不应仅限于驰名商标.还应扩大到著名商标和未注册商标;作为我国反淡化保护对象的驰名商标的“驰名”应限于国内:淡化行为不以实际损害和主观过错为要件。  相似文献   

商标淡化在本质上是对商标所凝结高强度能量的稀释、耗散和削弱,导致的最终后果是使商标丧失能量,不再成为法律意义上的商标。商标混淆是消费者和社会公众对商标所指代商品或服务的来源发生混同和误认。商标淡化与混淆的联系主要在于:证明责任承担相同、损害商标功能相同、保护对象范围相同、保护利益相同、主观作用相同。商标淡化与混淆的区别主要在于:联想的程度不同、涉及商标种类不同、具体存在类型不同、侵权抗辩范围不同、危害表现形式不同。我国对商标淡化问题并未明确立法规制。为完善我国商标淡化立法,建议:一是在商标法中构建规制混淆侵权与淡化侵权的双轨并行总体立法框架;二是从商标法实施条例和商标法司法解释中完善商标淡化的具体操作规范。  相似文献   

商标反向混淆是和正向混淆相对的一种商标侵权类型,和正向混淆相比,商标反向混淆的侵权人没有以占用商标权人的商标商誉为意图,并且侵权人的市场地位也一般高于被侵权人。虽然反向混淆与正向混淆在特征上有所不同,但我国法律在认定反向混淆侵权及侵权后果上与正向混淆适用的具体法律相同,这样的统一适用使得在司法实践中出现了法院法律制度适用不统一,缺乏对原告商标正当性审查,认定商品类似时较为机械及侵权赔偿难以认定的问题。  相似文献   

商标侵权行为与商标淡化行为是处于不同层次的两种理论,并不互相排斥。由于二者的立意、角度不同,判断标准各异,出现相互交叉的情况在所难免。同一个案件完全有可能会同时使用商标侵权行为和商标淡化两种诉因,产生责任的竞合。  相似文献   

陈向军 《文教资料》2006,(32):190-191
商标淡化是指对于他人驰名商标的商业性使用,降低了该驰名商标指示和区别有关商品和服务的能力。本文主要采取了比较分析和实证分析的研究方法,探讨了商标淡化的构成要件。  相似文献   

“商标的使用”在商标法律体系中起着非常重要的作用,在商标权利的取得、维持和救济等方面均具有重要意义。然而,商标使用是否是商标侵权的前提和独立要件以及商标使用的判定标准颇具争议。因此,有必要结合商标法原理对商标性使用规则做进一步检讨和审视。除了将相关公众认知的来源指向作为核心区别因素外,还可以补充使用者的主观意图、商标主要功能这两个参考因素来辅助认定与说理。同时,在商标侵权行为的判定中,商标使用情形认定不具有独立存在的空间,其作为部分案件商品或服务类似性判断的前置步骤,并不会影响类似性的成立与否。基于吉尼斯北京公司诉大明公司侵害商标权纠纷案相关案情,文章认为原告的权益可以通过反不正当竞争领域的虚假宣传与商标法领域驰名商标的反淡化行为予以保护。  相似文献   

商标侵权行为的行政处理王明刚李云凤目前,对商标侵权行为的制裁,世界上绝大多数国家的法律规定,均由司法机关受理案件、做出判决。《中华人民共和国商标法》规定,对于假冒注册商标和商标侵权行为,被侵权人既可以向侵权人所在地或侵权行为地县级以上工商行政管理机关...  相似文献   

商标淡化是一种比较特殊的商标侵权行为,也是一种不正当竞争行为,正确认识商标的淡化侵权并寻求法律规制,对被淡化商标供特殊保护,是本文努力要解决的问题。  相似文献   

人民法院在处理企业名称与商标冲突案件的司法实践中,至今仍未完全形成共识。由于种种原因,企业名称与商标的冲突在行政处理中并不能得到有效的解决,因此,对其进行独立的司法处理十分必要。法院在判决企业名称与商标的冲突案件时,就侵权的企业名称或其字号,应当根据具体的案情,既可以判令侵权人对该企业名称或其字号的使用方式和范围作出限制,也可以判今侵权人停止使用并责令其变更企业名称或字号。  相似文献   

Professional standards for teachers: a case study of professional learning   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This paper analyses the current Australian policy and research context in relation to developing quality teachers. Like other countries, many educational authorities in Australia are developing professional standards for teachers and the evaluation of teachers against those standards as a mechanism for ensuring and extending the quality of teaching in schools. A key policy consideration involves the use of professional standards as tools for extending professional learning and/or for credentialing and appraisal. This paper considers these uses of standards by drawing on an evaluation of Education Queensland's Professional Standards for Teachers pilot. The pilot focused on using a set of standards as a framework for professional learning. Teachers' perspectives on the standards and their intended use, their engagement with the standards during the pilot and the nature of professional learning associated with that engagement are discussed in light of current policy debates about professional standards.  相似文献   

