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目的:揭示转基因水稻全基因组遗传变异的特征与频率。创新点:通过单核苷酸分辨率揭示了农杆菌介导法转化水稻植株全基因组水平遗传变异的类型和频率以及外源DNA的整合模式。方法:应用Illumina Hiseq2000高通量测序技术测定了5个T0代转基因水稻株系的基因组序列。结合生物信息学分析和聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增,以及Sanger测序,我们检测和验证单核苷酸多态性(SNP)和Indel变化类型和数量,转移DNA(T-DNA)及其载体骨架序列和转座子整合位点及特征,大片段的结构变异等遗传变异。结论:结果表明,农杆菌介导的水稻遗传转化,除T-DNA整合到水稻基因组外,还存在载体骨架整合现象;每个转基因水稻基因组的变异(SNP和小片段的缺失插入)数目为338–1774,与报道的组培过程中产生的变异类似;转基因水稻基因组仅存在Tos17转座子数量的变化,未检测到其他转座子数目和位置的变化。  相似文献   

李瑜芳 《教育与职业》2007,(27):128-130
文章根据"在职业教育中,教育主体的能力是在'知'与'行'不断转化中螺旋式提高的,职业院校的任务就是创造条件让教育主体'知'与'行'融会贯通"等"知行融通"的职业教育理论,阐述了"知行融通"型高职教材建设的原则,通过"十一五"高职规划教材《传感器原理与应用》的编写实例说明了建设"知行融通"型教材的可行性.  相似文献   

为了使AutoCAD图形插入word文档后能精确控制线宽,获得较高的打印质量,以"支架.dwg"'零件图为例,详细介绍AutoCAD图形插入Word文档中的6种方法,并对插入过程和插入结果做了综合比较。结果显示,只有PPT转换法和BetterWMF软件法可以精确控制Word文档中AutoCAD图形的图线线宽,获得最令人满意的打印质量。  相似文献   

综合2005年7月25日东方网及2005年7月26日《新民晚报》消息,复旦大学发育生物学研究所的许田教授的研究小组,在世界上率先发现了一种哺乳动物基因功能研究的重要工具——PB(PiggyBac)转座因子(transposable element),并将这种源于飞蛾的转座因子用于小鼠和人类细胞的基因功能研究,在世界上首先创立了一个高效、实用的哺乳动物转座因子系统,为大规模研究哺乳动物基因功能提供了利器。该成果已发表于2005年8月12日出版的国际权威杂志《细胞》,而且是该期杂志的封面文章,这种发表方式对于我国科学界来说尚属首次。  相似文献   

下课后走进办公室,坐下来刚准备喝口茶,端起茶杯发现底下压着两张通知,浏览了一下,原来这两张通知上的内容基本一样,都是要求班主任组织学生进行以"好习惯"为主题的征文活动,只不过署名不同,一个是德育处,一个是教务处.这时后边的李老师笑着对我说:"'衙门'太多了,这不,还要送两份'礼'呢,又要让学生将征文抄两份了."我无奈地笑了笑……  相似文献   

"找规律"是实施新课程以后在教材中出现的新单元.苏教版教材主编王林先生曾针对这一内容明确指出:"'找规律'的重点在'找'上,而不是规律的'应用',不是做竞赛题.通过增加找规律的机会和活动,让学生不断拓展获取数学知识的渠道,感受数学思考的合理性,激发找规律的兴趣,培养观察、抽象、概括的能力."细读这段话,我认为:这一内容的教学重点应放在"发现""探究"规律的过程上,让学生在"找"的过程中,深入理解事物中存在的规律性.  相似文献   

英语教学的目的是培养学生具有使用英语这种交际工具的能力,而"说"是这种能力的主要体现.教师可通过"打牢‘说'的基础,走出‘说'的误区,创造‘说'的环境"等具体做法来达到这一教学目的.  相似文献   