This article describes collaboration between preschool and university educators focused on adapting the Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) standards for Effective Pedagogy for use in early childhood (EC) settings. The CREDE standards are strategies of best practices for culturally diverse K–12 students. Teachers and teacher educators worked together to adapt the CREDE standards for use with young children. Participants included 13 preschool teachers and 2 administrators serving 2- to 5-years-olds at a university-based EC center. Data sources included participant observations and video-recordings of the teachers' instruction. Criteria for measuring use of the standards were changed to be more developmentally appropriate, including adjustments for language development and a focus on goals that included self-management and social skills. The adapted CREDE EC standards may provide a useful framework for high-quality EC instruction for diverse children. This partnership may have been successful because the project drew on the strengths of both the university and EC collaborators, minimizing the hierarchical relationship that is often experienced in such an arrangement.  相似文献   

目的:提高中药质量标准,确保用药安全有效。方法:对中药质量标准研究中存在的问题进行分析总结,并在此基础上提出解决问题的对策和建议。结果:中药质量标准有待提高。结论:中药的质量标准研究应体现多元化的特点,向多学科渗透发展,保证中药的安全和疗效。  相似文献   

Teaching standards are regularly described as a mechanism for improving the status of the teaching profession and as a means to develop high-quality teachers. Less attention has been paid to the difficulties of fostering professional learning when externally produced standards are imposed on teachers. This paper outlines how lesson study can inform the use of teaching standards to shift the focus to centre on learning rather than teaching to richly inform national and international views on the use of teaching standards. More specifically, it explores how lesson study was a powerful process that developed a lived understanding of teaching standards and fostered two significant discursive shifts in teacher understanding of standards: from individual to collegial activity; and secondly from statements of teaching to centring the focus on processes of learning.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between biology teachers' evolution teaching practices and their regard and use of Indiana state evolution standards. A survey developed by the authors contained five subscales: use of standards; attitude toward standards; attitude toward evolution standards; evolution teaching practices; and demographic information. This survey was administered to 229 Indiana biology teachers. Data were analyzed using the Rasch model to convert Likert rating scale data into ratio data used for parametric analyses. Correlation analysis revealed significant relationships between use of standards and attitude toward standards, attitude toward standards and evolution teaching practices, and attitude toward evolution standards and days teaching evolution. These findings suggest practical relationships between standards use, teachers' regard of standards, and evolution teaching practices. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 44: 236–257, 2007  相似文献   

浅谈新会计准则对企业利润操纵的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当前新会计准则出台实施的背景下,通过对其有关具体准则的分析,阐述了新准则对企业利润操纵的限制。提出新准则在不恰当使用公允值,借款费用的资本化等方面为企业利润操纵开辟了可能的空间。  相似文献   

基于标准提升教育质量是美国基础教育改革的必然趋势,"结果导向"的绩效问责是美国运行质量标准的实践策略。结合美国教育质量标准实施情况,其质量标准的问责体系可简化为三个要素:标准、监测、问责,即基于课程的学业标准;专业的管理和监测体系;绩效为本的激励机制。美国在构建及运行教育质量国家标准的经验值得我们参考借鉴。  相似文献   

盐碱地土壤全氮含量的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将重铬酸钾-硫酸消煮土壤样品稀释到一定体积,再吸收一定量的土壤稀释液于克氏蒸馏瓶中,通过对蒸馏时间、碱用量、稀释液体积、样品体积等因素进行对比,同时与扩散皿法进行对比,得到了分析结果误差较小的最佳条件,并对盐碱土壤种植后全氮含量进行了测定,达到了令人满意的结果.  相似文献   

近年来在企业中模具图纸尺寸公差与配合的选用和标注大量使用企业标准。在学校模具专业教学中是继续使用国家标准还是使用企业标准已引起一些争议。本文认为在学校模具专业教学中还是使用国家标准为好。  相似文献   

This study explores the usability of community college websites. The value of a college’s website has been well established, as have accepted standards for basic website design. However, current usability standards are less clear and in various stages of acceptance. To consider this question, standards of usability were applied to all community college websites in Alabama. Websites were assessed for usability by use of a modified instrument that includes sample usability task scenarios provided by Cornell University’s Web Accessibility Toolkit and includes items from a similar exploration conducted on a national sample of colleges and universities (Meyer, 2008). The existence of specific website content tailored to prospective part-time students and the use of social media by the Alabama community colleges was also examined. Results show that most colleges meet minimum standards for usability.  相似文献   

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