我听了这样一堂语文课.课堂上,一名学生在回答教师的提问时说了一句"晓不得",教师便对"晓不得"这个语词作了分析,说:"怎么是'晓不得'呢?应该是'不晓得'.'晓得'是一个动词,'不,是一个副词,这副词应当放在'晓得'的前面,不应当插在它的中间.明白了吗?"教师的分析很对,我也点头表示同意.可教师的话音刚落,便有学生站了起来,问:"那'恨不得,中间的'不'字是不是也要提到前面去呢?"教师愣了一下,还未开口作答,类似的问题便此起彼伏:"还有'了不得'"还有'巴不得'","还有'动不得'","还有'怪不得'"……课堂上顿时变得热闹起来.  相似文献   

课堂教学过程是一个动态变化、发展的过程,随时会有意想不到的情况发生.这些动态生成的教学资源,因超越教师的预设而更显珍贵.因此,教师不能拘泥于预设的教学方案,还要通过自己特有的敏锐,及时捕捉教学中即时产生的、稍纵即逝的信息.我们在语文课堂教学中,通过抓住师生对话过程中动态生成的"异议处"、"'越轨'处"、"分歧处"、"误读处"、"模糊处""'秋毫'处"等进行巧妙"跟进",盘活了这些"不期"的宝贵资源,取得了意想不到的教学效果,还使课堂时刻充满活力,精彩无限.  相似文献   

"中庸"是孔子哲学思想中的一个重要道德范畴与方法论原则."中和"是子思对孔子"中庸"思想所作的进一步提升,最终形成了我国古代文化艺术的一种审美价值取向.中国画亦蕴含着意义深刻的"中和之美".本文通过对"中"、"和"的内涵分析,以及儒道文化对中国画创作及审美的规约的研究,得出了"'中'即是'和'"的结论.  相似文献   

昆虫杆状病毒在生物技术研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着昆虫杆状病毒分子生物学研究的不断深入,昆虫杆状病毒在生物技术研究中也得到了应用。利用杆状病毒作为载体,在昆虫细胞和虫体内表达外源基因,形成了昆虫杆状病毒载体表达系统,利用杆状病毒携带外源基因,通过同源重组将外源基因导入到家蚕的基因组构建了转基因家蚕;通过向杆状病毒基因组中插入毒素、激素、酶抑制剂等的基因或从杆状病毒基因组中删除某个基因,或通过不同杆状病毒间的杂交,使子代病毒的宿主域扩大,从而提高了杆状病毒作为生物杀虫剂的杀虫效果。本文对杆状病毒在上述几个方面的应用进行了简要综述。  相似文献   

The piggyBac transposon has been long used to integrate foreign DNA into insect genomes. However, undesirable transgene expression can result from random insertions into the genome. In this study, the efficiency of chimeric Gal4-piggyBac transposase in directing integration onto a DNA target plasmid was evaluated in cultured silkworm Bombyx mori Bm-12 and fruit fly Drosophila Schneider 2 (S2) cells. The Gal4-piggyBac transposase has a Gal4 DNA-binding domain (DBD), and the target plasmid has upstream activating sequences (UAS) to which the Gal4 DBD can bind with high affinity. The results indicate that, in the Bm-12 and S2 cells, transpositional activity of Gal4-piggyBac transposase was increased by 4.0 and 7.5 times, respectively, compared to controls, where Gal4-UAS interaction was absent. Moreover, the Gal4-piggyBac transposase had the ability of directing piggyBac element integration to certain sites of the target plasmid, although the target-directing specificity was not as high as expected. The chimeric piggyBac transposase has the potential for use in site-directed transgenesis and gene function research in B. mori.  相似文献   

PiggyBac is a transposable DNA element originally discovered in the cabbage looper moth ( Trichoplusia ni). The T. ni piggyBac transposon can introduce exogenous fragments into a genome, constructing a transgenic organism. Nevertheless, the comprehensive analysis of endogenous piggyBac-like elements ( PLEs) is important before using piggyBac, because they may influence the genetic stability of transgenic lines . Herein, we conducted a genome-wide analysis of PLEs in the brown planthopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), and identified a total of 28 PLE sequences. All N. lugens piggyBac-like elements ( NlPLEs) were present as multiple copies in the genome of BPH. Among the identified NlPLEs, NlPLE25 had the highest copy number and it was distributed on five chromosomes. The full length of NlPLE25 consisted of terminal inverted repeats and sub-terminal inverted repeats at both terminals, as well as a single open reading frame transposase encoding 546 amino acids. Furthermore, NlPLE25 transposase caused precise excision and transposition in cultured insect cells and also restored the original TTAA target sequence after excision. A cross-recognition between the NlPLE25 transposon and the piggyBac transposon was also revealed in this study. These findings provide useful information for the construction of transgenic insect lines.  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨萎叶(PB)提取物对5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)抑制结肠癌细胞HT29和HCT116生长的影响。研究方法:HT29和HCT116细胞分别给予PB、5-FU以及两种药物联合治疗24小时,应用等效线图法分析PB和5-FU的药效学相互作用,AnnexinV/PI染色法检测HT29和HCT116细胞的凋丁L=情况,高效液相色谱法排除PB和5-FU间任何可能的相互化学作用。重要结论:联合PB,低剂量5-FU可以在短时间内起到细胞毒作用,而单独应用PB或5-FU治疗较联合治疗可以诱导更多细胞发生凋亡。进一步采用等效线图法分析显示PB和5-Fu的联合作用在抑制结肠癌细胞HT29和HCT116的生长中分别体现出协同和拮抗作用。因此可以认为在HT29细胞中,PB使得较低剂量5-FU发挥最大抑制结肠癌细胞生长效果,然而在HCT116细胞中,PB没有显著降低5-FU的药物浓度,说明PB和5-FU的相互作用不仅仅体现在诱导细胞凋亡方面。  相似文献   


This article brings together and compares my own artistic practice of drawing/painting and the eighteenth-century novel Tristram Shandy. In both cases, there is a free play of lines, textual or graphic, which sets ‘all things out of rule’. A whole typology of lines is woven throughout Sterne’s text and reappears, alter-inscribed, in the artworks. The article presents an account of these lines: rectilinear, hylomorphic, fractal and nomadic, as well as the line of incision (or the cut). Each is explored as a specific mode of line with differing effects. To follow these lines is to enter a world of material expressivity, to be exposed to an ontology of becoming and change, of flows and transformations, that overturns the traditional ontology of being and stable identity. Sterne’s use of wild digression, doodles and graphisms, establishes certain proximity between writing and drawing. Both may be seen as types of ‘figured metaphysics’ and as ways of bringing something new into the world. The article concludes with some philosophical observations on the strange event of drawing a line, with reference to the work of Heidegger and Deleuze and Guattari.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of transfer RNA(tRNA) responsible for the association between tRNA genes and genes of apparently foreign origin(genomic islands) in five high-light adapted Prochlorococcus strains.Both bidirectional best BLASTP(basic local alignment search tool for proteins) search and the conservation of gene order against each other were utilized to identify genomic islands,and 7 genomic islands were found to be immediately adjacent to tRNAs in Prochlorococcus marinus AS9601,11 in P.marinus MIT9515,8 in P.marinus MED4,6 in P.marinus MIT9301,and 6 in P.marinus MIT9312.Monte Carlo simulation showed that tRNA genes are hotspots for the integration of genomic islands in Prochlorococcus strains.The tRNA genes associated with genomic islands showed the following characteristics:(1) the association was biased towards a specific subset of all iso-accepting tRNA genes;(2) the codon usages of genes within genomic islands appear to be unrelated to the codons recognized by associated tRNAs;and,(3) the majority of the 3' ends of associated tRNAs lack CCA ends.These findings contradict previous hypotheses concerning the molecular basis for the frequent use of tRNA as the insertion site for foreign genetic materials.The analysis of a genomic island associated with a tRNA-Asn gene in P.marinus MIT9301 suggests that foreign genetic material is inserted into the host genomes by means of site-specific recombination,with the 3' end of the tRNA as the target,and during the process,a direct repeat of the 3' end sequence of a boundary tRNA(namely,a scar from the process of insertion) is formed elsewhere in the genomic island.Through the analysis of the sequences of these targets,it can be concluded that a region characterized by both high GC content and a palindromic structure is the preferred insertion site.  相似文献   

继党的十六届四中全会第一次提出来要"努力建设学习型政党",党的十七届四中全会从再一次向全党提出建设马克思主义学习型政党的战略任务,学习型政党,是在借鉴国外现代教育学、现代管理理论的基础上,根据中国的实际需要提出来的一种政党建设模式,意义非常重大。是对党的建设经验的深刻总结;是顺应时代发展、提高党的能力水平的必然要求;是经济社会发展,加速地方崛起的重要推动。然而在马克思主义学习型政党建设中,存在认识上的误区和现实中的问题。建设的路径建议,思想理论建设是基础首位;党的学风建设是关键环节;学习制度建设是根本保证;学习的方式和方法是重要载载体。  相似文献   

绘画中最简单与最便捷的表现手法就是线条,从我国远古时期的象形绘画到顾恺之等名家的绘画艺术,都是通过线条的表现与拓展来构成的艺术生命力。可以说线条是艺术峰巅的支点与骨架,更是构成绘画美的一个重要因素。中国画具有深厚的文化韵味与人文精神,主要以线条作为绘画造意的基础与方法,这来源于中国哲学中的"意"与"象"的深刻内涵。本文对中国传统绘画艺术中的线条美的特征与内涵进行分析,进而挖掘出绘画线条的艺术魅力。  相似文献   

本文立足于建立凸显专业特色、符合时代要求、体现地方院校实际的人才培养模式,结合专业学位教育的特点和河北大学MPA教育的实践,在借鉴国内外高校MPA教育发展经验的基础上,从办学指导理念的确立、师资队伍建设、教学内容安排、教学方式选择、教学研究与交流、实践基地建设等方面进行了深入探索,并对深化MPA教育改革提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of transfer RNA (tRNA) responsible for the association between tRNA genes and genes of apparently foreign origin (genomic islands) in five high-light adapted Prochlorococcus strains. Both bidirectional best BLASTP (basic local alignment search tool for proteins) search and the conservation of gene order against each other were utilized to identify genomic islands, and 7 genomic islands were found to be immediately adjacent to tRNAs in Prochlorococcus marinus AS9601, 11 in P. marinus MIT9515, 8 in P. marinus MED4, 6 in P. marinus MIT9301, and 6 in P. marinus MIT9312. Monte Carlo simulation showed that tRNA genes are hotspots for the integration of genomic islands in Prochlorococcus strains. The tRNA genes associated with genomic islands showed the following characteristics: (1) the association was biased towards a specific subset of all iso-accepting tRNA genes; (2) the codon usages of genes within genomic islands appear to be unrelated to the codons recognized by associated tRNAs; and, (3) the majority of the 3′ ends of associated tRNAs lack CCA ends. These findings contradict previous hypotheses concerning the molecular basis for the frequent use of tRNA as the insertion site for foreign genetic materials. The analysis of a genomic island associated with a tRNA-Asn gene in P. marinus MIT9301 suggests that foreign genetic material is inserted into the host genomes by means of site-specific recombination, with the 3′ end of the tRNA as the target, and during the process, a direct repeat of the 3′ end sequence of a boundary tRNA (namely, a scar from the process of insertion) is formed elsewhere in the genomic island. Through the analysis of the sequences of these targets, it can be concluded that a region characterized by both high GC content and a palindromic structure is the preferred insertion site.  相似文献   

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